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Total fossil emissions in the world is only 0.1% to 0.2% of total greenhouse gases

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23 hours ago, Venandi said:

In the interest of saving bandwidth I'll try and demystify it for you..

What you're referring to are contrails. They're caused by water vapour from the combustion process forming ice crystals in the colder ambient temperatures at altitude. Various impurities, also part of the combustion process, provide particles called condensation nuclei that the droplets form on. So, if water droplets do form, they freeze into ice crystals and form a contrail.

Dissipation times vary depending on the temperature / humidity profile and the amount of moisture/nuclei produced. Some military aircraft like the C130 and CP140 (same engines BTW) burn dirty and usually leave a noticeable exhaust trail at the best of times. Contrails can last from minutes to hours and expand significantly if/when they persist.

Military briefing packs normally contain an altitude estimate for contrail formation, something that pilots of surveillance aircraft seek to avoid like the plague. Otherwise, altitudes are selected based on direction of flight and fuel efficiency.

There is some debate about reflectivity and contrails contributing to global heat retention, but other than surveillance mission planning, I've never given them a second thought.   

Another genius. Ha-ha. People like you have to be nuts alright? How do you know that they are not spraying some kinds of chemicals in the atmosphere? I have noticed many times several lines of those so called water vapors of yours crisscrossing one another in the sky together. Is there some kind of games being played here for something to do by the military for fun?

So, maybe you can tell me as to what or why all of those so called vapor trails are being sprayed in the sky because no one else here seems to be able to explain the reason why? Is it just water vapors or chemicals being sprayed? Well? 

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2 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Imigine if the 22 bil raised by the carbon tax was put to use by supporting all the green projects...But we blew that one.

You and I are blowing it because we don't/won't/can't put measures in place that allow for the sort of public oversight and transparency I often talk about that might prevent politicians from blowing things.

Would you leave a bunch of unsupervised crack addicts alone in a pharmacy?

This idea about better penetrating oversight used to generate some level of agreement around here. But I guess pitting the interests of some 27 million taxpayers vs 338 MP's and their coterie of lobbyists really would be such an unfair proposition there's little point even thinking about it...we wouldn't stand a chance.


Coterie = an intimate and often exclusive group of persons with a unifying common interest or purpose. 

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23 hours ago, Aristides said:

Because you have no verifiable evidence. You just make stuff up while denying anything that shows you are wrong.

You don’t ask questions, you just ignore what you don’t want to hear.

I don’t like the idea we are killing the planet any more than you but denial won’t stop it.

But of course, your verifiable evidence is the absolute truth, eh, Aristotle wanna be? So, what makes you think that the stuff you spread around here is good as gold and is the absolute truth? Get lost with your bullshit. 

I have been asking questions ever since this topic was created, stumpid. So far, no one can really prove that we are in a climate crisis. I do not see any climate crisis happening around or near me? The sun comes up in the morning, and the sun goes down in the evening. No climate crisis disasters noted so far. 😁

Just where and how are we killing the planet, lefty? I can deny all that i want to deny. That is my right to do so. I do not have to believe everything that you believe in. 😇

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On 4/2/2024 at 12:51 PM, ExFlyer said:

Are you really serious???

Military aircraft also fly at the same altitudes and temperature zones and use jet engines to. Some military aircraft have older engines and they are not as efficient and the exhaust is not as clean as newer engines so the trail is a little darker but it is still the same principal.

The amount of time any vapour trail remains is totally dependant on the atmospheric conditions , mainly the humidity and winds at altitude.

Are you really serious in believing they are injecting something to the vapour trail???

Hey, here is one for ya...the Chinese sent weather balloon into the jetsream to see where they will go so that they can inject a substance up there and it will travel over us..... :)   Run with that one LOL

Well, so far, no one has seen any so called vapor trail lines being left behind by a Chinese balloon as of yet. Let's wait and see what happens with the next Chinese balloon.  I may then have to start up a Chinese balloon conspiracy thread. 🤣


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1 hour ago, taxme said:

Well, so far, no one has seen any so called vapor trail lines being left behind by a Chinese balloon as of yet. Let's wait and see what happens with the next Chinese balloon.  I may then have to start up a Chinese balloon conspiracy thread. 🤣


Ha Ha ha. Sucked ya in eh????

Post my comment about the Chinese balloon on X and see how long it will take to spread around the Xphere LOL

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On 4/2/2024 at 1:17 PM, Black Dog said:

There's a point where skepticism of official narratives ends and reflexive contrarianism and bloody-minded stupidity begins and buddy you have sailed past that a long time ago to the point where you won't even accept evidence before your very eyes

What's the point in "asking questions" if won't listen to the answers unless they're what you want to hear? Like I said, you have a toddler's mindset.

