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The Boomer Flu

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4 minutes ago, dialamah said:

So the other 2/3rds that are dying are the unvaxed?  Does that mean if both you and I go into the hospital with Covid, you are about twice as likely to die as I am?  

How would I know?  I have none of the comorbidities.  My chances of dying from covid are less than 1%.  Your's a  bit lower because you are vaxxed.  But when you're getting into the miniscule numbers, I don't think either of us should be terrified. 

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Heres' what I think about this whole pandemic:

We should have followed Canada's pandemic emergency plan.  We did not.  I blame that  on our leadership.

Lt. Col. David Redman who was once the head of Canada's emergency pandemic plans, has stated the same.

We knew right away it was a respiratory virus.  Anyone with a basic knowledge of this, knows that the elderly and those with comorbidities are most at risk.  They are the ones who should have been quarantined and vaccinated.  The rest of us should have the choice, without coercion.

There was no need to destroy our economy.  There was no need for panic buying of toilet paper.

To cover this massive lack of leadership, the government and it's "bought and paid for" media have sowed widespread panic and terror and division amongst Canadians.  Compounding the lack of leadership, it silences any who point this out.

I do think that many ordinary Canadians see this.  I read the comments on articles.  Even many vaxxed people feel they were forced to vaccinate and have commented that they refuse to do the boosters.  Many restaurant owners do not want to enforce the passports.  They are being forced and coerced.  Whether their fortitude holds or not, I don't know.  It depends on how much pressure the government puts on us all.

But I also that I am not the only person who sees all this.  Anyone who is not a pig with a brass ring in its nose, sees this.

I think that when the panic dies down, (if the government and media stop the fearmongering) a lot of things are going to be challenged legally.  I think a lot of businesses and governmental agencies are going to be shelling out a lot of money for damages.

I came out of a religion that told me who to hate and how to think and reason and withheld information from me.  When the blinders came off my eyes, I swore that was never going to happen to me again.  No one is going to tell me who to hate and I will not act on the coercions of those who try to make me.  

Edited by Goddess
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I wish people would educate themselves on coronaviruses.  They start in animals and sometimes cross over to humans.  That means that the only way to "stop the spread" is to vaccinate every single animal on the planet. Obviously, we can't do that.  Which is why we had a pandemic emergency plan for respiratory viruses.

If you believe that 100% vax rates are going to "stop the spread", please. Please.  Educate yourself.

Because you just look hateful and selfish, blaming and shaming and gleefully punishing those who have.

Because this is going to happen again.  And when it does, I hope that we have learned to hold our government to a higher standard than we have this time.  I hope that it doesn't lead to ordinary citizens "complying" with ridiculous governmental mandates, tattling on their fellow citizens, having our human rights taken away, large portions of our fellow citizens being ghetto'ed and the public turning on each other like rats.


Edited by Goddess
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44 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Heres' what I think about this whole pandemic:

We should have followed Canada's pandemic emergency plan.  We did not.  I blame that  on our leadership.

Lt. Col. David Redman who was once the head of Canada's emergency pandemic plans, has stated the same.

We knew right away it was a respiratory virus.  Anyone with a basic knowledge of this, knows that the elderly and those with comorbidities are most at risk.  They are the ones who should have been quarantined and vaccinated.  The rest of us should have the choice, without coercion.

There was no need to destroy our economy.  There was no need for panic buying of toilet paper.

To cover this massive lack of leadership, the government and it's "bought and paid for" media have sowed widespread panic and terror and division amongst Canadians.  Compounding the lack of leadership, it silences any who point this out.

I do think that many ordinary Canadians see this.  I read the comments on articles.  Even many vaxxed people feel they were forced to vaccinate and have commented that they refuse to do the boosters.  Many restaurant owners do not want to enforce the passports.  They are being forced and coerced.  Whether their fortitude holds or not, I don't know.  It depends on how much pressure the government puts on us all.

But I also that I am not the only person who sees all this.  Anyone who is not a pig with a brass ring in its nose, sees this.

I think that when the panic dies down, (if the government and media stop the fearmongering) a lot of things are going to be challenged legally.  I think a lot of businesses and governmental agencies are going to be shelling out a lot of money for damages.

I came out of a religion that told me who to hate and how to think and reason and withheld information from me.  When the blinders came off my eyes, I swore that was never going to happen to me again.  No one is going to tell me who to hate and I will not act on the coercions of those who try to make me.  

We didn’t have any vaccines for 18 months after this started and now we have a bunch of bone heads that won’t take them.

