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Omar's lawyer is now a federal judge?


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5 hours ago, ?Impact said:

So you want Canada to open a Guantanamo Bay?

Where would be? Haiti?

Overall, this is a strange move. Khadr may have deserved some compensation.  But maybe this selection to the jury points to the lawyer's skills rather than the client he helped get compensation for.  Not that I like that answer either.


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11 hours ago, Goddess said:

And the root cause of his rights getting pissed on?  That would be because the entire Khadr family pisses on Canada.  Unfortunately, they are legally allowed to piss on Canada.  Which is what needs to change.  The entire family is warped.  They need to GTFO.

That may all be true. But there HAS to be penalties when the government breaks the law or violates peoples legal rights. That how/why the system works.


10 hours ago, Goddess said:

You're one of those people who think the charter rights are the most important thing and should be upheld  no matter if the person is an active terrorist and hates Canada.

You don't need to violate charter rights to catch criminals or terrorists.

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3 hours ago, dre said:

That may all be true. But there HAS to be penalties when the government breaks the law or violates peoples legal rights. That how/why the system works.

And Canadians are responsible for the misbehaviour of their governments, hence the tab we pick up.

Perhaps instead of paying compensation we should arrest politicians when they break the law and let their victims seek damages in civil court  Maybe that's how the system should work.

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7 hours ago, eyeball said:

And Canadians are responsible for the misbehaviour of their governments, hence the tab we pick up.

Perhaps instead of paying compensation we should arrest politicians when they break the law and let their victims seek damages in civil court  Maybe that's how the system should work.

I agree that the people who are making these decisions on behalf of Canadians need to bear the responsibility of them.  Otherwise, politicians will just keep doing whatever they want - why should they care?  The millions of dollars in compensation doesn't come out of their pockets.  They have no incentive to make the right decisions when they are allowed to just walk away from the mess they've created, bill the tax payer and still go home with their fat cat jobs and astronomical pensions.

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6 hours ago, Goddess said:

I agree that the people who are making these decisions on behalf of Canadians need to bear the responsibility of them.  Otherwise, politicians will just keep doing whatever they want - why should they care?  The millions of dollars in compensation doesn't come out of their pockets.  They have no incentive to make the right decisions when they are allowed to just walk away from the mess they've created, bill the tax payer and still go home with their fat cat jobs and astronomical pensions.

I agree there should be penalties (fines, dismissal, jail time) for the actual decision makers. But those people aren't going to be able to settle lawsuits against the government so you need both.

Also if people that are considering going into politics  were personally liable for bad or illegal decisions and actions by the government, then nobodies lawyer would even all them to go into politics.

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On 2/28/2018 at 1:04 PM, Omni said:

Had he not have settled and gone to court in all likelihood we would have paid more.

It's really too bad for all concerned that Omar Khadr wasn't left to die on the battlefield.Something is seriously wrong with our immigration system when people like the Khadr family are welcomed with open arms into this country.This horrible family never has and never will contribute anything positive for Canada.

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2 hours ago, ironstone said:

It's really too bad for all concerned that Omar Khadr wasn't left to die on the battlefield.Something is seriously wrong with our immigration system when people like the Khadr family are welcomed with open arms into this country.This horrible family never has and never will contribute anything positive for Canada.

Rather harsh, but of course you're entitled to your opinion.

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On 2/28/2018 at 12:42 PM, ?Impact said:


He should not have been invited to the event, everyone has stated that very clearly. The backbencher MP that invited him should take responsibility.

No terrorist has been coddled..

are you suggesting that Canada should change its Charter for all citizens accused of crime?

  On 2/28/2018 at 4:00 PM, Goddess said:

It's my opinion based on what I've read about his career.

I see, so in other words you know no more about him that I do. That is fine, and it is fine to have an opinion. I am just pointing out that an uniformed opinion is just that.

The appointment of this lawyer continues Trudeau's pandering for ethnic votes and undermining of the legal system to try control its decisions to favour his own policies.