You refuse to answer any questions, period, bozo. I have asked you many times as to what those trails may consist of and you refuse to answer. There may be nothing in those trails to worry about or there may be something in those trails to be concerned about. WTF is wrong with you? Asking questions should not get you all upset, bozo. If you do not like anyone questioning anything then stfu. What the hell is it to you anyway, bozo? Just laugh it off and phk off. 🤣🤣🤣


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2 hours ago, taxme said:

I have noticed many times several lines of those so called water vapors of yours crisscrossing one another in the sky together.

Good point, I used to think it was because aircraft sometimes travel in different directions. 

2 hours ago, taxme said:

So, maybe you can tell me as to what or why all of those so called vapor trails are being sprayed in the sky because no one else here seems to be able to explain the reason why? Is it just water vapors or chemicals being sprayed? Well? 

OK, ya got me:

On shorter flights we open one of the windows and have a flight attendant drain the  excess coffee overboard with a garden hose. It accounts for some of those darker coloured trails.

On longer flights we use the same procedure to empty the lavs. That's why the toilets contain blue water, it's mostly invisible when viewed against a blue sky.

On cloudy days though we sometimes get caught with our pants down (so to speak). In that case additional company aircraft are recruited to lay coffee and beer trails in that distinctive  criss cross pattern you identified.

2 hours ago, taxme said:

Another genius. Ha-ha. People like you have to be nuts alright?

 Sorry to have been so deceitful in the first post.

I share your concern and think it's important to forward this new information to the appropriate authorities. Please contact the Ministry of Transport's Enforcement Section without delay.

If you don't get an immediate response it's likely because they're in on the conspiracy. Lock your doors and shelter in place.

I would then contact the CBC directly and give them the story, they're sure to appreciate having some credible news to report.

In the interest of protecting sources and whistle blowers though, please don't mention my name.




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44 minutes ago, taxme said:

You refuse to answer any questions, period, bozo. I have asked you many times as to what those trails may consist of and you refuse to answer.

You've never asked me what was in the trails. You asked me what people were spraying and I answered you: no one is spraying anything. Others have explained what's in the trails you see (water vapour and trace byproducts from fuel combustion) and you don't seem to be able to grasp a concept my four year old understands.


Asking questions should not get you all upset, bozo. If you do not like anyone questioning anything then stfu. What the hell is it to you anyway, bozo? Just laugh it off and phk off. 🤣🤣🤣

Again, the fact you "ask questions" and ignore or dismiss the answers if you don't like tells me you aren't interested in learning the answers but having people validate your insane worldview.

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1 hour ago, Venandi said:

Good point, I used to think it was because aircraft sometimes travel in different directions. 

OK, ya got me:

On shorter flights we open one of the windows and have a flight attendant drain the  excess coffee overboard with a garden hose. It accounts for some of those darker coloured trails.

On longer flights we use the same procedure to empty the lavs. That's why the toilets contain blue water, it's mostly invisible when viewed against a blue sky.

On cloudy days though we sometimes get caught with our pants down (so to speak). In that case additional company aircraft are recruited to lay coffee and beer trails in that distinctive  criss cross pattern you identified.

 Sorry to have been so deceitful in the first post.

I share your concern and think it's important to forward this new information to the appropriate authorities. Please contact the Ministry of Transport's Enforcement Section without delay.

If you don't get an immediate response it's likely because they're in on the conspiracy. Lock your doors and shelter in place.

I would then contact the CBC directly and give them the story, they're sure to appreciate having some credible news to report.

In the interest of protecting sources and whistle blowers though, please don't mention my name.




I did not know all that shit happens? WOW, thanks for the info. I will make sure that i do not walk under some airplane in the sky just in case! If it is my shit falling to the ground, and it hits someone in the head, well, it will be no sweat off my arse. Chuckle. 

Anyway, it is official now. My source in the Pentagon as just told me that those trails that we see in the sky are full of very dangerous chemicals and they are being sprayed in the atmosphere to eventually descend to the ground to make people sick and then die, and taking all the plant life with them. Apparently, it has something to do with some aliens?

I just could not believe what he told me? Shocking, isn't it? I am not kidding, and i think that you should seriously heed his warning. After all, what are enemies for, eh? 🤣

And i was also told that it would appear as though the sky may soon start to fall down to earth, and he told me that i should take precautions just in case it starts to happen, and that i should just stay in my home until it is clear to come back out again. He says for me to be careful and watch out for falling pieces of sky if i do decide to go out. My Pentagon source will let me know when it will be safe to be able to come back out. What a great source and guy, eh? 

I just thought that i would let you know about this very sky thingy dangerous situation that may be about to begin. My source believes that it may be due to the aliens trying to blow up the sky. Yikes. And you thought that conspiracies about aliens does not exist! Ha-ha. Star Trek shows warned us all about those aliens out there coming to earth one day and try to take over the earth by spraying poisonous shit in the air. My gawd, what next, eh? 

