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Jordan Peterson Warns of Surveillance State, Future ‘Secret Police’

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51 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

I didn't see that post before I wrote mine.

To defend someone simply because they share your political stance is low fakery.


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5 hours ago, Black Dog said:

No I think he's a clown because he dresses like a clown.



Like, literally:


Also he's funny in a "boy this guy is dumb" way, also like a clown.

Pretty mild considering Don Cherry suits...and he was a Canadian hockey icon...

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16 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

No hatred for Peterson just to point out that he is known for speaking of things he's not expert or even TRAINED in.  Just read that first paragraph.

And the only reason he's in the public arena,  was another dire warning (compelled speech) that he had to retract when he appeared before parliament.

People need to hold public figures accountable for what they say, especially experts.

How do we hold them accountable ?, take aways his credentials, having them to jump through hoops becasue some opinions clash with his...and why just him...why not every politician, public figure, etc etc...we don't have the same standards for everyone just a few people in the lime light that "we" or the "few" think have done something wrong....Liberal politicians have lied to Canadians on a constant basis, and there is no repercussions...no holding them to account for anything...

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5 hours ago, Black Dog said:

Let's just say it took me significantly less time to come up with that riposte that than you spend posting here you f*cking loser.

So you're a more efficient loser you say? Well - odd flex but there you go :)


I look way less like an id!ot than JP does in his retarded clown suits, man's tailor must hate his guts.

LOL no - no you definitely look like the bigger loser :) 


Yeah I'm jealous of the guy who's brain was turned into a thin slurry by benzos, who has lost his plum academic job, his license to practice and is reduced to writing incomprehensible gibberish in a failing newspaper nobody reads. lol.

I believe his net worth is well over 10 million, he's paid a shite-tonne of money to appear all over the world and has a pretty good life.

You're still a broke loser.

Sooooo - i'm not prepared to rule out jealousy just yet.  :)  

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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

..Liberal politicians have lied to Canadians on a constant basis, and there is no repercussions...no holding them to account for anything...

That's because there's nothing to hold them to account with. Stephan Harper's Federal Accountability Act didn't do squat to prevent the SNC Lavalin Affair.

You need cameras and humans providing witness - guardians to the processes that govern our lives.


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31 minutes ago, eyeball said:

That's because there's nothing to hold them to account with. Stephan Harper's Federal Accountability Act didn't do squat to prevent the SNC Lavalin Affair.

You need cameras and humans providing witness - guardians to the processes that govern our lives.


We already know that's a lie.
Do we need to have this out again? Do you need it explained to you slowly? And yes it actually prevented snc from happening.

The the problem is you keep voting liberal and ndp despite the corruption. You know about it - you're aware of it - trudeau got caught by harper's new laws that prevented snc interference, and yet you keep supporting them.

the accountability problem here is you on the left who wholeheartedly embrace corruption and then try to blame harper for justin's bad behavior.

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5 hours ago, eyeball said:


You need cameras and humans providing witness - guardians to the processes that govern our lives.


Or a moral sphere that cares about such things.  Ever wonder why conditions for working people are better in Scandinavia or France?

It's because they regard trickle down economics as fakery, and will crucify governments who go against working people.

They also remember things over there.

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18 hours ago, Nefarious Banana said:

Nutty university students are not way down on the list . . . they will be running the remains of Canada soon enough.

Your hatred of everything not left-wing is disgusting actually . . .

Exactly. Who were first nutty university students who didn't realize that more production is the only way you are going to improve QOL indicators, not slicing the same pie in different ways, are the same clowns whove pushed bizarre DEI policy in every major institution in our society. They are now trying to take over religious organizations thru lawfare in the US now. 

4 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Or a moral sphere that cares about such things.  Ever wonder why conditions for working people are better in Scandinavia or France?

It's because they regard trickle down economics as fakery, and will crucify governments who go against working people.

They also remember things over there.

Smaller landmass and production spread across hundreds more years than Canada probably plays a bigger role in that.

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2 minutes ago, West said:

Smaller landmass and production spread across hundreds more years than Canada probably plays a bigger role in that.

