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New Brunswick goes full nazi and wants to prevent unvax from buying groceries

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23 minutes ago, Aristides said:

The unvaccinated aren't protecting anyone, they are the problem.

the problem is the people demanding they be stripped of their rights

it isn't the unvaccinated's job to protect you anymore than it's the vaccinated's job to protect you

protect yourself at all times, let others worry about themselves

if you don't like the choices of others, suck it up, it's none of your business

Edited by Yzermandius19
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22 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Expanding the health care system would preventing the need for further lockdowns, and the need to pay out billions in CRB.

In Iran, people whip themselves in the streets as a holiday. Physical pain is seen as something that is often associated with purity of the soul, or feeling like the prophet such as the Opus Dei cult for the Catholics who think hurting themselves make them closer to Jesus. Otherwise, punishing and giving into inquisition is fundamentally a religious calling too, it just projects the pain into others rather then interiorly. What you are giving as a solution is too pragmatic and close to home. It does not target a certain group of people and it is not preachy. This is against the COVID cult which projects disgust towards certain groups of people and want to exclude them as they see them as diseases rather than humans.

Edited by QuebecOverCanada
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3 hours ago, -TSS- said:

I have been thinking about this really much. How far are they going to push this and why are they pushing it so hard.

Many are asking the same thing. Perhaps what we are seeing is a form of population control. How else can we stop the train wreck we are on, technological society gone mad, in a race for supremacy over one another. Too many rats in the cage, and the supercomputers showed them what to do. Everything must be shut down as quickly as possible.

The advent of Thunbergian society.


The psychological impact of covid restrictions on our social life is an issue not being discussed. Instilling fear of contact with others, especially at a young age. Restrictions on gatherings and on meeting new people. Eventually this must have an impact on the birth rate.

Results for the google query "worldwide child births under covid"


Examples from page one-

Birthrates are declining globally – here's why it matters - The ...
https://www.weforum.org › agenda › 2021/06 › birthra...
Jun 15, 2021 — In many countries, COVID-19 has suppressed population growth by causing a decline in births, migration and life expectancy. Even before the ...

Early assessment of the relationship between the COVID-19 ...
https://www.pnas.org › content
by A Aassve · 2021 · Cited by 1 — (15) find that the rate of decline in births increased, on average, ... 37% (34%) of the total reported COVID-19 cases (deaths) worldwide.


The coming COVID-19 baby bust is here - Brookings Institution
https://www.brookings.edu › up-front › 2021/05/05 › t...
May 5, 2021 — New data show 40000 "missing births" in the final months of 2020, confirming Melissa Kearney and Phil Levine's analysis which predicted a ...


Half a million fewer children? The coming COVID baby bust
https://www.brookings.edu › research › half-a-million-f...
Jun 15, 2020 — The decline in births could be on the order of 300,000 to 500,000 fewer births next year. We base this expectation on lessons drawn from ...

From boom to bust - why lockdown hasn't led to more babies
https://www.bbc.com › news › world-56415248
Mar 18, 2021 — "I'm sitting indoors in the years when I can have a child." US birth rate falls during pandemic · Covid 'could set women's equality back 25 ...

The number of births in Canada has fallen to a 15-year low ...
https://globalnews.ca › covid-declining-birth-rate-canada
Oct 2, 2021 — An expert said the declining birth rate can also be pinned to ... said the COVID-19 pandemic proved to be “the opposite of a baby boom,” ...


Potential Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Future Birth Rate
https://www.frontiersin.org › fpubh.2020.578438 › full
Influences of COVID-19 Pandemic on Fertility Rate Worldwide · by M Ullah · 2020 · Cited by 21 — This highly contagious disease originated in China, and rapidly spread worldwide, ...


Global Baby Drought of Covid-19 Crisis Risks Population ...
https://www.bloomberg.com › news › articles › global-...
Mar 13, 2021 — A dropping birth rate is particularly evident in Italy, one of the first outbreak hotspots. Births in 15 cities there plummeted 22% in December, ...


