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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/2021 in Posts

  1. It appears to be quite evident to me right now that the majority of our useless bunch of lefty liberals, NDP socialists, and those pinko conservative politicians want to destroy our British and European way of life and replace it with non white British/European cultures that have no love for our white culture at all. They are culturally incompatible with our white culture. Just saying. ?
    2 points
  2. It’s too bad we cannot untangle cause and effect, and so the idiot leadership uses this chaotic mess of unrefined data to mesmerize the dunderheads.
    2 points
  3. Masks would work in a clinical setting properly fitted, no facial hair, good quality material. In other words not yours.
    2 points
  4. Nothing that deserves it to be disabled. Get used to rights being taken away. It isn't happening only in Canada. We're seeing the end of days for democracy.
    2 points
  5. Goof question! I mean, good. There's no way to tell for sure until you die. And even then you'll only know for sure if you still exist. But if there's nothin, you won't know about it anyway, so either way I'm like, wtf.
    1 point
  6. You could be describing yourself! Except for "MSM" - if it doesn't come from some fringe website, it doesn't exist for you. There have been virtually no deaths from the vaccine, but that means nothing to you - fearmongering about the vaccine is your agenda.
    1 point
  7. Are you a moderator? Or just kinda bossy?
    1 point
  8. Why is deaths of young people the only valid metric? Aren’t old people part of the population still? Does it suit your narrative to cherry pick the data?
    1 point
  9. Direct Comparison 2019 vs 2020 January deaths as a percentage of population 2019 – 0.07789% January deaths as a percentage of population 2020 – 0.06407% February Deaths as a percentage of population 2019 – 0.06504% February Deaths as a percentage of population 2020 – 0.07546% This is when many believe Covid began to circulate around the world. At this time we were unaware of the illness – therefore treating something that you’re not aware of could have slightly inflated the numbers. March Deaths as a percentage of population 2019 – 0.06831% March Deaths as a percentage of population 2020 – 0.06103% End of March governments in Canada began to speak of lockdowns as a way to “prevent” the spread of the Coronavirus. April Deaths as a percentage of population 2019 – 0.06365% April Deaths as a percentage of population 2020 – 0.06760% Slightly higher numbers of deaths as a percentage in April. This could be due to the poor handling of Long Term Care facilities in Ontario and Quebec that inflated the numbers early in the “pandemic.” Sending sick people into nursing homes of the most vulnerable populations isn’t a recipe for success. September Deaths as a percentage of population 2019 – 0.05836% September Deaths as a percentage of population 2020 – 0.03976% September – by this time we have learnt to deal with this virus better in our health systems and the numbers bear this out. We have seen deaths related to Covid drop compared to the initial early months when Covid first found it way into Canada. As we come back into Flu/Covid season we will again see death numbers rise – as is typical in any given Flu season. In our opinion these numbers don’t justify the draconian measures by our governments on both the Federal and Provincial levels. These measures will have a detrimental impact on the economy for many decades to come as we have amassed a massive debt during the rolling restrictions to combat Covid. Someone will have to pay the piper. In addition, the current policies don’t account for the effects on the social development skills of children and their affects on adults. The current narrative is one that has pitted Canadians against other Canadians – something truly unbefitting for a nation known for its kindness.
    1 point
  10. Trudeau sure is taking his sweet time.
    1 point
  11. Are you just assuming the 97.5% figure is due to coercion, or is there some evidence for that?
    1 point
  12. I edited my post above. Government coercion and draconian threats of career destruction make the compliance numbers much higher in some regions than others where there are other options.
    1 point
  13. Epidemiologists or virologists and other experts. But not just the ones you approve of or the ones that have been pressured into getting in line. Like the 27 "scientists" who signed the letter to the Lancet assuring anybody who'd listen there was 'nothing to see here' as far as Covid originating in a lab in Wuhan. Then it turned out:
    1 point
  14. I think she already knows. She also knows infections and harms to the vaccinated are rising statistically as vaccine efficacy drops. I've seen it as low as 20% with, I think it was J& J.
    1 point
  15. Actually the studies done by the manufacturers originally said 95% efficacy. That's changed drastically. 95% looks like nonsense now that we've seen them in action. Worse for some vaccines than others but they all wane in efficacy over time. 2 to 8 months depending on varying factors. That's another reason stats for the vaccinated start to rise from the first hysterical weeks of an infection wave.
    1 point
  16. Oh, NOW underlying conditions can be taken into consideration. But NOT before everybody got vaccinated. Good to know.
