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PROVEN: Republicans Actually DO Shoot Puppies in the Face

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It’s long been an expression and joke that Conservatives are so cruel and mean spirited they would shoot a puppy in the face.  Recently South Dakota Governor and Trump VP pick hopeful Kriti Noem proved there’s an element of truth to the expression.

In her new autobiography which she must have mistakenly thought would endear her to people as being tough and decisive, she recounted how she took her young, healthy, wire-haired pointer puppy Cricket to a gravel pit and shot her after she hadn’t done well in hunting training.and then misbehaved on a hunting trip “having the time of her life” instead of hunting. “I hated that dog” she wrote. “It had to he done”.  Contrary to Noem’s expectations, public reaction has been overwhelmingly negative over the absurdity of “hating” and “having to” shoot a puppy because it’s exuberant and not a good hunter. Even Republicans are distancing themselves from her. The story goes on to describe how she then went back and shot a goat the same way  

Noem continues to spin out in damage control mode but she might have also just shot dead her career as well



Trump VP contender Kristi Noem writes of killing dog – and goat – in new book

..,Noem decided to kill the unnamed goat the same way she had just killed Cricket the dog. But though she “dragged him to a gravel pit”, the goat jumped as she shot and therefore survived the wound. Noem says she went back to her truck, retrieved another shell, then “hurried back to the gravel pit and put him down”.

At that point, Noem writes, she realised a construction crew had watched her kill both animals. The startled workers swiftly got back to work, she writes, only for a school bus to arrive and drop off Noem’s children.

“Kennedy looked around confused,” Noem writes of her daughter, who asked: “Hey, where’s Cricket?”



Edited by BeaverFever
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4 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

It’s long been an expression and joke that Conservatives are so cruel and mean spirited they would shoot a puppy in the face.  Recently South Dakota Governor and Trump VP pick hopeful Kriti Noem proved there’s an element of truth to the expression.

In her new autobiography which she must have mistakenly thought would endear her to people as being tough and decisive, she recounted how she took her young, healthy, wire-haired pointer puppy Cricket to a gravel pit and shot her after she hadn’t done well in hunting training.and then misbehaved on a hunting trip “having the time of her life” instead of hunting. “I hated that dog” she wrote. “It had to he done”.  Contrary to Noem’s expectations, public reaction has been overwhelmingly negative over the absurdity of “hating” and “having to” shoot a puppy because it’s exuberant and not a good hunter. Even Republicans are distancing themselves from her. The story goes on to describe how she then went back and shot a goat the same way  

Noem continues to spin out in damage control mode but she might have also just shot dead her career as well




Trump VP contender Kristi Noem writes of killing dog – and goat – in new book


..,Noem decided to kill the unnamed goat the same way she had just killed Cricket the dog. But though she “dragged him to a gravel pit”, the goat jumped as she shot and therefore survived the wound. Noem says she went back to her truck, retrieved another shell, then “hurried back to the gravel pit and put him down”.

At that point, Noem writes, she realised a construction crew had watched her kill both animals. The startled workers swiftly got back to work, she writes, only for a school bus to arrive and drop off Noem’s children.

“Kennedy looked around confused,” Noem writes of her daughter, who asked: “Hey, where’s Cricket?”



Jeebus, that's some dark shit. Self identifying as a likely sociopath is probably good for her hopes at getting on the Trump ticket. -- If she doesn't perform well, I assume she'll request to be shot in the face, right?

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Let's be honest here. 

She put her dog down because it was aggressive. It tried to bite her, was aggressive, and had killed her neighbor's chickens. 

You and others dishonestly framed this as if she shot it just because she didn't like it or it didn't hunt well enough for her. 

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21 minutes ago, User said:

Let's be honest here. 

She put her dog down because it was aggressive. It tried to bite her, was aggressive, and had killed her neighbor's chickens. 

You and others dishonestly framed this as if she shot it just because she didn't like it or it didn't hunt well enough for her. 