I would say it's French culture. Their Royals were far worse than ours, and in the 18th century they did something about it.  The Americans liked it, but made it a little more mainstream.

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10 hours ago, eyeball said:


Always love to see your little LOL'S of surrender :)

You are well aware that the law judy was unwilling to break that got justin in trouble was in fact Harper's new law, and it did prevent SNC from getting that deal.

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12 hours ago, CdnFox said:

So you're a more efficient loser you say? Well - odd flex but there you go :)

LOL no - no you definitely look like the bigger loser :) 

I believe his net worth is well over 10 million, he's paid a shite-tonne of money to appear all over the world and has a pretty good life.

You're still a broke loser.

Sooooo - i'm not prepared to rule out jealousy just yet.  :)  

If he has a "pretty good life" why did he get hooked on drugs and end up in a coma in a Russian mental hospital? Sounds like money and the adoration of retarded incels like you doesn't make him all that happy. Maybe he should have cleaned his room.

Edited by Black Dog
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Just now, Black Dog said:

If he has a "pretty good life" why did he get hooked on drugs and end up in a coma in a Russian mental hospital?

Pushed too hard and let the stress get to him. I mean every day there's jealous losers like you threatening or attacking him because they can't cope with the truth.  So he made a mistake and then got it corrected and moved on with life. Now he seems pretty happy, he's rich, he's successful, and every time moms-basement-dwelling coulrophobiacs like yourself spend their hatred attacking him for suits some company made for him, he gets a little richer :)

Aww it's ok doggie - i'm sure your mommie still likes you, so that's one fan you've got :)    (actually i'm not sure at all but i wanted to be nice about it)

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23 hours ago, CdnFox said:

....dismissing it because he doesnt' have specific educatonal credentials in that field of study entirely is a logical fallacy known as the 'credentials' fallacy and is also a form of the ad hominem fallacy.  " His argument is invalid because of his credentials, not because of his argument" .

It's the pervasive use of this fallacy that I find fascinating, in most cases it's a desperate deflection that flies in the face of common sense, real issues get totally ignored, and later, largely because of it, a bunch of easily anticipated WTF did you think was going to happen questions get asked.

The people who use this fallacy to shutdown others would likely balk at the idea that they needed a Phd in anthropology before suggesting to their teenage daughter that it was a bad idea to quit high school and move in with a  28 year old boyfriend. 

You don't need a masters in criminology to recognize that the bulk of a police budget is personnel expenses either, run that by most 10 year olds and they'll suggest that cutting funding will lead to attrition. Throw in vilifying the department, easy bail, and raising felony/indictable offence limits (on shop lifting) and the result isn't, by any playground definition, an unexpected or unintended consequence. Take the madness a step further and eliminate all police responses below the new felony threshold (due to personnel shortages) and robbers will start carrying calculators. 

The idea that transgender women (meaning uncut males) would infiltrate women's sports isn't surprising either... is it?

I'd suggest that anyone shocked by any of this needs to listen to people like JP a little more attentively, even if he's shouting naked from the roof.

Most amazing of all is that In this particular example, much of the support the transgender community received actually came from young laddies who ultimately had the most to loose. 

Explaining that support may require a Phd but there's a huge gulf between explaining why and anticipating some of the potential negative effects.




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6 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

If he has a "pretty good life" why did he get hooked on drugs and end up in a coma in a Russian mental hospital? Sounds like money and the adoration of retarded incels like you doesn't make him all that happy. Maybe he should have cleaned his room.

Here's the real reason

Mikhaila, said that her father was initially prescribed a low dose of a benzodiazepine a few years ago for anxiety, but he only developed a physical dependence on the drug after his dose was increased last April following his wife’s terminal cancer diagnosis.

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9 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Always love to see your little LOL'S of surrender :)

You are well aware that the law judy was unwilling to break that got justin in trouble was in fact Harper's new law, and it did prevent SNC from getting that deal.

And if she'd been willing to break it there's nothing that could have prevented it or brought the affair to light.

It was there to be used but its always required an honest politician to do so.

It's useless as a preventative measure.

