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The Mob of Ignorance.


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The left does not want to talk or debate anything, instead they want to preach and tell the right how evil or intolerant the we are, and how we must change our evil ways...... Lots of examples right here on this forum, and when you confront them they quickly change the channel or direction of the talking points to be more suited to their side of the yelling match " because they don't want to debate anything" … And while both sides have their wingnuts, neither side left or right  is doing anything but encouraging them... And the right is losing this battle big time it does nothing to protect or defend itself.., just look at the direction of the conservative party is going veering hard to the left to try and pick up a few votes.... And this is not just Canada's citizens that are practicing this leftist propaganda it is their leaders as well. To divide this nation as much as they can.



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2 minutes ago, BubberMiley said:

I was willing to overlook not even being able to spell "ignorance", but I checked out at "howling mobs of the Left" because I wasn't sure if it was a parody account or not.

You don't think there are any crowds of leftists that try to shout down opinions they don't like? You think that's just a joke and that has never happened?

Edited by Yzermandius19
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It seems like most debate/discussion on this forum is just people nitpicking a choice of word or questioning the motives of the OP or accusations that the OP does not care about other, similar issues since they didn't include those in their remarks.  It's the same people all the time - they don't want to discuss or debate the actual point of the post.  They just want to destroy the poster.


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11 minutes ago, Goddess said:

It seems like most debate/discussion on this forum is just people nitpicking a choice of word or questioning the motives of the OP or accusations that the OP does not care about other, similar issues since they didn't include those in their remarks.  It's the same people all the time - they don't want to discuss or debate the actual point of the post.  They just want to destroy the poster.

Probably because the poster and his ilk insist on destroying the left.  Anyone else notice John Tory was also disappointed the library hosted this talk?  Everyone is a mobster in this stupid business.  I certainly don't give a rat's ass about transgenderism so does that mean I'm a right-winger?

Edited by eyeball
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9 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I certainly don't give a rat's ass about transgenderism so does that mean I'm a right-winger?

What this must actually means is that I'm neither left or right.

I'm a free agent...and probably one of the most dangerous mobsters on the planet for that very reason.

Edited by eyeball
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1 hour ago, BubberMiley said:

I was willing to overlook not even being able to spell "ignorance", but I checked out at "howling mobs of the Left" because I wasn't sure if it was a parody account or not.

Given a spelling flame is the best you can manage checking out is probably for the best.

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1 hour ago, Yzermandius19 said:

You don't think there are any crowds of leftists that try to shout down opinions they don't like? You think that's just a joke and that has never happened?

He agrees with them. If he was in Toronto he was probably IN the mob.

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The librarian who stood up to the mobs and for freedom of speech deserves the Order of Canada.

How anyone can disagree with supporting an abused traumatized woman in a shelter over a trans. Biological male in the shelter, has their priorities wrong.   it's this kind of injustice the speaker is standing up for. 

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1 hour ago, Goddess said:

It seems like most debate/discussion on this forum is just people nitpicking a choice of word or questioning the motives of the OP or accusations that the OP does not care about other, similar issues since they didn't include those in their remarks.  It's the same people all the time - they don't want to discuss or debate the actual point of the post.  They just want to destroy the poster.


Two thumbs up for that one.

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

Probably because the poster and his ilk insist on destroying the left.  Anyone else notice John Tory was also disappointed the library hosted this talk?  Everyone is a mobster in this stupid business.  I certainly don't give a rat's ass about transgenderism so does that mean I'm a right-winger?

It is the Left that is destroying the left, along with everything else. John tory is only trying to get on the liberal gravy train, cause he ain't getting any lovin from the provincial government.... 

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The right says offensive things, and when people object, they whine about how they are being censored.  Buncha snowflakes.  If you express a stupid, unkind or outright cruel opinion and you get called out on it, that's just as much "free speech" as you expressing your opinion in the first place.

Gender is not binary, penis = male, vagina = female is not a scientific fact, no matter how many people think it is.  Just as it wasn't scientific fact that the sun circled the earth, even though virtually everyone believed it, and Copernicus was branded a heretic for saying otherwise.  Science isn't subject to opinion, regardless of what the howling masses of right wingers think.

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4 hours ago, Argus said:

If you have a penis you're a man. It's unfair for men to intrude in womens spaces and sports, regardless of what they believe their gender is or ought to be.

If it was just the women's bathroom that would be one thing. It's the little girls' room too.

In a country like this, where pervs just do a bit of time and get out of jail to reoffend, what's to stop a guy from claiming that he's a woman just to get into the little girls' room? 

If they're going to have men going into the women's bathroom then they need a separate room for girls 17 and under. Or something. 

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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

It is the Left that is destroying the left, along with everything else. John tory is only trying to get on the liberal gravy train, cause he ain't getting any lovin from the provincial government.... 

I didn't think it would take long for the OP's ilk to denounce John Tory as a liberal lefty...and once you've gone that far you might as say he's Muslim too.  Notice the OP didn't miss lumping them into the same howling mob as the left in his little rant. 

Ideology and politics are as binary to you people as sex.

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50 minutes ago, dialamah said:

The right says offensive things, and when people object, they whine about how they are being censored. 

What does the right say which is offensive?

And you're not talking about people objecting. The fact she had to go to seven different places before we could find one that would dare to stand up to the mob shows this is about shutting people up, not simply disagreeing.

