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Trudeau dismisses plea from doctors to reconsider capital gains tax change ·

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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is rejecting a call from some doctors for his government to reconsider its planned capital gains tax hike.

The doctors warn that the tax change could undermine efforts to recruit and retain physicians in Canada and threaten the stability of the health-care system.

Canada is facing a severe doctor shortage. An estimated 6.5 million Canadians are going without access to primary care as family physicians retire en masse and medical schools struggle to recruit new residents to replace them.



Driving doctors out of canada - that's probably a winning election strategy. 🙄

It's like he's not even pretending to be on Canada's side any more.

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4 hours ago, CdnFox said:


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is rejecting a call from some doctors for his government to reconsider its planned capital gains tax hike.

The doctors warn that the tax change could undermine efforts to recruit and retain physicians in Canada and threaten the stability of the health-care system.

Canada is facing a severe doctor shortage. An estimated 6.5 million Canadians are going without access to primary care as family physicians retire en masse and medical schools struggle to recruit new residents to replace them.



Driving doctors out of canada - that's probably a winning election strategy. 🙄

It's like he's not even pretending to be on Canada's side any more.

They are not going to flee Canada over capital gains in excess of $250k per year, they don’t get paid for their services stock or real estate. Sure, “many” plan to someday sell their practice upon retirement and get a once-in-a lifetime capital gain and they’ll MAYBE pay a little more tax than otherwise (but many probably have no idea how much the “otherwise” was going to be in the first place). And that’s assuming they can’t find some other tax loophole. Wah. There are plenty of ways to invest your wealth AND to  dodge taxes when you pull in the six and seven figure incomes many of these doctors do. 

And where would they go?  Most countries fully tax capital gains. Here in Canada the gains inclusion rate has gone up and doen a lot just in recent decades it’s not some timeless sacred cow that nobody has dared to touch.  Its only been at its current inclusion level since 1999 since it was lowered under a previous Liberal government.  The last time it was increased it was by a conservative government. 

And many measures like productivity haven’t gotten any better since the CG inclusion was cut. The preferential treatment of Capital Gains perversely incentivizes many business owners to sell instead of invest. Why grow your business and earn fully taxable income when you can sell it for partially taxable income? The Canadian economy has a real problem with foreign ownership, owners and founders selling off businesses prematurely and low productivity,  and the Captive Gains special treatment contributes to that. 

Edited by BeaverFever
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24 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

They are not going to flee Canada over capital gains in excess of $250k per year, they don’t get paid for their services stock or real estate. Sure, “many” plan to someday sell their practice upon retirement and get a once-in-a lifetime capital gain and they’ll MAYBE pay a little more tax than otherwise (but many probably has no idea how much “otherwise was in the first place). And that’s assuming they can’t find some other loophole. Wah. There are plenty of ways to invest your wealth AND to  dodge taxes when you pull in the six and seven figure incomes many of these doctors do. 

And where would they go?  Most countries fully tax capital gains. Here in Canada the gains inclusion rate has gone up and a lot just in recent decades it’s not some timeless sacred cow.  Its only been at its current inclusion level since 1999 under a previous Liberal government.  The last time it was increased it was by a conservative government. 

And many measures like productivity haven’t gotten any better since the CG inclusion was cut. The preferential treatment of Capital Gains perversely incentivizes many business owners to sell instead of invest. Why grow your business and earn fully taxable income when you can sell it for partially taxable income? The Canadian economy has a real problem with foreign ownership and selling off assets prematurely and low productivity,  and the Captive Gains special treatment contributes to that. 

To be honest - many are leaving already. This is another kick in the teeth. Doctors used to be paid as 'income' and letting them incorporate and sell their practices as retirement benfits as 'capital gains' and such was basically instead of giving them a raise.  Now that's being taken away as well.

And of course it's not just if they retire. If they move from one place to another they tend to sell practices as well.

