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America under President Trump

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6 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

and it has been ever since CNN and the Dems used the Michael Brown shooting to promote hatred and mistrust of the police. They rode that fear mongering campaign all the way to the point where "defund police" became a popular slogan among their idiotic sycophant horde. 

It’s been divided since ling before Michael Brown. You keep bringing thst theme up over and over you have BLM derangement syndrome. What’s thay about?

7 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

What did he attempt to reconcile?

The partisan divide. But Republicans rejected every overture and compromise he offered. Every time he went to meet them halfway they just moved twice as far back. When Obama first took office he tried to borrow a page from Lincoln and heal the divide by inviting  his opponents from across the aisle to join a White House council so they could provide direct input into his policies...despite the fact that Obama won by a landslide snd owed Republicans fuck all. Imagine an asshole like Trump doing something like that. Predictably the Republicans being the shitbags they are boycotted it and even held a press conference to brag about how they would carry out an unprecedented obstruction of every Obama policy even mundane and agreeable ones so they could undermine his presidency. Hell even Obamacare is a retread Republican plan that was the GOPs alternative to a public health system like ours. 

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10 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:
20 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:


Maybe I was wrong about Google. It still only takes them a femtosecond to prove you wrong 298,000 times: https://www.citynews1130.com/2020/07/09/bc-malls-gathering-cap-churches/

Limiting capacity isn’t “taking away freedoms “. Or are you against fire codes too?


13 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Kids couldn't even play baseball and our PM was out chasing windmills with his fellow race-baiting morons. Now Xinhua uses our PM's protest as a tool for their propaganda. 

He made one brief appearance at their peaceful protest. That’s not the same as saying he ‘told them they need to protest’

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11 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

It’s been divided since ling before Michael Brown. You keep bringing thst theme up over and over you have BLM derangement syndrome. What’s thay about?

Maybe you're too young to remember it, but before the M Brown and T Martin incidents the US wasn't a shithole country.

You could go there on a vacation with no concerns whatsoever about violent protests.


The partisan divide. But Republicans rejected every overture and compromise he offered. Every time he went to meet them halfway they just moved twice as far back. When Obama first took office he tried to borrow a page from Lincoln and heal the divide by inviting  his opponents from across the aisle to join a White House council so they could provide direct input into his policies...despite the fact that Obama won by a landslide snd owed Republicans fuck all. Imagine an asshole like Trump doing something like that. Predictably the Republicans being the shitbags they are boycotted it and even held a press conference to brag about how they would carry out an unprecedented obstruction of every Obama policy even mundane and agreeable ones so they could undermine his presidency. Hell even Obamacare is a retread Republican plan that was the GOPs alternative to a public health system like ours. 


This doesn't make any sense. 

When Obama was elected in 2008 he had a large majority in both the House and Senate. If McConnell was bragging about obstruction in '08 that would be like Peewee Herman challenging Mike Tyson to a boxing match. 

If you're talking about 2012, the House was stacked against Obama so he actually did need to play nice with the House Republicans, but McConnell still didn't have the jam to do anything obstructionist. 


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12 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Limiting capacity isn’t “taking away freedoms “. Or are you against fire codes too?

Another aKdfu57.gif anecdote. 

Do you really need me to explain the difference between 50 and the number of people allowed by the fire code in a church to you? Do you think that they make enough seating room for ten times what's allowed by the fire code?

Do you think there were 50 people at Trudeau's rally, or that they were even 2 feet apart?


He made one brief appearance at their peaceful protest. That’s not the same as saying he ‘told them they need to protest’

Actions speak louder than words beaver. You don't think that Trudeau's presence there furthered the notion that police racism and brutality against minorities is a significant problem? You don't think it gave Canadians the notion that they should go gather in massive groups to protest? 

He spoke out against gathering in groups to honour our war dead beaver. I'm not making any of this up.

Massive groups out fear-mongering police with absolutely no social-distancing while the whole country is locked down.... TWO THUMBS UP!!!!!!!

Massive groups out showing respect at Remembrance Day while the country is mostly open.... OFFICIALLY DISCOURAGED!!!!!!

Facts are on my side buddy, again.

You asked for specific examples and now you're choking on them. 

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11 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Do you really need me to explain the difference between 50 and the number of people allowed by the fire code in a church to you? Do you think that they make enough seating room for ten times what's allowed by the fire code?