How the coronavirus pandemic is affecting birthrates worldwide
https://www.washingtonpost.com › world › 2020/07/15
Jul 15, 2020 — Coronavirus baby boom or bust? How the pandemic is affecting birthrates worldwide. A woman holds a packet of contraceptive pills in Harare, ...


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26 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

the problem is the people demanding they be stripped of their rights

it isn't the unvaccinated's job to protect you anymore than it's the vaccinated's job to protect you

protect yourself at all times, let others worry about themselves

if you don't like the choices of others, suck it up, it's none of your business


Name one right that has been stripped? Suck it up yourself, it isn't up to others to pander to you.

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32 minutes ago, Aristides said:

Name one right that has been stripped? Suck it up yourself, it isn't up to others to pander to you.

I don't want to ban people from doing things they should be able to do

that's you

if you want to ban or mandate things with no good reason

then it's on you to prove the juice is worth the sqeeze

not on the people who don't want to be restricted to prove that it isn't

the default is siding against any ban or mandate unless there is a good reason for it

not siding with any ban or mandate unless there is a mountain of proof it sucks

like innocent until proven guilty, you want to ban and mandate, so provide the evidence to warrant it, or btfo

Edited by Yzermandius19
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1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:

Many are asking the same thing. Perhaps what we are seeing is a form of population control. How else can we stop the train wreck we are on, technological society gone mad, in a race for supremacy over one another. Too many rats in the cage, and the supercomputers showed them what to do. Everything must be shut down as quickly as possible.

The advent of Thunbergian society.


The psychological impact of covid restrictions on our social life is an issue not being discussed. Instilling fear of contact with others, especially at a young age. Restrictions on gatherings and on meeting new people. Eventually this must have an impact on the birth rate.

Results for the google query "worldwide child births under covid"


Examples from page one-

Birthrates are declining globally – here's why it matters - The ...
https://www.weforum.org › agenda › 2021/06 › birthra...
Jun 15, 2021 — In many countries, COVID-19 has suppressed population growth by causing a decline in births, migration and life expectancy. Even before the ...

Early assessment of the relationship between the COVID-19 ...
https://www.pnas.org › content
by A Aassve · 2021 · Cited by 1 — (15) find that the rate of decline in births increased, on average, ... 37% (34%) of the total reported COVID-19 cases (deaths) worldwide.


The coming COVID-19 baby bust is here - Brookings Institution
https://www.brookings.edu › up-front › 2021/05/05 › t...
May 5, 2021 — New data show 40000 "missing births" in the final months of 2020, confirming Melissa Kearney and Phil Levine's analysis which predicted a ...


Half a million fewer children? The coming COVID baby bust
https://www.brookings.edu › research › half-a-million-f...
Jun 15, 2020 — The decline in births could be on the order of 300,000 to 500,000 fewer births next year. We base this expectation on lessons drawn from ...

From boom to bust - why lockdown hasn't led to more babies
https://www.bbc.com › news › world-56415248
Mar 18, 2021 — "I'm sitting indoors in the years when I can have a child." US birth rate falls during pandemic · Covid 'could set women's equality back 25 ...

The number of births in Canada has fallen to a 15-year low ...
https://globalnews.ca › covid-declining-birth-rate-canada
Oct 2, 2021 — An expert said the declining birth rate can also be pinned to ... said the COVID-19 pandemic proved to be “the opposite of a baby boom,” ...


Potential Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Future Birth Rate
https://www.frontiersin.org › fpubh.2020.578438 › full
Influences of COVID-19 Pandemic on Fertility Rate Worldwide · by M Ullah · 2020 · Cited by 21 — This highly contagious disease originated in China, and rapidly spread worldwide, ...


Global Baby Drought of Covid-19 Crisis Risks Population ...
https://www.bloomberg.com › news › articles › global-...
Mar 13, 2021 — A dropping birth rate is particularly evident in Italy, one of the first outbreak hotspots. Births in 15 cities there plummeted 22% in December, ...


How the coronavirus pandemic is affecting birthrates worldwide
https://www.washingtonpost.com › world › 2020/07/15
Jul 15, 2020 — Coronavirus baby boom or bust? How the pandemic is affecting birthrates worldwide. A woman holds a packet of contraceptive pills in Harare, ...


