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Should Canada send any peacekeeping forces to Mali and why or why not?

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The Canadian government just announced they are going to send a limited peacekeeping contingent to Mali in West Africa but no ground troops.

The UN said this is a very dangerous place and about 162 UN peacekeeping troops have already been killed there.  It is a place harbouring Islamist militants, ISIS, and al Qaeda fighters.

I believe this is a bad idea.  The reason is because there are an unlimited number of Islamist militants in various countries who are quite willing to go to wherever they can get into a jihad.  What is the point of sacrificing Canadian forces and money in a place like that?

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2 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Canada must fight the Islamists wherever they are in the world. Otherwise we will have "an unlimited number of Islamist militants" here in our country. These people are not sitting on their hands.

I appreciate your comment but they are already here and hey one of them just got 10 mil posing as a victim. You are living in a country where the dancing Raja Prime Minister welcomes them home and thinks he will rehab them and thinks they are Italian immigrants.

Mali is a quagmire. What you see now is ISIL et al moving in to Mali, Chad, Dahomey, Niger, Central African Republic, Sudan, Nigeria, Tanzania, Kenya, Burkina Faso (former Upper Volta), on and on. They are wholesale on the move to African nations where the governments are too weak to fight them.

In fact the massacres in these countries is not covered in the Western press for interesting reasons. You get an attack in Paris its headlines. Engage in equally as gruesome attack in Ouagadougou the capital of Burkina Faso as just happened two weeks ago, not a peep from the Western press.

Muslim radicals have been massacring people in Africa and I have to ask, why does the Western press not cover it the way they do the attacks in Europe. For that matter where is Marcus, Hudson Jones, Gost and the usual assortment of outraged anti Israelis? You think they would acknowledge let alone discuss Muslim terrorism in these countries?

Fat chance. Between two faced selective phony leftists and a racist world press, you won't hear any news about it.

The reality is Trudeau does not have the fortitude to deal with Islamic terrorism-it would alienate his Muslim vote in Canada where he's busy placating radical Mulllahs worhsipping in their mosques and praying with them.

His Middle East advisor is Omar Alleghbra, an MP from Mississauga who is an out in the open pro Hamas pro PA-Fatah Muslim who is openly sympathetic to terrorism and anything anti semitic and anti American. Don't hold your breath Trudeau would do anything to make himself look anti  Muslim in any way, shape or form. He needs his ethnc vote as his pathetic pandering in India showed or his payments and rewards to Kadr and Kadr's lawyer showed.


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2 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Canada must fight the Islamists wherever they are in the world. Otherwise we will have "an unlimited number of Islamist militants" here in our country. These people are not sitting on their hands.

Then why is the UN sending a "peacekeeping" force?    I agree with you and the war on terrorism.   What we are seeing is a UN which thinks they can just go and occupy a place which is at war with terrorists and terrorists are expected to follow the UN rules and just quit fighting.  The UN is sending forces there which are sitting ducks.   Is the UN going to be on the offensive against the terrorist groups or just waiting to be attacked?  Why is it called a "peacekeeping force" and do they have a mandate to attack the terrorists?   We have seen so-called UN peacekeeping efforts in other countries in the world where they did not go after the aggressors.

Edited by blackbird
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2 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Canada must fight the Islamists wherever they are in the world. Otherwise we will have "an unlimited number of Islamist militants" here in our country. These people are not sitting on their hands.

They say the very same thing about us for the very same reason.

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On 3/17/2018 at 12:14 AM, blackbird said:

The Canadian government just announced they are going to send a limited peacekeeping contingent to Mali in West Africa but no ground troops.

The UN said this is a very dangerous place and about 162 UN peacekeeping troops have already been killed there.  It is a place harbouring Islamist militants, ISIS, and al Qaeda fighters.

I believe this is a bad idea.  The reason is because there are an unlimited number of Islamist militants in various countries who are quite willing to go to wherever they can get into a jihad.  What is the point of sacrificing Canadian forces and money in a place like that?

No, we shouldn't send any soldiers at all.

Not for the wrong reason of politicizing.....and exploiting what few soldiers we have, to pander to Trudeau's warped agenda.





Canada's Mali mission will emphasize deployment of female peacekeepers


...the Trudeau government looks to have Canada lead by example in the push to have more women on peacekeeping missions.




Sending our soldiers to dangerous places - especially Mali - shouldn't be based on showing off by meeting a quota to look good before the world.  It should be based on qualifications/experience/expertise - anything to make the mission - the real mission that they're supposed to be doing over there - as successful as possible for our soldiers!  