That’s irrelevant. Do you really need me to explain the fact that the number that’s safe for a fire and the number that’s safe for a contagious disease outbreak aren’t the exact same number? 

11 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

You don't think that Trudeau's presence there furthered the notion that police racism and brutality against minorities is a significant problem? You don't think it gave Canadians the notion that they should go gather in massive groups to protest? 

Police brutality is a significant problem.   And no, I don’t think it gave Canadians the notion they should gather in massive groups to protest; as evidenced by the fact that it  HASN’T become a significant problem.    History has proven you wrong  Again. 


11 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

He spoke out against gathering in groups to honour our war dead beaver. I'm not making any of this up.

Nice lie. The Royal Canadian Legion  and veterans groups encouraged people to stay home because many/most veterans are vulnerable elderly or have health conditions. Trudeau and the government did the same because its the responsibile thing to do  


Observe Remembrance Day from home this year, legion pleads




 But of course you don’t give a shit about the veterans do you?  Your outrage isn’t really about them, it’s really about YOU and YOUR rights  You’re outraged because someone is telling you that you can’t show up without a mask and cough in a veterans face and you’re just a baby who throws a temper tantrum any time they  cant do whatever they feel like   ? s that about right?

11 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Do you think there were 50 people at Trudeau's rally, or that they were even 2 feet apart?

Trudeau had an indoor rally? Do tell.

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

That’s irrelevant. Do you really need me to explain the fact that the number that’s safe for a fire and the number that’s safe for a contagious disease outbreak aren’t the exact same number? 

You're changing the topic now. You said that no freedoms went away, I told you some freedoms that went away (for people who aren't fear mongering against the police) and now you're making the case for stripping away some freedoms while allowing others.

Kids weren't even allowed to play baseball. People couldn't walk outside in provincial parks. But Trudeau had his hate cops rally.


Police brutality is a significant problem.   And no, I don’t think it gave Canadians the notion they should gather in massive groups to protest; as evidenced by the fact that it  HASN’T become a significant problem.    History has proven you wrong  Again. 

Police brutality is such a big problem that you're willing to risk spreading covid to hold a hate rally against police?

That's just stupid. 

How many people die from police brutality in Canada every year, and how many Canadians died from Trudeau's stupidity re: the 'fight' against C19?


Nice lie. The Royal Canadian Legion  and veterans groups encouraged people to stay home because many/most veterans are vulnerable elderly or have health conditions. Trudeau and the government did the same because its the responsibile thing to do  

Observe Remembrance Day from home this year, legion pleads



Of course octogenarians should stay home. No one else needs to.



You’re outraged because someone is telling you that you can’t show up without a mask and cough in a veterans face and you’re just a baby who throws a temper tantrum any time they  cant do whatever they feel like   ? s that about right?



Nice straw man argument kid. Grow up.


Trudeau had an indoor rally? Do tell.

He was at an outdoor fear-mongering event with thousands of people who weren't more than a foot apart back at a time when you couldn't have kids out in the sun at a baseball park and people weren't allowed to walk in provincial parks. 

It was the epitome of hypocrisy and his stupid sycophant horde didn't understand that. Apparently some of them still don't, but I'll give credit where it's due. Trudeau does know how to inspire loyalty in the bottom 50% of the gene pool. 


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So no one wonders why the hell Trump is suddenly firing his defense secretary, as well as other top figures in the Defense Department, amid rumors he's going to take out the top people in the CIA and FBI? The only qualifications for the replacements seems to be personal loyalty to Trump - as opposed to the country or constitution like those they're replacing.


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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

You're changing the topic now. You said that no freedoms went away, I told you some freedoms that went away (for people who aren't fear mongering against the police) and now you're making the case for stripping away some freedoms while allowing others.

Kids weren't even allowed to play baseball. People couldn't walk outside in provincial parks. But Trudeau had his hate cops rally.

Thats not freedom being taken away and it wasn’t Trudeaus rally. 

2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Of course octogenarians should stay home. No one else needs to.

So the war veterans being honoured have to stay home so YOU can attend as a spectator???  LMAO you’re such a Karen  

He briefly attended a one-time event and he worke a mask and kept a distance .

You keep making it sound like he planned and organized it when in reality, peaceful protesters showed up so he went out and talked to them briefly instead of gasing them so he could pose with an upside down bilble like your fascist defeated loser did

2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

He was at an outdoor fear-mongering event with thousands of people who weren't more than....

