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America under President Trump

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2 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Yeah you could say the same thing about Hitler or Charles Manson. It’s not the grand accomplishment you think it is. 


And it wouldn't make any sense with them either.   The power of American media on Canada in general, and the power of this single American president on many (but not all) Canadians specifically, came together for maximum triggering effect(s).

I just read a piece in The Atlantic by a Canadian writer who admits that she is not American and can't vote in U.S. elections, but she feels very much invested in the American experience.   She can't help herself, because America is where the action is....just like Alexander de Tocqueville wrote over 150 years ago.

So it is the accomplishment I think it is.




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8 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Fake quote. We all know what that reveals about Trump supporters. The quote cited from Oxford reference  in your right wing drivel article is different than the one in the meme. See for yourself 


 “I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this—who will count the votes, and how.”

Seriously? That's your argument...that a paraphrase in a meme quote taken from a quote by Oxford from a quote by a Russian official who heard what Stalin said isn't exactly the same as the one in Oxford?

The essence of the quote is dead-on. It's a clone essence.

It always makes me smile how progressive socialists love their technicalities except when they don't favor their argument. Then you're ridiculous for noticing.

I mean "c'mon man."

Did you read this part, BTW? Because he could be talking about you.


There is of course a very good reason for suppressing the Stalin quote because it does apply all too well to the election. And there’s a profound sense of history repeating itself in the media trying to suppress a Stalin quote about using the media to suppress an election.

Because that is exactly what Stalin did.


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1 hour ago, Infidel Dog said:

Seriously? That's you're argument..

Your argument seems to be that because Joseph Stalin may or may not have said something at sometime, Trump should be President.

Doesn't seem too convincing to me.

But, if it's all you got, it's all you got.  You have to run with it.  I understand.

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Not at all. My argument is that the 2020 presidential election wasn't just a Fix/Steal/Fraud, it was an obvious one and Joseph Stalin pegged one of the things that helped that come about  decades ago.

And if you'd like to know how, the AFL-CIO, and billionaires from the corporate left  like Mark Zuckerberg, donating through fraudulent 501c's planted the Marxist thugs who counted the vote and blocked anyone from seeing what they were up to.


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6 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

Not at all. My argument is that the 2020 presidential election wasn't just a Fix/Steal/Fraud, it was an obvious one and Joseph Stalin pegged one of the things that helped that come about  decades ago.

And if you'd like to know how, the AFL-CIO, and billionaires from the corporate left  like Mark Zuckerberg, donating through fraudulent 501c's planted the Marxist thugs who counted the vote and blocked anyone from seeing what they were up to.


No, it wasn't, and with any luck, the next month or so should see the whole mess written off to history and America can get on with not being a reality TV show for the benefit of one man's ego.

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You may very well be correct, and the election fix may continue into Georgia.

At that point the take-over of America will be complete then the rest of the world will ultimately follow.

And you'll there on your knees with a very severe case of 'be careful what you wish for.'

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11 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

You may very well be correct, and the election fix may continue into Georgia.

At that point the take-over of America will be complete then the rest of the world will ultimately follow.

And you'll there on your knees with a very severe case of 'be careful what you wish for.'

I am correct.  But there's no fix.  And no takeover.  More of a take back.

And no knees. 

You're batting .250.  Not bad.

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A fix, a fraud, a coup, a steal...call it whatever you want unless you're calling Mister 'can't get 20 people to a rally so he'll hide in his basement and call it a campaign, yet somehow he broke the country's record for votes, after Trump first set it, by abracadabraing supposed ballots that planted vote counters suddenly found in 5 states  in four hours after they told everybody the polls were closed, but nobody was allowed to watch what actually happened,' president elect because the corporate globalist machine told you to.

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And yes two times as many Democrats voted by mail-in ballots.

What you choose to be ignorant of though is 9 times as many ballots turned up for Biden  in the five states during the mysterious early morning hours the polls were supposed to be closed.

So no, you're wrong. It was a fix, a steal, a fraud, a coup. And cheering for it is just sad. Nothing good will come of it. You're standing alongside the road to serfdom cheering and that's dumb.

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10 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

And yes two times as many Democrats voted by mail-in ballots.

What you choose to be ignorant of though is 9 times as many ballots turned up for Biden  in the five states during the mysterious early morning hours the polls were supposed to be closed.

