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Posted (edited)

The fact that Scheer is too cowardly to  make a peep even in the face this absurd Maoist self denunciation of the lunatic leftists is why he is totally useless.

The Scheercucks don't even want my vote anyways, they are pandering to Liberal voters just as much as the Liberals are.

Thus why I will have to punish the Phony Cons again by voting for the Liberals.

Lets see how far down this rabbit hole Canada can go before the electorate spits the bit out and/or conservatives find themselves a spine.

I don't think most Canadians roll their eyes, I think the popular majority in the country is still leftist and so I think most Canadians are still drinking the Kool-Aid.

Edited by Dougie93
24 minutes ago, Argus said:

Did you really think it would be anything else? Did anyone think that this hundred million dollar waste of time would challenge any of the progressive narratives or cast any shade on the natives themselves for their behaviour? Of course not!  It's all the fault of those evil white people! We're committing genocide by... letting native men kill native women...

Not that we're exactly letting them. Investigations into the murders of native women are just as intense as those of white women, and the solution rates are virtually identical at 88% for natives vs 89% fo white women. Oh, and by the way, native men are murdered at a much higher rate. But the inquiry wan't concerned with them. Men, even native men, are of little concern these days. So they want there to be harsher penalties for anyone who harms a native woman than one who harms a white woman or man. As if native women were some kind of special group placed on a podium to be protected above all others.

How this is supposed to gel with the demand for lower sentences for natives offenders is never gone into. Are they to get longer time in front of the healing circle if the person they kill is a female native?

The inquiry was only supposed to look into the violence perpetrated against native women over the last thirty years, but you knew it wouldn't confine itself to that. And you knew our craven, spineless prime minister would get on his apology stool again and accept full blame on our behalf. Instead he was quick to say the justice system has failed them - without explaining how. The inquiry report uses the word 'genocide' dozens of times, and the lead progressive in charge stated baldly "This report is about deliberate race, identity and gender-based genocide,"

Which, of course, is so much bullshit. I think most Canadians will hear this and shake their heads in contempt at the idea that we're committing deliberate genocide on anyone, much less native women who are being killed by their drunken, drugged up spouses and relatives.  I know Scheer won't have the balls to say anything about this, but I wonder what Bernier's response will be.



Harper came up with and got passed the Indian Transparency Act, and that idiot village leader called Trudeau, after he became the dictator of Canada, went and got rid of that act. This lying idiot told us that he was going to have the most transparency government in history if he got elected. He lied, the lying batard. Lieberals are nothing more than a bunch of cheats, thieves and liars. A classless bunch of pathetic deplorable morons. 

These native Indians in Canada have been receiving hundreds of millions of white men and women's tax dollars for so many decades now, and they still cannot get their Indian shit together. They still live on some reserves where running water and electricity still does not exist. It's dam well pathetic indeed when one thinks about all the tax dollars that they have stolen from old whitey and giving to them. With the billions of our Canadian tax dollars that they have taken from old whitey taxpayer one would have to believe that every Indian in Canada should all at least be millionaires by now? But they are all piss poor, well, except for their chiefs who no doubt do have millions of tax dollars in their private bank accounts some where. 

Sure old whitey moved in and pretty much took over their land but it's not like the Indians were doing anything with it anyway. Old whitey actually wanted to help the native Indians enter into a more civilized world. Old whitey did one thing good and great for them. Old whitey got them to stop killing each other from the many different Indian tribes that were out there. But that is never mentioned by the fake and phony lying Canadian media. They only want to report on anything that can make old whitey look bad. The native Indians are their own worse enemy. The white people only wanted to help and all they keep getting these days is kicked in the head for constant trying. Personally, I have no more time for those Indians anymore, nor pity. To me they are just a waste of time, effort, and tax dollars. They need to get off their lazy whiny drunken butts and get out there and do something with their lives like old whitey has to do to survive. 

As far as Maxine Bernier of the PPC goes I think that he will be the only one that could possibly do something about this Indian nonsense going on in this country. Bernier shows more common sense and logic than Scheer ever will. Bernier is not politically correct like Scheer is. Scheer will just carry on with the same old, same old corruption and other shit, and nothing will change with those "progressive" liberals who are all dressed up in conservative clothing. If Bernier does not at least get a majority government or at least get a minority government, than Canada as we all once knew it will be gone for good and forever. There can be no doubt about that. It is now or never for Canada and Canadians to end this dictator and tyranny government of Trudeau. Canada cannot take another four more years of this idiot prime mistake of ours. Just my opinion of course, and I approve of it. :D

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Bernier or someone like him wont be able to win until the popular majority shifts tectonically.