If Trudeau is bent on showing off with his feminist agenda  -  and, most likely there will be media fanfare and photo-ops when these soldiers leave for Mali - why pussy-foot around it?  Go all the way!

Send an all-women team to Mali!



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On 3/17/2018 at 12:32 PM, Rue said:

I have to ask, why does the Western press not cover it the way they do the attacks in Europe.

Because nobody cares what happens far away ?  That's the same reasoning people used to argue against a conspiracy to keep events in East Timor quiet, anyway.  

8 killed in Burkina Faso does not rate headlines, in the gruesome calculus that determines which lives we care about.

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Your comment makes no sense. Are you suggesting your press in Canada covers what is going on in Africa. Give me a phacking break. Its a fact. Get back to me when your

Liberal rag the Star figures out where Burkina Faso is let alone that Muslim terrorists exist.

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On ‎3‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 1:06 PM, blackbird said:

Then why is the UN sending a "peacekeeping" force?    I agree with you and the war on terrorism.   What we are seeing is a UN which thinks they can just go and occupy a place which is at war with terrorists and terrorists are expected to follow the UN rules and just quit fighting.  The UN is sending forces there which are sitting ducks.   Is the UN going to be on the offensive against the terrorist groups or just waiting to be attacked?  Why is it called a "peacekeeping force" and do they have a mandate to attack the terrorists?   We have seen so-called UN peacekeeping efforts in other countries in the world where they did not go after the aggressors.

I agree. If we were to really fight terrorists we would not send soldiers anywhere and tell them to stand down and watch massacres happen which we already did.

Canada did play a meaningful role in Iraq on the ground yes but the Liberals keep it out of the news. Likewise as to current Canadian activities in the Ukraine. We do have ground forces in Iraq fighting terrorists and ground forces in the Ukraine that have engaged in clandestine warfare against Russia defending the Ukraine but its kept out of the news.

To play a proper role countering terrorism, there is no such thing as peacekeeping with terrorists. Peacekeeping was a quaint Lester B. Pearson notion that was not based on managing or containing terrorism, just conventional armies. You don't peace keep Boca Raton. You kill them before they kill others. I doubt the dancing Raja, Bustin Justin understands that. This is someone who likens terrorists to Italian immigrants and thinks they can be rehabilitated.

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There should be a war on Islamic extremism anywhere in the world wherever they are and pose a threat to civilized world. This war may include direct military action (without hitting civilian targets as much as possible). The world waited too long on Hitler and 50 million people died as a result but this time 5 billion will die if they get their hand on WMD as they are about too. Canada is a small player because of its relatively small size and army but United States and Britain should play a much bigger role.

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2 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

There should be a war on Islamic extremism anywhere in the world wherever they are and pose a threat to civilized world. This war may include direct military action (without hitting civilian targets as much as possible). The world waited too long on Hitler and 50 million people died as a result but this time 5 billion will die if they get their hand on WMD as they are about too. Canada is a small player because of its relatively small size and army but United States and Britain should play a much bigger role.


No, Canada is a small player because it is a deadbeat on defence spending.  

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On 21/03/2018 at 7:20 PM, bush_cheney2004 said:


No, Canada is a small player because it is a deadbeat on defence spending.  

If I was you I would advise Canadian Liberal PM Justin Trudeau sending liberal Canadians to Mali and any place like that instead of peacekeepers, armed forces, nuke launchers...

The benefits:

2. The liberals can try to  lecture their political-correct doctrines to ISIS to covert them to Canadianized moderate ISIS:P

1. There will be no liberal Canadian existing on the planet earth soon, so the war loving conservative dudes will dominate  Canada and do whatever they want---which means---no limits on defense spending...:lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

XUL you really should find out about Canada.  Tory governments like Liberal ones have not spent on the military. Go look it up. No one in Canada when elected has spent much.

Since WW2 this has been the case it transcends political parties.


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On 3/19/2018 at 2:23 PM, Rue said:

Your comment makes no sense. Are you suggesting your press in Canada covers what is going on in Africa. Give me a phacking break. Its a fact. Get back to me when your

Liberal rag the Star figures out where Burkina Faso is let alone that Muslim terrorists exist.

This is why online media for news sources are getting more popular. I would say it would have to do with the long format we see (meaning a 2-3hr show) where the host/guests can really get into a specific topic. We get short headlines and 5 mins dedicated to any event on most main stream media news outlets. People are craving for more detailed information these days. So most of us will have to go out of our way to get to some news we think is important.