I mean, you can't say it's "no big deal it doesn't mean much" and then justify taking it away - if it's minor, then let them have it.

And many countries pay their doctors better.  The states for example pays much better than Canada does and it's fairly easy to transfer your certification. And it's within walking distance :)

Don't try to put lipstick on the pig.  This was a bad, bad idea. 

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

To be honest - many are leaving already. This is another kick in the teeth. Doctors used to be paid as 'income' and letting them incorporate and sell their practices as retirement benfits as 'capital gains' and such was basically instead of giving them a raise.  Now that's being taken away as well.

And of course it's not just if they retire. If they move from one place to another they tend to sell practices as well.

I mean, you can't say it's "no big deal it doesn't mean much" and then justify taking it away - if it's minor, then let them have it.

And many countries pay their doctors better.  The states for example pays much better than Canada does and it's fairly easy to transfer your certification. And it's within walking distance :)

Don't try to put lipstick on the pig.  This was a bad, bad idea. 

I honestly don’t think anyone is going to pack up their family and relocate to foreign country because of a hypothetical additional tax they might incur decades in the future   And unless they do so before June when the CG increases, they’re only to end up incurring the tax now instead of decades from now

Besides doctors make a lot of money it’s not like selling their business is their only retirement option they have more opportunities to save and invest than the vast majority of society. They can invest in stocks and bonds and mutual funds like the rest of us plebes. Not to mention that in addition to their day job many also dabble in all these private healthcare rackets doing corporate and executive wellness programs and side-gig consulting for insurance companies etc.  They’re not going to be retiring in poverty. 

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18 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

I honestly don’t think anyone is going to pack up their family and relocate to foreign country because of a hypothetical additional tax they might incur decades in the future   And unless they do so before June when the CG increases, they’re only to end up incurring the tax now instead of decades from now

Besides doctors make a lot of money it’s not like selling their business is their only retirement option they have more opportunities to save and invest than the vast majority of society. They can invest in stocks and bonds and mutual funds like the rest of us plebes. Not to mention that in addition to their day job many also dabble in all these private healthcare rackets doing corporate and executive wellness programs and side-gig consulting for insurance companies etc.  They’re not going to be retiring in poverty. 

It's not "hypothetical", it's guaranteed. They will sell the practice  someday - they MAY sell a practice 3 or 4 times if they move about the country like most people do. There's a reason why they're pissed about this and saying so loudly.

And for many it will be a straw that breaks the camel's back.  It all adds up.  Long hours, not great pay (for doctors) to begin with, They work under horrifically stressful conditions because there's not enough of them, now tens of thousands of dollars in additional taxes. 

If you kick people enough - they'll do something about it.

Put it this way - aside from BC recently who's done anyting FOR doctors? Covid was hell, their pay isn't going up, they're brutally overworked, and they look south and see they can earn more money, have more respect, be treated better and taxed less.

We will lose doctors over it


And here's another kick in the teeth - what you'll see is fewer family doctors. More will become specialists and fewer will go for being family doctors. Which means that people don't have a doctor.  This was already happening because of the financial and other considerations.

You cannot blow this off as being 'nothing'. IT's something - and it's something to a system that's ALREADY strained AF.

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9 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

I honestly don’t think anyone is going to pack up their family and relocate to foreign country because of a hypothetical additional tax they might incur decades in the future   And unless they do so before June when the CG increases, they’re only to end up incurring the tax now instead of decades from now

Besides doctors make a lot of money it’s not like selling their business is their only retirement option they have more opportunities to save and invest than the vast majority of society. They can invest in stocks and bonds and mutual funds like the rest of us plebes. Not to mention that in addition to their day job many also dabble in all these private healthcare rackets doing corporate and executive wellness programs and side-gig consulting for insurance companies etc.  They’re not going to be retiring in poverty. 

More excuses to take money from people to pay for lousy mismanaged government programs for government-favoured groups.

