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Canadian Flag Pledge


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February 4, 2006

On February 4, 2006  - a subscriber to mapleleafweb.com named Auscon started this post with the following question:

I would like to hear from anyone who can remember the pledge we used to make to the Canadian flag during "morning exercises" at school in the 60's and 70's. I distinctly remember after entering class, singing 'God Save the Queen', reciting a quick quote from the Bible, and then saluting the Flag and saying something like " I salute the flag, the emblem of my country, to which...." or something along those lines. Anyone else in the forum that remembers this and can tell me the pledge? I have checked the maple leaf web site and it states there is no recognized pledge. But we did this for years at school. I am from Alberta. Was this unique to our schools?

Hope someone can help. Regards Auscan

In Answer to Auscan's Initial post - I was looking to see what was listed as the officially posted pledge of allegiance to the flag of Canada. I was taught this  - way back in 1965 when the Canadian flag was first adopted in place of the Red Ensign (when I was in Grade 4 - at Queen Elizabeth Elementary School in Trenton, Ontario and it was the following pledge (I am now 61 years of age - that was a long time ago but I still remember it word for word:

"I pledge allegiance to our flag, to our Queen and to our Country. One Country, indivisible, with liberty, equality and justice for all. One God, One Queen, One Flag, One pledge for all, one destiny for all."

I too- like Auscan remember exactly the same morning routine which (even though I was attending a PUBLIC not SEPARATE School)- included reading a bible passage every morning along with singing BOTH "God Save the Queen" and "Oh Canada".


Thanks Auscan for this... it's great to share this memory of the past...





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13 minutes ago, Draftman said:

I would like to hear from anyone who can remember the pledge we used to make to the Canadian flag during "morning exercises" at school in the 60's and 70's.

I grew up during that time in the Protestant School Board of Greater Montreal. I remember in grade school singing O'Canada, and God Save the Queen, but I don't remember any pledge to the flag. We certainly stood when we sang, and probably saluted the flag at least during O'Canada. I think God Save the Queen got dropped probably about the early 70's. I don't specifically recall any Bible passages being read, if they ever were it would be the exception and not the daily ritual.

The school board was English, and despite the name was what one would consider public. There was also a large English Catholic school board, as I remember they had about the same enrollment in our area but over the entire city I think they were smaller.

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  • 2 years later...
On ‎10‎/‎8‎/‎2009 at 1:50 AM, Guest ranger said:

I certainly remember in the 60's lining up outside our classroom in the hall every morning in our "public" Edmonton school . We recited the Lords Prayer, sang "o Canada", or God save the Queen and we recited " I salute the flag, the emblem of my country, to who( it is not a person) I pledge my love and loyalty". We also sang on Fridays "The Maple Leaf Forever". After reading Fellowtraveller's response, I understand a little more what is wrong with todays youth. I long for those simpler times.

I went to elementary school in Alberta through the early sixties and we said the pledge to the Union Jack. This all changed with Confederation. 

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The Lord's Prayer was said each morning in the public elementary school I went to in Alberta. This changed in Jr High. . We stopped pledging allegiance to the Queen, to the Union Jack as we entered 100 years as a Confederacy, chose to have our own flag in 1965, then to bring out Constitution home in the 1980's.

Our WW2 veterans I remember were still loyal to England and did not want to change the flag at all.  It has been a process.

There was another political stir when President De Gaulle came to our Expo '67, which was our celebration of 100 years of Confederacy and said "Vive le Quebec libre' and stirred up the French Canadian loyalty to France. The WW2 veterans remembered how Quebec did not want to enter the war and this caused a bit of a sore spot.  De Gaulle had said, "French Canada is bound to become it s own state" to his aide"

All in all it was best to have our own flag as the loyalties were split from the beginning. 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Was it this? "I am Canadian, a free Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship God in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, free to choose those who govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.". 

or maybe this? “I swear (or affirm) that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will faithfully observe the laws of Canada, and fulfil my duties as a Canadian citizen.”

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On 3/21/2020 at 2:23 PM, Janet Ferguson said:

I went to elementary school in Alberta in the early sixties. We said a pledge of allegiance to the Union Jack. Sang Oh Canada and God Save the Queen each morning. 


