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1 hour ago, Contrarian said:

Don't get me wrong, I think religion helps a lot of people but is this kind of mentality I disagree with "us" vs "them".

I never get that impression

He actually sweeps that "us vs them" feeling aside

when that Satanic rage rises inside you

He might come in a dream

not close, like a hundred yards away

you can't make out His face, but you know it is Him

He's skinny,  wiry, but tall

He's not one of "us" tho

He's not a German

He's Semitic, Middle Eastern, olive skinned, like an Arab, or a Calabrian

He's definitely foreign looking by north European standards

that is how He appears to me at least


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9 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

Whatever works for you.

The goal at the end I think is to constrain our animalistic tendancies which you refer as Satan.

Those tendancies can lead to lack of control. writing irrational messages, and we all think we are sharks in the pool of the internet but there is always a bigger fish. In real life the big fish are the police.

well, when I was an atheist, I was indoctrinated to be an armed agent of the state, to fight wars for the state

I had no moral qualms about it, I was gung-ho for it, wanting to fight wars for Canada

the big fish of the government as you call them, could have directed me to do all sorts of horrifying things

and I would have done it, I wasn't insubordinate

now that all seems irrational to me

now I see that the government tries to incite rage

now I see that the government tries to incite these "animalistic tendencies"

now I see the government trying to pit Canadians against one another, trying to incite an internal conflict

now I see the police attacking peaceful Canadians who have committed no crimes at all

I don't think the government is trying to keep the peace nor protect us, quite the opposite

I think it is Christianity which made Canada a peaceful & prosperous place

and now the government is trying to destroy that

very much like a Communist country, such as China

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1 hour ago, Contrarian said:

The key is yes, to get ahold of that rage for quality of life and there are many roads that lead to that destination, not only Jesus in my opinion.

Proverb below is another one:


I don't think you would have liked living in Canada before Christianity became the central belief

it was non stop tribal warfare

even the natives here embraced Christ, because life here was so fearsome & merciless

I'm not evangelical, I don't try to convert people to Christianity

but Canada is becoming anti Christian now

the official policies of Canada are attacking the Western Enlightenment itself

the Christian values which built Canada are being torn down by Canada

and as a result, Canada is becoming increasingly totalitarian

Jesus represents the sacred individual standing against a mob come to crucify you

and without that, Canada is succumbing to mob rule, tribal warfare is coming back

it's not so much that I am enraged by it

rather I simply view it as treasonous

the government in Canada deliberately trying to incite tribal warfare between Canadians

that's in contravention of the solemn oath to bear true & faithful allegiance. in my view

there is righteous anger

when I see the government falsely accuse millions of Canadians of being "Nazis"

to include decorated Canadian veterans being accused of that

when I see the government falsely invoking an "emergency"

simply in order to crush political dissent against undemocratic policies

when I see that the once free press has been reduced to a propaganda arm for political parties

but at the end of the day, it just deeply sad to see Canada reduced to this

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3 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

I don't agree with this statement, I think a lot of it is fear mongering but in theory, let us say that Canada it is becoming anti-Christian. 

Nothing is permanent (like Christianity ruling, Anti-Christians ruling, etc). These trends come and go from one extreme to the other. 

In Eastern Europe, state agents went after all religions, raids were common to check your library for Das Kapital and the dear Leaders picture.

---> If they found any type of religious materials, then the name would go on a book and you and your family would be relocated to certain areas for the good of the country. ?

So what happened even though the state cracked down hard on religion via the secret police?

Eastern Europe emerged more religious than ever. Newton's third law at work. 

I have very close friends & neighbours who escaped the Iron Curtain

Russians, Poles & Romanians

they all say that Canada is becoming like that now, that there is an iron curtain descending in Canada

they say that they've seen all this before, and they are quite frightened

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interestingly tho, I am also hearing it from young Canadians

the 18 to 21 year old Zoomers whom I meet at work, the young entry level workers

they all say it too

they say things like "Trudeau is a fascist" & "Canada is not a free country" or "Canada is a police state"

not prompted by me, they don't hang out with an old guy like me

I just hear them saying that to each other

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46 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

I don't agree with this statement, I think a lot of it is fear mongering

I think you're probably an apologist tho

you say that you are an "anti-populist"

the anti of populist is elitist

you openly state your alignment with the elitist political class

so I don't trust your judgment

it's also odd that you call yourself "Contrarian" when really you tow the party line

up to and including being "Pro-NATO"

like you report up the chain of command to Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe ?