Edited by Zeitgeist
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2 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

Of course the capital gains tax will just worsen our doctor shortage and productivity.  Lunatics running the asylum…

There is no "doctor" shortage. There is a family physician shortage biu doctors, we have lots of them.

Over 98K doctors in Canada and 48K general practitioners (not all general practitioners are family physicians).


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15 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

They are not going to flee Canada

Correct, but there is a growing number of doctors, including my own--that are quitting.

There are better areas for them to take their skills to. Precisely what my doctor is doing. If being a doctor is no longer as profitable, is burning doctors out due to shortages, this further will strain an industry already facing a crisis, with more newcomers flooding the market who will also need medical care.

13 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Besides doctors make a lot of money

They do. They are also overworked. Stretched thin.

You don't attract doctors by dismissing their high salaries and by penalizing them financially labeling them as "uber rich", because they were fiscally responsible enough to say, buy an investment property or two.

You will also struggle to find takers in youth, having to put up with 8+ years of additional post secondary education to deal with less incentives, than if they went into cushier fields.

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6 minutes ago, paradox34 said:

No surprise there. The liberal global socialist ideology has no respect for contrary opinions. Those that advocate to the contrary are clearly, misanthropic, selfish, greedy racist's and should be ignored. 

Freedom of thought, has their logic effortlessly picked apart. You have to control the narrative by force, if you're going to push the type of agenda they are pushing, ahead.

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On 4/23/2024 at 5:33 PM, BeaverFever said:

They are not going to flee Canada over capital gains in excess of $250k per year, they don’t get paid for their services stock or real estate.

My understanding is that it has to do with medical practices being registered as "incorporations", which are subject to the new capital gains tax increase.

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On 4/23/2024 at 9:26 PM, CdnFox said:

It's not "hypothetical", it's guaranteed

They don’t know how much they will sell it for in the future or if they will have any gain  at all.  Maybe they will factor the higher tax into their valuation and find a way to sell their practice at a higher price than they would have otherwise and so end up with the same net profit. They might even have a loss. Therefore the amount of future tax “loss” is hypothetical. 

On 4/23/2024 at 9:26 PM, CdnFox said:

Long hours, not great pay (for doctors) to begin with, They work under horrifically stressful conditions 

That describes a huge section of society who don’t also get the privilege of having 50% of their income being exempt from taxes.  

Look once again I will remind you that the 50% CG inclusion you seem to cherish so much was only introduced in 1999 by a previous Liberal government and had been tinkered with up and down in decades prior. It is not some red line we’ve never crossed before.  And yet we had doctors before 1999. didn’t we?  Arguably the quality of healthcare was even better back then  (it’s almost as if decades of slashing taxes and defunding programs makes them worse 💡)

Doctors have many investment and tax strategies and business opportunities available to them and there is an entire cottage industry of consultants specializing in advising them. To the extent that these new rules even materially affect their plans, they are better positioned than most to adapt and they will change their strategies and expectations accordingly. The feared mass exodus to the US has been threatened many time over decades but never happened. Families are actually not as interalionally mobile as some suggest. 

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

They don’t know how much they will sell it for in the future or if they will have any gain  at all.  

That is patently ridiculous.  While i'm sure there is some weird fake scenario a person could concoct where somehow the value of a growing practice DECREASES over time, that's not a reasonable thing to say.

If your argument is "doctors don't make money selling their practices' then why bother taxing it at all?



Maybe they will factor the higher tax into their valuation and find a way to sell their practice at a higher price than they would have otherwise and so end up with the same net profit.

Sooo..... you feel they're deliberately selling for less now?  Do you need me to explain why that's dumb or can we just preteend you didn't say that and move on.



That describes a huge section of society who don’t also get the privilege of having 50% of their income being exempt from taxes.  

First off  no it doesn't In fact a 'huge section' already has more than 50 percent sheltered. If you make about 40 thousand or less right out of the gate 50 percent of your income is sheltered. Or did you forget that?