50 minutes ago, dialamah said:

Gender is not binary, penis = male, vagina = female is not a scientific fact,

Are you in therapy? I assure you these are indeed scientific facts. And it is the brainless idiocy of that sort of view which will inevitably lead to a huge backlash against the fruitloops of the Left and their new religion.

50 minutes ago, dialamah said:

 Science isn't subject to opinion, regardless of what the howling masses of right wingers think.

And yet here you are disagreeing with it regardless.

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9 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

If it was just the women's bathroom that would be one thing. It's the little girls' room too.

In a country like this, where pervs just do a bit of time and get out of jail to reoffend, what's to stop a guy from claiming that he's a woman just to get into the little girls' room? 

If they're going to have men going into the women's bathroom then they need a separate room for girls 17 and under. Or something. 

Hi WestCanMan, exactly! I have already experienced this and it was frightening. It opens the door for pervs too! How can one tell? It also raises concerns for the Niqab or Burka. Once I swear a person in a Niqab was really a man....the eyes, the hands...seemed more male to me one time. It was not in a bathroom but it was still freaky.

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43 minutes ago, dialamah said:

The right says offensive things, and when people object, they whine about how they are being censored.  Buncha snowflakes.  If you express a stupid, unkind or outright cruel opinion and you get called out on it, that's just as much "free speech" as you expressing your opinion in the first place.

LMAO. You don't even know what censorship is and yet you're here pontificating about it?

Objecting to something, calling someone out on something, and getting it censored are entirely different things.

An angry mob of people making threats in order to stop other people from gathering isn't even censorship, it's fascism. 


Gender is not binary, penis = male, vagina = female is not a scientific fact, no matter how many people think it is. 

Gender is binary. That's a scientific fact regarding mammals. 

There are differences in sexual orientation, there's gender dysphoria, some people can identify as unicorns if they want, but actual gender is still binary regardless of what the howling masses of left wingers think.




Learn to pronounce  (dialamah - learn to use a dictionary)
  1. 1. 
    either of the two sexes (male and female), especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female.
    "a condition that affects people of both genders"
  2. 2. 
    (in languages such as Latin, Greek, Russian, and German) each of the classes (typically masculine, feminine, common, neuter) of nouns and pronouns distinguished by the different inflections that they have and require in words syntactically associated with them. Grammatical gender is only very loosely associated with natural distinctions of sex.


    WCM - always right is in there somewhere if you look hard enough.

Just as it wasn't scientific fact that the sun circled the earth, even though virtually everyone believed it, and Copernicus was branded a heretic for saying otherwise. 

You're actually trying to change a definition that has stood for centuries, which is scientifically proven - based entirely upon multitudes of easily observable characteristics, all of which distinguish between exactly two different genders in every single mammalian species, and you're trying to claim that the science is on your side?


Science isn't subject to opinion, regardless of what the howling masses of right wingers think.

Science isn't subject to the whim and fancy of leftists. Giraffes didn't magically start being born with 3 or 4 or 18 different genders when the LGBT community started to gain their rights, freedoms and popularity (thanks to that culture which is based upon a constitution created by those old white males).

Who's the howling mass? Only one group that's either participating in the conversation here or mentioned in the OP's article qualifies as "a howling mass". It's the mob of angry idiots that's  storming public places to stop legal gatherings of people. 


Aren't you glad that I'm here to give you all the easy answers just so that you don't go off making a fool of yourself in public?

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Argus asked what the right says which is offensive.  The stupid knee-jerk way conservatives tie and associate EVERYTHING which offends them to the left is more tiresome than anything. Right-wingers might want to consider that the expectation everyone suffer this gladly is probably as off putting to a lefty as having to stand next to a guy dressed in a niqab at a urinal would be to a conservative.

Hey, how about public washrooms based on ideology?  Once inside everything else should just sort itself out naturally enough.

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43 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Argus asked what the right says which is offensive.  The stupid knee-jerk way conservatives tie and associate EVERYTHING which offends them to the left is more tiresome than anything. Right-wingers might want to consider that the expectation everyone suffer this gladly is probably as off putting to a lefty as having to stand next to a guy dressed in a niqab at a urinal would be to a conservative.

I personally object to the notion that anything righties ever say is wrong, but I'll humour you. What are some examples of things which awesome righties mistakenly blame on lame lefties?


Hey, how about public washrooms based on ideology?  Once inside everything else should just sort itself out naturally enough.

There are bars where you can sort things out in the washrooms if that's your thing. 

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

I didn't think it would take long for the OP's ilk to denounce John Tory as a liberal lefty...and once you've gone that far you might as say he's Muslim too.  Notice the OP didn't miss lumping them into the same howling mob as the left in his little rant. 

Ideology and politics are as binary to you people as sex.

John Tory is a complete embarrassment.  On one hand he says he believes in free speech.  But then completely contradicts himself by saying he doesn’t think this particular speaker should be allowed to speak.  He either has absolutely no spine, or he fundamentally doesn’t understand the concept and value of free speech.

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https://thetexan.news/breaking-dallas-jury-grants-mother-sole-custody-of-purported-transgender-child/     I think this was changed to give the father a voice in his health care.

The world has gone mad, especially when it comes to children and forcing them at age 3 to believe they are something else.     Sex is binary, with the exception of a few who do have gender dysphoria, but even so, they are free to live as they wish but accepting anyone who identifies as female leads to obvious issues.  Chromosomes determine if you are female or male not your plastic surgeon.

So, a transgender 6’ 5” trans. Person wins and is named female athlete of the year edging out eight other actual females for the title..    How is that fair as girls are losing more races and scholarships.    


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