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Kevin O'Leary & Pierre-Karl Péladeau

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On ‎2017‎-‎01‎-‎14 at 2:47 PM, blueblood said:

Oleary is banking on Trudeau's policies stagnating the economy, which it is.  There is a definite move against the establishment with brexit and trumps victories.  I would look to the French general election and see if marine le pen wins which would be a big deal.

oleary would be a move against the Canadian political establishment which might be what people want given the Canadian economy being relatively stagnant over the past few years.  As for learning French, oleary has said he will learn it however it would take time to be able to debate in it.  Oleary's vision consists of slashing red tape and creating jobs while being inclusive.  Oleary is the only one who can take on the media machine and get inside trudeaus head.

I am sure O'Leary knows how to play cards for his own benefits but, leading the country is another story. However, it can be easy for him to put the Spotlight on the huge spending Trudeau has done right in the beginning at the expense of our future. I agree with you that regarding the economy, O'Leary will probably have a serious advantage over Trudeau. We could possibly see another sort of "it's the economiy, stupid!" during a debate and it would just be the perfect slap in the face.

Harper did serious efforts to learn french and it gave him alot of credibility. It has paid off even if he never scored big in the province. The popularity of the liberals is still stronger with Trudeau than it was with any of their previous leaders since Jean Chrétien. Even if it is now possible to get a majority without Québec, it still is a big handicap to not grab a substential number of seats.

I think the chances of Marine Le Pen to make it for the second round are very high. I would not be surprise if she ends up first place in the first round. However, to win the presidential in the second round, she needs the perfect scenario. Which would be to fight against the very pro european Macro. Other than that, it will be the all-against-FN again and her opponent will win easily.


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On ‎2017‎-‎01‎-‎14 at 2:58 PM, Argus said:

Comparisons between O'Leary and Trump are overdone. O'Leary has a lot more self-control than Trump and is much less vitriolic and crude. He is blunt and 'in your face' over financial issues, but he's not going to be resorting to childish insults or targeting minorities or using ridiculous economic arguments like Trump uses.

You are right. I think that comparing anyone to Trump is mostly like a Godwin point because he is a very extreme singular reactionary . I was rather refering to the strategy and methods, rather than the Trump's erratic spontaneous declarations. Compared to Trump, O'Leary looks reasonable but, he has a flamboyant style that might not score as well in politics as it did in business and tv shows.

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12 minutes ago, Benz said:

I am sure O'Leary knows how to play cards for his own benefits but, leading the country is another story. However, it can be easy for him to put the Spotlight on the huge spending Trudeau has done right in the beginning at the expense of our future. I agree with you that regarding the economy, O'Leary will probably have a serious advantage over Trudeau. We could possibly see another sort of "it's the economiy, stupid!" during a debate and it would just be the perfect slap in the face.

Harper did serious efforts to learn french and it gave him alot of credibility. It has paid off even if he never scored big in the province. The popularity of the liberals is still stronger with Trudeau than it was with any of their previous leaders since Jean Chrétien. Even if it is now possible to get a majority without Québec, it still is a big handicap to not grab a substential number of seats.

I think the chances of Marine Le Pen to make it for the second round are very high. I would not be surprise if she ends up first place in the first round. However, to win the presidential in the second round, she needs the perfect scenario. Which would be to fight against the very pro european Macro. Other than that, it will be the all-against-FN again and her opponent will win easily.


Why was chritien so popular in quebec? Because he is french?

Conservatives will not win any serious number of seats in quebec, quebec is super socialist.  O leary would have a better chance in other provinces.  All what spending Trudeau has done?  Nationalpost just ran an article showing Trudeau promised to spend but cut spending from what harper did.

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On 1/14/2017 at 2:47 PM, blueblood said:

Oleary is banking on Trudeau's policies stagnating the economy, which it is.  There is a definite move against the establishment with brexit and trumps victories.  I would look to the French general election and see if marine le pen wins which would be a big deal.

oleary would be a move against the Canadian political establishment which might be what people want given the Canadian economy being relatively stagnant over the past few years.  As for learning French, oleary has said he will learn it however it would take time to be able to debate in it.  Oleary's vision consists of slashing red tape and creating jobs while being inclusive.  Oleary is the only one who can take on the media machine and get inside trudeaus head.


Trudeau has only been in office 2 years, he hasn't made any major moves, 2 years is a long time.  Most voters perceive the economy to do better under liberal national governments, so if it becomes about the economy, conservatives will lose.  Harper did not win on economic issues, he took a huge surplus from the liberals and turned it into a giant ballooning deficit.  People really vote for conservatives for 1 of 2 reasons, sick of liberal corruption and liberal social policies gone amock like gays and trans etc.  The only other card they have is tax cuts but there is not much more to cut federally.