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

Thats not freedom being taken away and it wasn’t Trudeaus rally. 

Of course it's a freedom being taken away when not everyone can go. People even have to RSVP in a lot of cases.

Just like people in the US fear being disenfranchised if they need ID to vote, not everyone uses computers.


It wasn't Trudeau's rally, but he still went to fear monger in a way that was completely unacceptable given the C19 restrictions at the time. It was a super-spreader event.


So the war veterans being honoured have to stay home so YOU can attend as a spectator???  LMAO you’re such a Karen  

Look up the difference between the words should and must. You're such an illiterate.


He briefly attended a one-time event and he worke a mask and kept a distance .

He attended a super-spreader event and he did not keep a distance at all. Look at the photos. 


You keep making it sound like he planned and organized it when in reality, peaceful protesters showed up so he went out and talked to them briefly instead of gasing them so he could pose with an upside down bilble like your fascist defeated loser did

No, I make it sound like he went to a super-spreader event to fear monger police when the rest of Canada wasn't allowed to do anything. Because that's what he did. 

It's the opposite of "discouraging large, close gatherings".

Who cares if rioters were tear-gassed when they wouldn't disperse? Do you really think I give a rip?

FYI Trump stood up to rioting and looting, Obama fanned the flames of racial division when people were being killed and businesses destroyed. Who's the loser? Clearly you don't play the role of 'adult' in your household.

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5 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

No, I make it sound like he went to a super-spreader event to fear monger police when the rest of Canada wasn't allowed to do anything. Because that's what he did. 

Dude he walked out to briefly meet with peaceful protesters who were outside his office . Big fn deal. Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill. 

Your beloved soon-to-be ex president literally plans and hosts super-speeader events every week STILL, which get everyone around him sick including himself.   You’re a total hypocrite to ignore that while complaining about this. 


5 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Who cares if rioters were tear-gassed when they wouldn't disperse? Do you really think I give a rip?

You’re a liar they weren’t rioting and they don’t have to disperse  For someone who claims to he obsessed with rights it’s funny you think peaceful protesters exercising their right to protest should be gassed so president bitch baby can stage a photo op with an upside down bible  

5 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

FYI Trump stood up to rioting and looting, Obama fanned the flames of racial division when people were being killed and businesses destroyed. Who's the loser? Clearly you don't play the role of 'adult' in your household.

Hilarious  Trump the moron fanned the flames and escalated the situation.  He’s like the moron whose abused kid misbehaves and he thinks it must be because he’s not beating the kid hard enough instead of understanding it’s because he beats the kid in the first place  


5 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Look up the difference between the words should and must. You're such an illiterate.

No difference here  You think you’re more important on remembrance day than veterans and they should stay home from their own ceremony just so tou can attend as a spectator  Ridiculous.  Will you be calling the Legion to complain?


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This story demonstrates why covid is spreading uncontrolled through the US, where fighting or even acknowledging the seriousness of the disease was turned political by the contemptible Donald Trump. Parents in Missouri planning a secret party for their kids, 200 of them jammed into a steakhouse, no masks, and then indignantly refusing to cooperate with health department officials as the virus explodes in their small city. These are people who actually deserve to die, but karma not being ever-present, will probably infect innocent people instead.



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6 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


Where do you propose the killing of these deplorables should occur? 

Nah...you're not insane.....you don't REALLY want to see people dead.


Why not? I"m a judgemental bastard. I'm perfectly fine with karma striking people down.

"Ain't no such thing as covid! That's fake news!"

"Ack, I can't breath!"

Yeah, I don't care if these people die.

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9 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


You're nuts.

You're a clown, but apparently, you're a clown who likes to cry a lot. So you should probably change that "klown without pity' moniker to something like "klown who cries big tears whenever anyone does something stupid and dies for it'.

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Just now, Argus said:

You're a clown, but apparently, you're a clown who likes to cry a lot. So you should probably change that "klown without pity' moniker to something like "klown who cries big tears whenever anyone does something stupid and dies for it'.


Again...you're nuts. 

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On 11/13/2020 at 6:02 PM, BeaverFever said:

Dude he walked out to briefly meet with peaceful protesters who were outside his office . Big fn deal. Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill. 

He. Walked. Into. A. Superspreader. Event. To. Fear. Monger. Police. 

