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Everything posted by CdnFox

  1. Why is that a thing with the left? I beat them up with their own links regularly, in fact DUI spent 3 pages arguing with me that the woods around Jasper were NOT a federal responsibility despite my evidence to the contrary, and then in the end postsed a link that said in absolutely no uncertain terms that they WERE a fed responsibility and he was wrong the whole time And that was HIS link Tonnes of others have done it too. Moonbox got so frequent at it i'd basically just sit back and drag the conversation along till he'd prove himself wrong with no effort from me. I don't see that happening with right of center posters here.
  2. Complete bullshit. Sorry kiddo. you don't get to pick and choose what trump said and decide what's legit. He made it crystal clear what his position is and the fact that it's inconvenient for you is just too bad. Sure. Trump says that the decision belongs with the states and has believed and said that for some time. The overturn means the issue goes back to the states. Why wouldn't he take "credit" so to speak for returning the abortion issue to the states, as he has long supported? Although honestly i think he's giving himself a bit too much credit there. Hasn't changed at all for many years. Maybe it'll change 20 years from now who knows. not really relevant. This is just a fiction that you're desperately trying to manufacture because your candidate has zero going for her so you desperately need people to hate trump and not look at her. If trump becomes president again nothing much is going to happen with abortion law. Federally at least. Your fearmongering just isn't realistic.
  3. Sure - i mean they only lost their child/husband/brother, and now it's like they want some sort of consideration or respect or something. Tsk!! Entitled brats. . The issue is there claiming that trump only went there for a photo op out of the blue and was just exploiting the situation. In reality they invited him. They wanted him to be there. They asked him to come and he came. But now the media is turning the family and their request into a political weapon. I guess to democrats and their supporters they don't realize why that's a scummy thing to do
  4. For people alleging to care about the quality of information, they certainly spend a lot of time misinforming, uninforming, disinforming, and otherwise obscuring information to their own benefit.
  5. Nonsense. Somewhere between 0 and 1 million per year (our current rate) Is a number that will allow us to enjoy modest and sustainable growth without stressing our infrastructure. We are building houses now. If we reduce immigration to an amount that is appropriate for the number of houses we build then the problem goes away. This idea that we need to have either none or virtually everybody at the same moment is absolutely asinine and has led to a country that for 150 years welcomed newcomers with open arms to start to seriously question whether or not we should have people coming at all. We have Trudeau and Jag me to thank for that We just need to get back to sustainability. There's nothing complicated about it
  6. We all can pretty much hear you crying from here Ahhhh - ridden hard and put away wet is your theory. Well we all get older.
  7. Well the fact that trump's people pushed a worker there was all over cbc, so they must be covering this as well. I'm going to go see what their balanced reporting has to say on this. .............. Still looking, must be in here somewhere... ............... Ummmmmmmm.......
  8. Why do you feel the need to lie and pretend that that's the issue? If climate change is real, climate change is always happened, climate change will always continue to happen till eventually the Sun Goes Nova. A lot of people also believe that man makes a significant and substantial contribution to those changes. There is degrees of argument as to how much or how little mankind is playing the role but nonetheless most people understand with 9 billion of us on the planet we're actually having some sort of impact. The problems are that a) People like you wanted to be a crisis without being able to provide a shred of evidence that it is in fact some sort of existential crisis that needs an immediate response. In fact when the response is inconvenient to you you frequently throw climate change out the window. So a lot of people ask why they should suffer horrible economic hardship in order to address something that does not seem to actually be a crisis And, b) What is an idea that is real nuts is that anything we can do will make any real difference unless other countries take even more substantial steps. Canada represents such a low amount of emissions that even if we stopped all emissions tomorrow it would barely make a blip and china would replace those emissions with growth in their own emissions within a year and a half. So pretending that something that we can do today is going to somehow save the future and end climate change is beyond nuts. So again, explain why we should suffer hardship in order to do something that will make absolutely no difference. I haven't even gotten into the hypocrisy yet or the blind devotion to snake oil cures. I mean, first tell me that this is a hyper important issue and that you have a solution in the form of carbon taxes, and then tell me that there are no ways to measure whether it has any effect and no targets involved with it. There is no way that both of those statements can be true. Either it's urgent and we are taking it seriously or it isn't and we are not. And currently we are not
  9. Trump never was involved in a rebellion. He's never been charged with it, he certainly never been convicted of it, and the courts found that those who tried to pimp that idea out did so unlawfully and that they interfered with democracy attempting to do so. How are you and Putin any different? You both believe in the same things, lying and weaponizing the courts to try and suppress your opponents.