You’re tuned into what’s unfolding right now.  People don’t realize that the world of being able to go to parties, travel outside the country for leisure, meet  people at a bar and go dancing, and attend so many of the clubs and activities that brought people together and facilitated new relationships, is literally gone.  So much has been lost to the fight against Covid, despite mass vaccinations.  The costs of fuel, housing, and food are also ultra high.  Of course all of this discourages reproduction.  Close contact has become taboo.  As the Sixth Extinction accelerates and the human birth rate falls, it’s a reasonable question to ask how long humanity has.  Life will go on for quite some time without humanity, which is why we have to ensure that our policies are pro human.  Right now we’re oppressing ourselves on a mass scale.

Edited by Zeitgeist
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8 hours ago, Aristides said:

The unvaccinated aren't protecting anyone, they are the problem.

False, again. As heard on CBC radio this morning: surgeries are cancelled due to shortage of stuff (Manitoba), but it's not ICU, there isn't enough nursing stuff. CEOs paid outrageous salaries, but look there isn't enough nurses. Too bad you non vaccinated booo!

No no, you can't just assign and blame a scapegoad for own failures. Mismanagement is the problem. Inefficiency is the problem. Obscenely paid incompetent and complacent top management seeking every chance and opportunity to offload problems it created and creates, somewhere else is a huge problem. Until proven otherwise. Proven, not just said, yes there's difference.

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Vaccine mandates are widely challenged in courts south of the border and expected to reach Supreme Court. Courts ruled and overturned overreaching health policies in Germany. In Ontario the court said "has no jurisdiction". Have we lost independent and impartial judiciary to Covid too?

Edited by myata
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15 hours ago, dialamah said:

Nobody's banned from grocery stores per government mandate.

I didn't say it was a government mandate.

It's just odd that the government is saying it's okay for grocery stores to ban certain people from buying food.  Especially when that wasn't the case at the height of the pandemic, when no one was vaccinated.  Now with over 80% vaccinated and a 99.5% survival rate, they're telling grocery stores they have governmental permission to ban?  

It's clear this has nothing to do with health and safety.

Did you read the article I posted where they didn't find any coronavirus in grocery stores?  So why would the government give permission to do so?

This all makes good sense to you?????????

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2 hours ago, myata said:

False, again. As heard on CBC radio this morning: surgeries are cancelled due to shortage of stuff (Manitoba), but it's not ICU, there isn't enough nursing stuff. CEOs paid outrageous salaries, but look there isn't enough nurses. Too bad you non vaccinated booo!

No no, you can't just assign and blame a scapegoad for own failures. Mismanagement is the problem. Inefficiency is the problem.

Steam-roller effect


One size fits all

Because you are the thing to be shaped

Force fed in cages

and now zoned out on dope, free dope

Step right up, step right up

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14 hours ago, taxme said:

We were told that we needed two weeks to flatten the curve, and all would be good, have now turned into almost 100 weeks to try and flatten the curve.

We also went from "Save the gramdmas" to "Take this experimental jab or lose your job" pretty quick.

Now grocery stores have been given governmental permission to ban certain people from buying food.


That's how it happened in Germany too.  And with each successive step, people like Dialamah agreed it was all "for the greater good" and would eliminate typhoid if they just banned the Jews from society.

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2 hours ago, myata said:

Vaccine mandates are widely challenged in courts south of the border and expected to reach Supreme Court. Courts ruled and overturned overreaching health policies in Germany. In Ontario the court said "has no jurisdiction". Have we lost independent and impartial judiciary to Covid too?

Yes we have.  Our judiciary, mainstream media, and dominant two political parties are basically mindless followers of CNN and WHO official-speak.  Whatever you read in TorStar articles in your smartphone feed is broadcast on CBC and becomes Liberal Canadian policy the next day.  It’s a parade of nanny overprotective fear-mongering, but Canadians don’t question authority or value their freedom enough.  It’s really sad how we’ve sold out our democracy.