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17 minutes ago, Goddess said:

I wish people would educate themselves on coronaviruses.  They start in animals and sometimes cross over to humans.  That means that the only way to "stop the spread" is to vaccinate every single animal on the planet. Obviously, we can't do that.  Which is why we had a pandemic emergency plan for respiratory viruses.

If you believe that 100% vax rates are going to "stop the spread", please. Please.  Educate yourself.

Because you just look hateful and selfish, blaming and shaming and gleefully punishing those who have.

Because this is going to happen again.  And when it does, I hope that we have learned to hold our government to a higher standard than we have this time.  I hope that it doesn't lead to ordinary citizens "complying" with ridiculous governmental mandates, tattling on their fellow citizens, having our human rights taken away, large portions of our fellow citizens being ghetto'ed and the public turning on each other like rats.


Ok. Miss Educated One:. How do we keep this virus from ripping through populations, overwhelming hospitals and medical staff, and killing millions?  Or did you just forget that four and a half million have already died, despite all the efforts to contain it.  You're so smart and educated, please enlighten us as to a better way.

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7 minutes ago, dialamah said:

Ok. Miss Educated One:. How do we keep this virus from ripping through populations, overwhelming hospitals and medical staff, and killing millions?  Or did you just forget that four and a half million have already died, despite all the efforts to contain it.  You're so smart and educated, please enlighten us as to a better way.

We stick to the Emergency Pandemic Plan.

Or do you prefer the way this non-plan has gone?

I know the non-plan gives you the opportunity to hate and oppress your fellow citizens, but it also destroys the economy.  You'll have to decide which you like better.

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1 hour ago, Goddess said:

How would I know?  I have none of the comorbidities.  My chances of dying from covid are less than 1%.  Your's a  bit lower because you are vaxxed.  But when you're getting into the miniscule numbers, I don't think either of us should be terrified. 

Actually if you’re not over 65 and have any comorbidites, you virtually have a 100% chance of recovering from covid.  

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6 minutes ago, Goddess said:

We stick to the Emergency Pandemic Plan.

Or do you prefer the way this non-plan has gone?

How do you quarantine and vaccinate people when there were no vaccines? People in LTC’s weren’t exactly running around the neighbourhood.  Anti vaxxers have the ultimate non plan.

Edited by Aristides
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1 hour ago, Goddess said:

How would I know?  I have none of the comorbidities.  My chances of dying from covid are less than 1%.  Your's a  bit lower because you are vaxxed.  But when you're getting into the miniscule numbers, I don't think either of us should be terrified. 

How would you know that if 1/3 of those who died of Covid were vaccinated, the other 2/3rds were unvaccinated?  I think it's basic math.

That .07 is for all cases of infection, is it not?  How much does that increase once you're in the hospital?

In any case, my odds all around are better than yours.  

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1 hour ago, Goddess said:

How would I know?  I have none of the comorbidities.  My chances of dying from covid are less than 1%.  Your's a  bit lower because you are vaxxed.  But when you're getting into the miniscule numbers, I don't think either of us should be terrified. 

There will always be fools like Dalai Lama because they constantly live in a state of fear and panic and paranoia because they have this problem of not being able to think for themselves. They allow their lying politicians and the lying and fake media to do their thinking for them. They refuse to question or challenge anything that the government demands of them.

These people like Dalai Lama are just followers and will never become leaders. They just like to go along to get along. 

47 minutes ago, Goddess said:

I wish people would educate themselves on coronaviruses.  They start in animals and sometimes cross over to humans.  That means that the only way to "stop the spread" is to vaccinate every single animal on the planet. Obviously, we can't do that.  Which is why we had a pandemic emergency plan for respiratory viruses.

If you believe that 100% vax rates are going to "stop the spread", please. Please.  Educate yourself.

Because you just look hateful and selfish, blaming and shaming and gleefully punishing those who have.

Because this is going to happen again.  And when it does, I hope that we have learned to hold our government to a higher standard than we have this time.  I hope that it doesn't lead to ordinary citizens "complying" with ridiculous governmental mandates, tattling on their fellow citizens, having our human rights taken away, large portions of our fellow citizens being ghetto'ed and the public turning on each other like rats.


They tried those covid vaccines on lab animals in a lab and all the animals died after being given the covid vaccine jab.

Now that alone should be proof positive and enough to believe that there may be something wrong with these covid vaccines. I am not vaccinated and never will get vaccinated with a vaccine that is said to be an experimental gene therapy vaccine that supposedly kills animals in labs. Only fools will allow themselves to be jabbed with some experimental vaccine that may do serious harm to their own bodies or may even kill them.

