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What kind of "Americans" put another country before America?

I don't need to raise money. I'm here to raise awareness. Awareness that many, especially Americans, lack. The truth is important for everyone to understand. Canadians can prevent our political system going down the same path the U.S. has gone, by simply questioning and understanding things.

How many Americans know that they pay close to $4 billion a year to Israel for weapons that are used to violate human rights?

How many of them know about the millions that Israeli lobbies pay towards the majority of their politicians to control what they say and do?

How many of them know the self-censorship that happens when reporting on what Israel really does to Palestinians?

How many of them know about the coverup of the American ISS Liberty ship that was attacked by Israel?

Very very few.

Imagine if they knew.

The Israeli attack on the American ISS Liberty was a crime against not only humanity but especially America also. And VP Johnson at the time not only covered it up but lied to the people about the incident. Shameful act on America by a country that is suppose to be a friend of America. With friends like Israel who needs enemies. I wonder if the pro-Israelis here would like to comment on that criminal incident? Over to them.

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I have found that the majority of Canadians and Americans have a problem with trying to understand anything, never mind questioning. They just keep listening to the same old zionist lame duck pro-democratic liberal media that will never report the real story. By doing so, they keep contributing too and supporting the lies that the media constantly like to push. Thank gawd for the alternative media because I would be just like them. Lost.

Nah...it's really simple.





I don't see any difference between murderous Islamic terrorist groups.


Nah...it's really simple.





I don't see any difference between murderous Islamic terrorist groups.

Didn't you mean Israel as a murderous terrorist regime? I am sure that it was just a mistake on your part. :)


There have been a few American icons who have seen past the Israeli propaganda:


But who cares anyway?

They're still mopping-up the blood from the last Islamic attack....jus' sayin'.

The Great Man was a devout Muslim and a rabid racist...on air even.


There have been a few American icons who have seen past the Israeli propaganda:


But who cares anyway?

We don't hear anything about one of the greatest Americans, Muhammad Ali and his support for Palestinians in the mainstream media. I wonder why.

"What do you think of Western civilization?" Gandhi was asked. "I think it would be a good idea," he said.


Israel, for all its trials and faults, is still the only beacon of freedom in a sea of Islamic fascism.



Prove me wrong.

You have been shown many times already. One can only talk to the wall for awhile and then give up.


Prove me wrong or admit defeat.

I will never admit defeat to someone who supports the crimes of Israel. Israel is a terrorist state who treats it's neighbours and the rest of the world like it is all about Israel. They have no respect for anyone anywhere especially their so-called friend America. They have been caught many times spying on America. Some friend, eh?


Uh-oh..looks like the "Zionists" have taken over Canada's state funded/controlled broadcaster:

....To deny that Jew-hating exists, or to casually minimize it, is delusional.

And yet many activist progressives now seem to regard it with indifference; to them, anti-Semitism seems to be at best an exaggeration, at worst a shield for Zionist oppression.

...But because victimhood is such a potent form of modern currency, the activist left seems to have decided that hatred of Jews should be downplayed, or even submerged, for the greater good.


Economics trumps Virtue. 


Posted (edited)

I will never admit defeat to someone who supports the crimes of Israel. Israel is a terrorist state who treats it's neighbours and the rest of the world like it is all about Israel. They have no respect for anyone anywhere especially their so-called friend America. They have been caught many times spying on America. Some friend, eh?

Defeat = You not finding another country with freedom of speech, etc, in the Middle East.

Islam = fascism. Israel at least has a free judiciary where a homosexual thief could get a fair trial rather than thrown from the top of a building then hacked apart with knives as he lay there writhing.

Edited by DogOnPorch
Posted (edited)

Uh-oh..looks like the "Zionists" have taken over Canada's state funded/controlled broadcaster:

....To deny that Jew-hating exists, or to casually minimize it, is delusional.

And yet many activist progressives now seem to regard it with indifference; to them, anti-Semitism seems to be at best an exaggeration, at worst a shield for Zionist oppression.

...But because victimhood is such a potent form of modern currency, the activist left seems to have decided that hatred of Jews should be downplayed, or even submerged, for the greater good.


I think we're seeing some of that 'shield from Zionist oppression' on this very forum...history simply doesn't matter...it gets rewritten...Nazis aren't that bad...they are against a Jewish state, after-all...etc.

Edited by DogOnPorch

Prove me wrong or admit defeat.

Defeat? What kind of game are you playing?

Note - For those expecting a response from Big Guy: I generally do not read or respond to posts longer then 300 words nor to parsed comments.


Israel, for all its trials and faults, is still the only beacon of freedom in a sea of Islamic fascism.

Israel beacon of freedom?? Nah more like armpit of elephant..


Israel beacon of freedom?? Nah more like armpit of elephant..

I already understand you have a hate-on for Jews. What I'm asking for is which Islamic country has personal freedoms equal to Israel's? I count zero...but perhaps you know of one Islamic country that isn't rife with sectarian violence thanks to the religion of peace.



Please avoid thread drift and trolling.

We do not have time for a meeting of the flat earth society.

<< Où sont mes amis ? Ils sont ici, ils sont ici... >>


I already understand you have a hate-on for Jews. What I'm asking for is which Islamic country has personal freedoms equal to Israel's? I count zero...but perhaps you know of one Islamic country that isn't rife with sectarian violence thanks to the religion of peace.

You can understand whatever you wish to understand... Don't let me stop you there.

Personal freedom comes at a price. Even the term democracy is relative but I wouldn't attach it to Israel...

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