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Everything posted by CdnFox

  1. Yeah that's terrible and all but not relevant. Do the right thing for the country and it's people and then deal with the 1diots after. Also why 'wetbacks'? I've never understood that term.
  2. And they didn't. Sorry, but that's a myth. Your grandfather's employers didn't "Share" anything. They paid for the value of the work provided. In years gone by employees were more productive relative to profits. Our productivity has been falling, and the burden on corporations has been steadily rising. Minimum wage laws, laws about sick days, other payroll deductions, corporate taxes, etc etc all factor in. But most of all business has not felt it was a worthwile investment to spend money to give the tools for productivity in canada. ALl through the 80's canada was a bad investment thanks to the damage done by the first trurdeau. And now - canada is a terrible place to invest money in anything other than buying a home and our productivity has fallen off the bottom of the chart. Sorry kid - you're chasing a myth. If people were worth as much they'd get paid as much No, thats just what little commies tell themsevles to get to sleep at night Hey - it wasn't the conservative party that got caught trying to interfere with the justice system to help a major corp who was their 'friend'. In fact - it was the laws the CPC passed that stopped that from happeing. I assume you're talking to your mirror?
  3. Well there's a lot of people out there who DO let laws get in the way and they probably wouldn't be intereseted in his horsehockey any more than they were the last time. And? How is the political structure of 1930's germany the same as the republic of the US in 2023. IF you're going that route then you needn't worry, i'm sure someone will knife him on the senate foor. (et tu pence?) IT's childish. Go ahead - walk me through it. Step by step - how does trump become a true dictator without anyone stopping him. Go on. Yeash.
  4. Uh oh - someone realized they were wrong and is having a hissy fit And once again his being wrong is somehow MY fault. Dude - i literally posted from the treasury data. He just didn't, sorry. Biden has done worse and we're not even at the end of his 4 years yet. I posted actual charts and facts. You have posted nothing. If we add them up, including this year's budget deficit (which will certainly be worse as biden adds to it) then the numbers are trump (beginning 2016 - 2020 fiscal ) is 5.95 trillion. Biden is 6.5 trillion for 2021 - 2024. These are real numbers. Biden is worse by far. And if you snip the 2020-2021 out of it for covid (gives them each a year) then biden is HORRIBLE. These are simple verifiable facts. They cannot really be debated. As i often ask - why on earth do you feel the need to lie like that? You KNOW you're going to look like a complete 1diot. The facts are easy to find and simple. You KNOW you're wrong. But you persist. Do you think you're somehow helping biden to be dishonest? Surely there's a better argument than simply denying the truth. Anyway, turns out you're wrong again, how boring.
  5. ROFLMAO - ahhh yet another thing on the ever growing pile of things you've been saying for decades now Tribalism begain in the US and it was the left who begain it, it got serious around 2011. We have imported it to canada since I've been telling people that for decades now. LOL (Hey, that's kind of fun)
  6. LOL - got it a little wrong there kiddo - the last line should be Beaverfever says: "lets pretend this is what cdnfox would say: =: “They meet the dictionary definition” " The fact is they woudn't. but when you don't like the facts you (and the rest of the left) simply make up things nobody ever said, and then make up responses from people they don't like that they would never say. Because you haven't got the honesty, integrity or courage to address the points and actually counter them. Beacuase you know i'm right and it pisses you off. Sorry that reality is so painful for you kiddo - that sure explains why you choose to live in a fake one with fake people saying fake things. Tell me all about how you're not a cultist They would be shunned by the left and cast out in this day and age Says the democrat.
  7. Sure, it's like a kid pushing his boundries. He pushes a little and sees if mommy and daddy react, then pushes a little more, etc.
  8. So biden WASN"T elected in 2020? I'd heard that from the trump people but i didbn't think you subscribed to it Sigh. Why must you insist on being so stupid? the budget may be voted on along with discretionary spending but it is COMMON for additional funds to be voted on AFTER that. For example - biden voted in 624 billion in additional spending right at the beginning of his term in 2020. That's HIS money, not trumps as you claim. And that would NOT be the last time. He has MANY times voted for ADDITIONAL money not in the budgets. So yea- it's on him. But it does show 2021-2022. So 2 out of his three years. Man - i was really hoping you could count to 2 on your own. But - if you want to look at those numbers - from the treasury: In FY 2023 total government spending was $6.13 trillion and total revenue was $4.44 trillion, resulting in a deficit of $1.70 trillion, an increase of $320 billion from the previous fiscal year. Here - i found an updated chart, here's up to 2023. So it got worse. It's heading in the WRONG direction NOw if the economy is doing well, why do we need to borrow billions more? Bottom line - both obama's and Biden's deficits were FAR worse than trumps - the claim that was made that they're LESS is an utter lie. Why do you insist on looking like a m0r0n so frequently? Seriously? I mean - that info is readily available and you couldn't even count to 2. It's like you WANT the whole world to think you're denser than lead.
