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Trudeau lying about SNC

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On 2/9/2019 at 10:59 AM, cannuck said:

Worth noting Harper had two terms during which EVERYONE knew hoe corrupt SNC was but did next to nothing.

It was very sad for me to see that Harper the conservative did nothing about the crimes, corruption and bribery that has gone on in Canada for several decades now. Harper was supposed to believe in more freedom, less government and less taxes but we got more of those instead. They are pretty much all alike and in bed together to screw with we the people. Most of our dear leaders are nothing more than a bunch of cheats, thieves and liars and could careless about Canada or Canadians. It's always just about money and power for most of these buffoons. Just my opinion of course. :D

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The Star has been frantically trying to "normalize" the actions of Trudeau and the PMO. In today's edition, the blaring headline of a Thomas Walkom piece shouts "Our system allows for politicians to influence Judicial proceedings". Imagine what China thinks when they read that headline....and they will - totally irresponsible. It's not only about Canada and Huawei - Canada/Trudeau raised themselves up as an example of Western Democracy's morally superior separation of politics from the Justice system - and the Rule of Law. Stories like this - and alleged actions such as those of this government soil the high ground that supports our democracy.

There have been several other sympathetic or misdirecting stories - including another today that had a large headline that SNC had met with Andrew Scheer last year - as they had with just about every MP of any influence, including the NDP's Singh. Sorry - The Star has a paywall so I can't provide links.

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On ‎2‎/‎7‎/‎2019 at 11:22 PM, cannuck said:

NOW we know what caused Minister Raybould to be booted out of cabinet - the drama queen, our own Prime Mistake had ordered her to let SNC off the hook for their usual criminal behaviour thanks to the usual generous donations to the LPC


Raybould seems to have had some ehtical backbone when dealing with PMO behind closed doors, but when it matters and the problem is out in public, she shows herself as a real Liberal and won't come clean.

People need to be going to jail on this one.

Hello. This is Canada. Whoever is responsible will be paid $10 million.

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2 hours ago, Centerpiece said:

The Star has been frantically trying to "normalize" the actions of Trudeau and the PMO. In today's edition, the blaring headline of a Thomas Walkom piece shouts "Our system allows for politicians to influence Judicial proceedings". Imagine what China thinks when they read that headline....and they will - totally irresponsible. It's not only about Canada and Huawei - Canada/Trudeau raised themselves up as an example of Western Democracy's morally superior separation of politics from the Justice system - and the Rule of Law. Stories like this - and alleged actions such as those of this government soil the high ground that supports our democracy.

There have been several other sympathetic or misdirecting stories - including another today that had a large headline that SNC had met with Andrew Scheer last year - as they had with just about every MP of any influence, including the NDP's Singh. Sorry - The Star has a paywall so I can't provide links.

That is of course the point. First off if the statement were true then China has every right to have its snitty fit and demand their darling Princess. be released.

That said, it is absolute bullshit to say our system allows for politicians to influence judicial proceedings while Lord Justin poses as being above the law to China. Which one is it?. Our country is founded on the principle of the "rule of law" the most basic and fundamental of concepts that says NO ONE is above the law. The three branches of government, judiciary, civil service (administrative) and elected are to remain separate and apart and not allowed to influence one another.

It is the most basic of legal concepts built into our legal system to prevent the erosion of democracy. If a politician controlled how the law was interpreted and enforced we would no longer have democracy. Trudeau knows that. This is precisely what he told China while a the same time he influence peddled on Lavalin and he has in the past over illegal refugees, the Aga Khan, Omar Kadr.

If a Judge renders a decision interpreting a law in which the politicians did not intend it to be interpreted it is their role then to amend the wording which they then due with regulations.

Isn't it interesting the same Liberals who used to absolutely piss their pants over Harper's comments over the Supreme Court of Canada Judges, now suddenly trying to back flop and justify influence peddling of the worst kind and sheeyat on Jody for not allowing herself to be politically compromised on areas of law she legally had no right to alter.

To use the Justice Minister to look the other way on a legal obligation because the person you are calling favour for is a large contributor for you in Quebec is called influence peddling pure and simple.

Trudeau got away with Kadr with a back room deal is it any surprise he did it again with Lavalin? He showed with the Aga Kahn he does what he wants and to hell with the consequences.

Wasn't too long ago for example Jean Charest as a Sports Minister in the Murloney cabinet almost lost his career over calling up a Judge in his riding regarding one of his constituents. No the PM does not talk to the Justice Mnister or ANY Justice official on an on-going case yet to be determined in court. No it has never been something condoned let alone defined as a normal course of affairs.

