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Everything posted by CdnFox

  1. If we're being 100% honest we're probably doing the Palestinians a favor as well. Currently their entire lives are revolving around their hatred. Every waking minute is focused on conflict and hatred and generational murder and killing. They will never make a home or a life for themselves, they will never be successful and have a decent economy and have children with good prospects. It's entirely possible that if they move somewhere else and are dispersed that they may eventually let that go and focus on their day-to-day lives and start thinking about a future rather than the past All I can say with certainty is whatever we've been doing for the last 80 years has not been working
  2. Yes. If you'll give her a promotion. Also I will add this to the ever growing list of crap you've said that's kept me up with nightmares over the years.
  3. If he doesn't know then how is it racist? How the hell do i upvote this twice? LOLOL Your mom cut back your allowance again?
  4. His reddit law degree will pair nicely with his Diploma from the University of Facebook.
  5. You mean yourself because you're afraid to even name whom you're speaking of? Well coward for certain but surely only to the SECOND power. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.
  6. Why, were you listening to Trudeau's speeches again? I thought this was about the US? it probably is. We can't hear the voices in your head so we may not have been informed
  7. Aww you losing steam there big guy? Only two this time? And couldn't even think of anything to say? LOL , and you wonder why nobody believes you're an adult 🍿🍿🍿(munch munch)🍿🍿🍿
  8. Do you mean the voices in your head? My guess would be because you stopped your medications. God you are such a coward
  9. Biden proposed them against all countries in his America first concept, but tariffs are there to either protect an industry or create a negotiation with a foreign power. The trade balance with china is extremely one-sided and as we saw during the pandemic that creates a number of significant problems in the event of unrest in china, So looking at effective ways of addressing that trade balance enforcing them to the table is something that trump is considering using terrorists to do. I would imagine countries like Russia might also be on the list for certain trade restrictions or tariffs I suppose what you're really saying is that you don't really understand how any of this works. It can be complex.
  10. I doubt anyone any more believes you're old enough to have more than 10 years at ANYTHING other than paperboy You can't claim to be a career professional and post ass porn or your usual silly mental meltdowns. If you want to be taken as an adult you'd have to start behaving like one and not a 12 year old. Actually they did and the evidence is fairly overwhelming from the research so far. The real problem seemed to be that the areas that the gov't offices were in were very very dependent on having a steady supply of people to buy foods, shop, get services etc and they are now suffering in many major metros where gov't offices are prevelant. Canada Orders Federal Workers Back To Office To Bolster Real Estate - Better Dwelling Downtowns have been hollowed out as workers moved to smaller regions and took their spending with them. Now big cities and their leaders have been trying to get workers to go back into the office, for just enough days to prevent them from moving too far out of their pricey regions. There have been a lot of articles like that, and the gov't has mentioned it from time to time.
  11. There absolutely is, it would work very very very badly and it would be horrible. Probably the closest 'functional' thing would be democratic representation as we saw in the roman senate and greek states or sparta, but it was a very chaotic and less than productive arrangements in most cases. The thing is it tends to be either vastly more susceptible to corruption OR too 'democratic' (where it becomes the tyrrany of the majority). Remember, pure democracy is a very bad thing. Pure democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep voting on whats' for dinner. It can work in very small groups but it scales very very badly.
  12. It is not a right, and they don't have the right. I thought i was very clear. It's "allowed" by the gov't from time to time. If it was a 'right' then the gov't could not take that away without using the notwithstanding clause or the like. BUt no, the gov't can just decide "Oh - you can't actually do that for a few years till we say otherwise starting today" and that's that. So it's a privilege the gov't sometimes allows them to have. Unless they don't feel like it. This just happened so lets not pretend they have any sort of 'right'. Well then you're very very misinformed as to what a 'right' is. If that's how you feel, then we should allow evictions without question. I mean, they'd still have the 'right' to rent, you just wouldn't like the 'application' right?
  13. Do you lefties get it now? There is NO SAVING The cbc. They are activists, not journalists. They are hate spewing people with an agenda. And we're paying for it. Polievre should go beyond defunding them to just out and out decommissioning them altogether. Shut it down. It is not a 'state' broadcaster, it's a "statist" broadcaster
  14. KINSELLA: Jewish journalists outraged by CBC's activism | Toronto Sun The Toronto Sun has learned that CBC management has convened “listening sessions” for staff in the coming days – and the sessions are being led by “facilitators” who say they want to “challenge the status quo of Zionism,” who say Israel oversees “an immoral and oppressive occupation” – and one of whom has said he “wholeheartedly, unreservedly supports” an Ontario politician who has been sanctioned for anti-Semitic views in the provincial Legislature. The “listening sessions” have left Jewish journalists feeling outraged. Said one: “Many of us Jewish journalists have spent our entire careers committed to fairness and making sure that the work we put out is balanced, and that it’s backed up by journalistic ethics. And what we’ve seen within the last number of years is a pivot within the CBC from journalism to activism.” Despite that, the CBC’s top spokesman, Chuck Thompson, was dismissive when asked about the sessions: “Respectfully, whatever meetings or sessions we may be having with employees are just that, they’re internal.”