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44 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

The fact that we are sitting here talking is proof we live in a free society.

it doesn't prove that

but that is the non stop mantra propagated by apologists for the elitist political class in Canada

meanwhile they are utterly corrupt, inept, and effectively above the law

no society is free when governed by a ruling class of such negligent & nefarious criminals

it's not like we can actually vote the ruling elites out of office

all the parties in Canada serve the same entrenched interests,

effectively rendering it a one party state for all intents & purposes

the press in Canada is also state run, not a free press, a crony press

there are literally no major alternative news sources in Canada

all of Canada's news media is bought and paid for by the state, a state propaganda arm

juts on that alone, Canada fails the Western free country test

the press in Canada spends all its time now

trying to insulate the government from accountability

while attacking those who dissent from the government

literally the opposite of what the press does in a free country

this conflict of interest in Canada is as glaring as it is in Russia, or Venezuela

according to you, the only bar Canada need get over to be a free country

is that we can talk on an obscure website without getting hauled off to jail, so far ?

try again

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2 hours ago, Contrarian said:

I don't know about you but I would not want to live in a system which tells me to agree with everyone else.

but you do live in that system

Canada is one of the most conformist knee jerk authoritarian societies on earth

the Overton Window in Canada is tiny

you are expected to tow the party line in Canada,

you are expected to conform to a very narrow political spectrum

you are certainly expected to conform to some particular Canadians Socialist dogmas

like totally ineffective yet draconian gun control

or unsustainable all publicly funded healthcare

the idea that you have no right to defend yourself, nor your property

you must rely totally on the state for your protection

the state media propaganda arm of the CBC, you must uphold & defend that

disarmament by stealth, in the name of Peacekeeping

fear & loathing of American freedom, particularly free speech

government funded & censored "arts & culture"

a coterie of supposed "artists" who really just function as government employees

total subservience to state funded & censored academics in the ivory towers

far left extremist university professors write policy for the government, never mind the voters

the latest additions to the Canadian Socialist dogma train

are of course Environmentalism, that Canada must cripple itself to virtue signal to the world

and the "Indigenous",  a repackaging of the old "noble savage" mythology

Canada supposedly committing "genocide" against the "Indigenous"

yet you can never get rid of the Indian Act which renders them all wards of the state

Canada is a "Post National State"

you cannot have any Canadian identity, you have to sublimate your identity to international Socialism

the list of absurd Canadian collectivist dogmas goes on & on

and its all about propping up Canada's centrally planned nanny state bureaucracy

save the Canadian self licking ice cream cone and all the cronies who work for it

it's not that you're going to be thrown in jail for dissenting, per se

but you will be declaimed as having "unacceptable views" by the state & associated cronies

although, if you actively resist, try to rabble rouse against Canadian Socialist dogma ?

probably will get thrown in jail on some trumped up charges at that point

"counselling to commit mischief" or some other archaic 19th century statute

the Criminal Code in Canada is riddled with Victorian era catch all charges

tho the Canadian Socialist elites are adding all new catch all charges

like any dissent against the dogma will be deemed to be "hate speech"

or "misinformation/disinformation"

the wannabe Commie Canadian central planners never sleep

they live in fear of accountability, so they spend most of their time erecting barricades against it

the most important thing in Canada, is that the ruling elites remain above the law

the politicians, bureaucrats and their cronies must avoid all accountability

while the police go about harassing & intimidating Canadians into submission for this purpose

Canada is in effect a kind of Socialist kleptocracy

and no effective dissent against it will actually be permitted

what ?

You want to constrain in any way, any of these dogmatic Socialist self licking ice cream cones ?

you dare to speak the truth ?

that the government in Canada legalizes theft from the citizenry, simply to feather its own nest ?

that will get you accused of being a "Nazi", which in Canada, is a criminal offence

this is how & why the government in Canada has become anti-Christ

because Christ invokes the divine nature of humanity

you are a sacred individual, not simply an apparatchik for the Canadian Socialist nanny police state

and that is a threat to said state, and why the ruling elites fear & loathe Christianity

in dogma, the Canadian political elites are barely distinguishable from Bolsheviks at this point

on the bright side,

the government has descended so far into self reinforcing pseudo Communist lunacy

that it is actually crippling itself

the government capacity in Canada is crumbling

the government has become utterly feeble in terms of getting practical things done

like all Socialist regimes, the snake begins to eat its own tail eventually

the ruling political elites in Canada have become so utterly vaccous

that they can't even sustain the infrastructure which underpins their supposed authority

Dear Leader Trudeau simply flounces about doing selfies for the grovelling state run media

while the actual business of government falls to pieces by sheer corruption and ineptitude

