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Everything posted by CdnFox

  1. All of that is true, but at least he was semi-functional before. Like an alcoholic who could still get through the work day more or less, it was "Functionally cognitive" Enough to at least squeak by. Looking at his speeches from 2020 and comparing them to 2024 though, it's very clear he has degraded a long way and is no longer above that functional threshold. I know a lot about Alzheimer's and Dementia for various reasons, and the one thing you always see in dementia cases where they are beginning to fade is they go "Flat". Facial expression, tone of voice, everything goes flat and lacks emotion. And when I see him on stage I just see that so clearly. He's rounded that corner from beginning to struggle to no longer functional
  2. The only 20 20 that's still relevant now is the hindsight the dems are probably having about letting a dottard run again.
  3. Nothing can stop the failure of epic proportion now. We're almost a year people have been incredibly saying that he was becoming mentally diminished to the point where he could not reasonably conduct his duties. You and a lot of other democrats supporters simply blew that off as being untrue. Many on the left media insisted that people who claimed that were bad people who were being dishonest. There was fist pounding, there was yelling, there was denial aplenty. Now it has been shown that they were wrong and probably knew they were wrong all along. They just handed the presidency to trump. It really doesn't matter what biden does or doesn't do at this stage. So now they have to focus on saving what they can. They might be able to retain control of the house or the senate are serious work. Replacing Joe would help with that. But the simple truth is the most likely outcome now is that trump will win the presidency, and also the senate and the house. So for at least the first two years trump is going to run rampant and unrestricted because Biden and his supporters couldn't admit the truth early enough to prevent what they will consider to be a disaster See, that's what happens when you play stupid games and act like a fool speaking as if you had no English skills and pretending that it was somehow intellectual. The dems deserve the pounding they're about to get, just as the left in Canada deserve the pounding they'll get next year
  4. Some very very interesting polling was done not that long ago and it revealed some surprising things. The wealthy "liberals" and the elites tend to absolutely think that none of that is a problem, and that many of the woke policies are what the average American truly and honestly cares about. The less wealthy and less elite, however, absolutely saw it as a complete 180. The dedicated dems who don't even know what a loaf of bread normally costs because they're too well off to care are so amazingly out of touch with what concerns regular people that it's not even funny. Which is why the dems were already struggling in this election despite the dirty tricks and cheating even before biden exposed his addled brain to the world.
  5. One of those rare cases where i tend to agree. they became less and less conservative over time and just became a mush. Scandal after scandal, policy after policy that was not conservative at all or was half assed in the worst way. The conservatives badly needed a reset. They need a time out to go back and really think about what they are, and pick a leader who can properly run it. Then they can come back and do a better job for the next 14 years Every party needs a bit of a reset from time to time.
  6. Which would be bad enough if we were just going along with the current but it seems the liberals are still at full throttle even tho they've got no direction and no purpose. And that means sooner or later they're going to hit something. And we're the ones who'll pay the bill. So now they're going to try to divide black canadians into a seperate group and exploit them hoping to build their own new version of the intersectional coalition similar to obama's. I don't think that's working much any more in the states, i'm really not sure it'll work here. But it will stir up more division.
  7. You apperently. Every time you lose a discussion even a little you come begging for attention on your hands and knees. Silly little childish posts that pretty much scream to the world "PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE ME AND PAY ATTENTION", like a child who misbehaves to get his parents to look. What did you THINK your little grade 3 posts looked like to everyone ? This is why people started to believe you're not actually an adult. The ass porn didn't help either to be honest. Sorry kid. It's pretty obvious to everyone.
  8. Yes yes - in the science there's many great things. Unfortunately you don't live in the science You barely live in the real world. Is that why you can't speak english properly? You're too simple?
  9. That's actually a lot more true and relevant than many people might initially think. In many ways that is what's led the democrats to their upcoming defeat. Remember that trump was winning even before the interview. And that's after his convictions and months and months of targeting him. The whole woke mentality is so oblivious to how their actions and thoughts are perceived that it winds up coming as a complete shock when the rest of the world actually reacts entirely different than what they expected. They thought people would be morally outraged about trump and nobody would vote for him, but if anything people are more pissed off about the democrats weaponizing the legal system to target their opponents and they look at trump as more of a martyr than a felon.
