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What do you think of the Disney debacle?  Are you on Disney’s or DeSantis side?

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30 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

1.2. Pedos??? Ya know...that never even occurred to me. I just figured this is one more thing that some people need to be reminded of...leave the sex ed till the kids are developed enough to deal with the subject. Pedos? Really? I'm not sure I believe that...

3. OK...so in your opinion, its retarded to make a law that the vast majority of folks agree on...especially parents of little kids...that makes sure the schools are not subjecting their little kids to sexual behaviour lessons? That's rather warped. Especially when we consider that the state government actually thought this is necessary. Thus there must have been some pretty raw examples of this stupidity already going on. Any person who figures such teaching at that age is...a good thing...frankly needs a slap and then be fired on the spot.

There's an old saying...perhaps you've heard it. It goes..."Lead, Follow, or get outta the way."

I cannot sit idly by and watch stupid extremists play games with our kids and their natural development. Nor can I sit idly by and watch people make erroneous shit up about a law that should never have had to be made in the first place. Only a demented person would teach sexual anything to a child.

Dads need to get off the couch and rise up to this perverted nonsense. 

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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

1.2. Pedos??? Ya know...that never even occurred to me. I just figured this is one more thing that some people need to be reminded of...leave the sex ed till the kids are developed enough to deal with the subject. Pedos? Really? I'm not sure I believe that...

3. OK...so in your opinion, its retarded to make a law that the vast majority of folks agree on...especially parents of little kids...that makes sure the schools are not subjecting their little kids to sexual behaviour lessons? That's rather warped. Especially when we consider that the state government actually thought this is necessary. Thus there must have been some pretty raw examples of this stupidity already going on. Any person who figures such teaching at that age is...a good thing...frankly needs a slap and then be fired on the spot.

There's an old saying...perhaps you've heard it. It goes..."Lead, Follow, or get outta the way."

I cannot sit idly by and watch stupid extremists play games with our kids and their natural development. Nor can I sit idly by and watch people make erroneous shit up about a law that should never have had to be made in the first place. Only a demented person would teach sexual anything to a child.

It's time to end all of this leftist liberal pedo wokeism once and for all. Children only want to play with other children and have fun. Those children could careless about sex at their young age. Those politicians that are going along with this woke Marxist garbage needs to be replaced or fired. It's sad to know that here in Canada we still do not have in any way any kind of recall where we the peasants have a shot and a chance of getting rid of those many woke toddler politicians. Just saying. ? 

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On 4/25/2022 at 11:55 AM, sharkman said:

You folks are missing some crucial facts.  In the last couple of years, Disney employees have been arrested for various indecent activities with children.  I kid you not.

In one such incident on a Disney cruise ship a child was assaulted on the elevator.  Disney covered it up and allowed the accused to return to his home, in India I believe.


That company has some serious issues on top of the beyond strange decision to begin hyping the transgender thing, thus torpedoing their own stock value.

Sick stuff. If these pedos at Disney are grooming kids the government should step in just as with any other pervert. Corporation or not

Edited by West
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As for people saying government has no right interfering.. when you have this many pedos in one place its up to the government to step in or we end up with a dad flying off the handle and beating one of these guys to a pulp. DeSantis is actually doing Disney a service here by putting a buffer in place between enraged parents and an organization who hasn't done a good enough job protecting vulnerable children. 

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44 minutes ago, West said:

Dads need to get off the couch and rise up to this perverted nonsense. 

Sadly, there are way too many dads today that just want to go along to get along. Leftism liberalism has done a very good job of turning men into wimps, and man purse carriers. It would appear as though most women are acting more like real men, and seem to have more inclination to want to do something about this wokeism perverted nonsense that is going on against their children in school today.

Some school administrators and principles are now allowing transvestites into their school classrooms, all dressed up in their clown costumes, to talk to young children. How sick is our society becoming when this is allowed to happen? Kids do not want to see these pedo clowns. They only just want to have fun and be kids. Enough already of this pedo/trans bull chit.  

Leftist liberalism wokeism?????  The longer it is allowed to continue to exist and carry on, the more of this pedo nonsense that will come along. ?

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9 minutes ago, West said:

Sick stuff. If these pedos at Disney are grooming kids the government should step in just as with any other pervert. Corporation or not

I think that Ron Desantis is about to do the job of cleaning up woke Disney of all of those pedo/trans deviates. Disney is supposed to be a happy and fun place for kids and parents to go to and have fun. No parent wants to go to Disney and talk or get involved with politics. They go to Disney for entertainment. I am pretty sure that Walt Disney must be rolling around in his grave at what he must be seeing happening to his Disney today. Dam leftist woke liberalism. ?