  9. If you waste my time with crap like "people don't belong in alberta and should know better than to live there", expect to be ridiculed. There is a certain bar that a statement has to pass before it can be called an actual reasoned position, and that failed utterly. If you have something semi intelligent to offer with regards to power, or renewables, or reliables, or whatever then great put it out there but just saying "What?! There's PEOPLE in ALBERTA!??!?!" is only going to get you laughed at. Theres a level of intellect below which there's no point to questions, and you are looking waaaaay up at that level.
  10. Bats aren't blind you know. Fcuk that. There's nothing to argue with. Your post was not an argument to be refuted, it was just verbal vomit with no sense and no logic. Arguing that the problem isn't about energy and instead the REAL problem is that humans live in alberta is bat crap crazy. Make a sane observation and we can have a discussion. FFS.
  11. no, it was more commentary on your bat-crap crazy post Too difficult to understand you gibberish. It might make more sense if i took the same drugs as you i suppose. Well then you're just a tard. My condolences to your parents.
  12. No, republicans used to. Democrats never have. Clintion lied to the public about 'sexual relations' with lewinsky, raped a girl, and then nancy illegally kept documents privately and sold influence to other countries who paid into the clinton charity which bill took billions from in pay. Now republicans have given up on doing it. Whats the point if they're the only ones who do?
  13. Well like i said it's cult-esque. But i think it's more like tribal zealotry rather than an actual religion. its a fine line. Your penmanship is atrocious.
  14. So you're saying people don't belong in Alberta? That might upset some people - especially the albertans. The real answer is most of them. That's how many would be dead if they relied on renewables. So... you've decided that sanity just isn't your cup of tea i take it.
  15. What a liar. From every angle. Here's the debt vs gdp - spiked like hell under biden. That big blip at the end is 2020 ant its still high as hell Here's the deficit. Both Obama AND Biden beat trump - biden by a landslide. THat big dip is biden (which is appropriate) and he still isn't up to trumps worst yet. Biden has been an absolutely reckless spender, which is why the us struggled with such high inflation. And why the stock market has gone up. But that spending will be an anchor on the economy for years to come. So the real question is - why did you feel the need to fib about it?
  16. They technically meet the dictionary definition. I would tend to refer to them more as zealots tho. Lots of people have strong feelings about their political belief - but theres is an unrelenting hatred of all who dare question any of it. They are fanatical and uncompromising, and tribal to the point of extreme political xenophobia. Lets face it - some in the 'trump camp' can be the same but the vast majority are not, whereas it seems these days dem supporters are more likely to be that way. It's like a form of compulsive behavioural disorder. It's cult LIKE and it certainly has religious qualities but it's something else mixed in there. Marx said religion was the opiate of the masses, but he hadn't met the democrats
  17. And this is the problem. Inflation has also been high and it will be some time before people's wages catch up. As in a couple of years. He's pumped money out to make it LOOK like things are going great for the election year. And they'll be pressuring the feds to reduce interest rates as the year progresses. But if you look at the stock market, its' mostly speculation. Companies that are showing good results are seeing their stock go up over value and companies that are doing less well are seeing their stock go down more than it should. Personal expenditures went up like crazy last year and savings declined substantially, and they are no where near recovered. but they are moving in the right direction. This is a decent economy right now - it's not great, and it's still very much a recovery economy from the damage he did previously, and there are some long term negatives, but it could be worse. Of course he's feverently hoping things stay decent enough to get him off the hook at the next election but people are clearly still pissed about his poor performance to date.
  18. You see guys - it's not HIM, its the REST of the world that's crazy/stupid LOL. Mental health issues are a serious problem these days.
  19. It is according to you. And what are you getting mad about? I SAID 'fify' so it's ok to misquote you right? I tell you what. Maybe we should both not be doing that any more. If you've got something to say use your own words you crybaby.
  20. It literally happens to everyone tho. My family fled their lands they'd owned for generations in the ukraine during the russian revolution. Uprooted, all their possessions stolen, much of the family dead other than the shirts on their back, forced to start a new life where they didn't even know the language with no money and just a bit of land the gov't gave them, and yeah - opa used to be a little sad about it. Through history it's happened many times to most cultures at some point. It's basically how Australia came to be, The ENTIRE middle east and roman and germanic and french lands were basically one migration story after another as tribes fled after being displaced, etc etc. You freaking get over it and you move on. It happened. That sucks. So you start again and rebuild your life as best as you can and thats just how it works. Violently trying to rewind the clock to an earlier time will get these people killed.
  21. And then hooked up with Hamas. And that ended that. You're not being reasonable in the slightest with any of this. "from the river to the sea' is a thing. You claim that all you need to do is ignore the radicals but you must know that is not possible. Those radicals just slaughtered 1500 people, that's not something you can ignore. You are living in a fantasy if you think that's just suddenly going to go away. It's not a real thing.
  22. Yeah - so he'll be 82 by the time his term would be over anyway Even if he becomes dictator i don't see it being a long term problem LOL Of course he won't actually become a dictator, the fact that idea is even put forward seriously is a depressing statement on how ridiculously !diotic tribal politics has become in the states. LIke any reasonable person could believe that
  23. Do you ever notice how people who benefit from slavery have every reason in the world to justify it? It used to be "blacks are too stupid to live on their own, we have to care for them as animals". Now its "Mexicans are too stupid to make a living on their own, now give me my carrots!!!"
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