Ont in the 60's. I remember that also. Always like the song god save the queen.

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  • 2 years later...
On 2/4/2006 at 8:59 AM, auscan said:


I would like to hear from anyone who can remember the pledge we used to make to the Canadian flag during "morning exercises" at school in the 60's and 70's. I distinctly remember after entering class, singing 'God Save the Queen', reciting a quick quote from the Bible, and then saluting the Flag and saying something like " I salute the flag, the emblem of my country, to which...." or something along those lines. Anyone else in the forum that remembers this and can tell me the pledge? I have checked the maple leaf web site and it states there is no recognized pledge. But we did this for years at school. I am from Alberta. Was this unique to our schools?

Hope someone can help. Regards

Good morning, Alberta,

I am so thrilled to find you here asking the very same question that hit me this morning.  During the 60's, here in Quebec, at least in the English-speaking schools which were mostly Protestant, we had to salute the flag, and I too, wondered what exactly were the words used in our salute?  And then, we sang: "God Save The Queen".  

Have you been able to find the answer?  I wanted, during the holidays 2022, to show my sons what it was like in an English school academic setting compared to the dominate French Catholic schools here in Quebec.


Farrah Taylor

[email protected]



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On 11/10/2022 at 7:40 AM, FARRAH TAYLOR said:

Good morning, Alberta,

I am so thrilled to find you here asking the very same question that hit me this morning.  During the 60's, here in Quebec, at least in the English-speaking schools which were mostly Protestant, we had to salute the flag, and I too, wondered what exactly were the words used in our salute?  And then, we sang: "God Save The Queen".  

Have you been able to find the answer?  I wanted, during the holidays 2022, to show my sons what it was like in an English school academic setting compared to the dominate French Catholic schools here in Quebec.


Farrah Taylor

[email protected]



In BC, we said the Lords Prayer and sang Oh Canada every morning. I do not remember when we stopped doing that.

13 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

Anyone else find it weird to leave your name and number?

Has anyone called Farrah to discuss the issue?

Actually interesting she is not hiding behind a keyboard.

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On 10/8/2009 at 5:53 AM, g_bambino said:

How... foreign. We never had such a thing when I was in school through the 80s. I'm rather glad it isn't around much anymore, in that form anyway; when one thinks about it, it's pointless to claim loyalty to a piece of cloth and the terrain it represents, both inanimate objects that can't promise anything in return.

And this...ladies and gentlemen...is one of the reasons we have a population of in grates who are perfectly comfortable in calling Canada racist...misogynistic...and generally trash the nation.

Our younger people have little to no respect or honour. Without which, a nation begins to divide and self-destruct. 

Creating national pride in kids used to be a "good" thing. Today...we've managed to strip away the glue that bound us together as a coherent society.

Good work Libbies.

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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

And this...ladies and gentlemen...is one of the reasons we have a population of in grates who are perfectly comfortable in calling Canada racist...misogynistic...and generally trash the nation.

Our younger people have little to no respect or honour. Without which, a nation begins to divide and self-destruct. 

Creating national pride in kids used to be a "good" thing. Today...we've managed to strip away the glue that bound us together as a coherent society.

Good work Libbies.

Doing away with the prayer and singing Oh Canada or God Save the Queen was a local school board and provincial issue. Just like stopping Christmas celebrations at schools and making them Winter Festivals or some other non offensive, non denominational, politically correct name.

How can you even conceive of blaming "libbies"?  LOL

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22 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Doing away with the prayer and singing Oh Canada or God Save the Queen was a local school board and provincial issue. Just like stopping Christmas celebrations at schools and making them Winter Festivals or some other non offensive, non denominational, politically correct name.

How can you even conceive of blaming "libbies"?  LOL

Easy. By the very definition of CONSERVatism, no real CONSERVative would vote to change traditions that have real benefit.

The very idea that Christmas...admittedly nothing more than the pagan celebration of the lengthening of daylight...is a religious staple. A tradition that allows all people to love, forgive, make peace and find joy and hope in the coming "rising son" or "sun". The effect of Christmas on the Nordic race...the Western Civilization...is so wonderful that many other denominations around the planet have adopted it.