  15. KINSELLA: Jewish journalists outraged by CBC's pivot from journalism to activism KINSELLA: Jewish journalists outraged by CBC's activism | Toronto Sun the news can be as slanted as it wants to be. But we shouldnt' be paying for it
  16. Awww mikey, did he offend those 'right wing conservative' sensibilities of yours? Sad to see you've gone from calling people chuds to 'paid russian misinformants'. I guess that's to be expected as you descend into the depths of woke ideology.
  17. And where in that link does it say that "Every Day" israelis enter the west bank and kill 1200 civillians, rape the women and burn the bodies as you claimed they did? LIke, at all? Me: IF Israel crossed the border without warning or direct provocation and slaughtered 1200 of their people and took a few hundred hostages You: You must not be paying attention to the news or you would have noticed IDF do this on an almost daily basis in the west bank. there isn't a single word about that in the source you cited. Not one. It does not happen. So I was right, and you were lying. Which is for whatever reason exactly what we see constantly from the left attempting to justify gaza's attacks. That would be the sound of your credibility flushing down the toilet. If you can't be honest, you should probably be quiet.
  18. Where's your little smiley face. You were so happy when you were talking about them being shot before Same bullets dipshit. It was very obviously was not a fake event. Very obviously the blood was real, very obviously people died. It was not staged and it was not faked. But of course you don't care people died you don't care that people were hurt or that a disturbed young man who obviously needed help didn't get it in time and wound up with his head blown off. the ONLY thing that matters is we CAN"T let trump look good, it's more important to lie about it than worry about all that other stuff. If your family hasn't disowned you they are terrible people.
  19. VERY clever if you're as stupid as a leftie i'm sure how stupid do you have to be to think that a race which has had so many wars that basically you could say peace is a theoretical concept whose existence we only postulate because there has been the occasional pause between wars will somehow have more wars because of climate change. And how stupid do you have to be to suggest that somehow it's ridiculous to ask how this would look? And what wars that we're having currently which was the claim were caused by climate change. A dentist and a scientist could probably tell you that. It wouldn't be that hard, you calculate the rate of tooth decay that is caused by sugary treats, you determine how many sugary treats you have eaten, and you can come up with an answer. You can further calculate the effectiveness of brushing at removing sugary treats or reducing their effect on your teeth and then calculate how much you're brushing or lack thereof played a role in the tooth decay So it would actually be very easy to figure that out. That was a totally simple answer. Most things in life have simple answers. Occasionally we are missing data that is necessary to calculate it but most of the time it's not complicated. Now let me give you a little life lesson or two. If somebody comes to you and claims that they have the answers and when questioned on them then turns around and says gosh it's really hard to come up with answers, That person is probably trying to sell you something and it's probably snake oil. Further, when those same people constantly say you should rely on the science and then can provide no science at all (and even better link to a propaganda page that links to no science) Then what you are probably dealing with is somebody who does not have the mental capacity to determine whether or not the ideology that they are spouting is accurate or not. Sorry Gramps, you completely and utterly failed that one. In these days most answers can be relatively easily worked out. If they can't then you have to admit you don't actually have an answer and what you are claiming is fact is not
  20. ummm... here are a few what? You didn't cite anything. Were you perhaps citing the voices in your head or something? Telepathy isn't a REAL thing, you know that right? Not a science document at all. It's a un propaganda sheet. I asked to see the science. I'm not shocked to see you don't know the difference between science and a promotional page. You're right, that's never happened before has it. The white people here have ALWAYS been here, there's never been waves of immigrants before. You must be kidding me. Or stoned. Or both. This has been a prime destination for people from all over the world for centuries now. Hell they have a statue for it in new york harbour. People are coming her because until recently this is an excellent economic base with tonnes of room and living space, top of the line education and a (previously) solid health care. It has nothing to do with climate. There's historically a tonne of opportunity for immigrants and until recently they were very welcomed. 10 years of trudeau has made some of those things false but they don't know that.
  21. Every time you say that you get asked for the science, either by me or by others. And every time you fail to deliver it. If it gets worse adapt. That's what humans have done for a little over 4,000 years now. If it's not a crisis and you can't even prove it with science then it's not worth worrying about. Learn to cope and you'll be fine
  22. No, you'd have to get much smarter to reach that level of stupid.
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