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Will eliminating vaccine mandates and vaccine passports reduce the freedom for the majority?

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1 minute ago, TreeBeard said:

And people compared being “forced” to get a vaccine like it was forced rape of forced mugging.  

Do you think those are good comparisons?


A lot of people resent that they were forced to vaccinate to keep their job. 

My sister resents being forced to vaccinate so she could travel.  Because now she can't travel.  Because she has a serious vaccine injury.  From a vaccine she did not need, as her risk from dying of covid was less than a quarter of a percent.

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2 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

You’re wrong.  The harm comes in many forms of ostracism, such as being cut out of multiple fields of work, not being able to participate in physical or social activities indoors, not being able to board a train or plane to visit a dying relative in another province.  All for what again, to satisfy your need for 100% compliance with a heath program you support.  I’m glad you say such ridiculous things.  It just proves how overbearing mandates and vaccine passports are.  

But it’s not as bad as rape, or being stabbed with a knife for your money, is it?

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Just now, TreeBeard said:

But it’s not as bad as rape, or being stabbed with a knife for your money, is it?

The days when my sister is not crying or in debilitating pain, she is very angry.

I'm angry (not at her) because now I'm making her mortgage payment so she can keep her house.  I'm doing all the cooking and cleaning. I can't move on with my own life now and buy my own house because I have to take care of her.  I can't even live in the city I want to live in because I have to be close enough to look after her.

Yes, she was forced into injecting something into her body that she did not need or want - for the promise of being able to travel.

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8 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Calling the pandemic "Covid silliness" tells it all about yourself.  You live in some kind of alt reality.  What do you do during the day and how old are you?  It is not possible to have a rational discussion with someone who thinks like you.  You missed your calling.  You should be out parading around with the Trumpsters carrying a Swastika flag or Confederate flag in downtown Ottawa.   Hope you don't have older family members you could bring Covid home to.  If you have anything that we could at least partly agree on bring it forth.  Otherwise we are up against a brick wall.  Talk to the relatives of the thousands of people who died of Covid and ask them if it is silliness.

So, just what do you do all day? Do you just sit around all day and enjoy watching your favorite TV news channel propaganda and brainwashing shows like CTV, CBC, Globull? Yup, those three are real not so great and lying sources for non honest to goodness and the truth news. They are more like fake news to me. Liars all. Age should make no difference here. But by your many comments, you appear to be about thirteen years old and trying to pretend that you know all and everyone else knows nothing. It's your opinion or no opinion. You have already missed your calling a long long time ago.

Of course, I can see you parading around with your BLM and Antifa Marxist thugs and bully comrades, and them flying their Marxist BLM flags while at the same time looting and rioting just for fun. All I keep seeing at the truckers demonstrations everywhere in Canada is Canadian flags. The other flags that you mentioned above are no doubt being carried and flown by those BLM and Antifa Marxist terrorists. Something the lying and fake media like to point out all the time and say that those flags are being flown by some trucker or some supporter. The Canadian media has become a bastion for liars and Marxist activists. 

Maybe you should also ask your own self as to how many people have died as a result of all those evil and satanic illegal covid mandates and restrictions. There has been many suicides, lost jobs, bankrupt businesses, drug overdoses, people taking up drinking, and the many innocent people that have suffered and died as a result of having got themselves injected with an experimental gene altering vaccine. Your constant support for the pushing of these vaccines and vaccine mandates is a crime against humanity. You should be totally ashamed of yourself. ?




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4 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

2. 3. What you are missing is that only 7% of eligible Ontarians are unvaccinated.  So if the numbers of infected are the same - leaving aside degree of sickness - then your chance of catching the disease as an unvaccinated person is over 14X that of a vaccinated person.

We seem to be looking at different data. Here's what I'm using:


Using a high estimate of how the regions add up I'll give you 80% fully vaccinated. So let's say 4 times as many as unvaccinated.

Considering vaccinated transmit the virus as easily as unvaccinated that's 4 times the chance of getting infected by a vaccinated Ontario-yo.

Except you have to factor into that the fact what they call a vaccine is actually more a therapeutic. Meaning it will control some symptoms but that's all. But even that is not 100% and the efficacy of it wanes over months. Efficacy of symptom control can start after 3 months. 

When you factor everything in you have as good a chance being infected by the jabbed as a pure blood. Myself, I'd say a much better chance but it's at least the same.

"Pandemic of the unvaccinated" is a myth. It's an urban legend that some politicians, Big Pharma, the 5 0'clock liars and their gullible viewers like to spread.

Edited by Infidel Dog
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2 minutes ago, taxme said:

There has been many suicides,

This is my worry with my sister.  There are days she's in so much pain, she feels like she can't go on.  It will be a year this June since the shots.  She has access to enough pills to do it, from a previous motorcycle accident.  I worry every day I have to go to work.