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On 3/21/2018 at 7:20 PM, bush_cheney2004 said:


No, Canada is a small player because it is a deadbeat on defence spending.  

We are a deadbeat compared to the US who has a bigger military budget, so large in fact it is bigger than the next 5 top spending nations ..combined.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎4‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 5:17 PM, GostHacked said:

We are a deadbeat compared to the US who has a bigger military budget, so large in fact it is bigger than the next 5 top spending nations ..combined.

Everyone is a dead beat when compared to the US military budget......Canada is a dead beat because most Canadians are to cheap to invest on our own defense, and would rather ride our allies coat tails...we are a nation of talkers we love to debate the shit out of something....all day and all night....and when their is nothing more to debate, we change the rules and debate it some more....can't even get a pipe line across 2 provinces...maybe we need a PM with balls, instead of one that likes to get dressed up.....

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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

Everyone is a dead beat when compared to the US military budget......Canada is a dead beat because most Canadians are to cheap to invest on our own defense, and would rather ride our allies coat tails...we are a nation of talkers we love to debate the shit out of something....all day and all night....and when their is nothing more to debate, we change the rules and debate it some more....can't even get a pipe line across 2 provinces...maybe we need a PM with balls, instead of one that likes to get dressed up.....

Our military does little for us abroad. But we are in this because of decisions by previous PMs of 4-5 decades before.  We can also take in the various screwed up contracts for equipment that ran way over budget, and our current commitment to this botched F35 deal is also stealing needed funds in other areas for our military.  We also do not have the GDP to make it happen. So cry as much as we want, we cannot commit to that level with what Canada rakes in with taxes while running up the debt to a new level each time we look at it.

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On 4/17/2018 at 2:29 PM, GostHacked said:

Our military does little for us abroad. But we are in this because of decisions by previous PMs of 4-5 decades before.  We can also take in the various screwed up contracts for equipment that ran way over budget, and our current commitment to this botched F35 deal is also stealing needed funds in other areas for our military.  We also do not have the GDP to make it happen. So cry as much as we want, we cannot commit to that level with what Canada rakes in with taxes while running up the debt to a new level each time we look at it.

How would you know Gost, you have no idea on what our military does for our country, once again your talking out of your ass, you did't really cut your dick off did you, i mean Rue can be very persuasive, it could explain some of your comments though. Our previous PM's do not hold all the blame here, Canadians have their hands in all this mess as well. Although a few contracts were mishandled , that alone can not responsible for the mess our military is in today.... This Nation spends shit tonnes of tax payers dollars on liberal minded trinkets and feel good projects there is lots of room for increases to DND's budget....Last time we discussed this, Smallc had said there was tones of room for new debt "another liberal convert" the problem is not funding , the problem is having the will to put anything into DND.

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39 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

How would you know Gost, you have no idea on what our military does for our country, once again your talking out of your ass, you did't really cut your dick off did you, i mean Rue can be very persuasive, it could explain some of your comments though. Our previous PM's do not hold all the blame here, Canadians have their hands in all this mess as well. Although a few contracts were mishandled , that alone can not responsible for the mess our military is in today.... This Nation spends shit tonnes of tax payers dollars on liberal minded trinkets and feel good projects there is lots of room for increases to DND's budget....Last time we discussed this, Smallc had said there was tones of room for new debt "another liberal convert" the problem is not funding , the problem is having the will to put anything into DND.

A couple of my family members were in the military. I has several friends in the military.  As for the bolded part,  blow it out your ass. I am tired of this kind of rhetoric on this board and brings the conversation down to a level we do not need to be.  I'll let it slide this time.

But maybe you can tell me how bombing Syria helps us here at home in Canada. Since you are an expert. 

Edit: Sorry this is regarding Mali. How does sending troops to Mali help us here at home?

I stand by what I say.

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2 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

A couple of my family members were in the military. I has several friends in the military.  As for the bolded part,  blow it out your ass. I am tired of this kind of rhetoric on this board and brings the conversation down to a level we do not need to be.  I'll let it slide this time.

But maybe you can tell me how bombing Syria helps us here at home in Canada. Since you are an expert. 

Edit: Sorry this is regarding Mali. How does sending troops to Mali help us here at home?

I stand by what I say.