The pendulum won't swing hard until there is a crisis which inflicts a steep price on the electorate.

That crisis is going to be when Canada is forced to deleverage in a fiscal hole.

The Liberals are actually digging that hole and the deeper they go the bigger the swing will be when it explodes in Canadians faces.

Thus keep feeding them rope, keep them digging, you're not going to get a pendulum swing to the right until these leftist lunatics blow the homeowners up.

Edited by Dougie93
14 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

The fact that Scheer is too cowardly to  make a peep even in the face this absurd Maoist self denunciation of the lunatic leftists is why he is totally useless.

The Scheercucks don't even want my vote anyways, they are pandering to Liberal voters just as much as the Liberals are.

Thus why I will have to punish the Phony Cons again by voting for the Liberals.

Lets see how far down this rabbit hole Canada can go before the electorate spits the bit out and/or conservatives find themselves a spine.


I think that Canada has too many pro leftist liberals, socialists, communists and environmentalist political party's and members to hopefully try and get rid of all of those party's mentioned and their members from voting for less communist type government programs and agendas that will no doubt do more harm than good for Canada and Canadians like me. Canada is in a bloody mess, and the leftist lieberal Canadian media will never expose that mess. They have pretty much all been bought off now. We have no other real alternative conservative media in Canada other than The Rebel and Ezra Levant. 

The Scheercucks as you call them just want  we the people's vote to continue to carry on business as usual. It's called screw we the people. In Canada we have the liberals and we have the conservative light liberals or the NDP/Green party socialists. Not much to choose from. 

I understand as to where you are coming from but the only people that you will be punishing are people like Maxine Bernier and his followers who do want to make a difference and make Canada great again. But if Trudeau or Scheer do take power than I will be with you all the way. Let Canada burn. It will probably have to happen to get the foolish sheeple out there to wake the hell up, if that is possible. We must remember though that all the many sheeple out there today have been constantly brainwashed and given plenty of propaganda by their education system from kindergarten to university to believe that liberalism and socialism is the only way to go in Canada, and conservatism is the true enemy of Canada. One can only hope that the electorate do smarten up or else it will be good bye Canada. Just saying. 


Also, it will be a great buying opportunity, keep your powder dry to pick up property at distressed prices and then add that investment to your revenue streams for your own retirement.

After all, once Canadians who can't afford their mortgages are forced to sell into a correction, they will be forced back into the rental market, so you can take their homes and then rent them back to them.

12 minutes ago, taxme said:

. One can only hope that the electorate do smarten up or else it will be good bye Canada. Just saying. 

The electorate won't smarten up until they feel pain.

This leftist lunacy is being propped up by a free money party being artificially incited by the central banks.

This is inciting truly historic leverage, breathtaking leverage.

It's the longest bull market in history already, and it's a massive bubble.

The majority of Canadians are way in over their heads at the lowest interest rates of all time.

When the bubble pops, literally millions could be devastated.

History shows that when the bow breaks and baby gets thrown into the street, you can swing all the way from the far left to fascism, practically overnight.

1 hour ago, taxme said:

Harper came up with and got passed the Indian Transparency Act, and that idiot  . . . Trudeau, went and got rid of that act. 

As far as Maxime Bernier of the PPC goes I think that he will be the only one that could possibly do something about this Indian nonsense going on in this country. Bernier shows more common sense and logic than Scheer ever will. Bernier is not politically correct like Scheer is. Scheer will just carry on with the same old, same old corruption and other shit, and nothing will change with those "progressive" liberals who are all dressed up in conservative clothing. If Bernier does not at least get a majority government or at least get a minority government, then Canada as we all once knew it will be gone for good and forever. There can be no doubt about that. It is now or never for Canada and Canadians to end this dictator and tyranny government of Trudeau. Canada cannot take another four more years of this idiot prime mistake of ours. Just my opinion of course, and I approve of it. :D

Agree with much of your post . . . 