    1 point
  17. This is a crucial point that very few people seem to be paying attention to. Government and Health Authorities have known for 2 years that hospitals and ICU's could be overwhelmed and had all this time to find real solutions. We've spent literally billions of dollars, Trudeau overpaid on a 700 million dollar contract with a former Liberal MP to provide thousands of ventilators that were never used but ended up in some warehouse, he bought and overpaid badly for enough vaccine to pump into the entire population ten times over. The governments at all levels has had all this time to get ready, but they dropped the ball...they put all their effort into locking people in their homes, closing and destroying small businesses, and putting all their faith on a vaccine that is proving to be considerably less effective than was first advertised. Then, unbelievably, they removed the blame from their own shoulders and foisted it directly on the filthy "unvaccinated"...and amazingly, people fell for it!! Divide and conquer has proven yet again to be an exceedingly effective strategy of government to dodge and obfuscate the responsibility and distract people who are busy blaming each other for a problem that started in a lab in China, and was subsequently badly managed by governments. We would do well to stop blaming each other, and take a minute to re-evaluate the entire perspective on where we are currently, how we got here, and be truly honest with ourselves about what it's really going to take to get us out of this. Firing minimum wage workers from their jobs for not complying with government orders which change on an almost daily basis is not going to get us there...it's just not...no matter how much you have bought into all the bullshit.
    1 point
  18. When they came out with the efficacy rates for the vaccines against COVID (before the Delta variant), did anyone say that the vaccine was 100% effective agains the virus?
    1 point
  19. Just like 9/11 and the curvature of the Earth?
    1 point
  20. It's all the mannequins taking up the beds.
    1 point
  21. The biggest villain in all this is a media, here and especially in the USA, that thrive on the fear porn around COVID 19. The masks mandate doesn't bother me really, but the sky is falling from the media does. They seem to get off on it.
    1 point
  22. Merkel performed a great evil on Germany that Stasi witch.
    1 point
  23. Islam is the ultimate form of socialism. Like what your neighbor has? Go to war and take those civilizations like Egypt, Cyprus, Sicily, ect.... been doing it for well over a millenium.
    1 point
  24. Canada is the worlds laughing stock in which we accept half of those that claim. The rate in Britain is 15%. We should model Japan who let in between 350 to 400 refugee claimants per year
    1 point
  25. So far, during this pandemic, you've denied the efficacy of mask-wearing, the efficacy of social distancing/restrictions, the efficacy of the vaccine. Never mind that when social distancing, mask wearing and restrictions are in place, cases decrease and when those restrictions are lifted, cases increase. Now that we have a vaccine, you encourage people not to get vaccinated, never mind that the higher the number of people vaccinated, the fewer cases and the fewer serious cases there are. Hypocritically, during the time pre-vaccine, you espoused concern for old people and shut-ins having no social contact - but at the same time you continue to dismiss any method by which those people could return to normal. You pretended that addicts, left without social supports, might overdose in record numbers. But your concern over people who might die of covid if we didn't have masks, restrictions, social distancing and now the vaccine is non-existent. You are certainly living up to your screen name.
    1 point
  26. Home made etc, provide such minimal protection as to arguably do nothing. In a closed environment with prolonged exposure time they would be ineffective, and it is actually dangerous to assume they give adequate protection. If thats what you want to achieve. I’m saying they are a waste of time. Have said it, since the idea of everyone wearing masks was first suggested. Now they are a leftover thought that hasnt been corrected. Most people wear them out of concern for others. A symbol, of useless virtue signalling.
    1 point
  27. Tylenol is not an NSAID, and NSAIDs are metabolized through the kidney, not the liver, so wouldn't cause liver damage. Advil (aka ibuprofen) is an NSAID, so they were probably taking Tylenol (aka acetaminophen) which is metabolized through the liver. When combined with excessive alcohol use, Tylenol can contribute to liver damage. If your friends were not drinking heavily, the Tylenol would not have hurt them. My partner was taking a dose recommended by his doctor to help with chronic pain. Unfortunately, it was enough to damage his kidneys.
    1 point
  28. It isn't just anti-vaxxers. A lot of conservatives believe in vaccines but feel that people shouldn't be forced by government to take them. It's about government overreach to them.
    1 point
  29. Several studies, both before and during Covid, have demonstrated masks effectiveness. Not a cure-all, but effective in helping reduce the spread of viruses. Why is it that during a pandemic, you're telling people masks aren't effective and vaccines are too dangerous. Do you want a bunch more people to die? Is that you're goal here? Do what you want about masks and the vaccine, but stop spreading misinformation.
    1 point
  30. No its not funny. Look at what freedum gets you in Alberta, sask, Florida. Todays problem is people that... A- will not sacrifice anything for anyone. B- Have no clue to what the difference is between rights and privileges. You're all weak and spoiled and your future looks very grim because of it.