On 1/14/2017 at 2:58 PM, Argus said:

Comparisons between O'Leary and Trump are overdone. O'Leary has a lot more self-control than Trump and is much less vitriolic and crude. He is blunt and 'in your face' over financial issues, but he's not going to be resorting to childish insults or targeting minorities or using ridiculous economic arguments like Trump uses.

Trump won because people were voting for an attitude of vitriol and crudeness.  The silent hateful majority came out and voted for him.  Trump's childish insults and targetting minorities and ridiculous economic arguments are what got him elected.  O'leary can't use that here, harper already tried it and it failed, so the question becomes how does O'Leary defeat a relatively popular incumbent who hasn't had much opportunity to even enact his policies.  Voters are usually willing to give a candidate more time.  O'leary's mean spirtidness will backfire, he'll have to change the electoral map in order to win.


On 1/14/2017 at 3:50 PM, blueblood said:

That's trumps weakness I'm afraid.  The ridiculous economic arguements like tearing up trade deals along with incessant meddling in the market.  

That was why he won the mid-west though, they lost their job to trade deals, so it was pay back time to the establishment.  This is where O'leary has it tough, attacking trade deals won't make sense in Canada. He only has social liberalism, liberal taxation, and liberal corruption to attack.   O'leary would have to campaign to give $5000 tax vouchers to the poor aka refundable tax credits or something like that to win.

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O'leary now says he is learning French and will be 'proficient'  by next election. I think if he could become passable in French that would be a game changer as far as his chances of winning the Tory leadership goes.


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On ‎2017‎-‎01‎-‎16 at 0:30 AM, hernanday said:

Why was chritien so popular in quebec? Because he is french?

Conservatives will not win any serious number of seats in quebec, quebec is super socialist.  O leary would have a better chance in other provinces.  All what spending Trudeau has done?  Nationalpost just ran an article showing Trudeau promised to spend but cut spending from what harper did.

Chrétien was not popular among the french, or was less popular than the Bloc.

Yes, compare to the rest, Québec looks socialist. It's the most hostile province to conservatives. But Québec is not that much out of reach for a good reason. The people here are not taking the federal election as seriously as the rest of Canada. Look, we voted majority Bloc for 6 elections in a row. It shows how much we did not have the intention to take the power and were rather trying to send a message. Then we vote for a majority of NDP. One of the best score they ever had in their history. Alot of people here voted Trudeau in the last one but, it's not because he charmed Québec. It's because he became the most serious contender to win against Harper, after Mulcair has destroyed everything that Layton has built.

It's true that Québec still is a place where the conservatives cannot put too much hopes. But I think it is not impossible to win 20 to 25 seats. The Québécois are not interested to try the Bloc again, they are very desapointed in NDP and Trudeau... trust me, it's just a matter of time that he will be as hated here as his father was. His popularity is overrated in Québec. He got lucky more than anything else.

But if the next leader of the cons has the same authoritarian mindset of Harper, then trying to convince Québec would just be a waste of time.

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1 hour ago, Benz said:

Chrétien was not popular among the french, or was less popular than the Bloc.

Yes, compare to the rest, Québec looks socialist. It's the most hostile province to conservatives. But Québec is not that much out of reach for a good reason. The people here are not taking the federal election as seriously as the rest of Canada. Look, we voted majority Bloc for 6 elections in a row. It shows how much we did not have the intention to take the power and were rather trying to send a message. Then we vote for a majority of NDP. One of the best score they ever had in their history. Alot of people here voted Trudeau in the last one but, it's not because he charmed Québec. It's because he became the most serious contender to win against Harper, after Mulcair has destroyed everything that Layton has built.

It's true that Québec still is a place where the conservatives cannot put too much hopes. But I think it is not impossible to win 20 to 25 seats. The Québécois are not interested to try the Bloc again, they are very desapointed in NDP and Trudeau... trust me, it's just a matter of time that he will be as hated here as his father was. His popularity is overrated in Québec. He got lucky more than anything else.

But if the next leader of the cons has the same authoritarian mindset of Harper, then trying to convince Québec would just be a waste of time.

What message were you trying to send?

You guys have your own province, you are a have not province and have been for a very long time, you have gotten alot of money from the other provinces to support your standard of living.  I am  not a Quebecer, I learn some French for 4 years in University, I can't say I really understand what message Quebec is trying to send, or who they are trying to send it to.

Conservative candidates by definition get picked for their authoritarian mindsets like Harper, look who they want to elect in O'leary, he is not going to sit down and sayy lets give Quebec more money, he is going to cut your money off and say stand on your own two feet.

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1 hour ago, Benz said:

Chrétien was not popular among the french, or was less popular than the Bloc.