So no, you're wrong. It was a fix, a steal, a fraud, a coup. And cheering for it is just sad. Nothing good will come of it. You're standing alongside the road to serfdom cheering and that's dumb.

Ah, if only you had even the slightest of facts to back up your assertions.  But you don't.

Everyone who isn't a wingnut conspiracy theorist has looked at the evidence and found it severely wanting.  So much so as to be non-existent in the vast majority of cases.  I'm not keeping score any more, but I think the courts have Trump's arse being kicked to the tune of about 50-1 right now.  Or thereabouts.

Even his own party, (those who have any courage) have finally accepted the obvious.

Trump will keep it going for as long as he can, though, for a couple of reasons.  One, he is a vile narcissist who has no redeeming features whatsoever, and two, he wants to keep on pulling in the cash from his gullible supporters until the bitter end.

His serfs, that is.

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On 12/29/2020 at 10:25 PM, Nefarious Banana said:

You have no qualms about sharing yours . . . here?

Whether President Trump has lost the election or not, the election itself  . . . warts and all, needs looking at. American and Canadian politics/procedures need critical scrutiny.  

American elections have always been full of warts. They're put on by 50 separate states which delegate most of the work to county officials in hundreds and thousands of counties. How could they not be filled with blemishes? What the Trump cultists have done is suddenly 'discover' all these warts which they ignored in 2016, and scream in mock outrage and horror, as if they had no idea this happened. The same system which got them elected last time around is suddenly blatantly unfair and unconstitutional!  Because they lost...

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2 hours ago, bcsapper said:

Ah, if only you had even the slightest of facts to back up your assertions.  But you don't.

Everyone who isn't a wingnut conspiracy theorist has looked at the evidence and found it severely wanting.  So much so as to be non-existent in the vast majority of cases.  I'm not keeping score any more, but I think the courts have Trump's arse being kicked to the tune of about 50-1 right now.  Or thereabouts.

And you are pulling these claims straight out your butt.

Refusing to look at the evidence doesn't make it go away. An Ostrich can make the world go away by sticking his head in the sand but it doesn't protect him from the lions.

Denials and dismissals in court cases based on procedural matters like "standing" have little, but usually nothing to do with evidence. That applies to all the court cases you mention. We'll see what a court says about the evidence when it actually pays attention to it and not just a cursory mention that sounds like the Obama judge heard something on CNN.

As to the FACT that 90 to 100 percent of ballots in disputed districts started turning up Biden as soon as the corporate media told its audiences to go to sleep and vote counting would resume in the morning...I've been hearing that one from different sources since November 4.

Here's the most recent example from yesterday.


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4 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

And you are pulling these claims straight out your butt.

Refusing to look at the evidence doesn't make it go away. An Ostrich can make the world go away by sticking his head in the sand but it doesn't protect him from the lions.

Denials and dismissals in court cases based on procedural matters like "standing" have little, but usually nothing to do with evidence. That applies to all the court cases you mention. We'll see what a court says about the evidence when it actually pays attention to it and not just a cursory mention that sounds like the Obama judge heard something on CNN.

As to the FACT that 90 to 100 percent of ballots in disputed districts started turning up Biden as soon as the corporate media told its audiences to go to sleep and vote counting would resume in the morning...I've been hearing that one from different sources since November 4.

Here's the most recent example from yesterday.


I would say I admire your tenacity in the face of insurmountable odds against and overwheming evidence to the contrary of everything you believe to be the case, but I don't. 

It smacks of madness.

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And you always know you've got a Progressive whipped when all he's got left are slime and smears.

Meanwhile, I'm with these guys:


Polling data indicates that a vast majority of Republicans believe voter fraud helped President-elect Joe Biden win the presidency and less than half of Republicans accept the outcome of the election.


A new NPR/Ipsos poll released Wednesday found that while 33% of all respondents believe voter fraud helped Biden win the 2020 election, 67% of Republicans said the same. Only 44% of Republicans surveyed said they accept the outcome of the election and 71% said there is a deep state working to undermine President Donald Trump.

But yes, at this point it does look like the corporate, globalists with their stooges from the far left were able to pull off a successful presidential coup by controlling the machinery that manages elections and mastering the control of information.