We all know why Jody was sent packing. She wouldn't cowtow to Lord Justin of Snit Snot so he had a snit snot and demoted her.

Now its pile on time. She's an angry aboriginal. She's selfish and me first. She's not a team payer. All the usual Liberal scum parasite hangers on are issuing the anonymous barbs.

This is a pathetic government. It blatantly violates the code of ethics and has its leader fly for a vacation with someone asking him for government donations and when confronted on it lies. He out and out lied. He said he would consult with the Ethics Commissioner and never did and stood up in Parliament like some little snit snot spoiled boy refusing to answer the question as to why he said he would talk to the Ehics Commissioner and then he did not.

He had a Finance Minister use his insider knowledge to sell stock in his family company knowing it would devalue due to an impending law and Lord Justin sees nothing wrong in that.

Lord Justin had no problem when his Defence Minister out and out lied as to his military record and got caught red handed.

He had no problem with his Cultural Minister out and out lying in Parliament.

He appoints not one but 2 Indian Affairs cabinet ministers, neither having a thing to show for their appointments.

He made a back-room pay-off of 10 million to a terrorist abd promoted the terrorist's lawyer to a seat on a Federal court bench.

My favourite though is he openly tells the world to break Canada's Immigration laws and enter illegally and he will push them to the front of the line ahead of legitimate immigration appicants and hey why not give them work permits.

Trudeau follow the law? He's a snit. The very essence of his life prior to becoming PM is that he was and remains privileged and above the law, and people like him deicde what the law is at any given moment and we are to go along blindly. There's no legal process with this Liberal or any Liberal. As long as they want something, presto, its legal.

Trudeau is a lying immoral privileged above the law elitist at this point breaking any law willy nilly when  he does not like it.  It is what spoiled rich kid silver spoons do. No one can say no to them, They demand and get and surround themselves with servants to bring him his milk.


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On 2/9/2019 at 1:58 PM, taxme said:

Conservatives, smermatives. Conservatives are a useless bunch of nobody's. Nothing will happen to the kid and by the looks of things the lieberal party apparently are ahead of the conservatives in the polls. WTH. Thanks Scheer for your weak performance and political correctness. So, either Canadians are not listening or if they are they really don't appear to care. I am getting to the point of who cares anymore. Nobody else appears to care. Just talking about this here will get no one here anywhere. Why? Because does anyone here really and truly care? I have found out over the years that Canadians just do not give a chit about anything but themselves. it's all about them. I have liberal friends who only think about their money and where are they going to go next for their vacation. If you care so much then what are you going to do about it? Pray tell me. 

Like you I care. I vote none of the above because they're all scum. Unfortunately I cannot convince enough people to follow suit. Their needs to be ballot boxes full of blank ballots so that these criminals get the message they're not wanted. Then people have to grow a spine and be willing to take to the streets same as they are doing around the world.

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1 hour ago, Hates politicians said:

Like you I care. I vote none of the above because they're all scum. Unfortunately I cannot convince enough people to follow suit. Their needs to be ballot boxes full of blank ballots so that these criminals get the message they're not wanted. Then people have to grow a spine and be willing to take to the streets same as they are doing around the world.

Sometimes I spoil my ballot by writing in "Monarchist League of Canada"

However sometimes there is a reason to vote for one of the three major parties.

In the case of Trudeau, there was the opportunity to punish Stephen Harper for failing to do anything to significantly curtail pointlessly draconian gun control.

There was also the opportunity to end pointless Temperance Lady Nanny Police State cannabis prohibition.

In terms of lying, I don't think Trudeau is lying, because he is carefully coaching his statements, seemingly on the advice of legal counsel, to avoid the issue rather than address it.

In terms of taking to the streets, as we live in a monarchy, all attempts to legislate from the streets will be met with military force, and I do not believe that there is a force in Canada truly resolved to face the bayonets of the Canadian Army, except perhaps the Mohawks on the banks of the St Lawrence.

Everyone else in Canada, I deem to be at the least appropriately deterred, by violence of action, executed aggressively by professional soldiers of the Crown.

To include the National Mission Force at Dwyer Hill as necessary,  Facta Non Verba.

To wit, the politicians enjoy the protection of the British Crown, the British Crown enjoys the protection of Joint Task Force 2.

I frankly doubt, that there is a mob in Canada, which would not quail in the face of 600 Special Operations Assaulters, never mind the rest of the force.

If you think you're going to get the Yellow Vest routine going in Canada, you're delusional.  That's the French.  The French allow that.  The British don't.

Canada would crack down so fast and hard on that, it would take your breath away, and Canadians are not French, not even in Quebec.

I mean, fifty black bloc anarchists showed up at the G7 and threw some tuna cans at the cops, Canada went straight to martial law on the spot.