  10. He thought it was 2020. Then he looks to the side and you can see him looking at something and realizing what he said. Then he tries to recover with "er... and we'll do it again in 2024". But its too late and the crowd knows it. IF this was an isolated event people would blow it off but it's clear his mind is wandering ALL the time now. Even his more lucid moments are plagued with mental lapses. And it gets worse from here.
  11. Amusingly, the polls are showing he may be right. Kamala is actually pulling slightly worse than him in some Polla. Which means he literally found the only other politician in all of America who people like less than him as his running mate There's several others who could win if this was a year ago. But they just don't have the brand recognition and organization to jump in with only 4 months left and make it happen. It would still be smart to dump pinnochi-joe and let kamala take the L for the team. Joe is going to get worse not better. And the entire democratic party will look horrible if they support him. And the press will turn on him and pretend they didnt' know all the way along to try to salvage their credibility for having been screaming that it was all "cheap fakes" to claim he was befuddled before. Which means they probably lose the house and the senate too if he stays running. They're going to lose the presidency. I don't think anything shy of a miracle can stop that now. They have to salvage what they can in the house and the senate and try to stop trump there if they want to hold him back at all.
  12. Wudduya stupid'? "Facist" are really bad and social conservatives are really bad (all conservatives really) so OBVIOUSLY fascists and social conservatives must be the same thing. I'm not even kidding - this is how their minds work. They pick works they think are really emotionally charged and then use them even if it's completely out of context. That's how we get "Cultural" genocides, and "racist" math. They're children.
  13. That would also be an end - the list doesnt' match up to the definition of a social conservative at all. English your second language is it?
  14. My discussion skills are better than your English skills. Apparently. No, i think you're stupid for making claims you can't back up and getting called out for it. You made claims, i said "cite", now somehow your claims are supposed to be my fault. You're an !diot. LOL - no, kiddo, that's not how it works at all. IF you had said "prove your statements" initially that might be true. But instead you made affirmations and statements of your own. And i questioned those. That means its entirely on you. You made the firm claim what i said was bullsht. Well - prove it. Where's your cite? YOU made a claim about harper, that's got nothing to do with anything i said, that was YOUR claim. Well... where's your proof? You're such a failure as a person. Not only do you make bullshit statements you know you can't back up, but when that's pointed out you claim that it's up to others to prove your stuff. And everyone can see it. Pathetic.
  15. That has not been my experience with you. Perhaps you're different in person and it just doesn't translate well to writing.
  16. A lot of dem insiders are stepping up their calls too. Biden thinks if he just keeps saying no the party has to eventually realize that he's their only option and back him. The party thinks if they cut him off he'll realize stepping down gracefully is his only option. So it's a game of chicken. Safe bet they're bribing him in the background - they'll offer to make him or the kids board members in some charity or similar org for millions of dollars - the presidency is all about money to them. We'll see how it lands but there's just no coming back from this and that's a fact.
  17. for the last time, that's not a mirror that's the window. Umm... being woke IS being an ignorant effing twat. The only difference is being woke means you don't realize it
  18. Sounds like some real villains were caught and the church is being held accountable as it should. This is how it should go.
  19. Says the guy desperately begging for my acknowledgement and posting long posts with pictures hoping i'll validate his existence at some point You know, you really make it impossible to believe you're not a teen.
  20. They have the suspects, but they're trying to claim that the two women attacked them so they shoudn't be blamed for beating them to a pulp. The cops are still looking at charges but you know how this works - unless there's witnesses that come forward and say what happened these guys will likely get a small slap or get away with no charges, especially in ontario. Criminals don't go to jail there.
  21. You and I were literally just talking about justin. AND some have pointed out he's getting a little older himself. Look man - if you can't be clear what you're discussing and just jump around randomly please don't blame ME for your crap language skills.
  22. The irony....... Don't say that! Now he's going to be all pissy and not share his toys at kindergarten tomorrow and it'll be YOUR FAULT! (hope you're happy. Monster.)
  23. When they realized that 'recently deceased cadaver' wasn't a great look for him. Watch his facial expression tho - he's clearly looking off stage and someone signals him and he realizes he's screwed up. Anyone watching this crap has to realize that boy just hasn't got it.
  24. No, they're your claims. Can't cite huh? Just pulled it out of your ass? Always funny watching you get busted for being a lying sack LOL Well that's lefties for you - if the truth isn't to your liking then making crap up on the fly will see you through
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