Let's stop lying here. She could have given it to a shelter or someone who knew how to train dogs.

"There are no bad dogs, just bad owners."

That phrase, there are no bad dogs,just bad owners”, doesn't talk about dogs. It talks about the owner's ability to understand his dogs' behaviour. Just ...
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3 hours ago, robosmith said:

Let's stop lying here. She could have given it to a shelter or someone who knew how to train dogs.

"There are no bad dogs, just bad owners."

That phrase, there are no bad dogs,just bad owners”, doesn't talk about dogs. It talks about the owner's ability to understand his dogs' behaviour. Just ...

No. There are bad dogs. Giving that dog to anyone opens her up to liability. It might have been better to have the vet put the dog down. But this dog's nature was not good.

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46 minutes ago, gatomontes99 said:

No. There are bad dogs. Giving that dog to anyone opens her up to liability. It might have been better to have the vet put the dog down. But this dog's nature was not good.

Dude. Don't feed the desperation of these trolls. Anyone who's even remotely familiar with country life knows that sometimes a dog...cat...even a work horse...have to be put down. These Libbies either know that and are lying...or they still think beef comes from a grocery store.

Probably a bit of both lies and stupidity.

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36 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Dude. Don't feed the desperation of these trolls. Anyone who's even remotely familiar with country life knows that sometimes a dog...cat...even a work horse...have to be put down. These Libbies either know that and are lying...or they still think beef comes from a grocery store.

Probably a bit of both lies and stupidity.

LMAO cats too,eh? it wouldn’t surprise me if Republicans and hateful folks like you also shoot your cats!


Millions of people own or have grown up with dogs and know that a14-month old puppy can be trained or simply given away. You can’t gaslight us into thinking shooting puppies is normal. 

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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, gatomontes99 said:

No. There are bad dogs. Giving that dog to anyone opens her up to liability. It might have been better to have the vet put the dog down. But this dog's nature was not good.

Baloney there’s no liability. People give away dogs all the time, especially vicious ones. But what she describes sounds like simply typical puppy behaviour.

As I said, Millions of people own or have grown up with dogs and know that a 14-month old puppy can be trained or simply given away. You can’t gaslight us into thinking shooting puppies is normal. That’s why she’s getting backlash even from fellow conservatives and has just tanked her VP hopes. 

Edited by BeaverFever
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5 hours ago, User said:

Let's be honest here. 

She put her dog down because it was aggressive. It tried to bite her, was aggressive, and had killed her neighbor's chickens. 

You and others dishonestly framed this as if she shot it just because she didn't like it or it didn't hunt well enough for her. 

It was a 14-month old puppy and the behaviour sounds like typical untrained puppy behaviour. If she wasn’t up for keeping the dog she could have given it away which is what most people do. 

I’ll say it a third time:  Millions of people own or have grown up with dogs and know that a 14-month old puppy can be trained or simply given away. You can’t gaslight us into thinking shooting puppies is normal.   And that’s why she’s getting backlash even from fellow conservatives. 

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13 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Baloney there’s no liability. People give away dogs all the time, especially viscous ones. But what she describes sounds like simply typical puppy behaviour.

As I said, Millions of people own or have grown up with dogs and know that a 14-month old puppy can be trained or simply given away. You can’t gaslight us into thinking shooting puppies is normal. That’s why she’s getting backlash even from fellow conservatives and has just tanked her VP hopes. 

I've never had less than two dogs in my life. To say there are no bad dogs is absolutely ignorant. Not all dogs are trainable. Most arent aggressive. However, almost every city has a law that requires a dog to be euthanized if it is aggressive. So your assertion that every dog can be trained is not born out by the law.

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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, gatomontes99 said:

I've never had less than two dogs in my life. To say there are no bad dogs is absolutely ignorant. Not all dogs are trainable. Most arent aggressive. However, almost every city has a law that requires a dog to be euthanized if it is aggressive. So your assertion that every dog can be trained is not born out by the law.