Maybe you should you should sit them down and tell them the very statement you just posted here, maybe you'll get an education. I'm glad you brought up rhetoric that you have posted, i spent most of my life in the military serving my country in the worlds shit holes, i don't need some guy like you telling me it was all for nothing or my efforts were in vain or make little difference to the average Canadian....when you don't know the first thing our military does for you and the rest of Canadians on a daily basis 24 hours a day 365 days a years. So i get  a little pissed when the rhetoric is coming from someone like you....who wants respect for their opinions but is not willing to listen or educate themselves on other matters. 

Here we sit in the comfort of our homes, taking for granted everything we enjoy in life, clean water, 3 meals a day, nice secure homes, schools , police, fire services, nobody is running around your neighborhood with automatic wpns are they.... nobody forcing a religion on you, your kids futures are not in question, will little billy be forced to become a child soldier while going to get the water for the day, never to be seen again....So while we live in the lap of luxury, and i know this might be to much for you , but what if a few of your tax dollars could change that , even if just for a short period , OH lets not forget their are Canadians "or Nations Military "out their willing to risk it all so your tax dollars are well spent....you don't have to do jack shit...

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10 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Maybe you should you should sit them down and tell them the very statement you just posted here, maybe you'll get an education. I'm glad you brought up rhetoric that you have posted, i spent most of my life in the military serving my country in the worlds shit holes, i don't need some guy like you telling me it was all for nothing or my efforts were in vain or make little difference to the average Canadian....when you don't know the first thing our military does for you and the rest of Canadians on a daily basis 24 hours a day 365 days a years. So i get  a little pissed when the rhetoric is coming from someone like you....who wants respect for their opinions but is not willing to listen or educate themselves on other matters. 

Here we sit in the comfort of our homes, taking for granted everything we enjoy in life, clean water, 3 meals a day, nice secure homes, schools , police, fire services, nobody is running around your neighborhood with automatic wpns are they.... nobody forcing a religion on you, your kids futures are not in question, will little billy be forced to become a child soldier while going to get the water for the day, never to be seen again....So while we live in the lap of luxury, and i know this might be to much for you , but what if a few of your tax dollars could change that , even if just for a short period , OH lets not forget their are Canadians "or Nations Military "out their willing to risk it all so your tax dollars are well spent....you don't have to do jack shit...

Check your emotions at the door, that way we can have a proper discussion.

Alright , let me ask again. How does sending troops to Mali help us here at home? 

One of my close high school friends did two tours in Kosovo and one in Afghanistan. The tour in Afghanistan was what destroyed this man. I saw it in his eyes with the comment of 'I was a tool of the government. 

I also stand by my other statements regarding how the military is funded. 

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Check your emotions at the door, that way we can have a proper discussion.

Your not interested in have a discussion, you never are....you've made up your mind and nothing i say or source is going to change that. I'm not sure what it is i've done to you, but some where down the line you have become hostile towards me and any topic of the military...

As for your question , ask someone you trust that has knowledge in this area.....i'm not avoiding the question, you just don't want to listen to me. 

Conflict and war does that to people, we here in Canada have not grown up with war so it is very foreign to us, coming back from conflicts changes everyone, some more than others, but everyone comes home a different person. I have been to more funerals here at home than when i was in Afghanistan, a tribute that war not only brings physical pain, but also mental anguish that can be overwhelming to the point of suicide...everyone's experience varies....but that does not mean the tour was not worth the price we paid...for us that were there it has to be worth something....because we paid a very high price..Any way we are all tools of the government, like one big social experiment, we all play a role...

I hope your friend gets the help he needs, i mean that, in a good way. 

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19 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Your not interested in have a discussion, you never are....you've made up your mind and nothing i say or source is going to change that. I'm not sure what it is i've done to you, but some where down the line you have become hostile towards me and any topic of the military...

As for your question , ask someone you trust that has knowledge in this area.....i'm not avoiding the question, you just don't want to listen to me.

I am interested in discussion, that is why I am here. Possibly someone can change my mind. Thing is I asked the question a couple times regarding Mali, but there was no answer. I can't listen if you don't want to talk.

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  • 1 month later...

I think that's a little paranoid, Altai. However, I agree that isn't so much "peace keeping" we're interested in, it's keeping situations contained so they don't spill over into neighboring countries that might be allies. Whether you'd like to believe it or not, the US (I can't speak for Canada), a western nation, has helped out in humanitarian situations before. We aren't interested in stealing resources during peace keeping activities. I'd like to see you explain what we have "stolen" during peace keeping activities. I don't mean wars like Afghanistan or Iraq, by the way.

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