Current events have a tremendous political, diplomatic, social, and economic impact on affected nations and citizens that results in increased geopolitical competition, which is what we discuss. The group isn’t USA-centric, we touch on what’s happening the world over and have several international members.
But TBH, the group is tilting slightly to the left and I would love for some strong, well-informed conservative voices that can keep their cool to join to prevent it from becoming an echo chamber. However, folks from all political ideologies are welcome.
The MeWe app has great features/functionality. You can ask a specific question you’d like to discuss or share relevant information on Posts, create a Poll or engage in a fluid conversation with no restrictions on Chat. Also, there’s a wide array of emojis to convey your thoughts without words!
You’ll have the opportunity to exchange ideas and make acquaintances with some well-informed and high-quality people. You’ll find me there as LuxLuz, love to see you there!