How ridiculous. Dogs are not shot in the face due to being “untrainable”. They’re not even shot in the face for being aggressive. And were talking about a puppy here that still has plenty of options beside being shot in the face   Sounds to le like it was just typical playful puppy behaviour not a viscous aggressive mature dog as you’d have us believe 


There is no municipal ordinance requiring owners to shoot their dog or even euthanize on their own. A viscous dog will be seized by authorities following an attack and the authorities will then determine if they need to euthanize the dog based on the circumstances and history. Don’t try to conflate that with Noem shooting the dog because it embarrassed her on a hunting trip and so she decided it was “less than useless” therefore “had to” be shot. Also notice that despite having a farm she shot the dog and goat at a gravel out (some else’s private property) in front of the people working there    

Edited by BeaverFever
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Just now, BeaverFever said:

How ridiculous. Dogs are shot in the face due to being “untrainable”. They’re not even shot in the face for being aggressive. And were talking about a puppy here that still has plenty of options beside being shot in the face   Sounds to le like it was just typical playful puppy behaviour not a viscous aggressive mature dog as you’d have us believe 


There is no municipal ordinance requiring owners to shoot their dog or even euthanize on their own. A viscous dog will be seized by authorities following an attack and the authorities will then determine if they need to euthanize the dog based on the circumstances and history. Don’t try to conflate that with Noem shooting the dog because it embarrassed her on a hunting trip and so she decided it was “less than useless” therefore “had to” be shot. Also notice that despite having a farm she shot the dog and goat at a gravel out (some else’s private property) in front of the people working there    

Things are done differently in the country. If you don't like it, don't live here. But you are wrong that aggressive dogs can be trained. They can't. Not without considerable risk.

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23 minutes ago, gatomontes99 said:

Things are done differently in the country. If you don't like it, don't live here. But you are wrong that aggressive dogs can be trained. They can't. Not without considerable risk.

Dude...they're lying. They know what you say is true but can't admit it because liars can never admit they are lying.

Let them roast in their own oven.

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6 hours ago, robosmith said:

Let's stop lying here. She could have given it to a shelter or someone who knew how to train dogs.

"There are no bad dogs, just bad owners."

That phrase, there are no bad dogs,just bad owners”, doesn't talk about dogs. It talks about the owner's ability to understand his dogs' behaviour. Just ...

Where did I lie?

I am the one who provided the actual reasoning from the book, which the person who created this thread did not provide and did not include as the reason why she shot her dod. 

I am the one who brought more honesty and facts to this discussion. 

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

It was a 14-month old puppy and the behaviour sounds like typical untrained puppy behaviour. If she wasn’t up for keeping the dog she could have given it away which is what most people do. 

I’ll say it a third time:  Millions of people own or have grown up with dogs and know that a 14-month old puppy can be trained or simply given away. You can’t gaslight us into thinking shooting puppies is normal.   And that’s why she’s getting backlash even from fellow conservatives. 

Ah yes. The left-wing:

We must eradicate all pit bull breeds and ban them all; none can be trusted. 


OMG, I can't believe someone shot their violent, aggressive dog! We could have moved heaven and Earth to ensure it lived with someone else instead!



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3 minutes ago, User said:

Ah yes. The left-wing:

We must eradicate all pit bull breeds and ban them all; none can be trusted. 


OMG, I can't believe someone shot their violent, aggressive dog! We could have moved heaven and Earth to ensure it lived with someone else instead!



These were also the people that defended Michael Vicks actions as a being something cultural.

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That dog gave his life for Biden... godspeed... 🤣 

When Biden sends his executive order for public executions, you all can use this incident and Michael Vick for your whatabout parties.... 🤣

Seriously, politics these days.  I'm going to put on some Taylor Swift and go to my safe space... later...

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15 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

It’s long been an expression and joke that Conservatives are so cruel and mean spirited they would shoot a puppy in the face. 