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22 hours ago, taxme said:

All corporations should mind their own bloody business and stay out of politics. But in today's world, corporations are now pretty much running and ruling the world.


Glad you’re aware of this trend. It’s laughable when people get all worked up talking about sovereignty. What?/Where?  All countries are beholden to corporations.

What’s happening in Russia (sanctions imposed by private companies), could happen anywhere in the world, the USA included! Unfortunately, people lack the basic understanding that we’re quickly moving towards Corporate Totalitarianism thus they applaud something that could happen to them…

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21 hours ago, West said:

As for people saying government has no right interfering.. when you have this many pedos in one place its up to the government to step in or we end up with a dad flying off the handle and beating one of these guys to a pulp. 

Issue is, pedos are also in government - on both sides of the aisle.

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2 hours ago, Luz P. said:

Glad you’re aware of this trend. It’s laughable when people get all worked up talking about sovereignty. What?/Where?  All countries are beholden to corporations.

What’s happening in Russia (sanctions imposed by private companies), could happen anywhere in the world, the USA included! Unfortunately, people lack the basic understanding that we’re quickly moving towards Corporate Totalitarianism thus they applaud something that could happen to them…

The globalist great reset WEF(World Economic Forum)is the real enemy of we the peasants. They have even said this themselves that, thanks to this covid hoax, this covid fiasco has given them a great opportunity to set up their new world order globalist great reset. We are truly being set up and controlled by a bunch of psycho and inhumane globalist corporate totalitarians that pretty much want we the peasants out of the picture.

Were those words written on the Georgia Stones trying to tell us all something? The rumor has it that the globalists would like to downsize the population of the earth by the billions. Hey, we never know, eh? 

All that is going on today in regards to all of this talk about the coming possibility of food shortages, and the problems that we are having with the material supply chain, were all working well until covid came along. Before covid, we had no problems. All went well. After covid, all went for a chit, and thus we now have those problems mentioned above. 

Are we the peasants being set up for some big event to happen sometime in the near future? Personally, I believe that covid was just the beginning. But only time will tell for sure. Stay tuned. It's not over yet. Get that popcorn out. LOL. 




Edited by taxme
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On 4/27/2022 at 7:56 AM, Nationalist said:

TDS...Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Frankly...I don't think you know politics well at all. You seem to think the conservative side is nothing more than a bunch of white supremacist liars. Nothing could be further from the truth. There are white supremacist in the conservative camp...and there are black supremacists in the liberal camp. And in the end...acknowledging the small numbers of each extremist group...as long as the extremists don't take control of either side...who cares?

You need to try REALITY.

I know politics very well. Here's a fact: NO political view is valid with respect to nature. In general, the "Right" political ideology is a CLASS of views based most specifically on a belief in private 'ownership' rights with greater priority than the "Left" ideology classes, who believe in priority to favor collective 'ownership' rights with priority.

Nature doesn't permit ANY animal other than humans to 'own' more than what they can hold onto in their teeth and must restart the 'fight' to survive from scratch again EACH day. Also, collectively, ALL animals 'own' collectively the Earth they are born on. Yet, the conservative side fights to enhance PARTICULAR individuals who 'own' to have more 'freedom' but relies on 'enslaving' others to some degree for merely lacking such power. [You cannot 'own' more that you give that 'profit' implies, if you lack power over others. ]The liberal side fights to enhance personal lifestyles as 'freedom' but relies on the fact that it needs means to be sure that hungry bears (privileged owners) don't harm others in expressing its own freedom as bears. That is, the Left favors MORE people 'democratically'; the Right favors a BELIEF against 'democracy'  BEYOND their OWN, however one's "own" is defined. 

I don't like politics but know that it is necessary because the greediest and most powerful will rule ruthlessly IF there were no means to keep them in check. If we are to adopt capitalism to its extreme, then Putin's behavior is symbolic of the 'virtue' of capitalizing: His use of the threat of nuclear war along with his attacks against Ukraine are the example FORCE that concentrated power in the hands of non-democratic interests AND in a way that legitimizes his 'ownership' power. [That the Right favors guns is about this factor. Since ownership is not a Natural right, it also favors utilizing religion (or myths about what is 'natural') as a mechanism to justify WHY they have this 'right'.


