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Ford-Kavanaugh Sexual Assault Allegation

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2 hours ago, scribblet said:

Yes.  In the spirit of tin pot dictators everywhere, Emperor Trump is dictating what will and won't be investigated.  Why do you think he ordered it?  The White House lawyers will ensure that nothing incriminating gets investigated.

And Trump's minions rejoice at the feet of their great leader.

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On 9/28/2018 at 11:17 PM, Hal 9000 said:

^I think by "best friend", the reference is to this Leland Keyser person that was supposedly at the alleged gathering where the assault was claimed to have happened.  Ms. Keyser has stated that she didn't know Kavanaugh and has never been at any gathering with him. 

I think the actual words used to describe her were "lifelong friend".

That doesn't necessarily make her a best friend, but you'd think that she would at least know by now whether or not Dr Ford was ever raped. Especially by such a high profile person, and so long ago. How does the topic just never come up in 36 years?

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3 minutes ago, ReeferMadness said:

Yes.  In the spirit of tin pot dictators everywhere, Emperor Trump is dictating what will and won't be investigated.  Why do you think he ordered it?  The White House lawyers will ensure that nothing incriminating gets investigated.

And Trump's minions rejoice at the feet of their great leader.

Is Diane Feinstein a lawyer herself? If she is then she has a fiduciary relationship with that woman and isn't allowed to leak any information that the client wanted to keep confidential. DF wouldn't be sent to jail or anything but she would almost certainly be disbarred.

It's doubtful that Trump should be the one to order that type of investigation though.

I don't know anything about the legal relationship between a Senator and a civilian pawn. I doubt that as a US Senator you would be bound to protect the confidentiality of a mere civilian when your greater sense of loyalty should be to the office you serve in.


Reefermadness what emperor started the Russian Collusion investigation? How can it possibly be going on for so long with no evidence of any collusion whatsoever? The FISA warrant was never supposed to be renewed without new evidence, and no new evidence was ever presented. And let's not kid ourselves, we both know that you're rejoicing at the feet of whatever great leader threw that accusation out there.

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22 minutes ago, ReeferMadness said:

Yes.  In the spirit of tin pot dictators everywhere, Emperor Trump is dictating what will and won't be investigated.  Why do you think he ordered it?  The White House lawyers will ensure that nothing incriminating gets investigated.

And Trump's minions rejoice at the feet of their great leader.

To ensure that an investigation that should never have been needed - gets done in a timeframe that doesn't give credibility to the obstructionist goals of the Democrats. Lets not forget - this is an accusation which has ZERO corroboration. While Ford asserts she remembers going up the stairs, what the room looks like, that the bathroom was across the hall - and who the perpetrators were......she doesn't know when it happened, where it happened, how she got there, and how she got home. I mean really, how do you think this would have played with an Obama nominated judge if this had unfurled the way it has?

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1 hour ago, Wilber said:

No it isn't, no one has a right to sit on a supreme court. It's about fitness not fairness. Unless you want a corrupt court. 

Is someone unfit because of an ancient juvenile indiscretion? And an unproven one at that?

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44 minutes ago, ReeferMadness said:

Yes.  In the spirit of tin pot dictators everywhere, Emperor Trump is dictating what will and won't be investigated.  Why do you think he ordered it?  The White House lawyers will ensure that nothing incriminating gets investigated.

And Trump's minions rejoice at the feet of their great leader.

Actually he isn't,  the direction comes from the senators

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14 minutes ago, jbg said:

Is someone unfit because of an ancient juvenile indiscretion? And an unproven one at that?

No, but the democrats want it to be, even if it's not true.  Strange tho that we know nothing about her and her family is silent.  



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34 minutes ago, Don Jonas said:

It depends entirely on the politics of the person making the assessment and the person being assessed.  The new epistemology indicates that the answer is no if both are the same, and both Republican.  If those conditions are met, the candidate can proceed.

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36 minutes ago, Don Jonas said:

The author of your article tries to be very anal in parsing his version of Kavanaugh's statements - yet he obliterates his credibility in his opening tirade where he says:

On Thursday morning, before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Christine Blasey Ford detailed under oath her claim that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh attacked her and sexually violated her when he was 17.