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37 minutes ago, taxme said:

So, just what do you do all day? Do you just sit around all day and enjoy watching your favorite TV news channel propaganda and brainwashing shows like CTV, CBC, Globull? Yup, those three are real not so great and lying sources for non honest to goodness and the truth news. They are more like fake news to me. Liars all. Age should make no difference here. But by your many comments, you appear to be about thirteen years old and trying to pretend that you know all and everyone else knows nothing. It's your opinion or no opinion. You have already missed your calling a long long time ago.

Of course, I can see you parading around with your BLM and Antifa Marxist thugs and bully comrades, and them flying their Marxist BLM flags while at the same time looting and rioting just for fun. All I keep seeing at the truckers demonstrations everywhere in Canada is Canadian flags. The other flags that you mentioned above are no doubt being carried and flown by those BLM and Antifa Marxist terrorists. Something the lying and fake media like to point out all the time and say that those flags are being flown by some trucker or some supporter. The Canadian media has become a bastion for liars and Marxist activists. 

Maybe you should also ask your own self as to how many people have died as a result of all those evil and satanic illegal covid mandates and restrictions. There has been many suicides, lost jobs, bankrupt businesses, drug overdoses, people taking up drinking, and the many innocent people that have suffered and died as a result of having got themselves injected with an experimental gene altering vaccine. Your constant support for the pushing of these vaccines and vaccine mandates is a crime against humanity. You should be totally ashamed of yourself. ?




Ok you've had your say and proved you live in an alt reality.  Everything you say is grossly exaggerated. 

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34 minutes ago, Goddess said:

This is my worry with my sister.  There are days she's in so much pain, she feels like she can't go on.  It will be a year this June since the shots.  She has access to enough pills to do it, from a previous motorcycle accident.  I worry every day I have to go to work.

So she was in a motorcycle accident and has a lot of pain, but you blame it on vaccination?  The media has never reported anyone anywhere that has ongoing pain from the vaccination.  What kind of pain is she having and how do you know it is caused by the vaccination?

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58 minutes ago, Goddess said:


A lot of people resent that they were forced to vaccinate to keep their job. 

My sister resents being forced to vaccinate so she could travel.  Because now she can't travel.  Because she has a serious vaccine injury.  From a vaccine she did not need, as her risk from dying of covid was less than a quarter of a percent.

You say your sister has a serious vaccine injury.  What proof do you have it had anything to do with the vaccine?  Just your claiming it was the vaccination is not proof.  I have seen other people who claimed they are allergic to the vaccine and never got the jab.  But they offer no proof at all.  Just a claim that is probably false.  Very convenient.

Edited by blackbird
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1 minute ago, blackbird said:

So she was in a motorcycle accident and has a lot of pain, but you blame it on vaccination?  The media has never reported anyone anywhere that has ongoing pain from the vaccination.  What kind of pain is she having and how do you know it is caused by the vaccination?

The accident was more than 10 years ago. She has painkillers for occasional pain.

Her reactions started within an hour of her first jab.  Public Health was involved.  They told her to get the second jab anyways.  She did.

Her adverse reactions were worse, also starting within an hour and have not stopped.

Public Health was again involved.  She was told to NOT get any boosters.  So all you people who want vaccines and boosters mandated, you are asking for her to die or else not be allowed to go anywhere or do much of anything.  Which I guess is fine, she can't anyways since she had the shots.

Yes.  The media does not report people who have died or have adverse reactions.  They do not want you to know that they exist.

Her reactions are actually very common.

Others have worse reactions - many are having convulsions and neurological disorders which also have not abated.  So I guess she's one of the lucky ones.

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25 minutes ago, blackbird said:

The media has never reported anyone anywhere that has ongoing pain from the vaccination. 

Please look at the websites Real Not Rare and Silence No More.

These are where people have been posting their reactions to get support and help.  Because the government does not care.


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Just now, Goddess said:

Please look at the websites Real Not Rare and Silence No More.

These are where people have been posting their reactions to get support and help.  Because the government does not care.


You have not answered the question.  What kind of pain does she have, where abouts, and what makes you or her think it has anything to do with the vaccination?

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Just now, blackbird said:

You have not answered the question.  What kind of pain does she have, where abouts,

I have posted it here before - she has terrible vertigo, some days she cannot move because of it.

She gets debilitating migraines at least once a week.

She gets black tunnel vision or suddenly loses her vision for a while.

Fever, chills and shaking come randomly.

Sometimes her legs go numb.

She has tachycardia - racing heart.


and what makes you or her think it has anything to do with the vaccination?

I told you. Public Health was involved. They know it was from the shots.  That's why they told her not to get any boosters.

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3 minutes ago, Goddess said:

I have posted it here before - she has terrible vertigo, some days she cannot move because of it.