  10. And you care because you actually do pick your leaders based on height and weight? Biden and the dems said he was mentally competent. Of the two I know which one maters to me more when picking a leader. Are you sure you read the instructions on your box of democracy correctly?
  11. If they didn't use their screams and their tears then they might have to use their brains and that's just not a level of pain they're willing to endure
  12. Yeah! The thought of her trying is pretty hilarious ummmm ... was that the best line you felt you could go with when mentioning harris? 🤣 FFS dude, think before you type
  13. There is plenty of democracy in Canada, the problem is people have lost the knowledge of what democracy is. They think the democracy is voting for the party that they like and consider to be there home team so to speak once every 4 years or so. That's democracy. It's like the Olympics or something, comes up every 4 years and you hope your team wins and you get all excited for a couple of weeks and then you go back to life. Democracy requires the participation of the people and it requires it on a pretty consistent basis. People have to help select their leaders for their parties both federally and also at the riding level as well as provincially and at the riding level. Then they have to attend conventions or talk to the delegates who will be to discuss policy and what they would like to see. They have to organize groups of like-minded people who will write in and push for change or policy that they want to see. If you don't do this then Democracy goes unused. And when the people don't show up, someone else shows up and runs it for them. The biggest problem we have with democracy is the people
  14. And? Well i seem to recall that interview and as is so often the case with you guys i recall the quote being a LITTLE different than you're making out. Because people were taking his quote out of context he immediately clairified: “If Congress were to pass legislation making abortion illegal and the federal courts upheld this legislation, or any state were permitted to ban abortion under state and federal law, the doctor or any other person performing this illegal act upon a woman would be held legally responsible, not the woman. The woman is a victim in this case as the life is in her womb Gee. Kinda feels like you're being a little dishonest again. And what do we say about positions that require you to lie to support them? Hmmm? So when he was younger trump believed in pro choice, now he believes in mostly right to life but that it's up to the states. And if the states passes a law and someone violates that law then there will be consequences. Isn't it you guys who've been screaming that 'no one is above the law' recently? Well that didn't go well for you. Did you want to try again?
  15. If you don't care then why bring it up? So you're saying she's a slut? That's not true, i don't worship Trudeau at all (why'd he leave bc and his job mid semester without warning again?) LOL this thread isn't going well for you, is it Chrissy
  16. Exactly. You have to remember that he believes men ARE women so of course only women should have a say, men don't really exist you know
  17. He hasn't changed it even a little bit once. Abortion should be a matter for the states. Done.
  18. And if they have a bouncy castle, declare the emergency act!!!!!! LOL, typical leftie. Weaponize the courts to attack people you don't like
  19. One of yours you mean? Well.... maybe but it doesn't look like it's working very hard considering you needed me to explain to you that the greens would support the ndp in a minority
  20. Awww poor girl - looks like trudeau might really be castro's son and now you're all butt hurt and pouty It'll be ok. At least Hunter is still Biden's son. Probably.
  21. oh you're right... what did i say again... LOL looks like you're the one who needs to get his eyes checked DUI: "HEY THAT THING YOU SAID IS ACTUALLY TRUE, YOU SHOULD GET YOUR EYES CHECKED!!" LOLOLOL Well done No wonder you get drunk and wind up posting about me in tears at nights Siiiigh... ok so if we're done with your little hissy fit freak out, it's exactly as i said. Kammy is up to 1.8 percent over trump but both are falling, and that's far worse news for her than it is for trump. Voters are moving back to the 'undecided' camp and that favours trump in the long term. Now did you get it that time or do i need to get out the crayons? LOL
  22. And thank goodness, we need them out there splitting the vote as always uhhh... no. No i believe that the idea would be they would potentially support the ndp. Like the last time. Not the conservatives . LOLOLOL!!! Holy shit man... how in god's name did you POSSIBLY eff that up!!?? You seriously thought we were talking about the greens supporting the Cons in a minority?!?!? Damn dude, every time i think you've reached peak stupid you go and prove me wrong That was freaking hilarious Oh and i guess the first part of your hissy fit there is that the ndp have always stood for a broken economy, corruption and graft, extreme inflation, lower quality of life, union busting and crime? LOL Good to know! I see they're down in the polls federally too, no wonder if they're supporting all of that
  23. Ahh back to your sexual fantasies i see. It seems whenever you lefties get depressed or distressed it's your go to reaction And once again - obviously you think we're right or you'd have made a reasonable counter argument. So the takeaways would seem to be: 1- go get laid. for all our sakes. This incel stuff is ruining you. and 2. - go get a better candidate. This one sucks
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