Yes, compare to the rest, Québec looks socialist. It's the most hostile province to conservatives. But Québec is not that much out of reach for a good reason. The people here are not taking the federal election as seriously as the rest of Canada. Look, we voted majority Bloc for 6 elections in a row. It shows how much we did not have the intention to take the power and were rather trying to send a message. Then we vote for a majority of NDP. One of the best score they ever had in their history. Alot of people here voted Trudeau in the last one but, it's not because he charmed Québec. It's because he became the most serious contender to win against Harper, after Mulcair has destroyed everything that Layton has built.

It's true that Québec still is a place where the conservatives cannot put too much hopes. But I think it is not impossible to win 20 to 25 seats. The Québécois are not interested to try the Bloc again, they are very desapointed in NDP and Trudeau... trust me, it's just a matter of time that he will be as hated here as his father was. His popularity is overrated in Québec. He got lucky more than anything else.

But if the next leader of the cons has the same authoritarian mindset of Harper, then trying to convince Québec would just be a waste of time.

Harper also proved you do not need quebec to win a majority and they better not forget that.

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41 minutes ago, PIK said:

Harper also proved you do not need quebec to win a majority and they better not forget that.

Of course, he realized Quebec was fruitless, and started chasing the GTA and won his majority there.  I stil think they will need to carry at least SOME seats in Quebec to get a majority though, but not very many.  And we also have to deal with the fact that the GTA is going to be alot bigger, alot more liberal, and alot more immigrant in 2 years than it was 8 years ago when Harper was winning it.


The one thing I don't get is what point is Quebec trying to make to the rest of us as Benz claims.  Its almost as if they think getting all of our equalization money from Ontario, Alberta, BC is somehow not enough.  At this point, I really think they should just separate.  Seriously, Quebec just causes the rest of Canada to pay $11 billion a year more in Taxes.  And I could think of alot better things to do with that money than waste it on Quebec corruption.

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The one thing I don't get is what point is Quebec trying to make to the rest of us as Benz claims.  Its almost as if they think getting all of our equalization money from Ontario, Alberta, BC is somehow not enough.

Yah, it's a mystery. What the hell is it these Seperatists want? 

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3 hours ago, cybercoma said:

ON, AB, and BC don't send money to QC. In fact, no provinces sends money to any other province. You know how much federal taxes they pay in QC? The exact same as they pay in ON, AB, and BC. Saying QC is getting money from other provinces suggests that you don't understand equalization payments and how they work.

Equalization payments are by definition that.  Some provinces do not have enough tax money to support a reasonable standard of living, others receive less than what they pay into the federal tax system, so the have nots can get it.  They are getting money from people in other provinces, but not technically a check from the provinces per se.  The other provinces are just getting shortchanged because Quebec economy underperforms.

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3 hours ago, Peter F said:

Yah, it's a mystery. What the hell is it these Seperatists want? 

probably more welfare money, I don't think they are real separatist, probably just a ploy to get more money and not work.  Heck at this rate I might move to Montreal, sipping lattes and free money, why should I bust my hump in Ontario to pay taxes for French welfare queens?

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1 hour ago, Boges said:

He's In!! 

Anyone who outright dismisses O'Leary, they're a fool. 

If anything, this brings a lot of attention to this race. 

I was not impressed by what I saw this morning. O'Leary did an interview with the local TV station and he was his usual reality TV persona. The thing is, I don't want my politicians to be angry and yelling at me. I want them to be calm and thoughtful. He also didn't answer the questions put to him, even the easy ones. I hate that in a politician. If someone asks you about marijuana you don't give a long-winded answer which doesn't even contain the word marijuana in it!  I think he needs to tone his schtick down. Canadians aren't Americans.


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2 minutes ago, Argus said:

I was not impressed by what I saw this morning. O'Leary did an interview with the local TV station and he was his usual reality TV persona. The thing is, I don't want my politicians to be angry and yelling at me. I want them to be calm and thoughtful. He also didn't answer the questions put to him, even the easy ones. I hate that in a politician. If someone asks you about marijuana you don't give a long-winded answer which doesn't even contain the word marijuana in it!  I think he needs to tone his schtick down. Canadians aren't Americans.


As much as these fools on the Hill try, they can not be Trump.

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1 minute ago, Argus said:

I don't want him to be Trump. I want him to be thoughtful, intelligent, knowledgeable, and sometimes nuanced.

And who of this current CPC lot, is that to you. I like Raitt, Alexander and Bernier, but they don't seem to be getting much press. 

Remember Canada elected a vapid pretty boy who's only accomplishment is being the son of another PM. Don't underestimate our ability to swoon over a lack of substance. 

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2 hours ago, Boges said:

And who of this current CPC lot, is that to you. I like Raitt, Alexander and Bernier, but they don't seem to be getting much press. 

I'm considering O'toole and Scheer. Raitt and Alexander are dead losses, as far as I'm concerned.

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