Canada is actually a lot like Putin's Russia, a kind of Soviet regime pretending to be a democracy

in Russia, the KGB act as praetorian guard for the kleptocracy

in Canada,  it's the CBC which rallies around the Kremlin in Ottawa

like Russia, the nature of Canadian tyranny is increasing chaos, disorder, and lawlessness

every institution in Canada has been corrupted to the point of sheer dysfunction

while the increasingly despotic elites are trying to run everything from Justin Trudeau's office

this is how and why Russia is a basket case

and Canada has adopted the Kremlin's model of governance, with similar results

just as in Russia, the government is relying on state run media propaganda to tamp down dissent

just as in Russia,  if that fails, and people show up to protest,

the state security forces put them down with brute force

most of the protesters in Moscow are actually just driven out to the middle of nowhere and released

then they throw the leaders of the protest in jail on trumped up charges

even a small protest in Moscow will incite a large police presence to try to intimidate you

this is exactly how things work in Ottawa now too

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3 hours ago, Contrarian said:

I think we set such high standards for Canada sometimes we forget how good we have it here. 

we don't have high standards in Canada

on the whole, the Canadian population still behave as colonists

the vast majority of Canadians are totally apathetic about governance

largely ignorant of their own history

and generally disinterested in participating in a functioning democracy

Canadians actually just vote for the purposes of in group acceptance

you have the Liberal tribe, the Conservative tribe & the NDP tribe

the policies of these three parties are largely the same once in office

its actually the permanent administrative state bureaucrats who run the government for the politicians

how you vote in Canada doesn't actually assert a significant difference in policy

it's really just virtue signalling your social class, your in group conformity

most Canadians are in fact knee jerk authoritarians who prefer a police state

but it's not ideological, really they just want the police to enforce the dogma of their tribal in group

they don't want you to be crushed for some higher purpose

they just want you to be crushed for failing to signal your conformist loyalty to their internalized social class

the standards you refer to are not even Canadian

they are standards enacted in Great Britain & the United States

and actually, on the aggregate,  Canadians don't really embrace those standards

the standards which most Canadians embrace now, are closer to Hegelian Marxist Bolshevism

easily half of Canadians are straight up wannabe Commies actually

then the other half are just docile in the face of it, going along to get along with the Commies

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17 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

You remind me of the democratic voters in the US, when the republicans were in power through fhe presidency and house/senate a lot of them said they would leave the country because of this and that and nobody left. They were using opposite language than yours but the idea was the same.

I am getting my popcorn ready when the conservatives will take power here to read your manifesto then.

well, originally, it was the Liberal-Conservative Party of Canada

and I don't think that ever really changed

I view the Liberals & Conservatives as being the same party

I don't support the Conservatives anymore than the Liberals

in fact, I voted for Justin Trudeau back in 2015, just to fire Stephen Harper

I'm really quite transactional about voting in Canada

Justin Trudeau put legal weed on the table

and I thought that would be the one promise he would keep

so I will vote for the Liberals, or the Conservatives, but not in an ideological sense

and mostly I vote both of those parties out, rather than vote them in

I was actually raised in Toronto by Socialists to be NDP

but the NDP is too silly

just a feckless protest party which simply props the Liberals up in the end

once in power tho, the Conservatives adopt all the Liberal policies anyways

again, Canada is effectively an elitist one party state with an extremely narrow political spectrum

when I vote, it's only within the context of this ultra narrow range of options

so like I voted for Doug Ford, just to try stop Kathleen Wynne from doing anymore damage

but now Doug Ford is her successor Trudeau's little crony

so I don't vote by party affiliation nor ideological agenda

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if I have a "manifesto"

it's really that Canadian Confederation itself is an inherently corrupt & corrupting enterprise

the purpose of Canada actually being quite simple

to keep the French in

that is bribe Quebec with the other provinces money to prevent Quebec from declaring independence

to keep the Americans out

to prevent American style liberty from taking hold in nanny state Canada

and to keep the Indians down

to maintain the Indian Act so that resources can be extracted for profit by foreign interests, mostly American 

so Canada is not a noble cause

there is no metaphysical spiritual Canada

Canada is not an idea

Canada is not ideological

it's basically just a Company Town run by money lenders for entirely materialistic purposes

Canada is not a temple which I would bother to try to throw the money lenders out of

the money lending materialism is the only reason Canada exists

when it comes to dissenting from the government

it's not an ideological position, I just view the government as being dangerous, running amok

it's purely self protective, in that the government has become a lunatic menace to all of us

but the Conservatives are just as dangerous as the Liberals

I may like Stephen Harper personally, as opposed to a ridiculous fop like Trudeau

but the Harper Conservatives were just as quick to throw the Charter under the bus

whichever faction of the one party state is in office

they will go to extreme lengths, right out of the Russian playbook, to crush dissent against their rule

all Canadian Prime Ministers are despotic tyrants by the corrupting nature of the office itself

again, as Canada is an inherently corrupt enterprise, you must be corrupted in order to rule it

so I don't actually have any political agenda at all

I don't advocate for nor against any party nor policy per se

I am just trying to live out my days without having my life destroyed by lunatic Canada run amok

I just want the rule of law, and my Charter rights, otherwise, I'm not really political about Canada