The one thing that bothers me about Maxime Bernier however is that he couldn't see that he'd be so much more effective in the Conservative cabinet than trying to sway 'the west' as just another politician from Quebec. He could have sandbagged Sheer from within the party . . . Most everyone can see that Scheer just doesn't have the 'royal jelly' that a Maxime Bernier has.

Maxime Bernier had a temper tantrum when he should have been Scheer's stalker from within . . . . bad move Maxime !

  • Like 1

The most hilariously pathetic part of the report is that, after they have absurdly invoked "genocide",  the remedies they have put forth are the usual Canadian leftist do nothing placeholders of a National Action Plan! and an Indigenous  Women's Ombudsman!


  • Like 2

I could only get through page 100 before losing focus....maybe read the next 600+ pages if I ever have trouble falling asleep...and that's just Part 1.

But I did learn a fun new acronym:    2SLGBTQQIA (two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex and asexual)...yikes !


  • Like 1

Economics trumps Virtue. 



No surprise, but genocide - really - it sure doesn't meet the definition of genocide.    Considering that most of women are victims of indigenous males, that is a surprising conclusion.

The report calls for  harsher penalties for violence against aboriginal women which would be race based discrimination  but when most of the perps are indigenous men how will that affect the Gladue Principle that is supposed to see aboriginal perps get a lesser sentence. 


The RCMP also said that the majority of cases — 81 per cent in the past two years — continue to be solved at a rate comparable to that for cases involving non-aboriginal women, which was at 83 per cent over the same time period.

  • Like 1

Hey Ho - Ontario Liberals Have to Go - Fight Wynne - save our province

Posted (edited)

The thing that makes me feel the most sorry for them is that they are once again being conned by the imperialists, now come in the form of the nonsense peddling urbane leftist elites.

It's all just grandstanding by the Liberal Party of Canada for the consumption of people in downtown Toronto, it has nothing to do with the Indians at all.

Once again the Indians are basically reduced to being props, dress them up and truck them out as a novelty like  zoo animals.

Edited by Dougie93
Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Argus said:

Did you really think it would be anything else? Did anyone think that this hundred million dollar waste of time would challenge any of the progressive narratives or cast any shade on the natives themselves for their behaviour? Of course not!  It's all the fault of those evil white people! We're committing genocide by... letting native men kill native women...


1. 100 hundred million dollars? Welcome to how politicians/bureaucrats spend "other people's money".

2. In derivative options, there's sometimes only a downside value (put options) - and other times, only an upside value (call options). I reckon that the current federal Liberal staff/people are exercising a put option.

3. Money, options. "Leftists" generally want to give them more of my money - as if that will solve the problem.

4. Residential schools. Other "Leftists" (years ago) wanted to educate them, bring them into the modern world.


The truly sad thing is that most aboriginals in Canada live so badly. Many are in prison. I walk by them in Montreal - typically drunk, high - near metro stations.

Edited by August1991

These 'orgies' can certainly be counted on to inspire the sort of hilarious anti-left rhetoric that caused Europeans to swing more left than right in their latest election.

Nothing makes ordinary people's eyes roll faster these days than the spectacle of a bunch of indignant conservatives lining up in forums like these to spout off in every direction possible about left-lib-commie-virtue-signalling-drunken-sailor-spending-feminist-LGBTQ, justice-warriors.  Notice all it takes is one slightly overblown word (genocide) to trigger a torrent of invective so riddled with cliches and hyperbole its guaranteed to make conservatism look a lot more silly than the Marxist-Stalinist-Maoist Sharia loving progressive bogyman they invoke.

By all means please keep it up.

  • Like 1
  • Haha 1

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.

Posted (edited)

While you're at it please don't forget to also freak out about the destruction of the economy at the hands of the globalist-wealth-redistributing cabal of lying Marxist-Stalinist-Maoist climate scientists that...well, you people know far better than I just how horrible it'll be - hell, it'll probably even be genocidal.

Edited by eyeball

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.

Posted (edited)

Actually this episode I find to be rather amusing, if the Indians want to drink the leftist Kool-Aid, I can't help them,  I'll still be a wealthy white male whose Labrador Retrievers are treated better than the Indians in this land, by orders of magnitude.

We probably spend more on our dogs than the combined incomes of most Indian families.