    1 point
  31. Nobody buys your shit anymore. You ride on Alberta. You lie.
    1 point
  32. Another anti-patriot who refuses to assimilate. Ontario pays 3X what Alberta does. Soon Alberta will be a have-not and we will carry you as well. And you will hear no complaining and nobody from out east saying "they hate us".
    1 point
  33. Leftists and multicultural woke could care less about native, European descendants rights or culture. Alien cultures and religions don't enrich the lives of the established Judeo-Christian culture in Canada. The lefty activists supporters of third world immigration / cultures constantly complain about racism without giving specific instances and thereby insult people for simply being Caucasian or being of European descent. We often hear how we are colonials, colonizers, and guilty of genocide and systemic racism. Politicians exacerbate the differences by constantly harping about systemic racism and pandering to immigrants and smearing everyone else. Many left/liberal politicians use the issue to exploit the masses for votes by deliberately causing division. "Global anxieties about immigration are not merely about security and economics. They are also about culture. People are feeling robbed of their cultural security, like someone has come into their home and changed the furnishing and décor without their permission, and then shamed them for daring to speak out. Most Australians—immigrants included, I believe—don’t give a damn about diversity, they care about immigrants fitting in and making a contribution. The problem with multiculturalism is that at its heart there is a contradiction, a contradiction that is now playing out in Europe with the rise of anti-immigration movements, and in the UK with the Tommy Robinson movement. Foundational to multiculturalism is the plausible premise that culture matters to personal identity and self-respect. But multiculturalists then advocate the adjustment of pre-existing national cultures to suit the cultural needs of migrant communities so that they don’t feel alienated from the host nation. The problem is that multiculturalism forgets that the pre-existing national culture means something to its citizens too—surprisingly, to multiculturalists at least, it isn’t just cultural minorities who love their culture." The one huge problem with multiculturalism | The Spectator Australia "One of the defining features of Multiculturalism is the tenet that all cultures are equally valuable, good, and worthy of respect, if not outright celebration. This in part stems from a hodgepodge of postmodernism (“There are no objective truths”) and moral/cultural relativism (“Who are we to judge the moral and/or cultural precepts of another people?”). For a discussion of these misguided principles, see my earlier posts here and here. A consequence of Multiculturalism is the notion that host nations/cultures should not expect that new immigrants internalize the defining ethos of the host nation. Rather, it is assumed that each cultural group will maintain its distinct identity irrespective of whether its foundational cultural values are contrary to those of the host nation. Lack of integration and assimilation are not necessarily poor outcomes according to Multiculturalism, as such isolationism is viewed as an instantiation of cultural pride." Multiculturalism: A Failed Policy | Psychology Today The truth is western civilization-culture is deteriorating with the influx of immigrants and illegal migrants from the third world. Nationalism is shunned in Canada and even Trudeau said Canada is a post-national state. Canadians have nothing to be proud of in destroying our Judeo-Christian civilization.
    1 point
  34. Many of us believe that multiculturalism is preferable to monoculturalism. If you are looking for a national identity, how about being known as a people that embrace all of our fellow humans. If we are open to other cultures we might find an energy, and humour that enriches our lives. Not all upper lips need to be stiff.
    1 point
  35. In reverse order: You do have a right to post on a site when the right is granted to you by the site owner - like CBC in this case, and this forum, where we post now. The case is that one personal opinion is published while the opposite opinion is removed after it is published. The opinion did not contain offensive language or anything against CBC posting rules. In other ways, it is an example of manipulation of public opinion by CBC.
    1 point
  36. The actual case that needs to be made is that sites like FB and Twitter aren't held to "journalistic standards" (lol) and subjected to certain laws (which I don't recall) because they're not considered content creators or editors. They are, however, carefully cultivating their highly political narratives with the use of selective content-blocking, and in a lot of cases they get their "fact-checks" 100% wrong.
    1 point
  37. And make sure everyone can vote in the next election. Lol We're doomed.
    1 point
  38. Well this is what he means by a post-national state. And now Mr. Trudeau has been given another mandate by the Candians. (sic). Probably wouldnt a happened if US had re-elected Trump. To Biden and the dems, Mr. Trudeau is their man in Ottawa. ... all people you supported during the election, eh Argus?
    1 point
  39. I also didn't notice anything about "skills" or "speaks either or both official languages" in that Sun article. The Liberals want to replicate the Democrats policy in order to remain in power by flooding the country with new low information voters.
    1 point
  40. I suspect this new policy will not apply to straight white people outside Canada.
    1 point
  41. Live and sacrifice for case counting people. With $400K salaries and $M golden parachutes. For as long as necessary aka forever. Forget it. Stick it in all places. There's no chance a crooked dime of mine going to tearful appeals, crumbling services, salaries entitlements and parachutes if it can be helped and universe permitting, try I will.
    0 points
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