And second off i doubt the people you're referring to paid 100 grand in canada and spent 7 years studying for the privilege. 

Third, the doctors don't get their INCOME sheltered - they get 50 percent of the value of the business they  built up with years of hard work accepting all the risks and costs etc sheltered.  Bit of a difference.

And finally Lots of people think their job is stressful - but it's really not compared to the levels of stress medical professionals like doctors have to face, where the slightest mistake could have disastrous results and they are under scrutiny for their actions 24/7.



Look once again I will remind you that the 50% CG inclusion you seem to cherish so much was only introduced in 1999 by a previous Liberal government

In exchange for not getting increases in wages. So for 25 years Doctors said "ok - well if that's the deal we'll just work hard to build our business and that'll be our retirement fund".      Then the gov't says "OOOPSIE!!!!  We lied and we're taking that away before you get the benefit of it and we still didn't let you uninoize and set your own rates! Thanks for the freebees suckers!"

Maybe we SHOULD be doing that - safe canada a lot of money. Apparently changing the deal at the last minute is fair game.

Let me put it in perspective. Imagine teachers who'd worked all their lives were retiring and the gov't said "sorry - wev'e decided to cut your pension benefits in half to help cut costs.  We know we promised you'd get this amount but eff you.  Canada thanks you for your sacrifice.


Doctors have many investment and tax strategies and business opportunities available to them

Bullshit. Absolute bullshit.   And they pay all their costs up front and take the risks and they had a deal.

They can't go back in time and somehow magically pick DIFFERENT investment or retirement strategies. With the stroke of a pen the gov't wiped out a sizeable hunk of what doctors were planning on.

They told the doctors they could rely on something for their retirement, let them work hard to build something up, and then pulled the rug out from under them.  That's just plain wrong. If you can't see that then there's something seriously wrong with your ethics.

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7 hours ago, CdnFox said:


9 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

They don’t know how much they will sell it for in the future or if they will have any gain  at all.  

That is patently ridiculous.  While i'm sure there is some weird fake scenario a person could concoct where somehow the value of a growing practice DECREASES over time, that's not a reasonable thing to say.


Who says its a growing practice?  How can a doctor know if his practice will grow if at all in the future? Some practices are capped in size due to the provincial billing model. The population is aging and elderly patients die.   How can a doctor possibly know what he’s going to get for his practice decades in the future or what appetite other doctors will have to buy it?  


7 hours ago, CdnFox said:

If your argument is "doctors don't make money selling their practices' then why bother taxing it at all?

My argument is that doctors don’t know how much they’ll get for their practice decades in the future when they decide to sell. At most they’re guessing in a range with a high end and low end and they could be way off. And it’s questionable how much this tax change moves them out of that range. The first $125k of gains is still tax free (50% of $250k), the inclusion for the rest is 16% higher than the 1999 rate. So the total tax payable isn’t going up by 16%, the amount of taxable money in excess of $250k is going up the amount of money the dr is actually out is then a percentage of the added 16%, it may not be a materially different amount depending on whatever write offs and deductions he has.   So assuming the doc doesn’t have any tax deductions right offs, loopholes etc (and they have many) if they sold their practice for a million dollar capital gain the extra tax payable under the new rules is about $75k. That sounds like a lot of money but out of a million dollar capital gains it’s less than 8% and probably well within the margin of error for someone planning to sell decades from now. And that’s on a million dollars. How many practices sell for a million dollars?  Probably none. A quick look online shows the biggest ones selling at or below $600k some for as little as $200k range. 

7 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Sooo..... you feel they're deliberately selling for less now?  Do you need me to explain why that's dumb or can we just preteend you didn't say that and move on.