Ford's statements claim that she was sexually assaulted - not violated.......a big difference. Her claim was that Kavanaugh tried to take her clothes off (a bathing suit). Keep that in mind as the author twists himself in knots trying to twist Kavanaugh's words into knots. 

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4 hours ago, taxme said:


4 hours ago, taxme said:

Liberals are definitely not for real. They are a big joke.  


So true. As I previously posted:

On 2/14/2015 at 10:02 PM, jbg said:

I Remember, it was McGovern, not a right-winger like Reagan that dumped Eagleton, a successfully treated victim of bipolar disorder from the Presidential ticket.

Society's attitude on this subject is disgraceful.


4 hours ago, taxme said:

No doubt liberals/socialists/communists favorite book is called "Rules For Radicals" written by Saul Alinsky many decades ago. It was a book written on how to create massive communist chaos and mayhem to try to get scumbags like liberal leftist Antifa social justice warriors to demonstrate and then to force their will and way on the the fools who will listen to their lies and bull shit. 

I actually read Rules for Radicals. It was more a call for sanity after the violence of the late 60's and early 70's.




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10 hours ago, Centerpiece said:

The author of your article tries to be very anal in parsing his version of Kavanaugh's statements - yet he obliterates his credibility in his opening tirade where he says:

On Thursday morning, before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Christine Blasey Ford detailed under oath her claim that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh attacked her and sexually violated her when he was 17.

Ford's statements claim that she was sexually assaulted - not violated.......a big difference. Her claim was that Kavanaugh tried to take her clothes off (a bathing suit). Keep that in mind as the author twists himself in knots trying to twist Kavanaugh's words into knots. 

Sounds like you're twisting words into knots trying to find any pathetic excuse you can to discredit the author rather than the indisputable case she makes that Kavanaugh lied under oath.

Edited by Don Jonas
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9 hours ago, jbg said:

 I actually read Rules for Radicals. It was more a call for sanity after the violence of the late 60's and early 70's.

Is it likely that arcane books are instrumental in influencing policy ?  It seems more likely that cronyism and social trends such as narrative pervading public life are influencing where things are going.  Taking this judicial nomination process, and the questioning of the Supreme Court candidate it seems so.

Of course, it's easier for dull minds to believe in conspiracy theories than looking at the complexities that are plain in front of our faces.

Edited by Michael Hardner
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8 minutes ago, Don Jonas said:

Sounds like you're twisting words into knots ...

Yes... the difference between 'violated' and 'assaulted' does not jump out as a reason to strike out a statement.  An assault is a violation so encapsulating a statement of assault as a violation seems to be an acceptable use of speech.

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The first thing he said was a lie. He said he got into Yale on his own merits. He was actually a legacy student.

He lied about what "buffed" means. Who does that? Why not just be an honest man and admit that sometimes 17 year olds talk among themselves inappropriately. We would believe that and accept that and not care. But to say "buffed" means farting so that, in the context he used it (i.e., asking his friend if he has ever buffed), it makes no sense (Have you ever farted?). He is assuming his supporters are too stupid to notice or too immoral to care that he would lie under oath for that.

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15 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I agree with you re: the hypocrisy of the liberal crowd, and that we can't stop kids from becoming productive adults because of some run-of-the-mill juvenile mistakes, but rape isn't one of them lol. It's a serious thing to be a lawyer, but entirely another to sit on the highest bench in the land, establishing legal precedents that take generations to overturn.

The Supreme Court of the United States doesn't have room for a sex offender in my opinion, respect for the law is a cornerstone of any advanced society. 

Disrespect for the law is already bad enough in the States right now, for various reasons: 1) the fact that Hillary Clinton has gotten away with disregarding subpoenas, 2) the last administration openly advocated disrespect of police while it supported rioting, looting & arson, and 3) high-ranking members of the FBI are being fired and demoted for crimes and because of problems related to their general lack of integrity. 

I think the States would become a zoo if they allowed Kavanaugh to be a SCJ if it turns out that there's reliable evidence that he did the things that he is accused of.

We have a "years after the fact," utterly unsupported allegation of rape, that's likely untrue.

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2 hours ago, Don Jonas said:

The first thing he said was a lie. He said he got into Yale on his own merits. He was actually a legacy student.