She gets debilitating migraines at least once a week.

She gets black tunnel vision or suddenly loses her vision for a while.

Fever, chills and shaking come randomly.

Sometimes her legs go numb.

She has tachycardia - racing heart.

I told you. Public Health was involved. They know it was from the shots.  That's why they told her not to get any boosters.


First I am sorry your sister has such pain.  But I don't think you can assume it was from the vaccine.  What kind of injuries did she have from the motorcycle accident?

How do they know it was from the shots?  Just guessing?

When was her motorcycle accident?   Did she have ongoing pain after the motorcycle accident?  We need to know more details about the motorcycle accident.  When was it and what happened from the accident?

Why have we never heard of this on the media?

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1 hour ago, Goddess said:

The days when my sister is not crying or in debilitating pain, she is very angry.

I'm angry (not at her) because now I'm making her mortgage payment so she can keep her house.  I'm doing all the cooking and cleaning. I can't move on with my own life now and buy my own house because I have to take care of her.  I can't even live in the city I want to live in because I have to be close enough to look after her.

Yes, she was forced into injecting something into her body that she did not need or want - for the promise of being able to travel.

I’m not sure discussion is even possible with anyone who holds the view that the vaccine is as bad as being raped or stabbed.  It seems to me to be an extremely fringe position.   Like those who think vaccines cause autism.  Or that aliens kidnap people to probe their genitals.

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7 minutes ago, Goddess said:

There is nothing they can do for her. Pills for the migraines which don't help much.  

Once you're jabbed, you can't get unjabbed.

Which vaccine did she receive?

I am interested in learning more about her situation and what caused it.  But just making claims proves nothing.  We need facts.

Edited by blackbird
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On 2/5/2022 at 9:24 AM, blackbird said:

According to this article eliminating mandates and vaccine passports will reduce freedom for the majority.   The problem is in the case of health measures, imposing certain restrictions does reduce the freedom for some people who refuse to get vaccinated and removing those restrictions likewise reduces freedoms for other people.  For example, mandates are imposed to protect workers and people they deal with from the risk of catching Covid from unvaccinated people.  If you remove the mandates, then you increase the chances of people catching Covid in the workplace or spreading Covid to the public by unvaccinated workers.  A similar situation exists with the vaccine passports.  If you remove the passports some people who are unvaccinated will then start going to restaurants, gyms, movie theatres, etc. and increase the risk to the vaccinated people.  

Opinion: Ditching vaccine passport reduces freedom for the majority (msn.com)

OMG, such drivel. 

There's no excuse blackbird, you've been exposed to the truth more than enough times now to know that what you're saying is total bullshit.

1) Workers, which includes the unjabbed, all get covid. The jab doesn't stop that, at all. 

2) People who believe that the jab works should have nothing to worry about, right? Do you worry about catching polio? 

3) When the WHO was saying that H2H wasn't happening, but Trump was smarter than them so he was blocking travel for people coming from China, leftists said that it racist and unnecessary. Then they strangely started saying "It didn't work, it just forced covid to get to US through other countries that .... weren't blocking... flights.... from China...uhhhh"

Trudeau just let them come in from Wuhan though. Sunny days, right? Foreign visitors could still go and do what they wanted. Soon our country was saturated with covid, so or PM said "shut down all flights" and a week later outdoor parks were closed off to everyone, Canadians included. Makes sense to you right? Well, not to me. I don't speak dumbass.

It gets better though. Trump built hospitals especially to deal with covid victims. Partnered with the auto industry to build ventilators. Started operation warp speed In April 2020 to "to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics". He got 3M to bring in 50M extra masks per month from China.  Our media panned him as a covid flop. 

By contrast, JT didn't build a single hospital. He didn't build any ventilators with anyone. There was no vaccine, therapeutic, diagnostic plan started here - he didn't even order vaccines in time, he had to steal 1.9M vaccines from the charity pool. He gave tons of PPE to China and got back crap. In 2021 he banned flights from India during the delta outbreak and somehow it suddenly wasn't considered racist. Then he said that "he could see no future where there would be vaccine passports here" and not long after there were vaccine passports here. Our media portrays him as a covid hero. 

Now he's calling the unjabbed names and insinuating that they shouldn't be tolerated. That's his covid legacy: being behind everyone else, being wrong, being stupid, lying and now name-calling. And you're still buying into his crap after all this time. ?

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2 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Which vaccine did she receive?

I am interested in learning more about her situation and what caused it.  But just making claims proves nothing.  We need facts.

Public health has the facts and they say it is from the vaccine.

Her accident was more than 10 years ago.  She has some pain occasionally, usually after doing something strenuous - we used to kayak together a lot in the summer.  This is not from her accident 10 years ago.  It started within an hour after each shot.

I don't care what you say.

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