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Zionists under every bed...after-all. Eh, eyeball?


Welcome to the club.

From what I have read on the internet in the past was that the zionists have their trolls watching every media outfit and website in Canada and always looking for something that may appear to be antisemitic, and then that media outfit or website comes under attack. Personally, I believe that they are here watching also. Hey, you never know. :)

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From what I have read on the internet in the past was that the zionists have their trolls watching every media outfit and website in Canada and always looking for something that may appear to be antisemitic, and then that media outfit or website comes under attack. Personally, I believe that they are here watching also. Hey, you never know. :)



Why should anyone believe you when you call people morons? Maybe I should encourage you to go live in North Korea because it would appear as though you do not believe in freedom of speech at all. You appear to be very intolerant of other peoples opinions and points of view. Do I not have the right to express my opinion?

Who's stopping you? Post whatever dumb beliefs you want to. But I have the right to call it like I see it.

I haven't actually seen anyone (you gave no cite) who suggested Israel was as bad as North Korea, but anyone who does think that is a moron, plain and simple.

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley


Who's stopping you? Post whatever dumb beliefs you want to. But I have the right to call it like I see it.

I haven't actually seen anyone (you gave no cite) who suggested Israel was as bad as North Korea, but anyone who does think that is a moron, plain and simple.

The zionists you love so much would like to stop freedom of speech. They do not want to be questioned or challenged on anything that relates to their ideology. Just ask Arthur Topham or Paul Fromm about that. And you call what I believe to be true as dumb beliefs. I guess that you never gave much thought that maybe what you believe in is nothing more than dumb beliefs. Touche. We all should have the right to call things as we see or read it. For Palestinians, I guess that they can safely say that Israel can be considered just as bad to them as North Korea is to their citizen's.

Anyone you do not agree with has to be a moron, right?


Well they are some people who say that Israel is no more of a democracy than North Korea is. So, who do we believe, uhmm?

Anyone that believes that is truly nuts quite frankly.Where would you rather live?

"Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it." Thomas Sowell


Anyone that believes that is truly nuts quite frankly.Where would you rather live?

Neither one of those two countries.


Zionists under every bed...after-all. Eh, eyeball?

No, there's lots of dingbats though.

Welcome to the club.

I'm pretty sure he's one of yours. One of those handshake things round the other side of the circle you mentioned.

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.


No, there's lots of dingbats though.

I'm pretty sure he's one of yours. One of those handshake things round the other side of the circle you mentioned.

Hardly. You don't like what I have to say as it brings-up uncomfortable truths...like how the Palestinian Cause was started by a Nazi. A real one...not a neo-one...or whatever rationalizations folks can come up with to excuse this fact.

Some folks don't find the Nazis to be bad guys...this is something both of us better get used to because it is growing.

As for yet another thread about how the Zionists control the government, media, etc, etc, etc...really? Better ban the Dog...


I just don't like what you do which is to slander and demonize an entire people in the present by guilt through an association in the past that's as flimsy as the one that associates America and all Americans with Hitler through Dubya's grandpappy.

What you're doing to Palestinians is no better what's been done to Jews and many others around the world and it certainly won't do a thing to help Israel in the long run. You don't give a rats furry rear end about Israel - you're simply an arsonist who only cares about pouring gasoline on a fire.

Banning folks like you won't change the fact you come a dime a dozen and from every walk of life bar none. You're the ones whose actions ultimately set the direction that governments and media take, which is on a collision course with catastrophe.

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.



Please avoid personal attacks and thread drift.

Play the ball, not the player. None of you are the topic of discussion.

We do not have time for a meeting of the flat earth society.

<< Où sont mes amis ? Ils sont ici, ils sont ici... >>


I just don't like what you do which is to slander and demonize an entire people in the present by guilt through an association in the past that's as flimsy as the one that associates America and all Americans with Hitler through Dubya's grandpappy.

Gee...it's like saying that Israel controls American politics...the topic of this thread.

Economics trumps Virtue. 



Except the topic is about influence not control.

I thought "The People" controlled American politics.

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.


Except the topic is about influence not control.

I thought "The People" controlled American politics.

This premise that Jews...pardon...Zionists...control everything has been repeated since the Middle Ages. Due to Usury Laws in relation to the Blood Libel, only Jews could lend money or be involved in various activities considered sinful to Christians. We have one esteemed member who is convinced these shady Jews have time to monitor his various activities as if the 'Zionists' care...lol.


This premise that Jews...pardon...Zionists...control everything has been repeated since the Middle Ages.

You just had to repeat that too didn't you?

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.


Work the ball then. You heard the man.

How did influence become control and why?

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.


The zionists you love so much would like to stop freedom of speech. They do not want to be questioned or challenged on anything that relates to their ideology. Just ask Arthur Topham or Paul Fromm about that.

Hate speech is illegal.

And you call what I believe to be true as dumb beliefs.

Extremely so. Based on nothing but the ravings of losers like Paul Fromm.

I guess that you never gave much thought that maybe what you believe in is nothing more than dumb beliefs.

My beliefs are not based on the ravings of a few losers.

For Palestinians, I guess that they can safely say that Israel can be considered just as bad to them as North Korea is to their citizen's.

Safely? Well, safely in that no one is going to hurt them, but not safely in that people won't laugh at their idiocy in such a comparison. Do you know ANYTHING about North Korea at all?

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley


This thread is based on a bull sheeyit attempt to suggest Zionist Jews CONTROL the west. The word Zionist does not obscure the intended stereotype target is Jews and the idiotic attempt to suggest control and influence mean different things attests to in my opinion a smarmy attempt to deny the intent of

once again recycling the ancient anti semitic canard of Jews brain washing people with out mysterious powers.

How if we control or "influence" the West does someone like Eye prove it? He and his entourage of "Zionist" experts use no objective criteria, they spew subjective slurs based on their own stereotypes of Zionists who of course are Jews.

Right the Bahaiis control the West. Go on Eye say so. Say its Christian and Bahaii and Bhddhist Zionists that control the west. Go on knock yourself out.


Hey Rue, didn't you hear the buzz? As it turns out I'm a Zionist!

Who woulda thunk it?

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.


Interesting doesn't even begin to describe how I was extrapolated into a Zionist.

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.


Interesting doesn't even begin to describe how I was extrapolated into a Zionist.

I guess they cannot make up their mind if you are a Zionist or a terrorist. Guess there is no middle ground.

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