However, keep an eye out on January 6 for the Stop the Steal rally in Washington. You'll get a pinprick idea of how many of us madmen there actually are. The "They" behind the coup think they can make the information disappear by telling the gullibles it isn't there, but as Captain Malcom Reynolds was told, "Can't stop the signal."

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More Americans voted for Trump than any other President in American history and those votes are undisputed.

Little by little the information is getting to those 75 million Americans that their votes were cheated away from them. How will they react as the corporates, socialists and Chi-Comms destroy the middle class then fight it out for control of the serf class that's left. 

I worry though that once this idea of "rights of the individual" is buried with what once was America the rest of the world will also go dark.

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3 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

More Americans voted for Trump than any other President in American history and those votes are undisputed.

Little by little the information is getting to those 75 million Americans that their votes were cheated away from them. How will they react as the corporates, socialists and Chi-Comms destroy the middle class then fight it out for control of the serf class that's left. 

I worry though that once this idea of "rights of the individual" is buried with what once was America the rest of the world will also go dark.

The votes for Trump were fraudulent.  Everyone knows that.  There is no evidence to show it, but everyone knows it.  He got fewer votes than anybody running for elected office in the USA ever got.  I think it actually went into the minus.

Still, there's no evidence, so we are expected to continue to believe he's merely a big loser, not a mindmeltingly massive loser.

It's tough, when you just know you are right, regardless of the evidence, but there it is.


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3 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

And you always know you've got a Progressive whipped when all he's got left are slime and smears.


That's not a smear, it's a diagnosis.

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3 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

 but as Captain Malcom Reynolds was told, "Can't stop the signal."

And yet, you've been trying to since November 04. 

Failing, dismally and pathetically, again and again, so much so it must haunt your every waking moment and drive you to foaming, frazzled distraction, but still, you persevere.

My diagnosis stands.

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28 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

You've got nothing. You know you've got nothing. Your smears and slurs aren't working so now you think you'll try to be funny.

Heavy emphasis on "try." ;)


But I have everything.  All the sanity is on my side.  All you have is anger, paranoia and delusion.

I have all those Republicans who have any vestiges of courage and integrity left on my side.  All you have are those who are secretly acknowledging the correct result but are too cowardly to do so in public.

I have all the media on my side.  Even media that, a few months ago, you would have sworn by.  All you have are a few basement dwelling you tubers.

I have all those judges, from local courts all the way up to the Supreme Court, on my side.  All you have is Sydney Powell and Rudy Giuliani.

But, you do have your anger, paranoia and delusion.  It can be sustaining, and can provide comfort in the face of overwhelming defeat, humiliation and ignominy.

Just think to yourself, Trump in 2024, and keep repeating it.  A mantra for you to lean on.  And who knows, if Trump thinks it will benefit him, and he isn't in jail, you might get your wish in four years.

Of course, then you'll have to go through it all again...

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On 12/30/2020 at 5:22 PM, bcsapper said:

 and America can get on with not being a reality TV show for the benefit of one man's ego.

Oh, I thought you meant Obummer there, for a second.

or what was that song by Supertramp?

Dreamer,,, nanananana... you silly little dreamer....

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19 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

But yes, at this point it does look like the corporate, globalists with their stooges from the far left were able to pull off a successful presidential coup by controlling the machinery that manages elections and mastering the control of information.

Please explain how this works. You have a Republican President who is, by many accounts, very savvy, a majority of State Governors who are Republican and an even larger majority of State legislators controlled by the Republican Party, including most of those where the Democratic "fraud" allegedly took place. Add to that, all the Republican counties in those blue states. The Supreme Court is controlled by the GOP and many of the Federal Courts. That means President Trump effectively controlled the election machinery for the 2020 election. How could the Democrats pull it off?

A police officer responds to a bank robbery call. She enters the bank and finds a masked man with a gun standing over a bunch of people lying on the floor. The armed man is shouting, "Officer, they were trying to rob the bank." Yah, that works.

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5 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Get your official President Trump autographed portrait while you can...time is running out !

Did see a photoshop'd pic of President Trump . . . . . and it looked very good.  His hair had been cropped quite short and hadn't been colored, and he had a greying goatee.  He looked like a tough guy.  Just my opinion - he'd have had a much stronger presence if he'd just kept off Twitter, and had learned to not comment on every minute issue. 

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