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5 hours ago, Hates politicians said:

Like you I care. I vote none of the above because they're all scum. Unfortunately I cannot convince enough people to follow suit. Their needs to be ballot boxes full of blank ballots so that these criminals get the message they're not wanted. Then people have to grow a spine and be willing to take to the streets same as they are doing around the world.

That won't solve the problem. Because who ever DOES get the most votes, no matter how little, will win.  The alternative to put up GOOD candidates to vote for.  Unless you put in some clause that says 'If only ## of people vote, then the election is null and we try again.

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4 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

I mean, fifty black bloc anarchists showed up at the G7 and threw some tuna cans at the cops, Canada went straight to martial law on the spot.

Too bad that did not happen in Montebello some years back where the COPS were the ones taking part in black bloc tactics. Some of them had to resign when they were outed. And they were outed by the protesters themselves.

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Trudeau's latest statement was that he met twice with Wilson-Raybould in the past day or two - once for 30 minutes and again for 45 minutes. He made a curious statement, saying that SHE reminded HIM that back in the fall, he stressed that it was her decision to make - and hers alone. Why would a PM feel the need to tell their Justice Minister that? As Justice Minister, she would obviously know that. It seems more likely that Wilson-Raybould REMINDED him because at the time, Trudeau KNEW there was a lot of pressure being applied to her by the PMO and others. That's the only scenario that makes any sense - that she was "reminding" him of that pressure.......if of course, we are to believe Trudeau at all. Literally EVERYTHING points to undue influence being applied.

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She has just quit cabinet and retained a lawyer

This is interesting about deferred prosecution  https://canadianlawyermag.com/author/michael-spratt/snc-lavalin-controversy-could-contain-key-to-wilson-rayboulds-shortcomings-16856/

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9 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

....revenge for her cabinet demotion ?

Maybe she simply has principles and can't stomach the thought of abandoning them.

She could be one of the most dangerous politicians in modern times. 

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6 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

I doubt that.  Her appointment to cabinet was a mistake.  

No, allowing our corporations to wheel and deal with dictators was the mistake - this is blow-back pure and simple, with a blast radius that leaves our entire country looking like the sap who lit the proverbial exploding cigar.

We're all getting what we deserve.

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56 minutes ago, scribblet said:

Why would she want to destroy Trudeau....

Oh come on. Get with the paranoia. Smoke one of those legalized cigarettes. Z-man  is smoking too many Liberal doobies.. Its clear Trudeau tried to pressure Judge Jody and she balked and walked.

I doubt she runs next election. Watch her get a judgeship somewhere.

I also think people need to take a long hard look at this elitist privileged snot Lord Justin of True-dough and toss him out on his ass next election. The pathetic attempt to pander to Chinese in BC on the weekend was about as pathetic as it gets. His pandering comments stereotype to such a degree I can not imagine how any person at his rally could have stood their grinning along with this idiot for photos.

I am astonished after that last smiley idiot routine on Sunday China did not invade. Hell even Taiwan would have been tempted. He is the worst ethnic panderer I have ever witnessed. He makes the late Linda Lovelace look absolutely shallow.




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20 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Perhaps Trudeau will not tolerate uppity "aboriginals", considering how much the Trudeaus have done for them.  /s

Of course. You see Lord Justin expects some recognition of his divine essence. Now in your country, the leader goes out of his way to insult and

generate hate to get votes while Lord Justin wishes his fans adore him and line up in the streets waving as he drives by on his chariot wih Queen

Sophie and their Royal Family decked out in Royal garb. The only think Lord Justin needs to really start doing is wearing his wig, lip stick and beauty mark

while fanning himself and touching his nose with his kerchief up his sleeve.

Someone do get Lord Justin a twist of snuff to get the smell of the masses out of his left nostril.

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1 minute ago, Rue said:

Of course. You see Lord Justin expects some recognition of his divine essence. Now in your country, the leader goes out of his way to insult and

generate hate to get votes ....


Well, methinks that at least in the short term, Canada's state broadcaster (CBC) will be spending less time on my "leader" and far more time on Justin Trudeau's very very Liberal scandal.    Maybe call Chretien for some advice.

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9 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Well, methinks that at least in the short term, Canada's state broadcaster (CBC) will be spending less time on my "leader" and far more time on Justin Trudeau's very very Liberal scandal.    Maybe call Chretien for some advice.

Lol thou may be right for a day or two. Canada's state broadcaster and for that matter Global and CTV however love Lord Justin and I think will refocus to Donald shortly. You do over-estimate the attention span of United Empire Loyalists on our own navel not to mention our obsession with the US genitilia I mean POTUS.

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