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It was taxme that insinuated eyeball a Zionist. Not me.

Thanks for the confirmation, your name did not come up, so you are right, we were not talking about you. Carry on with your usual.

Google : Webster Griffin Tarpley, Gerald Celente, Max Keiser

ohm on soundcloud.com

Posted (edited)

Thanks for the confirmation, your name did not come up, so you are right, we were not talking about you. Carry on with your usual.

No problem. Read the thread next time, perhaps, before shooting-off yon typing finger.

Edited by DogOnPorch

No problem. Read the thread next time, perhaps, before shooting-off yon typing finger.

I read the topic, it was about influence, but some think that means control. Over to you.

Google : Webster Griffin Tarpley, Gerald Celente, Max Keiser

ohm on soundcloud.com


Except the topic is about influence not control.

I thought "The People" controlled American politics.

When or where did the American people ever control their politics? Special interest groups and the globalist elite control American politics. Otherwise, if the people did have a say, all the nonsense that is going on in that country would not be happening. A minority rules and runs the majority, and that goes on in Canada also.


It was taxme that insinuated eyeball a Zionist. Not me.

I did? Where did I say that? Just curious.


When or where did the American people ever control their politics? Special interest groups and the globalist elite control American politics. Otherwise, if the people did have a say, all the nonsense that is going on in that country would not be happening. A minority rules and runs the majority, and that goes on in Canada also.

False, and why do some Canadians worry so much about what the "American people" control, as if they want to influence American politics too. U.S. politics is the same as it ever was, starting with a war against the British Empire....including Canada.

Economics trumps Virtue. 



Hate speech is illegal.

Extremely so. Based on nothing but the ravings of losers like Paul Fromm.

My beliefs are not based on the ravings of a few losers.

Safely? Well, safely in that no one is going to hurt them, but not safely in that people won't laugh at their idiocy in such a comparison. Do you know ANYTHING about North Korea at all?

(1)When one does not like what another person has to say, then it becomes hate speech. Criticize Israel or Zionism and suddenly it becomes hate speech.

(2)Again, question or challenge anything to do with Israel or zionism, as Fromm or Arthur Topham and like so many others have done, well they just have to be a bunch of losers. Ya, sure. I think that pro-zionists are losers. Instead of challenging people like Fromm and Topham in public square to show them up for who you say they are, the intolerant ones instead prefer to attack them thru their control of their media. The real losers are the pro-Israel and pro-zionists who continually show that they are the haters and the intolerant ones.

(3)Your beliefs are based on what the raving intolerant zionists tell you to believe. It's plain as day.

(4)I know that North Korea is a communist dictatorship regime. "ANYTHING"? Are you some kind of expert on N.K.? Tell me more about N.K? Over.


False, and why do some Canadians worry so much about what the "American people" control, as if they want to influence American politics too. U.S. politics is the same as it ever was, starting with a war against the British Empire....including Canada.

Because there are many Canadians who like to follow and are interested in American politics. I watch American politics more now that Donald Trump is running for President. I just wish that Canada had a politician like Trump.


Because there are many Canadians who like to follow and are interested in American politics. I watch American politics more now that Donald Trump is running for President. I just wish that Canada had a politician like Trump.

OK....then follow that a majority of Americans support the State of Israel's right to exist, free from terrorist war crimes. Americans back this up with billion$ of dollars in military and economic aid to Israel and other nations in the region. If some Canadians don't like it...too bad. If they really believed in stopping "Zionism" support, they would "BDS" the United States and suffer the economic hit in Canada. That's the part of the South Africa analogy none of them want to discuss.

Economics trumps Virtue. 



I love how Muhammad Ali is able to shake up the discourse even after his passing.

I also love how we're being shown an example of how Judaism does not equal to Zionism. The atrocities committed by Israel does not and should not represent Jews.

Here is one of the leading rabbis in the U.S., discussing his support for Muslims, his condemnation of discrimination against them and his condemnation of Israel's human righs violations against the Palestinians.

Video Link

As much as the powers (and their conditioned followers) want it to be, Jews and Muslims do not have to be enemies. There are a select few who benefit from conflict and that's why they push for division. They want to divide and conquer.

More info:

When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always. Gandhi

Posted (edited)

Influence = some degree of control. Do you believe ...heh...Zionists "influence" the governments of the West? Canada? Where?

The whole point of using the word "influence" is that obviously, everything "influences" everything else, to some degree. You have some influence, I have some influence, some Zionist somewhere has some influence, some anti-semite somewhere has some influence, the fact that some cow somewhere just farted has some small level of influence on the course of world events, etc. But the implied premise of the thread is that Zionists have undue or excessive influence and use this undue influence in nefarious ways. But of course there has been no evidence presented to back up that premise. The reality is that advocates of Israel's legitimacy and its right to exist have no more influence than hundreds of other groups and interests that also lobby Western governments on a continual basis.

Edited by Bonam

But of course there has been no evidence presented to back up that premise. The reality is that advocates of Israel's legitimacy and its right to exist have no more influence than hundreds of other groups and interests that also lobby Western governments on a continual basis.

Seriously? There has been no evidence presented? Really? Are you not paying attention to the information being posted in the thread? Like the millions of dollars poured into politics by "one-issue" people like Sheldon Adelson and Haim Saban? Is this not evidence? What would be evidence to you?

"What do you think of Western civilization?" Gandhi was asked. "I think it would be a good idea," he said.