There are so many things going on these days, i don't know which way to turn? It is for sure that i will not rely too much on the CBC or CNN like you obviously do all the time to report the real news. I prefer to listen to the alternative conservative media for my information updates. For now i will give you the Vulcan sign on one hand and give you the middle finger sign on the other hand. Bye-bye. 🤣🤣


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2 hours ago, Black Dog said:

You've never asked me what was in the trails. You asked me what people were spraying and I answered you: no one is spraying anything. Others have explained what's in the trails you see (water vapour and trace byproducts from fuel combustion) and you don't seem to be able to grasp a concept my four year old understands.

Again, the fact you "ask questions" and ignore or dismiss the answers if you don't like tells me you aren't interested in learning the answers but having people validate your insane worldview.

O, for Christ sake, stfu, will you. Your bulk shit is not going to baffle my brains. I am just to smart and intelligent for you to debate with. Those are dangerous alien chemicals in the atmosphere and they are meant to harm and kill humans and plant life. Even your little four year old knows that, 🤡

It sure looks to me like you are the real insane one here. Cuckoo-cuckoo. 🤣

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6 minutes ago, taxme said:

O, for Christ sake, stfu, will you. Your bulk shit is not going to baffle my brains. I am just to smart and intelligent for you to debate with. Those are dangerous alien chemicals in the atmosphere and they are meant to harm and kill humans and plant life. Even your little four year old knows that, 🤡

It sure looks to me like you are the real insane one here. Cuckoo-cuckoo. 🤣

Sorry man but you are beyond help. 

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1 minute ago, Aristides said:

Sorry man but you are beyond help. 

Weird, but that is the same feelings that i have about you also, 🤡 . Goodbye, if you have a problem with someone questioning anything whether it is part of a conspiracy or not. 

A rise in temperature by 0.1 or 0.2% is not going to cause a climate crisis disaster. Why do people like you always let the lying and fake left wing liberal MSM get you all riled up over nothing? Start questioning things that the MSM tells you. Try and get the other side of the story for a change. It has never hurt me to do just that. If you want to keep on listening to the liberal MSM all the time then you are the one that needs help. 

PS: So, just what has this so called climate crisis affected you in some way? Come on, give me something, but somehow, i bet you won't give me anything? Well, the floor is yours now. 🤔

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

Weird, but that is the same feelings that i have about you also, 🤡 . Goodbye, if you have a problem with someone questioning anything whether it is part of a conspiracy or not. 

A rise in temperature by 0.1 or 0.2% is not going to cause a climate crisis disaster. Why do people like you always let the lying and fake left wing liberal MSM get you all riled up over nothing? Start questioning things that the MSM tells you. Try and get the other side of the story for a change. It has never hurt me to do just that. If you want to keep on listening to the liberal MSM all the time then you are the one that needs help. 

PS: So, just what has this so called climate crisis affected you in some way? Come on, give me something, but somehow, i bet you won't give me anything? Well, the floor is yours now. 🤔

The difference between you and me is I worked on and flew these things for over 30 years so actually know what I'm talking about. NASA and other scientific organizations aren't mainstream media, they are where MSM get their information. You get what comes out of any internet bloggers ass that supports your conspiracy mindset. 

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6 hours ago, Venandi said:

Lock your doors and shelter in place.

3 hours ago, taxme said:

he told me that i should take precautions just in case it starts to happen, and that i should just stay in my home until it is clear to come back out again. 

Solid advice from two independent sources. I would lay in basic supplies and pre-pay all bills for at least a year.

If day becomes night and night becomes day during a single watch, you know the time is nigh... you should proceed directly to the basement and remain there until further notice.

Open source intelligence reports suggest this event is likely to occur on April 8th, you still have a few days to prepare. 

3 hours ago, taxme said:

My Pentagon source will let me know when it will be safe to be able to come back out. What a great source and guy, eh? 

You're lucky to have him. On the off chance that he becomes the victim of "sky termination debris" (STD) please check this site every hour on the hour 24/7 for updates.

3 hours ago, taxme said:

For now i will give you the Vulcan sign on one hand and give you the middle finger sign on the other hand. Bye-bye. 🤣

Right back at you brother.... I salute your courage in facing the dark days ahead. Due to the risk of comms monitoring, and to prevent widespread panic in the civilian population, this will be our final communication on a publicly accessible platform until the all clear is given.

If you need further technical advice on contrails and communications are adversely affected by the anticipated spread of STDs, simply hoist flag GOLF for immediate assistance.  