The fact that the Liberal party of Canada used the India visit as a pandering photo shoot to woo  "Indian" voters in Canada thinking the NDP leader might bleed that very vote away. The Liberal Party are racists. They think if Trudeau and his family dress up in ethnic costumes and pose and dance an Indian dance, its oh so cute and they can send the films and photos back home, to  all Indo Canadians who are  idiot sheep and will love Trudeau and blindly vote for him. It's a racist concept. All Justin did was put on black face and sing Mammy Mammy like Eddie Cantor did years ago on broadway. He's a manipulate racist. He's a crass, pathetic, racist who panders to ethnics trying to immitate how he thinks they dance and dress and think. The problem is his stereotype comes out of fantasy land of the rich. Did you see him dirty his  costume visiting any shanty towns? Hmmmm? Wjo Justin walk the actual streets of an Indian city's streets and have to walk around cows and beggers..who Justin? He put a rich elite bubble around him and orchestrated his fantasy visit making sure he did not get close to one normal, average Indian on the street. Spare me His acting like Rue Paul on the run away after an over dose of curry is ridiculou s.

The fact is Trudeau coddled the terrorist Kadr and paid back his lawyer and then coddled  a terroris in India t to the point of having him pose with one of his trained organ grinder monkeys, Sophie.

The coddling of terrorists is exactly what India has challenged Trudeau of doing and all of us who saw how he handled Kadr know this except you Trudeau cultists.

The entire Liberal Party from top to bottom are cowards for not admitting putting that terrorist on the list was not an accidennt. Trying to deflect with a bullshit conspiracy story was the bottom of the bottom and blatant cowardice. Not only does Trudeau suck up to terrorists, but when he's caught with them, doesn't have the balls to defend them-instead he blames the government of India and his MP. What a spineless coward. Then he rewards pro terrorist lawyers and you want to pretend his appointment was not based on politics and a pay back?

The  MP from BC is a patsy  to distance Trudeau from his incompetence and deliberate decision to coddle terrorists not just in Canada but in India.

Then yesterday,  there was the idiot Security Minister Ralph Goodale choking on his words cornered by the press unable to defend the incompetence  and then who suddenly by sheer coincidence pops out to divert the press just long enough for Goodale to run and escape the questions, the fall guy  MP. What pathetic cowardice.

Got news for you. Your Prime Minister is an idiot. He fell for a fake claim by a young Muslim girl who claimed to be attacked in a race crime without waiting for the story to be verified to pander to Muslims. He then invited a sexually deranged rapist held captive by ISIL and posed with his baby only yet again to see that individual charged with sex crimes. Who Trudeau vent before pandering? Hah.

What a crock of crap to blame the MP. Its Trudeau's office that is supposed to security clear and vent ANYONE going on a state trip with him not the MP.  Trudeau is responsible. The responsibility begins and ends with him. Using a fall guy t is cowardice. It shows you think Trudeau should be protected from the failures of his office and his own stupidity and that he should continue sucking the backsides of terrorists and travelling to other countries to tell them to do the same.

Wake up he went to the Punjab and lectured its governor that he handles Siekh separatist terrorists in a different manner. Where were you?

 Your PM just appointed to the bench the defense lawyer for Kadr. That was a political reward for defending Kadr. This is a Prime Minister who just finished trying to pander to aboriginals by deliberately making comments designed to incite with anger aboriginals and undermine our legal system in not one but two homicide cases.

What world do you live in? The one I live in is Justin pandering to ethnics. Its Justin and an MP with a majority Muslim riding in Ontario using a mass murder in a Quebec mosque to pander to the Muslim vote deliberately stigmatizing and signalling out only anti Islam violence as a problem immediately after the shootings. This is a PM who uses events to try  get himself brownie points. He used the shooting in Quebec to pander to Muslims. He used the not guilty verdicts in Saskatchewan and Manitoba to pander for aboriginal votes. He tried to use the absurd photo-dance shoot in India to pander to the Indo-Canadian community for votes. He now has rewarded the Kadr defence lawyer undermining the legal system by controlling the appointment of a Judge simply because that Judge supports Trudeau's political beliefs..

Trudeau can pander, prance, twitch his hips and flap his wrists and giggle to the cameras-he's a spineless, gutless, terrorist apologist shallow bafoon.

Edited by Rue
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22 minutes ago, Omni said:

I noticed you're in the wrong thread.

No its in direct response. This choosing a terrorist defence lawyer for the bench continues his exercise of arrogance to institutionalize in our legal system his concept of what is politically correct which includes undermining the sanctity of jury decisions, and the molly coddling of terrorists and their supporters.

I editedy response so you don't pull the above crap to avoid Trudeau's pro terrorist crap.