Now that's what being a British Imperialist is all about;  God save the Queen.

Edited by Dougie93
49 minutes ago, August1991 said:

1. 100 hundred million dollars? Welcome to how politicians/bureaucrats spend "other people's money".

 3. Money, options. "Leftists" generally want to give them more of my money - as if that will solve the problem.


Don't you think 100 million is a bargain given that it's all over ?  How much did the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Affairs save you ?

Posted (edited)

I don't even mind that they blew a hundred million on it, who cares?  It's chump change compared to what they waste on the Department of National Defence.

DND blows like $500 million a week and the military is a total boondoggle.

If DND had run this little Indian puppet show, they would have spent a billion on it.

Edited by Dougie93
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, scribblet said:

No surprise, but genocide - really - it sure doesn't meet the definition of genocide.    Considering that most of women are victims of indigenous males, that is a surprising conclusion.

The report calls for  harsher penalties for violence against aboriginal women which would be race based discrimination  but when most of the perps are indigenous men how will that affect the Gladue Principle that is supposed to see aboriginal perps get a lesser sentence. 


The RCMP also said that the majority of cases — 81 per cent in the past two years — continue to be solved at a rate comparable to that for cases involving non-aboriginal women, which was at 83 per cent over the same time period.

That report is from 2015, produced under pressure after the RCMP were under several years of scrutiny and publicity for not investigating reports of missing Indigenous women, and investigating murdered Indigenous women poorly.

The stats you cited refer to are based on only 32 cases they investigated in 2013 & 2014, under considerable public pressure. 

The RCMP have no stats on complaints they didn't bother to record and cases they didn't bother to investigate.

It took a lot of public pressure for RCMP and other police forces to even  start investigating.

They've found some serial killers.




Edited by jacee
  • Sad 1

Rapists, pedophiles, and nazis post online too.

Posted (edited)

Harper did know that an inquiry would have just this result: more spending leading to more accusations and little if any resolution.  The RCMP knew who the main culprits were and tried not to embarrass the Indigenous.  The reason many Canadians are cynical about Reconciliation, land claims, and other reparations is because, whereas most of western society has built into it the Protestant Work Ethic that success or failure is largely up to each individual, the problems among Indigenous peoples are considered non-Indigenous problems.  Yet it’s a no win for non-Indigenous: Intervene and we are not letting them self-determine.  Walk away and we are abandoning them.  

Few people I know buy into the land acknowledgements because they know that history is being rewritten to set the stage for land settlements and money grabs, a simple transfer of income to status Indians, so there’s little credibility in the cause, which isn’t even a single or clear cause.   The infighting among the bands, chiefs, and their associations is worse than anything you’ll see in Parliament.  I’m afraid that the Conservative Party position, which is largely to maintain the funding, encourage self-government, and to carry on with other business is the only sensible solution for voters and taxpayers.  

There are some necessary measures to take for water treatment and basic infrastructure in some reserves, but ultimately, any community that can’t sustain itself and requires major outside support shouldn’t be unsustainably propped up.  No one wants to talk about that.  Fix what is sustainably fixable and stop throwing good money after bad.

Edited by Zeitgeist
  • Like 2
20 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Don't you think 100 million is a bargain given that it's all over ?  How much did the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Affairs save you ?

Every time I walk by a drunk Indian, I don't think of Justin Trudeau.

I think of Albert Einstein. And what this person could have created done.

Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

  Fix what is sustainably fixable and stop throwing good money after bad.

Why?  It's not like Canadians actually care about fiscal discipline, why not dump money on the Indians out of helicopters like the government does for every other entrenched interest with a sob story in this land?

All government spending in this boondoggle factory is throwing good money after bad, why pick on the pathetic Indians?

Edited by Dougie93

I for one want this clown country of village idiots to spend itself right off a fiscal cliff so favor dumping inordinate amounts of money on the Indians, they're so filthy corrupt they are a guaranteed sinkhole.

2 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

I could only get through page 100 before losing focus....maybe read the next 600+ pages if I ever have trouble falling asleep...and that's just Part 1.

But I did learn a fun new acronym:    2SLGBTQQIA (two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex and asexual)...yikes !


you missed the "+"


BTW, tell me I am wrong that there are ~2M aboriginal people in canada. 100 million seems too little :rolleyes:



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