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Canada’s implementation of assisted suicide represents the moral failure of healthcare in Canada.  Our Minister of Health uses double-speak like “health issues aren’t to be conflated with mental illness.”  He’s saying mental illness isn’t mental illness.  What?  This is the kind of dubious logic used to justify an increasingly dangerous and morally corrupt form of supposed healthcare that’s really deathcare.  This indicates that the Canadian healthcare system is giving up on healthcare.  With our assisted suicide death rate rising faster than anywhere else in the world, it’s time to end this experiment.  The cult of death (unlimited abortion anytime up to natural birth, a euthanasia system that results in war vets and the poor ending their lives purely because of money or weak mental healthcare).  The healthcare system must improve and MAID must be rescinded immediately.  Our birth rate is falling and among the lowest in the world.  Canada is shooting herself in the foot finding ever more reasons to cull the population.  Expensive housing, high cost of living, abortion, MAID, hard drugs, encouraging non-traditional families, urban lifestyles).

All of these trends are the reason Canada must now rely on immigration and is becoming beholden to values that are not of Canada.  They have been imported, and not necessarily from far off places.  We’ve imported a foolish radical progressive ideology that is culture and society-killing because it cannot sustain itself.  People must return to a more traditionally Canadian way of life.

Edited by Zeitgeist
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10 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Do you really mean "end" MAID altogether or just stop using it like a Gatling gun to save money on medicare and pensions? 

I think it should end because it will always be dubious morally at best, lead to unintended deaths, and take the place of effective healthcare that heals and treats people. It’s the deep dive into dystopia. It’s possibly being expanded to the mentally ill and children. What was once hard to justify for people in grave pain suffering from terminal illness asking to be put out of their misery is now a ritual of release where you can pick your playlist for your own death when the going gets tough and check out of life.  Any society that normalizes this is committing mass suicide.

Edited by Zeitgeist
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2 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

I think it should end because it will always be dubious morally at best, lead to unintended deaths, and take the place of effective healthcare that heals and treats people.  It’s the deep dive into dystopia.  It’s possibly being expanded to the mentally ill and children.  What was once hard to justify for people in grave pain suffering from terminal illness asking to be put out of their misery to picking your playlist for your own death when the going gets tough.

It's another case of "Give them an inch, they take a mile." Isn't that always the way? The creeping authoritarianism of the left springs to mind...

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14 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

It's another case of "Give them an inch, they take a mile." Isn't that always the way? The creeping authoritarianism of the left springs to mind...

Unfortunately the left has become a death cult that puts the people at the mercy of an overbearing secular state that purports to know what’s best for everyone and crushes dissent through ideology.  We’re constantly told to think a way that is not just nihilistic; it’s anti-human. In this vacuum enters the attack on the individual and individual rights, because all needs of the individual must be subsumed to the values of the all-knowing collective state.  Even the goal isn’t about humans; it’s fighting climate change.  Everyone is included in this fight, no exceptions.

But what does this cause advance if not the destruction of humanity?  The push to tax and regulate you in order to diminish your carbon footprint is really about the war on humanity, brought to you by A.I. and the Committee For Inclusivity. MAID is just one of its policies. Anything that helps eliminate humanity.  Canada’s low birth rate shows you that the policies have been implemented to good effect.

This was always about the war on the family too:  sexual revolution, birth control, abortion, legal hard drugs, euthanasia, non-traditional and smaller families, lower carbon footprint.  These were the big follies of modern life that we embraced as an expression of freedom, but it’s resulting in a society with a negative birth rate attacking its own foundations: settler-colonial, patriarchal, proselytizing.

The country needs a restoration.  Reconsidering MAID is a good place to start.

Edited by Zeitgeist
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17 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

This was always about the war on the family too:  sexual revolution, birth control, abortion, legal hard drugs, euthanasia, non-traditional and smaller families, lower carbon footprint.  These were the big follies of modern life that we embraced as an expression of freedom, but it’s resulting in a society with a negative birth rate attacking its own foundations: settler-colonial, patriarchal, proselytizing.

The country needs a restoration.  Reconsidering MAID is a good place to start.

Leftists are vile people. I know that sounds extreme, but I just have no love, trust or respect for them. None at all. 