There are plenty of sad stories out there about the many people that took both covid vaccine jabs and they ended up becoming seriously ill, maimed, or have died. And anyone after they have read or heard about this and who are still going to take a booster jab has to be truly out of their freakin minds. But sadly, many will still take the booster jabs.

?Aw well, what more can be said.  

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1 hour ago, TreeBeard said:

What other methods to stop the spread of the virus would you like to see that aren’t happening now?

Ivermectin and Hydroxychloraquine has been used and apparently has saved many lives of people who came into contact with this covid virus and were cured with those using those medicines mentioned above. There are other drugs also that will work. But for some reason our politicians refuse to try anything else out but prefer to only want to inject people with  experimental gene therapy vaccines. Why is that? What was in it for them to do such a thing?  

Herd immunity is another. If it were all just left alone and let herd immunity do it's job we would have solved all of our problems and society would not have been hit as hard as it was thanks to all of those lock downs and store closures. Thousands of people lost their jobs and their lively hoods. 

Anyways, you will be sad to hear that Norway has finally got rid of all of their covid restrictions and have gone back to normal life once again. Norway appears to have had enough of this covid medical tyranny and have ended it.

Their reason for ending their covid restrictions is that the Norwegian government have come to the conclusion and decided to look at the fact that this so called covid virus is no worse than any of the other average flu bugs that comes around every year in Norway and makes people sick. The flu bugs come and then they leave. 

But not in Canada though. The covid medical tyranny must still stick around. The covid virus looks like it will be sticking around in Canada for another long while yet as our dear comrade leader politicians have decided that they want to keep it around for another while longer.

They obviously like the power and control that has been handed to them on a silver platter because of covid. Our politicians enjoy being and acting like a bunch of communist bullies who are now allowed to terrorize the non vaccinated people and try to get them to submit to take the jabs. They are now denying our fundamental rights and freedoms and are discriminating against those that are not vaccinated. Who would have ever thought just over a year ago that people who are not vaccinated will be denied entrance into stores and restaurants because they are not vaccinated? 

Canada has truly become a communist medical tyranny country that no one can deny now. Disgusting indeed. ?

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1 hour ago, Aristides said:

We didn’t have any vaccines for 18 months after this started and now we have a bunch of bone heads that won’t take them.

But yet there are a bunch of those real bone heads who have taken an experimental gene therapy covid vaccine that they believed will save their sorry asses. That is pretty dam stupid for anyone who takes an experimental vaccine that they know nothing about. 

And yet those same bone heads that took their two required jabs to save their sorry asses from catching covid are still getting the covid virus. Wow, what the hell is happening here? Maybe it is we the non vaccinated smart ones that should be afraid of being around vaccinated people like you? They could easily give we the non vaccinated the covid virus. LOL.

Hey, would you like to try out some of this experimental candy that I have just created in my lab? It will make you feel and look big and strong, comrade. The animals that I tried the candy on unfortunately died. But do not worry, it will be safe for humans. I guarantee it. Chuckle.  

So tell me, comrade, why do you get all upset over people who refuse to get vaccinated? What's it to you anyway, comrade? Come on, please explain your reasons to me as to why i am a bone head for refusing to take both jabs? I await for your smart and intelligent reply and fantastic reasons as to why I should vaccinate myself. Well? ? 

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

Come on, please explain your reasons to me as to why i am a bone head for refusing to take both jabs? I await for your smart and intelligent reply and fantastic reasons as to why I should vaccinate myself. Well? ? 

The thing I find really strange about the guy calling you a bonehead is, he tells me he has his wife in terminal care but despite the depression a normal person would be in in his situation, somehow he manages to go on social media, generate 10 posts per minute and call you, me and others various offensive names.  You'd think a person in his situation will be either sitting beside his loved one or by a big bottle of whisky, but definitely not by his computer.

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5 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

Both have to do with job requirements, no?


I have a job for a person who is|

1. a female

2. really hot looking

3. really flirty

4. doesn't wear...............covid masks , and other similar looking fabric contraptions intended to cover strategic body parts

5. is white

6.  wears high heel boots

7. speaks in a pleasant purring voice like a Siamese cat

8. knows how to please me

9. signs a non-disclosure contract denying any legal action on sexual harassment grounds

10.  is free of any disease .   Vaccination passport is NOT REQUIRED


All of the above are the job requirements. Please apply in confidentiality.  Offering competitive wages and all sorts of extended benefits.?


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