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2 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Yes we have.  Our judiciary, mainstream media, and dominant two political parties are basically mindless followers of CNN and WHO official-speak.  Whatever you read in TorStar articles in your smartphone feed is broadcast on CBC and becomes Liberal Canadian policy the next day.  It’s a parade of nanny overprotective fear-mongering, but Canadians don’t question authority or value their freedom enough.  It’s really sad how we’ve sold out our democracy.

Mr. Trudeau (Senior) put it rather eloquently one time. "Canadians are a simple lot, easy to please. A bottle of beer, a hockey game..."   ;)


To which his son responded in kind... "Let them have drugs."


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1 minute ago, OftenWrong said:

Mr. Trudeau (Senior) put it rather eloquently one time. "Canadians are a simple lot, easy to please. A bottle of beer, a hockey game..."   ;)


To which his son responded in kind... "Let them have drugs."


Yup that’s where we’re at.  The Toronto Police aren’t enforcing possession of small amounts of any kind of drug anymore.  The long term care strategy is to drug em and feed em on the way to a swift and painless death.  “Get your assisted suicide kit today.”

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11 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

As with the flu, vulnerable populations will need to be more careful.

The problem is the narrative has completely changed on that.  Now, vulnerable people are no longer responsible for their own health.  You have to sacrifice yours for them, sacrifice your livelihood, sacrifice your children, sacrifice your way of life.  If they get sick, it's not because they're elderly or chose to eat junk food and not exercise most of their lives - it's YOUR fault!

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2 hours ago, myata said:

False, again. As heard on CBC radio this morning: surgeries are cancelled due to shortage of stuff (Manitoba), but it's not ICU, there isn't enough nursing stuff. CEOs paid outrageous salaries, but look there isn't enough nurses. Too bad you non vaccinated booo!

No no, you can't just assign and blame a scapegoad for own failures. Mismanagement is the problem. Inefficiency is the problem. Obscenely paid incompetent and complacent top management seeking every chance and opportunity to offload problems it created and creates, somewhere else is a huge problem. Until proven otherwise. Proven, not just said, yes there's difference.

Because Covid is drawing off those resources so there are shortages elsewhere. In your simple minded world everything that is wrong with it is because someone other than you is making too much money.

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2 minutes ago, Goddess said:

The problem is the narrative has completely changed on that.  Now, vulnerable people are no longer responsible for their own health.  You have to sacrifice yours for them, sacrifice your livelihood, sacrifice your children, sacrifice your way of life.  If they get sick, it's not because they're elderly or chose to eat junk food and not exercise most of their lives - it's YOUR fault!

You don’t give a shit about other people’s health.

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1 minute ago, Goddess said:

The problem is the narrative has completely changed on that.  Now, vulnerable people are no longer responsible for their own health.  You have to sacrifice yours for them, sacrifice your livelihood, sacrifice your children, sacrifice your way of life.  If they get sick, it's not because they're elderly or chose to eat junk food and not exercise most of their lives - it's YOUR fault!

Our government doesn’t believe in personal responsibility and discretion.  We’re a totalitarian society of strict top-down control.  Omicron symptoms are milder than Delta’s.  Hospitalization times are substantially shorter for severe cases.  It’s probably in our interest for Omicron to replace Delta as the dominant strain.  It doesn’t matter.  It’s about promulgating fear to assert control, not science or a reasonable balance between personal freedom and public safety.  That’s gone now.  

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Just now, Zeitgeist said:

Our government doesn’t believe in personal responsibility and discretion.  We’re a totalitarian society of strict top-down control.  Omicron symptoms are milder than Delta’s.  Hospitalization times are substantially shorter for severe cases.  It’s probably in our interest for Omicron to replace Delta as the dominant strain.  It doesn’t matter.  It’s about promulgating fear to assert control, not science or a reasonable balance between personal freedom and public safety.  That’s gone now.  

Anti vaxxers don’t believe in personal responsibility, they do everything they can to avoid it.

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4 minutes ago, Aristides said:

Because Covid is drawing off those resources so there are shortages elsewhere. In your simple minded world everything that is wrong with it is because someone other than you is making too much money.

No, the staffing shortages are results of mandates and restrictions.  People can’t work under these oppressive conditions.

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