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10 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Leftists are vile people. I know that sounds extreme, but I just have no love, trust or respect for them. None at all. 

I think most of them are just naive.  It’s easier to ignore the hypocrisy than to call it out.  The left caves into the moral laziness of people, which actually devalues people.

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2 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

left has become a death cult


2 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

overbearing secular state


2 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

The push to tax and regulate you in order to diminish your carbon footprint is really about the war on humanity


2 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

MAID is just one of its policies. Anything that helps eliminate humanity.  Canada’s low birth rate shows you that the policies have been implemented to good effect.


2 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

war on the family


2 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

The country needs a restoration

Seldom seen a rant so vile


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4 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

I think it should end because it will always be dubious morally at best, lead to unintended deaths, and take the place of effective healthcare that heals and treats people.

The government does this deliberately.  They use MAID to kill off the portion of population that either has no more usefulness (such as war vets), or those who would require too many resources to treat (such as the disabled, people with severe mental health issues).

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"Belgium’s 15 year experiment with euthanasia has gone terribly wrong. This film is a dire warning for the rest of the world. The Euthanasia Deception is a one-hour documentary featuring powerful testimonies from Belgium and beyond - of those devastated by the false ideology of ‘mercy killing’.

This one hour documentary reveals the three main deceptions of doctor-assisted dying.


This must be typed into the URL window.  It will not copy and paste.


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27 minutes ago, August1991 said:

I disagree.

Like abortion, or capital punishment, or sending soldiers to kill or die - the State should allow death.

You’re trying to tie together unrelated matters.  War is sometimes necessary to save lives, even if some people die in the process.  The motivation behind capital punishment, whether or not you agree with the practice, is to reduce the amount of murders.

Canada is becoming the front runner in self destruction. Get your free opioids, suppress reality, and when you’re really feeling down, apply for MAID.  Canada has become the country of leaning into your demons.

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6 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

You’re trying to tie together unrelated matters.

Disagree. The State allows killing, death.


To be plain, I have no objection to abortiion, Maid, or capital punishment. 

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14 minutes ago, August1991 said:

Disagree. The State allows killing, death.


To be plain, I have no objection to abortiion, Maid, or capital punishment. 

Sad that you think it’s a badge of honour, but you’re not alone in thinking this way and it illustrates the decline of the country.  You reap what you sow.

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1 hour ago, Zeitgeist said:

Sad that you think it’s a badge of honour, but you’re not alone in thinking this way and it illustrates the decline of the country.  You reap what you sow.

Decline? Years ago, people like Jimmy Stewart bombed killed innocent civilians.

IMHO, a civilised State allows killing - I have no objection to capital punishment or abortion.

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5 hours ago, August1991 said:

Decline? Years ago, people like Jimmy Stewart bombed killed innocent civilians.

IMHO, a civilised State allows killing - I have no objection to capital punishment or abortion.

Again, different things with different raison d’etres.

Abortion is almost always the path taken by people who made a bad decision and are getting rid of their early stage baby so that they don’t have to deal with raising the child that they caused to be conceived.  Of course it means thousands of potential Canadians are lost every year.  I’m not judging the people who do this, but the act speaks for itself.  Obviously if the life of the mother is threatened by a pregnancy, that changes things because preserving life is the focus.

The argument for capital punishment, and I’m not advocating it, is that a severe penalty is a deterrent against murder and therefore will save more lives than it removes.

You need to base your beliefs in ethics, not trends or whether or not something is legal.

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On 2/4/2024 at 4:57 PM, GroundskeeperWillie said:

The government does this deliberately.  They use MAID to kill off the portion of population…

Are people choosing assisted death, or is the government forcing this on people?

Why can’t I choose to die if I have terminal cancer?

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On 2/4/2024 at 12:09 PM, WestCanMan said:

It's another case of "Give them an inch, they take a mile." Isn't that always the way? The creeping authoritarianism of the left springs to mind...

Allowing people to choose how they end their lives is creeping authoritarianism?  That's some upside down logic. You are the one who wants to control people's lives.

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10 minutes ago, Chrissy1979 said:

My brother had strong Christian beliefs and was firmly opposed to assisted suicide but admitted he was wrong after he got prostate cancer. He thought pain management was a real thing, but it reached a point where he was begging for an overdose.