Now knock yourself out denying his paying off Kadr was not a political decision, his appointment of Kadr's lawyer was not a political decision, or Trudeau is not responsible for travelling with a terrorist to India and lecturing to Indians that Trudeau knows better than they how to handle convicted terrorists.

You think at this point blaming the Indian government for his deliberate decision to have his wife pose with a terrorist will work?

Where were you when he didn't vent the Islamic attack story with the school girl, or the person accused of serial sexual assault and abductions who he posed with on this  individual's return from captivity by ISIL? What you think these screening lapses can be blamed on some dumbo MP who can't tie his shoes? Go on apologize for Trudeau and give me a  lecture on the Charter of Rights and how this individual who traveled to India is a rehabilitated terrorist who our cowardly PM  has now suddenly thrown  under the bus now he no longer is a prop that can be used to push the cult of Justin.

The irony is-that Trudeau's phony, insincere manipulative attempt to use his family as trained monkeys for photo shoots to pander to Indo Canadians has resulted in his now trying to now blame the Indian government in a conspiracy theory not to mention abandoning the very terrorist he had his wife pose with.

But hey, you would have us believe Trudeau is such an idiot, such an incompetent he has his wife pose with convicted murderers and does not know this. What a genius. That's some hero you have. Lol.

So which one is it. Is he a complete idiot or a cowardly manipulative racist? I say both.

look whose come to dance for his tea

why its no other than Justin the Maharaji

swirl and wirl and swoosh with my wrists

oops I forgot to vent  by patronage lists

how did that brown man get next to my wife

I do not know him I swear on my life

I have no idea how he got that close

surely he must be some Indian ghost

well say I know I will blame my MP

and stand in the Commons and say oopsy

then if that doesn't work

well I will  blame the Indian PM he's a jerk

and while I am at it I will appoint as a judge

a terrorist's lawyer cuz I hold no grudge

I mean just cuz he got Kard 10 million

doesn't mean he shouldn't now award a trillion

this is Canada where we support terrorists

unless they are citizens and volunteer to be jurists

then we piss on them and challenge their decisions

with  tears and righteous speeches for the televisions

Canada you see can do much better

quick someone put that in  a letter

by Sophie Truedough


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5 minutes ago, Rue said:

Now knock yourself out denying his paying off Kadr was not a political decision, his appointment of Kadr's lawyer was not a political decision, or Trudeau is not responsible for travelling with a terrorist to India and lecturing to Indians that Trudeau knows better than they how to handle convicted terrorists.

I don't have to knock myself out. That Khadr was set to win his case was a known so the decision to settle out of court of was simply a way to cut costs. Appointments of judges are always political decisions. Now you can knock yourself out showing us it was Trudeau who made the invite. 

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58 minutes ago, Omni said:

I don't have to knock myself out. That Khadr was set to win his case was a known so the decision to settle out of court of was simply a way to cut costs. Appointments of judges are always political decisions. Now you can knock yourself out showing us it was Trudeau who made the invite. 

We did nothing to him and the courts would have seen that. He may have walked out with something but not millions. But as a leader you need to fight shit like that win or lose.

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2 minutes ago, PIK said:

We did nothing to him and the courts would have seen that. He may have walked out with something but not millions. But as a leader you need to fight shit like that win or lose.

We let him sit in Gitmo for 8 years without any representation for one thing. And previous case law suggested he would have walked out of a court case with as much or more than he got from this settlement and of course there would have been the added legal costs. 

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5 hours ago, Omni said:

We let him sit in Gitmo for 8 years without any representation for one thing. And previous case law suggested he would have walked out of a court case with as much or more than he got from this settlement and of course there would have been the added legal costs. 

The Yanks kept a terrorist out of circulation for eight years.  they should have sent us a bill 

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1 hour ago, cannuck said:

The Yanks kept a terrorist out of circulation for eight years.  they should have sent us a bill 

I am very happy/proud that I live in a country that has a strong charter of rights which I agree with. If you don't agree with it, move.

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8 minutes ago, Omni said:

I am very happy/proud that I live in a country that has a strong charter of rights which I agree with. If you don't agree with it, move.

It's my country, with which I do NOT agree on accommodating, encouraging and supporting terrorists.   You are free to leave if this doesn't suit you.

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2 minutes ago, cannuck said:

It's my country, with which I do NOT agree on accommodating, encouraging and supporting terrorists.   You are free to leave if this doesn't suit you.

Such a ridiculous comment I will just ignore. But if you want to call it your country, you must support it's laws, or seek to change them. If one simply happens to be a racist it's not a reasonable argument for any changes.