But liberal thinking has attacked Christmas, which has produced the obvious stubborn reaction. And for what? Political correctness? 

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  • Forum Admin
17 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

Anyone else find it weird to leave your name and number?


I was skeptical when I approved the posting.

If anyone does call and this is a scam, please inform me and I'll remove the posting.

It doesn't technically doesn't break any rules... 

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52 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Easy. By the very definition of CONSERVatism, no real CONSERVative would vote to change traditions that have real benefit.

The very idea that Christmas...admittedly nothing more than the pagan celebration of the lengthening of daylight...is a religious staple. A tradition that allows all people to love, forgive, make peace and find joy and hope in the coming "rising son" or "sun". The effect of Christmas on the Nordic race...the Western Civilization...is so wonderful that many other denominations around the planet have adopted it.

But liberal thinking has attacked Christmas, which has produced the obvious stubborn reaction. And for what? Political correctness? 

You cannot claim singing a song has benefit.

You cannot claim praying a christian prayer is beneficial to all. You cannot claim celebrating one religious holiday over another is beneficial to all.

Christianity is barely 50% of the Canadian population. Other religions do not get the same respect or benefit.

I am just playing advocate here, I do not believe this is a political issue at all other than everyone, regardless of religion is equal.

As for loving and honouring your country, it is not even doable for some folks on this very forum, you expect it Canada wide? LOL

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2 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

You cannot claim singing a song has benefit.

You cannot claim praying a christian prayer is beneficial to all. You cannot claim celebrating one religious holiday over another is beneficial to all.

Christianity is barely 50% of the Canadian population. Other religions do not get the same respect or benefit.

I am just playing advocate here, I do not believe this is a political issue at all other than everyone, regardless of religion is equal.

As for loving and honouring your country, it is not even doable for some folks on this very forum, you expect it Canada wide? LOL

What? Singing a song most definitely produces feelings. Some good...some bad. Christmas carols generally produce good feelings, thus...real benefit.

Why must this be a contest? Why do you think anyone wants Jews or Muslims or any other religious sect, to drop their own beliefs for Christmas? And if you really think prayer doesn't produce positive effects to all of society...then I feel sorry for you. "Peace on Earth, good will to man." ALL MEN...PEOPLE.

Attacking this...miracle of the season is down right mean spirited. Why is it even an issue? Christmas is what we call a period at the end of the calendar year, when we derive pure pleasure from giving...instead of receiving...when we openly hold the hand of our fellow man in friendship...when we celebrate love and compassion. 

So why? What possible positive can come of attacking that?

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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

What? Singing a song most definitely produces feelings. Some good...some bad. Christmas carols generally produce good feelings, thus...real benefit.

Why must this be a contest? Why do you think anyone wants Jews or Muslims or any other religious sect, to drop their own beliefs for Christmas? And if you really think prayer doesn't produce positive effects to all of society...then I feel sorry for you. "Peace on Earth, good will to man." ALL MEN...PEOPLE.

Attacking this...miracle of the season is down right mean spirited. Why is it even an issue? Christmas is what we call a period at the end of the calendar year, when we derive pure pleasure from giving...instead of receiving...when we openly hold the hand of our fellow man in friendship...when we celebrate love and compassion. 

So why? What possible positive can come of attacking that?

My point is that you blamed liberals.... pure fantasy.

I also said we have christian holidays but no other religious holidays.

I also stated a fact that Christmas is not celebrated in schools anymore.

I also said that singing Oh Canada or God save the Queen in school does nothing.

You disagree, OK

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12 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

My point is that you blamed liberals.... pure fantasy.

I also said we have christian holidays but no other religious holidays.

I also stated a fact that Christmas is not celebrated in schools anymore.

I also said that singing Oh Canada or God save the Queen in school does nothing.

You disagree, OK

OK...would a person given to the conservation of tradition, decide Christmas should be...altered?

Christmas is celebrated in schools. The music...the decorations...the very mood of the students and school staff. 

The symbology of Oh Canada is what bothers you I assume? Why?

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