Sigh…no. Are you for real?  Let’s not pretend and not move on because you clearly don’t understand. First of all, all sellers will be in the same boat so decreasing net profit from sales puts upward pressure on prices get it? If docs aren’t getting the price they want they’ll begin holding  out until they do that’s how markets work. For someone who constantly chirps about how the carbon tax on industry is eventually passed on to consumers through higher prices I’m surprised you can’t apply the same concept here. Secondly they might choose to invest more in their business now to increase its sale value later 


7 hours ago, CdnFox said:

First off  no it doesn't In fact a 'huge section' already has more than 50 percent sheltered. If you make about 40 thousand or less right out of the gate 50 percent of your income is sheltered. Or did you forget that?

Who makes $40k or less?  Most earners make more than that. Besides your example is apples to oranges. Every penny of wages they earn is counted towards their tax bracket including using up the basic exemption unlike Capital gains   So if you have $40k of wages you have $40k of taxable income, some of which is taxed at 0%  but if you have $40k of capital gains you have only $20k of taxable income some of which will also be taxed at 0%  


7 hours ago, CdnFox said:

And second off i doubt the people you're referring to paid 100 grand in canada and spent 7 years studying for the privilege. 

That’s why doctors make high salaries. Most people who have capital gains aren’t doctors and the capital gains tax break wasn’t invented in 1999 as a tuition rebate for doctors. 

7 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Third, the doctors don't get their INCOME sheltered - they get 50 percent of the value of the business they  built up with years of hard work accepting all the risks and costs etc sheltered.  Bit of a difference.


Fair enough but the rest of us are building up investments in RRSPS etc and when we withdraw 100% of it is taxable. 

7 hours ago, CdnFox said:

In exchange for not getting increases in wages. So for 25 years Doctors said "ok - well if that's the deal we'll just work hard to build our business and that'll be our retirement fund".

They get increases often.  They also get to do “income sprinkling” to lower their taxable income and they get to make traditional stock and other investments through their businesses and extract the income at a lower rate. 

7 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Let me put it in perspective. Imagine teachers who'd worked all their lives were retiring and the gov't said "sorry - wev'e decided to cut your pension benefits in half to help cut costs.  We know we promised you'd get this amount but eff you.  Canada thanks you for your sacrifice.

Not at all the same thing as a pension plan and it’s not being “cut in half” And doctors can participate in an actual pension plan if they want   

7 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Bullshit. Absolute bullshit.   And they pay all their costs up front and take the risks and they had a deal.

They can't go back in time and somehow magically pick DIFFERENT investment or retirement strategies. With the stroke of a pen the gov't wiped out a sizeable hunk of what doctors were planning on.

They told the doctors they could rely on something for their retirement, let them work hard to build something up, and then pulled the rug out from under them.  That's just plain wrong. If you can't see that then there's something seriously wrong with your ethics.

I don’t think that’s an accurate description at all. “They” didn’t tell doctors “they could rely on selling their business for their retirement” it’s just what some doctors decided to do amongst themselves. And not because they didn’t have any other options to save for retirement, they have more options than most of society. Doctors were selling their practices long before the 1999 tax break and will be doing so long after. The past 25 years it was a nice cushy little perk but they’re not going to retire in poverty. 

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On 4/23/2024 at 1:10 PM, CdnFox said:


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is rejecting a call from some doctors for his government to reconsider its planned capital gains tax hike.

The doctors warn that the tax change could undermine efforts to recruit and retain physicians in Canada and threaten the stability of the health-care system.

Canada is facing a severe doctor shortage. An estimated 6.5 million Canadians are going without access to primary care as family physicians retire en masse and medical schools struggle to recruit new residents to replace them.

Driving doctors out of canada - that's probably a winning election strategy. 🙄

It's like he's not even pretending to be on Canada's side any more.

The Libs already got rid of how many Drs and nurses for refusing to take the jab...

It's like they are addicted to stuperoids or something. 

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16 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Who says its a growing practice?  How can a doctor know if his practice will grow if at all in the future?


Right - because there's so many doctors that growth is really hard.  If you were a computer i'd reboot you for saying that.