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8 hours ago, Omni said:

Such a ridiculous comment I will just ignore. But if you want to call it your country, you must support it's laws, or seek to change them. If one simply happens to be a racist it's not a reasonable argument for any changes.

First of all, just because something is in law, that does not in any way mean it is right.  While those of you who seem to think the world owes you a living and you can just sit back and take a free ride, that is your privilege that is there because some of those who went before had the courage to challenge and change the law to what it is.  That also means law and policy must be changed to crrect the increbible abuses that politicians, and in this case terrorists as well have inflicted on their privilege to use the law as it either exists or is being interpreted.

I will claim some high ground here, because I HAVE spent the time, money and other sacrifices to contribute to changing law in this country.  The next change I wish to see is the totally irresponsible government that we have in Ottawa be relagated to a dark page in our history.

Your comment about being "racist" is simply the stock reply from the left wing of the politically correct movement.   I have stated before, and will repeat that EVERYONE is "racist" to some extent.  That is not some kind of sin or flaw, it is simply reality.  To throw that around simply because you assume I am caucasian is just what I would expect from you.  I pity your myopia but welcome you expressing your view as an example of what is the status quo today .   BTW: terrorism is not a racial thing, in the case of Omar and his family, it is the crime that they were (and probably still are) engaged in.

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6 hours ago, cannuck said:

While those of you who seem to think the world owes you a living and you can just sit back and take a free ride,

When I see that type comment I know the mindset I'm dealing with. A typical right wing assumption not based in any knowledge of fact, just a feeble attempt to degrade. I started working at 14 and kept right on going. How about you?

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42 minutes ago, Omni said:

When I see that type comment I know the mindset I'm dealing with. A typical right wing assumption not based in any knowledge of fact, just a feeble attempt to degrade. I started working at 14 and kept right on going. How about you?

I'm sure you love the appointment of this judge.

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On 3/1/2018 at 9:30 PM, Omni said:

Rather harsh, but of course you're entitled to your opinion.

What did they do for canada, except embarrass this country globally,  and have made a complete joke of your boy trudeau around the world. Chretien got his father out of jail and what thanks does he get, the ass hole was killed in a shootout in pakistan. They are the perfect example what is wrong in this world.

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On 28/02/2018 at 10:17 AM, Goddess said:

Yes, yes.  Charter rights, charter rights.  You're one of those people who think the charter rights are the most important thing and should be upheld  no matter if the person is an active terrorist and hates Canada.  I'm one of those people who sees a huge flaw here that needs to be dealt with.  Otherwise we'll go broke paying off terrorists.  But do go on about the rights of terrorists being the most important thing to Canada, not safety or security.

The problem with failing to uphold our our own laws is that it gives those in power carte blanche to apply laws only when it suits them.    I, personally, am grateful that the judiciary retains enough freedom and independence to find against the government - which they did In Khadr's case and the woman with the niqab, and In BC with the teacher's union.  In many countries the judiciary is simply there for the government's convenience rather than upholding the law for all citizens.  

Have you, or anyone, ever answered my question about how a young female Muslim can be brainwashed/forced by her family into wearing a hijab, but a young boy can't be brainwashed/forced into extremist views by his family?   Or why girls under 18 are forced into child marriages but boys under 18 can't be forced to be child soldiers?

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51 minutes ago, dialamah said:

Have you, or anyone, ever answered my question about how a young female Muslim can be brainwashed/forced by her family into wearing a hijab, but a young boy can't be brainwashed/forced into extremist views by his family?   Or why girls under 18 are forced into child marriages but boys under 18 can't be forced to be child soldiers?

The difference is peach fuzz.

If Muslim girls had swarthy looking peach fuzz on their faces they would be considered adults too.

Omar was clearly a full grown man by the time he was 9. Maybe Muslim boys should wear niqabs too.

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On 2/27/2018 at 7:04 AM, PIK said:


What is wrong with our leader, he just loves anyone or anything that deals with his buddies the terrorists. This is sickening.

I don't think that anyone can call our present prime mistake a leader. A big joke maybe. It is quite obvious that terrorists are on his buddy list. Just one more year and one can only hope that most liberal Canadians will come to their senses and boot this fool out. Canada needs to end the eras of papa and kid Trudeau for good. They both have been nothing more than a disaster for Canada and Canadians. 

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