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I am not so sure that it is as cut and dry as the OP likes to think. We live in a different world than 30 years ago where bank fraud was executed in an entirely different manner. Today.. all they have to do is know your email address. They do not have to know you in any way, be near you, etc. Hackers or other nefarious actors operate in the shadows more than ever. So some collusion between banks and government agencies is going to happen while we navigate the ever changing landscape. 

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1 minute ago, Venandi said:


The people who use it would likely balk at the idea that they needed a Phd in anthropology before suggesting to their teenage daughter that it was a bad idea to quit high school and move in with a  28 year old boyfriend.


The flip side to that is that the same people will claim "credentials" for the most ridiculous reasons themselves.  They're experts in gun control because they know someone who got shot for example.  "My daughter was killed by a gun therefore i'm entirely qualified to address criminal violence!!"

3 minutes ago, Venandi said:

The idea that transgender women (meaning uncut males) would infiltrate women's sports isn't surprising either... is it?

Not really.  I think real trans people probably just want to get on and have as normal and quiet a life as possible, but there will always be that segment who are more about being noticed and abusing the issue for personal gain.

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3 minutes ago, eyeball said:

And if she'd been willing to break it there's nothing that could have prevented it or brought the affair to light.

It was there to be used but its always required an honest politician to do so.

It's useless as a preventative measure.

It's a wonderful revelation to see your gradual long arc to the right/right way of thinking concerning Canadian federal politics.  It must feel great to finally realize that you'll not be duped or play the dupe any more.  Well done, proud of you!

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Just now, Nefarious Banana said:

It's a wonderful revelation to see your gradual long arc to the right/right way of thinking concerning Canadian federal politics.  It must feel great to finally realize that you'll not be duped or play the dupe any more.  Well done, proud of you!

What are you babbling about?

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

And if she'd been willing to break it there's nothing that could have prevented it or brought the affair to light.

You mean if criminals break the law the law might be broken?  Yes.  

But the fact is as expected the law did it's job and justin got busted.

The problem is that there's no consequences - because people like you keep voting for them.

1 hour ago, eyeball said:

It was there to be used but its always required an honest politician to do so.

Not at all. Dishonest politicians will also follow the law if there's consequences to not doing so.

Instead, the libs punished the honest person and the voters like you rewarded the libs.

So this has nothing to do with the law - people like you enable the politicians to be dishonest and corrupt and refuse to stop them. So it continues. And you blame harper for justin's bad behvior and your own failures as a Canadian voter.

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8 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Or a moral sphere that cares about such things.  Ever wonder why conditions for working people are better in Scandinavia or France?

It's because they regard trickle down economics as fakery, and will crucify governments who go against working people.

They also remember things over there.

Sorry mike but i'm not following the first part of your post, what conditions do Canadian workers face that are better in France or Scandinavia.

Maybe it is becasue most Canadians really don't trust our governments to do anything of real value, that and there is not accountability except every 4 years at the polls, that and Canadians are way to busy in their own bubbles to care to much, other than to bitc* on a forum to stand up and do something that will invoke change...and when they do, we see them as the enemy....

Which is why i don't understand why the liberals are trying so hard to buy votes, when in one years time nobody is going to remember what the hell all the spending was about....what they are going to remember is how much the liberals added to the debt...

2 hours ago, Black Dog said:

I mean he was a clown too.

A clown that was respected in the hockey world for decades...and was canceled for a very minor offense...

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15 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

1. Sorry mike but i'm not following the first part of your post, what conditions do Canadian workers face that are better in France or Scandinavia.

Maybe it is becasue most Canadians really don't trust our governments to do anything of real value, that and there is not accountability except every 4 years at the polls, that and Canadians are way to busy in their own bubbles to care to much, other than to bitc* on a forum to stand up and do something that will invoke change...and when they do, we see them as the enemy....

3. Which is why i don't understand why the liberals are trying so hard to buy votes, when in one years time nobody is going to remember what the hell all the spending was about....what they are going to remember is how much the liberals added to the debt...


1. Stability, social welfare, vacations, public services...

2. Yes I think that I alluded to this.

3. I'm not sure, but maybe eating NDP votes.  Latest Nanos poll has Liberals up, NDP down so maybe...

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