He lied about what "buffed" means. Who does that? Why not just be an honest man and admit that sometimes 17 year olds talk among themselves inappropriately. We would believe that and accept that and not care. But to say "buffed" means farting so that, in the context he used it (i.e., asking his friend if he has ever buffed), it makes no sense (Have you ever farted?). He is assuming his supporters are too stupid to notice or too immoral to care that he would lie under oath for that.

A "legacy student" is admitted on their own merits. It simply means that their application, when considered against an identical application from a non-legacy, wins.

My father went to Cornell. My early decision acceptable was in all likelihood held for a day, until my October 1974 SAT's came out with a 700 Verbal, 670 Math. My previous 620 Verbal, 67- Math would not have gotten me in, legacy or no.

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Even if you're the type of person who believes there is a stale date on sexual assault allegations for Supreme Court candidates, as a "successful lawyer" you must understand the importance of appointing judges who don't lie under oath. He did that multiple times, including when he said that the 4 potential witnesses said the incident "didn't happen." They only said they don't remember. As a judge, he should know the difference,  dontcha think? Put on your "successful lawyer" cap and please verify.

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1 minute ago, scribblet said:

Trump could have nominated Jesus Christ for the S.C.  and the Democrats would have crucified him again -  many of the American people see right through the Democrats disgusting tactics.

That's unnecessary hyperbole. 

Would JC be the deciding vote in a woman's right to choose?
Would JC be a symbol of an Obama appointment that was stolen by Mitch McConnel? 
Would JC have an admitted drinking problem? 
Would JC have strong opinions on a president under FBI investigation not being able to be indicted? 
AND would JC have multiple "credible" sexual assault allegations agains them?  

BTW as an aside to Roe v Wade. I think a Christian's fixation on Abortion rights is the most damning thing you can see about modern followers of Christ. The fact that they'd support a treasonous liar who has several sexual assault allegations DOES NOT love his enemies in-order to allow a medical procedure to be criminalized is probably the farthest thing from showing the love of Christ that I can think of. 

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I don't like the fixation on abortion and religion in the U.S., for the record I'm pro choice - I have no dog in this hunt.    We don't know he's a liar or a sexual assaulter, so far everything points to him not being so.    I also wonder how he's going to overturn Roe/Wade unless he has a magic want he can use.   There has to be a case work it's way through the system to the S.C.  and based on his impeccable record he would judge based on law/constitution.

What really bothers me is the effort to destroy Kavanaugh’s nomination which required the systematic refutation of the entire notion of Western jurisprudence by senators along with much of the U.S. legal establishment. There was no hesitation in doing just exactly on the part of Democrats, the metoo movement and the press.    It certainly is becoming an Orwellian world    Also, the female prosecutor has said it would never get to court, maybe it should (go to court).



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"Everything points to him not being so?" That's not true. Ford's testimony points to him being so. His friends' testimony points to them not remembering anything. Kavanaugh's testimony points to him lying under oath about his friends' testimony, being evasive about getting blackout drunk, and feeling entitled to be a Supreme Court justice. I'd say if anything has been proven, it is that he simply doesn't have the temperament or political neutrality to even be considered. Republicans should cut their losses and give up on this belligerent drunk.

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21 hours ago, Wilber said:

This isn't about fairness or second chances, its about whether someone should be sitting on a supreme court. 

That's right. And Kavanaugh should be sitting on the supreme court bench today. But thanks to Flake or Flaky Kavanaugh now has to wait for another week to hear about is fate. Kavanaugh should be alright though with no thanks to the demoncrats who have tried to make his life hell. Bloody bunch of batards. :unsure:

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21 hours ago, betsy said:

I beg to disagree.

  If he was to withdraw, he should've done it before the FBI investigation was ordered.   If he withdraws now, of course we know how the Dems and the anti-Trumps are going to spin that.  They'll say the FBI probe had scared him off - because he has something to hide.

Confirmed: Kavanaugh was found naked with three nurses immediately after his birth. Shocking. Now that should be the end of Kavanaugh, right? LOL. 

How come Kavanaugh seems to have only sexually assaulted democratic women? Did he check with them first before he sexually assaulted them? Interesting indeed. :)

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