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21 minutes ago, Scott Mayers said:

I know politics very well. Here's a fact: NO political view is valid with respect to nature. In general, the "Right" political ideology is a CLASS of views based most specifically on a belief in private 'ownership' rights with greater priority than the "Left" ideology classes, who believe in priority to favor collective 'ownership' rights with priority.

Nature doesn't permit ANY animal other than humans to 'own' more than what they can hold onto in their teeth and must restart the 'fight' to survive from scratch again EACH day. Also, collectively, ALL animals 'own' collectively the Earth they are born on. Yet, the conservative side fights to enhance PARTICULAR individuals who 'own' to have more 'freedom' but relies on 'enslaving' others to some degree for merely lacking such power. [You cannot 'own' more that you give that 'profit' implies, if you lack power over others. ]The liberal side fights to enhance personal lifestyles as 'freedom' but relies on the fact that it needs means to be sure that hungry bears (privileged owners) don't harm others in expressing its own freedom as bears. That is, the Left favors MORE people 'democratically'; the Right favors a BELIEF against 'democracy'  BEYOND their OWN, however one's "own" is defined. 

I don't like politics but know that it is necessary because the greediest and most powerful will rule ruthlessly IF there were no means to keep them in check. If we are to adopt capitalism to its extreme, then Putin's behavior is symbolic of the 'virtue' of capitalizing: His use of the threat of nuclear war along with his attacks against Ukraine are the example FORCE that concentrated power in the hands of non-democratic interests AND in a way that legitimizes his 'ownership' power. [That the Right favors guns is about this factor. Since ownership is not a Natural right, it also favors utilizing religion (or myths about what is 'natural') as a mechanism to justify WHY they have this 'right'.


Are you really denying the territorial instincts of all animals? Interesting...

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15 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Are you really denying the territorial instincts of all animals? Interesting...

Do you know a nonhuman animal that 'owns' territory it is not PRESENTLY on and that is limited to no more than a few yards from wherever it happens to be? Interesting....

Edited by Scott Mayers
changed, 'in' to 'on'
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8 hours ago, Scott Mayers said:

Do you know a nonhuman animal that 'owns' territory it is not PRESENTLY on and that is limited to no more than a few yards from wherever it happens to be? Interesting....

You're stretching it Scott. Fact is all animals are territorial. Dogs mark their's with urine...we mark ours with a contract.

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On 4/29/2022 at 5:43 AM, Nationalist said:

You're stretching it Scott. Fact is all animals are territorial. Dogs mark their's with urine...we mark ours with a contract.

What the fuck? Don't try 'gaslighting' me on this absurdity!  I'm a logician and KNOW my evolutionary biology thank you. The fact is that the whole of all beings on the Earth are 'territorial' to this planet if you want to get technical. So collectives have just as much right to assert 'ownership' of this planet that some of you think is yours alone! You also intentionally ignored my comment about the limits of one's 'territorial' reach to be proximate, just like the dog. Do dogs 'own' houses and cars? Do they have POWER over others that human 'ownership' implies: the power to rule against other's freedoms on the mere basis of belief in what is your 'own' exclusive of all others?

As to the topic, Desantis' intention part and parcel of an intentional conspiracy to get religious laws, like Creationism, into legal position. The hope is to penalize those who don't follow suit. Disney represents an 'open' club for all and to the religious fucks OR the cons using religion as a mechanism to control, do not approve of 'FREEDOM' for all but simply special freedoms for your own. Note that "National Socialism" is precisely this. A belief in a special 'nationality' to have a system run ONLY for their own 'socialism', their 'Nation' or Tribe. 


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2 hours ago, Scott Mayers said:

What the fuck? Don't try to 'gaslighting' me on this absurdity!  I'm a logician and KNOW my evolutionary biology thank you. The fact is that the whole of all beings on the Earth are 'territorial' to this planet if you want to get technical. So collectives have just as much right to assert 'ownership' of this planet that some of you think is yours alone! You also intentionally ignored my comment about the limits of one's 'territorial' reach to be proximate, just like the dog. Do dogs 'own' houses and cars? Do they have POWER over others that human 'ownership' implies: the power to rule against other's freedoms on the mere basis of belief in what is your 'own' exclusive of all others?

As to the topic, Desantis' intention part and parcel of an intentional conspiracy to get religious laws, like Creationism, into legal position. The hope is to penalize those who don't follow suit. Disney represents an 'open' club for all and to the religious fucks OR the cons using religion as a mechanism to control, do not approve of 'FREEDOM' for all but simply special freedoms for your own. Note that "National Socialism" is precisely this. A belief in a special 'nationality' to have a system run ONLY for their own 'socialism', their 'Nation' or Tribe. 