My argument is that doctors don’t know how much they’ll get for their practice decades in the future when they decide to sell.

Sure. They're taking a risk. That's why WE DON"T TAX IT THE FULL AMOUNT!!!  You're not going to give them money back if they take a LOSS right?!!?!

Congratulations-  you just figured out WHY it's not the same as regular 'income'.  But it's the deal they had.



Sigh…no. Are you for real?  Let’s not pretend and not move on because you clearly don’t understand. First of all, all sellers will be in the same boat so decreasing net profit from sales puts upward pressure on prices get it?

You.. think.... decreasing profit puts ...UPWARD ... pressure on the sale price.

Kid....   i mean i don't even know what to say to that. I think most economists and business professionals would agree that if something is less profitable the price goes DOWN.


Who makes $40k or less? 

A huge number of people. The average income in canada is only 59,000.  That's with all the people who earn a hell of a lot more than that and it excludes part time workers and those who don't earn.

https://www.dundaslife.com/blog/average-income-in-canada#:~:text=The average annual salary in Canada in 2021 was %2459%2C300,and job security for families.


That’s why doctors make high salaries. Most people who have capital gains aren’t doctors and the capital gains tax break wasn’t invented in 1999 as a tuition rebate for doctors. 

It wasn't invented in 1999 at all. It was invented in 1972. But it was APPLIED to docotrs when the feds agreed to give them the right to incorporate and yes, that was to make up for the fact that the provinces couldn't pay a reasonable amount for them and their retirement.

So - "instead of pay we'll give you this which will allow you to sell your business 20 years from now when you retire and treat that like a pension!"  - the gov't..   "Fair deal" - Doctors. twenty years later....  "YOINK!!"


Fair enough but the rest of us are building up investments in RRSPS etc and when we withdraw 100% of it is taxable. 

Well no. Quite a few of us are building up businesses, which in turn employ people and build the economy and who will sell their businesses when they retire and they ALL just got screwed but the doctors got REALLY screwed.


They get increases often.  They also get to do “income sprinkling” to lower their taxable income and they get to make traditional stock and other investments through their businesses and extract the income at a lower rate. 

Nope. But even if that were true, that would be one thing if they knew that since day one and planned accordingly. But that wasn't the deal.


Not at all the same thing as a pension plan and it’s not being “cut in half” And doctors can participate in an actual pension plan if they want   

Nope.  Other than cpp. They're all independant.


I don’t think that’s an accurate description at all. “They” didn’t tell doctors “they could rely on selling their business for their retirement”

They did.  And lets be real here - the reason you "Don't think" that way is you don't want it to be true because you're so tribal that you'll defend bad actions from a liberal gov't to the death.

If the CPC did this - i'd be on the phone to my MP cussing  him out and i'd be here saying "Dumbest CPC move ever".

But even tho he's driven more people into poverty than any other prime minister in our history and screwed an entire generation for housing, you're here defending what is CLEARLY a bone head maneuver because "me luv justin".

There's no defending this. Doctors were given this as a 'benfeit' instead of including them in ACTUAL gov't pension plans and such years ago and now after decades of hard work they're having it yanked from under them.  At a time when we desperately need MORE doctors. 

And this will have the biggest negative effect on hiring and retaining GP's, which is what we're in the most desperate shortage of.

Do you not realize this means people will have to go without proper health care? You just dont' give a damn i take it?

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Pixie-Dust has realized his Rona spending and welcome wagon immigration, has put Canada in a deep financial pit. Plus he has to replace all the lost revenues from his dumb-ass greenie crapolla. The "man" (he says laughingly) is an emotional basket case.

It hasn't "all" been bad. I even cast a vote for him the first time around. I agreed that some deficit spending on infrastructure and the pot legalization were good ideas. But...then the immigration problems started. Then The Rona happened. Then the unstable li'l tyke went right off the deep end. The hole his policies have dug us into is stupid...look.


