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JamesHackerMP last won the day on May 7 2018

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About JamesHackerMP

  • Birthday 07/17/1978

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    Province of Maryland

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  1. Do you think some people are turned off by the Byzantine and undemocratic structure of the European Union? It advertises itself as being not an actual government, yet acts like it. An imperial order in bureaucratic dress. There's no prime minister or cabinet responsible to the European Parliament the way it is in most EU countries. From what I can tell it's hard to tell who's "in charge" at any given moment. In this sense it's not democratically accountable. Whatever exaggerations and oversimplifications there may have been during the runup to the 2016 referendum, or however simplistic the minds of the voters may have been, or who they are, one wonders if those who accuse it of being not democratically accountable don't have a point.
  2. My father went to the magic kingdom (as he called it) back in 1993. It was for a deal between Tel Saudia and Bell Atlantic (now Verizon). He also remarked on the hospitality. I don't know if I'd go myself these days, but the pictures certainly look amazing.
  3. Wow this degenerated into anti/pro Trump pretty quickly.
  4. What be the effective consequences of a "hard Brexit"?
  5. You make a treaty with a people not a particular government. The Russian Federation is the "legal heir" to the USSR.
  6. I think you mean trillionaires. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banknotes_of_Zimbabwe#/media/File:Zimbabwe_$100_trillion_2009_Obverse.jpg
  7. I believe that's the reason for the Australian republican movement. They don't want the GG being forever the creature of the PM. If Australia cut the monarchical ties with the British crown, and started electing its own president, for once, they'd have a head of state free from the tyranny of the head of government.
  8. Pretty sure I said the opposite.
  9. We just raised ours to $15 here. (slightly off topic but true nonetheless). How much money has Bernie taken from special interests, and which ones?
  10. This was kind of scary if somewhat boring at times...
  11. anyone know how fast the capsule is going right before the chutes are deployed?
  12. Only a handful of people have even been in space. Only a dozen or so who have walked on the Moon, or orbited it in a command module. Sad, but then again it's expensive.
  13. Keep in mind that these cryptocurrencies are unregulated. No central bank to pass regulations to protect investors or the users of the respective currency. Do you really want to throw your money into something like that? You might as well be investing in a hedge fund in the 1920s. YOu were right to ask people how it works to begin with, but I wouldn't start with a message board like this (despite the fact that I just answered you on it lol). Get a book on the subject.
  14. another book I've failed to finish. Started losing interest, but up to that point it wasn't bad. But now I have seen the movie.
  15. My favorite is "Eorache" (a literary conflation of Eowyn and Eomer). PS, did I REALLY toss out a "spoiler"? It's in the second chapter of the book (or the first half hour of the first movie.)
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