I’m sorry your brother went through that. Your post is a good reminder that we’re posting about humans who are truly suffering and want to have options to end their own suffering if it becomes unbearable for them.  

For anyone to tell someone they have to suffer is inhumane. 

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56 minutes ago, Aristides said:

Allowing people to choose how they end their lives is creeping authoritarianism?  That's some upside down logic. You are the one who wants to control people's lives.


  • It's another case of "Give them an inch, they take a mile." Isn't that always the way? The creeping authoritarianism of the left springs to mind...


One thing: the MAID system being an example of give them an inch and they'll take a mile. 

Isn't that always the way? Don't these governments of ten just ask for an inch up front and then take a mile?

Another thing that springs to mind is the creeping authoritarianism of the left. 


MAID: "Let's just help the extremely sick who are suffering to end their lives with dignity".

MAID, 2 yrs later: "If you can't pay your cable bill and you have a headache, just lay a tarp on the floor inside your door and we'll be there in 20 minutes."


Libs before the 2015 election: "We're going to be the most accountable, transparent government ever!"

Libs right after the 2015 election: "The CBC needs a $685M/yr raise". 

Libs right before the 2019 election: "Select media outlets need $600M. We're going to fly a jumbo jet full of reporters around the country with his campaign so that we can control who has access to the PM."

Libs during covid: "Pastors can't talk to their congregation. The unvaxed are racists and misogynists so we don't talk to them. Unvaxed people don't get the same rights as everyone else. We're gonna steal gas and diesel from peaceful protesters. We're gonna sieze the bank accounts of anyone who donated money to peaceful protesters. We need to invoke martial law to shut down a peaceful protest."

Libs right before the 2021 election: "Top secret media outlets need to receive $65M to combat election disinformation. We need control of social media."

Now we have cops running pick plays on Rebel News reporters who try to talk to members of our God-damned Nazi gov't, and if the reporter bumps into them, the cops charge them with "Assaulting a police officer".

Rebel news reporters have constantly been roughed up and chased off by our "police". 

Our PM walks around with 40 cops, in Canada. 

CBC is now part of the "Trusted News Initiative", a conglomeration of media and social media giants who conspire to collectively control the narratives on things like Wuhan BSL4 labs, the jab, Hunter's laptop, etc.

Every news org and social media platform including, but not limited to CBC, BBC, WashPo, NYT, AP, Reuters, Twitter (formerly), FB, Google, etc was in lock-step on every single aspect of covid, the jab, how well various world leaders fought covid, the integrity of the 2020 election, the seriousness of Jan 6th, the whimsical nature of the attacks on the WH when Trump was POTUS, G Floyd, mostly peaceful protests....

For leftards it's nice to know that you don't have to watch CNN, CBC and read NYT to get different perspectives of the same story - because there are none. None at all. What one says, they all say, in unison. It's also nice to know that no one is allowed to say anything to the contrary online because they'll be shadow banned or fully banned. 

For people who believe in freedom of the press, freedom of speech, or the existence of any integrity whatsoever in journalism, it sucks, but that doesn't matter because they can't be heard. 


So yeah, we went from "The most transparent, accountable gov't ever" to " The police are here for us - against you, and we paid good taxpayer money for control of the news & social media so our scandals don't matter and you can't say sh1t, here's martial law if you don't like it." We are well on our way to full-blown authoritarianism. One more crisis, real or imagined, and out leftards will sell their souls to Ayatollah Trudeau, just like they did with covid. 

Edited by WestCanMan
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49 minutes ago, Chrissy1979 said:

My brother had strong Christian beliefs and was firmly opposed to assisted suicide but admitted he was wrong after he got prostate cancer. He thought pain management was a real thing, but it reached a point where he was begging for an overdose.

He must not have had proper palliative care.  There are lots of pain medications out there.  We don't know the details of what kind of palliative care he received.

Mercy killing is not the solution.

Better palliative care is the answer.

We hear all the time of how people are be scared into MAID by the Devil using fear as a tool.

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47 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

I’m sorry your brother went through that. Your post is a good reminder that we’re posting about humans who are truly suffering and want to have options to end their own suffering if it becomes unbearable for them.  

For anyone to tell someone they have to suffer is inhumane. 

Would you kill your own mother if you thought she was suffering too much or would you seek palliative care for her?

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