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I'm starting a go fund me page on this forum, it is going towards the purchase of high quality light wieght aluminum/ titanium/ carbon fiber.... crash helmets/ microwave blocker, alien signals DE amplifiers, chemical gas mask for chemtrails ....

NASA has determined regular tin foil hats have been deemed no longer effective against any of these alien measure to control our brain waves, these new ones come with soft interior adjustable head strap systems, to keep it on your head at all times, we don't want any alien micro waves getting into your brains....a light on the front of them so you can see where your going in the dark, glow in the dark stickers on the side to ensure visibility to all  and a flashing red light on the top to let everyone know your special, and should be treated with caution, and so you can be tracked by air surveillance at all times....

I can see from some of these posts that their are a few people on this forum that truly need these right away... please send funds right now we can't wait much longer, you can e transfer me, yes it is that easy ....for just 100 dollars you can make a difference in one of these lifes,

Cut to pictures of homeless, using a laptop in the downtown core of toronto...missing huge chunks of hair from pulling it out due to frustrations of just not getting the science behind every topic they read, scruffy looking because they haven't showered in months, distraught as mom kicked them out of the basement, dad left years ago, unable to handle the stress or the science behind life itself........Please send your money today, we need to get these people some help... Dig deep people...one day this could be someone you know....multiple donations accepted, we also take vias, or debit cards....This is a public service message... 

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12 minutes ago, Army Guy said:



12 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

I'm starting a go fund me page on this forum, it is going towards the purchase of high quality light wieght aluminum/ titanium/ carbon fiber.... crash helmets/ microwave blocker, alien signals DE amplifiers, chemical gas mask for chemtrails ....

You should know better than to post this in front of a genuine capitalist pig:   I can not only make them for you, but our nano-tech scientist today told me he could make really comgy blockers by powdering a regular cotton head cover (like a ski mast, but no insulation) with pure graphene.

I'll PM my Bank of Nigeria account number.

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19 minutes ago, cannuck said:


You should know better than to post this in front of a genuine capitalist pig:   I can not only make them for you, but our nano-tech scientist today told me he could make really comgy blockers by powdering a regular cotton head cover (like a ski mast, but no insulation) with pure graphene.

I'll PM my Bank of Nigeria account number.

And people said we could not solve the problems of the world if we worked together........one problem at a time...now if we can get some cooperation from our two patients we should be able to go straight to the testing phase...I'm going to need some help , a van with blacked out windows, some ski masks and black coveralls, rubber gloves, and some popular conspiracy theory to lure them into the van... I knew i would like being a entrepreneur, and part of the save humanity club at the same time. Going to need venandi's help as well, maybe a an aircraft as well in case we need to get out of the country..

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14 hours ago, taxme said:

I did not know all that shit happens? WOW, thanks for the info. I will make sure that i do not walk under some airplane in the sky just in case! If it is my shit falling to the ground, and it hits someone in the head, well, it will be no sweat off my arse. Chuckle. 

Grey water is drained overboard on many aircraft through heated drain masts on the aircraft belly. We learned not to stand or leave anything under them when flight attendants were doing their preflight in case one of them emptied a pot of old coffee into the galley drain. Black water from toilets is retained onboard and emptied into lav service trucks on the ground. 

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15 hours ago, taxme said:

O, for Christ sake, stfu, will you. Your bulk shit is not going to baffle my brains. I am just to smart and intelligent for you to debate with. Those are dangerous alien chemicals in the atmosphere and they are meant to harm and kill humans and plant life. Even your little four year old knows that, 🤡

It sure looks to me like you are the real insane one here. Cuckoo-cuckoo. 🤣

OK this is 100% a troll, no one could be this stupid and still be able to operate a computer. You got me good.

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14 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

OK this is 100% a troll, no one could be this stupid and still be able to operate a computer. You got me good.

I am 100% that this is Mr. Canada.  This person was such a troll that they actually trolled themselves into thinking they were straight. Read the first paragraph here with a straight face if you can

My reasons for my opinion are deep.


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2 hours ago, Aristides said:

Black water from toilets is retained onboard and emptied into lav service trucks on the ground. 

Shhhhhh... I worked hard at composing that contrail and STD response.

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22 hours ago, Aristides said:

The difference between you and me is I worked on and flew these things for over 30 years so actually know what I'm talking about. NASA and other scientific organizations aren't mainstream media, they are where MSM get their information. You get what comes out of any internet bloggers ass that supports your conspiracy mindset. 

Well, whop-dee-ddo for you. But did you work on those aircraft that were and still are spraying the sky with your so called water spray?

What was in that spray, and why, and for what purpose were they using that spray? 

Are you still working for whomever or are you retired? When did you retire? 

Just because you do not believe what some internet bloggers question does not mean that what they are saying is false and they are of a conspiracy mindset? Over to you, Aristotle. 😇

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