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  1. Hi Faramir, my daughters are now 27 and 23 and it was suggested/pushed on me at least 10-12 years ago. This is nothing new. Gardadsil? At that time I was not sure but our family doctor said they have until age 24 (I think) to decide. My youngest was around 12 at the time so I decided they could decide as adults if they wanted it. It was totally experimental at that time. My youngest rec'd the vaccine and my oldest opted out. Your child has time to decide for themselves. There is no rush. You can relax If kids are sexually active at a young age, it does offer protection for future cancers. From what I read up on years ago. Thanks for sharing
  2. Thanks. Yes it is crazy. Effects DNA! It makes me want to dispose of my smart phone and get a flip! If cell towers are installed on every block, how would one escape the effects?
  3. Hi Tdot, can you elaborate? Thank you
  4. Now this is the best and funniest thing I've heard in a long time lol So true!
  5. Is anyone here concerned about 5G? I recently watched a documentary about the huge terrible effects it will have on all of us. Very alarming. Who created 5G? China. China has launched its 5G national network and started commercial operation on 1 November 2019. 5G - Wikipedia Some 5G conspiracy theorists contend that the new network generates radiofrequency radiation that can damage DNA and lead to cancer; cause oxidative damage that can cause premature aging; disrupt cell metabolism; and potentially lead to other diseases through the generation of stress proteins. Mar 31, 2020 https://www.howtogeek.com/423720/how-worried-should-you-be-about-the-health-risks-of-5g/ Rollout of 5G networks is expected to begin in Canada in 2020, promising to transform modern communications and to be a political minefield for the federal government. TORONTO -- You've no doubt heard of 5G and may have only a vague sense that it will mean faster service for your cellphone.Dec 3, 2019 https://www.ctvnews.ca › sci-tech Lightning fast but a political minefield: the trouble with 5G in Canada | CTV News Link to documentary:
  6. I understood what you meant. But I wonder the same damn thing all the time. Great post.
  7. You got that right Taxme!
  8. Hi Scriblett, I read the article. Where is this happening? I agree. I don't want to hear this! It is so annoying that exceptions are always being made for this religion. I feel like it's someday going to be in my hometown....the call to prayer. What makes me think this? The men that pray on their carpets in public parks. From the article: “It’s a call to prayer for everyone,” said Abdelaziz. “This is not a Muslim thing. It’s an exemption for all religious institutions.” Okay?
  9. It is alarming. Vandalism can turn into violence. Now with this Covid-19 I don't hear much of anything else on the local news anymore so hopefully it's worked itself out as well and someone was charged!
  10. I hope so!
  11. Thanks. I was curious. It's on my street too but between adults. It's not major either and has worked itself out as well. But some other areas around me it went as far as vandalizing property. That's not good
  12. Hi Spanky, I was just wondering if you could elaborate on racism on your street?
  13. Oh please don't bring covid-19 into this debate! You can't compare. The Burka is not to protect from a deadly virus!!! Unless you want to refer to men as a virus lol
  14. Hi Tdot, yes I watched the video. I never have thought this way. Honestly where I grew up, it was not a mostly 'white' neighborhood. We were just all kids, different cultures and races...I never remember thinking, I'm so happy I'm white...like the video...sorry I just don't see it that way. But thanks for sharing.
  15. Really Dia? Honestly you don't know what your talking about. You must be like a super human, Jesus like, so loving and accepting of all humanity more than me or many other Canadians. Immigration plays a huge roll in how we are divided. One example, Muslims. Yes they are assimilating perfectly into Canada. Such a pleasure speaking to just the eyes of a Muslim women. What a beautiful experience. We should all wear them? This attire should be banned in Canada! It causes problems, distance and oppression. It's really just ridiculous. Something I will never understand nor do I want to. So now these women that wear the Burka represent Canada too Woo hoo. I blame our Government for causing the problem...JT...just like WestCanMan noted in this thread.
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