So cities, provinces and the Libbies have to try to recover...and they can't without wild new taxes. Hell they've managed our housing markets into the ground too. The insanity is monumental. Everything is way over regulated. Our bureaucracies are massive...and apparently full of unqualified "equity" hires. We've all dealt with them. Nobody is responsible for jack anymore.

"Those are the regulations Sir. It's not my fault."

Libbies like to scream that Conservatives want to regress instead of progress. To that I say,

"Fckin' eh Dopey!"

Get the regulations out if the way, get rid of the useless bureaucracies, return our immigration to something proper, get the fck off the backs of fossil fuels, farming and mining, and watch the entire economy recover WITHOUT having to sh1t all over every Canadian's bank account. 

But instead we have Pixie-Dust and his trusty side-kick Genie, making all of us poorer and angrier, and Canada an international joke.

There...I've vented the truth of the matter. I feel relieved...but I am still considering there must be a better place to retire.

Gawd Damn Libbies...

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7 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Pixie-Dust has realized his Rona spending and welcome wagon immigration, has put Canada in a deep financial pit. Plus he has to replace all the lost revenues from his dumb-ass greenie crapolla. The "man" (he says laughingly) is an emotional basket case.

It hasn't "all" been bad. I even cast a vote for him the first time around. I agreed that some deficit spending on infrastructure and the pot legalization were good ideas. But...then the immigration problems started. Then The Rona happened. Then the unstable li'l tyke went right off the deep end. The hole his policies have dug us into is stupid...look.


So cities, provinces and the Libbies have to try to recover...and they can't without wild new taxes. Hell they've managed our housing markets into the ground too. The insanity is monumental. Everything is way over regulated. Our bureaucracies are massive...and apparently full of unqualified "equity" hires. We've all dealt with them. Nobody is responsible for jack anymore.

"Those are the regulations Sir. It's not my fault."

Libbies like to scream that Conservatives want to regress instead of progress. To that I say,

"Fckin' eh Dopey!"

Get the regulations out if the way, get rid of the useless bureaucracies, return our immigration to something proper, get the fck off the backs of fossil fuels, farming and mining, and watch the entire economy recover WITHOUT having to sh1t all over every Canadian's bank account. 

But instead we have Pixie-Dust and his trusty side-kick Genie, making all of us poorer and angrier, and Canada an international joke.

There...I've vented the truth of the matter. I feel relieved...but I am still considering there must be a better place to retire.

Gawd Damn Libbies...

Legalizing pot was the only "good" thing that ever came out of the trudeau gov't.  I don't smoke the stuff but i've always thought it should be a choice and that it was wrong to keep it illegal.

But that's it.

And those of us who were a little older knew right off the bat that this was going to be a disaster.  But i havet to admit, although i thought it would be bad, and maybe take 10 years to recover from like it did with his dad,  even i wouldn't have predicted the sheer devastation that's happened to our finances, the hatred across the country and the end to the 'help thy neighbour' canada that i used to know, the erosion of our quality of life, the erosion of freedoms etc etc.

I don't blame people too much for voting for him the first time.  I mean - nice socks and such i guess.  And it's not like harper was very good at campaigns and the media was lying it's ass off about how we didnt' ACTUALLY do well in the recession, which is beyond bullcrap.

but - the second and the third time, there was no excuse.

Liberals are ALWAYS like this. We ALWAYS backslide under the liberals, have since trudeau the first.

Hard way to learn.

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I was watching an interview (I think Tom Mulcair?) where he pointed out that this capital gains tax is really just another attack on the middle class.

They've pretty much broken the lower end of the middle class, so now they're going after the upper middle class.

Realizing that the large numbers of boomers are retiring and dying and leaving properties to their children - this tax takes that away.  It's basically a very big inheritance tax.

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I have ran a small business my whole life. Hoping to sell and retire. But now I can't. He is stealing mine and others well deserved retirements.

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