I obey the law, I pay my taxes, I don't bother anybody,  I just want to be left alone on my property

but that's too much to ask in lunatic Canada now

lunatic Canada has to try to run every aspect of our lives, down to the smallest detail

down to the level of totalitarianism, literally enforcing thought crime now

so that is forcing me to buck the rider now,

I am being forced to resist in the face of increasingly insane levels of government overreach

furthermore my assistance was requested, formally & directly, by Canadian decorated veterans

honour demands that I come to the aid of the brotherhood upon a stand to being invoked

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On 8/23/2022 at 4:09 PM, ExFlyer said:

stop respoding and you will be left alone. .... but ya can't. ya gotta thunk you are right LOL

When it comes to dealing with no mind liberal socialists like you I will never let you bozos win any debate. You speak with stupid tongue. lol. 

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On 8/23/2022 at 4:10 PM, ExFlyer said:

Ha, Ha , Ha...back again.

Boo, hoo, he says, leave me alone he says... boo hoo

and yet, he come back again and again and again, ha ha ha

No, it is you who keeps coming back for more and who keeps getting your lefty butt kicked constantly by this conservative. Ha-ha-ha. 

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

When it comes to dealing with no mind liberal socialists like you I will never let you bozos win any debate. You speak with stupid tongue. lol. 


1 hour ago, taxme said:

No, it is you who keeps coming back for more and who keeps getting your lefty butt kicked constantly by this conservative. Ha-ha-ha. 

Ha Ha Ha.

I don't debate. I express my opinion. it is you trying to , I don't know what, prove you have some smarts? Epic fail dude .

Feeling like a winner do ya? News for ya, you are far from it . A loser that needs to keep on keeping on, that is all you are. Trying to prove you are ....I don't know what you are trying to prove because it is a lost cause :)

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On 8/27/2022 at 10:14 AM, Goddess said:

I feel like *this* is some people here.  Blank, vacant eyes that see nothing.

Insistence that everything is great and that the people who are suffering somehow deserve it, while the world burns around them.

Everything will work out because our leaders only have our best interests at heart.

Lockdowns were great.  Masks are wonderful.  People lost their jobs, careers and livelihoods - all good.  Vaccine injuries are "rare" because CTV told me so and anyone who claims an injury is lying.  Nothing to see here.


We went from wash your hands to freezing citizen's bank accounts in less than 2 years and all they can say is "This is fine."

That's the proverbial frog in hot water that I keep talking about right there.

If I had a crystal ball and I told people here 5 years ago that in 2022 liberals would still be advocating for others to be fired if they didn't take a fake vaccine, which was hastened through the FDA's drug-approval process by Trump's "Operation Warp Speed", and which had harmful side-effects, they'd lose their minds laughing at me. But little by little, we found ourselves right here.

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3 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

That's the proverbial frog in hot water that I keep talking about right there.

If I had a crystal ball and I told people here 5 years ago that in 2022 liberals would still be advocating for others to be fired if they didn't take a fake vaccine, which was hastened through the FDA's drug-approval process by Trump's "Operation Warp Speed", and which had harmful side-effects, they'd lose their minds laughing at me. But little by little, we found ourselves right here.


Everyone was told at the beginning "2 shots" and all would be well.  When I pointed out that Trudeau had purchased up to 10 shots for each person in Canada - it was ignored.  Crickets.

Now they're up to 5 shots and the true believers are begging for more.

If you're familiar with the story, lots of things that have been done to fear-monger the public is exactly how Jim Jones got almost 1000 people to drink the kool aid.

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10 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Everyone was told at the beginning "2 shots" and all would be well.  When I pointed out that Trudeau had purchased up to 10 shots for each person in Canada - it was ignored.  Crickets.

Wait, WTF? When did you find out that he originally placed the order for 10? Do you have a cite?

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5 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Wait, WTF? When did you find out that he originally placed the order for 10? Do you have a cite?

It was in the news, he purchased X number of vaccines for Canada when they first came out and it amounted to between 9 and 10 shots per person.

I'll see if I can find it again.


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8 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Wait, WTF? When did you find out that he originally placed the order for 10? Do you have a cite?


Canada has ordered more than 400 million COVID-19 vaccine shots: Here's the progress report | CBC News

I'm not sure if all of the 7 companies he ordered from have the same legality as Pfizer and Moderna, but I do know that those 2 had clauses in the contract with governments that said, "If you order these vaccines, you pay for them, even if you change your mind."

Which Japan did.  They gave up the money from pre-purchased vaccines and told Pfizer to shove it.

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I laugh because a year ago I posted that article and I told you it wasn't going to end at 2 jabs and you all called me a conspiracy theorist. 

I said, "Then why did Trudeau order enough for 10 jabs for everyone in Canada?"

That ended that conversation.

Now Universities in Canada are requiring YOUNG PEOPLE to have at least 3.

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