That's exactly what he did. And he did at while he was saying that basically everything else was forbidden. Period.

On Nov 11 people were basically doing everything else as normal, aside from attending Remembrance Day ceremonies. Malls were open, grocery stores, schools, etc, but he was discouraging people from Remembrance Day ceremonies. Full stop. 


Your beloved soon-to-be ex president literally plans and hosts super-speeader events every week STILL, which get everyone around him sick including himself.   You’re a total hypocrite to ignore that while complaining about this. 

So, he's not a hypocrite when he does it. He's not acting like he's far superior to everyone else re: covid (although he was far better than the Dems and Trudeau) and he's not stopping people from going to church or any other legal gathering place.


You’re a liar they weren’t rioting and they don’t have to disperse  For someone who claims to he obsessed with rights it’s funny you think peaceful protesters exercising their right to protest should be gassed so president bitch baby can stage a photo op with an upside down bible  

1) We both know that you're the liar here, that's been proven probably a dozen times now so just own it.

2) They actually do have to disperse, the POTUS was coming and they actually do have to disperse to make way for him. The "peaceful protestors" from the day before turned out to be quite destructive, didn't they? That's a fact. You don't like it. Suck it up.


Hilarious  Trump the moron fanned the flames and escalated the situation.  He’s like the moron whose abused kid misbehaves and he thinks it must be because he’s not beating the kid hard enough instead of understanding it’s because he beats the kid in the first place  

You just have a pathetic understanding of events beave.

Obama mischaracterized police incidents as racist and murderous when he either had no clue wtf happened (Treyvon Martin) or when it was well-known what happened (M Brown) but he just kept on running with CNN's false narrative.

He turned a peaceful country into a violent, racist shithole.


No difference here  You think you’re more important on remembrance day than veterans and they should stay home from their own ceremony just so tou can attend as a spectator  Ridiculous.  Will you be calling the Legion to complain?

"Should". They "should". If they wanted to risk it they still "could". 

It has nothing to do with whether I want to go there. 


Understand this - the weasel didn't discourage cop-hating at all, even though it's not . He went out and promoted it. The weasel did discourage Canadians from attending Remembrance Day ceremonies. 

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  • 1 month later...

Elsewhere in the quiet news, Donald Trump vetoes the US Defence bill.

US President Donald Trump vetoes $740bn annual defence bill


“Unfortunately, the Act fails to include critical national security measures, includes provisions that fail to respect our veterans and our military’s history, and contradicts efforts by my Administration to put America first in our national security and foreign policy actions,” Trump wrote in his veto message to the US House. “It is a ‘gift’ to China and Russia.”



The president also opposes a provision that would require the Pentagon to change the names of military bases named for former Confederate soldiers who fought in the US Civil War. “I have been clear in my opposition to politically motivated attempts like this to wash away history and to dishonor the immense progress our country has fought for in realizing our founding principles,” Trump wrote.



In addition, the president was unhappy that Congress did not repeal Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996, which shields social media companies from liability for content posted on their platforms by users.

“Your failure to terminate the very dangerous national security risk of Section 230 will make our intelligence virtually impossible to conduct without everyone knowing what we are doing at every step,” Trump wrote.


Trump may as well expose the deep-state charlatans and their henchmen, whom we see now are on both sides of the aisle.

Et tu, Republicans?

Why of course... now we understand.   ;)

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This from Trump in a tweet today:

"I hope we never find life on other planets because there's no doubt that the U.S. Government will start sending them money!"

That's actually pretty good.  I wonder who wrote it for him.

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8 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

That's actually pretty good.  I wonder who wrote it for him.


President Trump has been writing that message himself for a very long time....helped to get him elected.

This from 2016:


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55 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


President Trump has been writing that message himself for a very long time....helped to get him elected.

This from 2016:


I understand the message is one he has espoused.  I just thought the sentence itself was a bit too incisive for him.

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Trump's FU to the GOP establishment is deliciously entertaining. 

He's forced the GOP in the House to overrule his Veto of the Defence Bill and he's sided with the Dems on $2,000 stimulus cheques. 

It forces Mitch to either ignore the House Bill (that was passed with some GOP support) or let his caucus vote against direct COVID-19 aid or support a bill passed by Nancy Pelosi. 

It also gives the Dems in Georgia campaign fuel for the Runoff elections next week. 


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