LOL _ nobody has ever said that :)

I believe "eats babies" is actually the preferred leftist slander :)  

So what you are doing there is desperately trying to take the bad actions of one person who's clearly got some issues and make it sound like all conservatives would agree with this.

Meanwhile the democrats are trying to actually get trump killed and you're absolutely fine with that. But Somehow killing a human is fine but killing a dog is just the most horrible thing in the world and obviously all conservatives everywhere were in on it.

Pathetic. Next.

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Progressives are upset about someone putting down a vicious dog years ago, but these are the same people that cheerfully usher in pregnant women to Planned Parenthood clinics for abortions?

And no sympathy for those murdered chickens?

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8 hours ago, gatomontes99 said:

No. There are bad dogs. Giving that dog to anyone opens her up to liability.

Does it really Mr. amateur legal eagle? Where is the PROOF that the dog was not a normal puppy?

Puppies can be trained.

8 hours ago, gatomontes99 said:

It might have been better to have the vet put the dog down. But this dog's nature was not good.

You might believe Noam's excuses, but I don't. Many animals react badly to harsh TREATMENT.

My dog tried to bite me once cause he was mad about some noises outside at 3AM and I tried to punish him.

Other than that, he was the sweetest dog except once when he tried to eat a small fluffy dog that looked like a cat to him.

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17 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

It’s long been an expression and joke that Conservatives are so cruel and mean spirited they would shoot a puppy in the face.  Recently South Dakota Governor and Trump VP pick hopeful Kriti Noem proved there’s an element of truth to the expression.

In her new autobiography which she must have mistakenly thought would endear her to people as being tough and decisive, she recounted how she took her young, healthy, wire-haired pointer puppy Cricket to a gravel pit and shot her after she hadn’t done well in hunting training.and then misbehaved on a hunting trip “having the time of her life” instead of hunting. “I hated that dog” she wrote. “It had to he done”.  Contrary to Noem’s expectations, public reaction has been overwhelmingly negative over the absurdity of “hating” and “having to” shoot a puppy because it’s exuberant and not a good hunter. Even Republicans are distancing themselves from her. The story goes on to describe how she then went back and shot a goat the same way  

Noem continues to spin out in damage control mode but she might have also just shot dead her career as well




Trump VP contender Kristi Noem writes of killing dog – and goat – in new book


..,Noem decided to kill the unnamed goat the same way she had just killed Cricket the dog. But though she “dragged him to a gravel pit”, the goat jumped as she shot and therefore survived the wound. Noem says she went back to her truck, retrieved another shell, then “hurried back to the gravel pit and put him down”.

At that point, Noem writes, she realised a construction crew had watched her kill both animals. The startled workers swiftly got back to work, she writes, only for a school bus to arrive and drop off Noem’s children.

“Kennedy looked around confused,” Noem writes of her daughter, who asked: “Hey, where’s Cricket?”



It's too bad. I liked her - still do, just not as much. lol

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4 hours ago, User said:

Where did I lie?

I am the one who provided the actual reasoning from the book, which the person who created this thread did not provide and did not include as the reason why she shot her dod. 

I am the one who brought more honesty and facts to this discussion. 

You've mistaken the lies of a politician for honesty. And a stupid politician at that, who thought her story about killing a puppy would make her look tough and be appreciated by fellow MAGA CULT members.

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1 hour ago, ironstone said:

Progressives are upset about someone putting down a vicious dog years ago, but these are the same people that cheerfully usher in pregnant women to Planned Parenthood clinics for abortions?

And no sympathy for those murdered chickens?

Nope. All the chickens I eat were "murdered."

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1 hour ago, robosmith said:

You've mistaken the lies of a politician for honesty. And a stupid politician at that, who thought her story about killing a puppy would make her look tough and be appreciated by fellow MAGA CULT members.

So, you believe she shot a puppy but then conveniently think she lied about the circumstances. 

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