You know evolutionary biology do ya...

In fact you seem to just make shit up. Your sound-bytes are pure nonsense. 

Don't you get embarrassed by posting such silliness for people to read?

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39 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

In fact you seem to just make shit up. Your sound-bytes are pure nonsense. 

Don't you get embarrassed by posting such silliness for people to read?

I know...I scanned that posturing, string of non sequitur illogic and thought to myself, "WTF...is he serious?"

Kind of reminded me of people that follow conspiracy theories like oh, for example the Rothchild's run a cabal of Jews that aren't actually Jews that run the world and they somehow got Putin to invade the Ukraine. We know this cause, Protocols of the Elders of Zion. ;):rolleyes: 

As far as the issue of this thread goes though it's real simple to me.

Disney had a sweet deal in Florida. The smart play would have been to shut up and enjoy it. Instead they thought it would be a good idea to interfere with Floridian politics.

They messed with the wrong bull. They got the horn.

Too bad, so sad, Dummies.


Edited by Infidel Dog
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44 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

I know...I scanned that posturing, string of non sequitur illogic and thought to myself, "WTF...is he serious?"

Kind of reminded me of people that follow conspiracy theories like oh, for example the Rothchild's run a cabal of Jews that aren't actually Jews that run the world and they somehow got Putin to invade the Ukraine. We know this cause, Protocols of the Elders of Zion. ;):rolleyes: 

As far as the issue of this thread goes though it's real simple to me.

Disney had a sweet deal in Florida. The smart play would have been to shut up and enjoy it. Instead they thought it would be a good idea to interfere with Floridian politics.

They messed with the wrong bull. They got the horn.

Too bad, so sad, Dummies.



I have no love for Zionism but, I doubt they got Putin to do anything.  However it is an unfortunate fact that the Rothschilds own most western news outlets. 

Be that as it is...Scotty has issues and might wanna just slow down and learn something. 

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56 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

However it is an unfortunate fact that the Rothschilds own most western news outlets. 

I'll give you another chance to prove that without linking to a foiler site then. Bet you still can't.

I know they don't run the Washington Post because Jeff Bezos of Amazon owns that. Look into it deeper and you'll find all kinds non-Jewish conspiracy types in the news media. Although...apparently George Soros owns a lot of New York Times stock. He's kind of a Jew. Although he was more a Kapo during the Nazi period in Germany, if you know what a Kapo is.

The one-time Conservative mag The Atlantic is interesting. Steve Jobs ex wife took control of that one with her inherited fortune and swung the editorial policy Prog.

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I back DeSantis on this issue with the Disney corporation. I wasn't aware that they had so much power either.

I know that Disney is mostly about making money but they also seem to have an agenda with children.

Disney’s Grooming Of Children Is Not New, But Their Openness About It Is (thefederalist.com)

Florida Must Hold Disney Accountable Because Nobody Else Can (thefederalist.com)

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"Grooming" is the most transparently propagandist term ever.


If they were talking about teaching kids about guns, or capitalism they would just call it "teaching".


The Republican party gave corporations increased power, are you going to trust them to reign them in.


For those of you unfamiliar with Disney, please feel free to look up Walt Disney's racism, the Disney companies successful fight to change copyright laws, and their attempt to secure the right to put a nuclear plant at Disney world in Florida.

The left does not care about saving Disney. They are simply corporation the consumer market, and as such there trying to find a middle ground between commonly held liberal values, and the loud voices of the extremes.

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Disney was protested in 1996 for using sweatshops and slave wages.

The fact that this problem is NEVER discussed might illuminate some about the true nature of their corporate power, which amounts to a lot more than pissing off culture Warriors.



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6 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

I'll give you another chance to prove that without linking to a foiler site then. Bet you still can't.

I know they don't run the Washington Post because Jeff Bezos of Amazon owns that. Look into it deeper and you'll find all kinds non-Jewish conspiracy types in the news media. Although...apparently George Soros owns a lot of New York Times stock. He's kind of a Jew. Although he was more a Kapo during the Nazi period in Germany, if you know what a Kapo is.

The one-time Conservative mag The Atlantic is interesting. Steve Jobs ex wife took control of that one with her inherited fortune and swung the editorial policy Prog.

If I'm not mistaken it was the Washington Examiner. But ya...you dont agree so the Examiner is a foiler site...whatever that is...

Believe what floats ur boat. None of that changes really.

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