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Trudeau invites refugees to Canada, taunts Trump


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The downside of this is IF there are "silent Terrorists" among the immigrants and we  wouldn't know until they did something against the country. Since NATO, is at war with this group, we never saw North America let Japan or Germany in people during the WW2. I understand were Trumps is coming from but I also understand Justin's view and I hope these people  love Canada more than religion but I doubt it.

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5 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

We will have to wait until Trump divests his business interests in Canada first. As far as it is known, the seven countries you can't say on television have no Trump business interests.


That's OK...President Trump is still having a great time doing the things he said he would do.  

Seeing Trudeau with his panties in a bunch on Twitter is just a comical bonus.

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4 hours ago, Argus said:

Clearly  you're another guy who couldn't care less what happens to our trade or what happens at the border. Hey, we can grow money on trees! The hell with those Americans!


Damn right. The sooner we stop trying to deal these weasels the sooner we'll be on our way to greener pastures.

I've cared about this for decades now.


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4 hours ago, Army Guy said:

i wonder if the US shut down trade to canada, and our dollar hit's below 50 cents....you think that would grab them be the balls.....do you think it would be the right thing to do....wake up....i did not say kiss any ass, but i don't agree with going out of your way to comment either....

Canadians just need to steel themselves by remembering the sacrifices our grandparents made in the face of tyranny. They came through it stronger than ever.

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I am underwhelmed by Trump's faux muslim ban.  His ban is completely illogical.

1. The terrorist hot spots like Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tunisia, Lebanon, Palestine, Turkey and Egypt where left off the list entirely.

2.  Countries that have not export significant terror to the USA like Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran are banned.  The Somalis, Libyans and Iranians are actually try to kill their terrorist, whereas the Saudis, Palesitnians, Lebanese, and Egyptians are funding them, Afghan is the terrorist central and Pakistan is where they caught bin laden and many terror leaders are.

3. Trump needs to update the list, it bans the wrong countries.

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Let him bring them all in.  No problem.  We can sustain it.....


On top of that, Trudeau will also fill the slack of US aid being withdrawn from NGO's that do abortion.  No problem.  We're a rich nation!  We'll posture and look so grand and dandy before the whole world.


We have to worry about illegal Mexicans in the USA too.  Especially the criminals that will be rounded up.  They're likely to flee to Canada. They don't require a visa to come to Canada.  We'll become their sanctuary.


I cringed when I listened to Turkey's Yildrim say at the press conference with Theresa May, "the wealth must be spread equally to all nations."  I bet our PM  - being the good-hearted soul that he is - will only be too glad to line up for that!


In the meantime, our indigenous folks - who live worse than people in some third world countries - better quit their whining for help.  Some people are deemed  more important than you. 


No worries.  We'll let our future generation deal with all these load of problems.  That's why I don't give a s*** about the environment.    You can add that to all the problems  we'll leave them.

Edited by betsy
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That tweet of Trudeau will be seen as a threat to USA's security.  That tweet will cost us.





State admits: Islamic State terrorists trying to pose as refugees



State Department spokesman John Kirby acknowledged Wednesday that Islamic State terrorists are trying to mingle with refugee populations overseas in the hopes of making it to the U.S. posing as a refugee.

"I wouldn't debate the fact that there's the potential for ISIS terrorists to try to insert themselves, and we see that in some of the refugee camps in Jordan and in Turkey, where they try to insert themselves into the population," Kirby said on "Fox and Friends."







"Canadians trying to enter USA will  get extremely vetted and screened too.  There's no point in building walls and doing extreme vetting......... if you got a back door open."


That'll be my  tweet back to Trudeau - if I'm The Donald. :)


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9 hours ago, dialamah said:


 Oooh ... cheap shots!    Feeling outmatched, are you?   :P

Merely expressing my agreement with another poster in that I can't recall you ever showing the slightest care or concern for Canada or Canadians but only for foreigners, mostly foreigners from the Middle East, where your family is.

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Canada accepted about 14,000 refugees in 2015, 50,000 in 2016, and is projected to accept 40,000 this year. Given how reluctant the government is to give us facts about basically anything and everything it seems frustratingly difficult to even get hold of how many applicants there were and how many were turned down. It also lies about the costs, of course, wherever possible. We know that if you want to sponsor a refugee you have to fork over $12,500, which is supposed to pay their way for one year. 

Of course, that doesn't cover any government services involved, like health care and education. And it presumes that after one year they're on their own, which is ludicrous. Almost none of the Syrians taken in last year are able to work. Most don't even speak English yet. Which means they're on welfare and going to food banks.  Virtually none will ever earn enough to pay income taxes. Which means they will be an economic burden on those who do pay taxes their entire lives.

At the new higher rate of refugees the cost to Canada is a minimum of half a billion dollars per year for each year's intake, excluding processing costs, excluding costs for things like health care and education. Realistically, the costs of health care and education easily double that, and in most cases more than double it. 

The ongoing costs are not known. Anyone in Canada who isn't paying income taxes is a burden on government given their use of government services. Refugees mostly stay a burden their entire lives. So we will be paying for the 40,000 scheduled to come in this year as well as taking care of the 50,000 who came in last year, and at much of the cost of the hundreds of thousands who came in in previous years.

CBSA has said it costs $50,000 to go through all the hearings including paying for lawyers, for a single failed refugee applicant, but the government won't tell us how many failed applicants there are or the acceptance rates. My guess is Trudeau's tweet and attitude will bring us many thousands of extra migrants this year who claim refugee status, if not tens of thousands. The cost of processing an extra 20,000 fake applications is a billion dollars.

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12 hours ago, Smallc said:

All of the above might mean something were it just Trudeau speaking out against this.  It isn't.  Others from the CPC leadership candidates and from governments of around the world have done the same.  Trudeau's tweet, as usual, was very mild and balanced.

Well thank goodness for me that i don't think very much of you, otherwise i might be upset by your slight.

Anyway, outside of never never land a leader of one country, in particular your nearest neighbor, biggest trading partner, and best friend, doesn't normally take a shot at the others policies on twitter, of course intellectual children might think otherwise.  Yea, surely those mp's running to be leader of an opposition party that when it speaks doesn't represent the official position of the nation is how we should determine what the actual man in charge should be saying, surely. Similarly when other leaders of other nations who aren't nearly as dependent upon the US for their livelihoods speak out it's exactly as easy and devastating for them to be punished for doing so, surely. You're just so cute when you come up with things like this, a lot like your leader.

Or perhaps they have already agreed to disagree, if so great, if not well the reason to avoid doing this is so obvious that i can't begin to imagine what it must be like to be trapped inside the mind of someone who can't see it, anyway, you're a sweet kid.

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So, when you have people from every party in Canada coming out against this ban, making it clear that Canadians are generally United in their opposition, it's hard to argue from a partisan standpoint - especially when the Prime Minister said something so tame and non controversial from a Canadian perspective.


Thank you for proving that some partisans can jump through any type of hoop necessary.

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1 minute ago, Smallc said:

So, when you have people from every party in Canada coming out against this ban, making it clear that Canadians are generally United in their opposition, it's hard to argue from a partisan standpoint - especially when the Prime Minister said something so tame and non controversial from a Canadian perspective.


CBC reader comments from many Canadians say otherwise.   Many fully support President Trump's decision to do what he thinks is best to protect his nation and wish Trudeau had the courage to do the same for Canada.    

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9 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


CBC reader comments from many Canadians say otherwise.   Many fully support President Trump's decision to do what he thinks is best to protect his nation and wish Trudeau had the courage to do the same for Canada.    

Many?  You've taken a poll then?  How do we quantify 'many'?

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