Seriously? There has been no evidence presented? Really? Are you not paying attention to the information being posted in the thread? Like the millions of dollars poured into politics by "one-issue" people like Sheldon Adelson and Haim Saban? Is this not evidence? What would be evidence to you?

So how much money is poured into politics by other rich people with other interests? In what way is the money that is spent by Sheldon Adelson different than the money spent by other groups that lobby for/against gun rights, for/against abortion, for/against gay marriage, for/against various tax measures, for/against various spending changes, for/against various changes to the healthcare system, or to social security, etc? That is how America's political system works... interested parties use the money they have available to try to advance their various causes. In this thread, you try to present lobbying on behalf of Israel as something unique and nefarious, when in reality it is simply a normal part of the American political system along with lobbying regarding thousands of other issues. Given the structure of American politics, do you really expect that there would not be lobbying regarding both sides of a contentious issue?

This is not dissimilar to how people like yourself focus on Israel in general while ignoring other, often much worse, issues around the world. Sensible people have a sense of perspective and do not focus on Israel to the exclusion of all else.


... In this thread, you try to present lobbying on behalf of Israel as something unique and nefarious, when in reality it is simply a normal part of the American political system along with lobbying regarding thousands of other issues. Given the structure of American politics, do you really expect that there would not be lobbying regarding both sides of a contentious issue?

This is not dissimilar to how people like yourself focus on Israel in general while ignoring other, often much worse, issues around the world. Sensible people have a sense of perspective and do not focus on Israel to the exclusion of all else.

Yep....that's how the American system works. Canada spends millions each year lobbying for its own interests as well (see Keystone XL pipeline and DRIC bridge project). Why is it an issue if/when Israel does the same thing ?

Israel actually spends chump change compared to domestic U.S. interest groups like AARP, teacher's unions, trial lawyers, etc.

Economics trumps Virtue. 


Posted (edited)

So how much money is poured into politics by other rich people with other interests? In what way is the money that is spent by Sheldon Adelson different than the money spent by other groups that lobby for/against gun rights

Which other lobby group has as much influence on U.S. foreign policy than the Zionist lobby? No other comes close to the type of influence we see on the two party system. Look at the presidential candidates (except for Sanders) who went running to AIPAC, each promising to out Zionist the other. Clinton, Trump and the rest, all fawning, promising to walk the line.

Here are the Pro-Israel lobby groups and how much they have spent: https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/indus.php?ind=Q05

These don't include the millions Adelson and Saban have spent on getting their favourite prostitutes elected.

Edited by marcus

"What do you think of Western civilization?" Gandhi was asked. "I think it would be a good idea," he said.


Good try, but those countries don't have congress fawning over them and those countries do not influence U.S.' foreign policy like the Israeli lobby does. And according to your own article:

And Israel, which already has huge U.S. political pull through domestic organizations, spent only $1,250. Meanwhile, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the well-connected pro-Israel group based in the United States, spent close to $3 million on lobbying last year.

That's just AIPAC. There are hundreds of other pro-Israel lobby groups who spent millions more.

Of course, here is the information again: https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/indus.php?ind=Q05

Once again you try to cancel an argument by drawing a false equivalency. Unfortunately, the facts ($) are not on your side.

"What do you think of Western civilization?" Gandhi was asked. "I think it would be a good idea," he said.


Once again you try to cancel an argument by drawing a false equivalency. Unfortunately, the facts ($) are not on your side.

Oh yes they are...Americans are also permitted to lobby their government just as much as does Canada, or the UAE, or Israel. Sorry the numbers did not work out for you. Please try to raise more money for the "anti-Zionist" lobby groups...there are many.

Economics trumps Virtue. 


Posted (edited)

Oh yes they are...Americans are also permitted to lobby their government just as much as does Canada, or the UAE, or Israel. Sorry the numbers did not work out for you. Please try to raise more money for the "anti-Zionist" lobby groups...there are many.

What kind of "Americans" put another country before America?

I don't need to raise money. I'm here to raise awareness. Awareness that many, especially Americans, lack. The truth is important for everyone to understand. Canadians can prevent our political system going down the same path the U.S. has gone, by simply questioning and understanding things.

How many Americans know that they pay close to $4 billion a year to Israel for weapons that are used to violate human rights?

How many of them know about the millions that Israeli lobbies pay towards the majority of their politicians to control what they say and do?

How many of them know the self-censorship that happens when reporting on what Israel really does to Palestinians?

How many of them know about the coverup of the American ISS Liberty ship that was attacked by Israel?

Very very few.

Imagine if they knew.

Edited by marcus

"What do you think of Western civilization?" Gandhi was asked. "I think it would be a good idea," he said.


What kind of "Americans" put another country before America?

I don't need to raise money. I'm here to raise awareness. Awareness that many, especially Americans, lack. The truth is important for everyone to understand. Canadians can prevent our political system going down the same path the U.S. has gone, by simply questioning and understanding things.

How many Americans know that they pay close to $4 billion a year to Israel for weapons that are used to violate human rights?

How many of them know about the millions that Israeli lobbies pay towards the majority of their politicians to control what they say and do?

How many of them know the self-censorship that happens when reporting on what Israel really does to Palestinians?

How many of them know about the coverup of the American ISS Liberty ship that was attacked by Israel?

Very very few.

Imagine if they knew.

I have found that the majority of Canadians and Americans have a problem with trying to understand anything, never mind questioning. They just keep listening to the same old zionist lame duck pro-democratic liberal media that will never report the real story. By doing so, they keep contributing too and supporting the lies that the media constantly like to push. Thank gawd for the alternative media because I would be just like them. Lost.

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