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Everything posted by Chrissy1979

  1. I agree. And I think there's a special place there for those who would interfere and force people to suffer.
  2. They tried all sorts of things, including experimental "breakthrough" pain medication. It reached a point where it seemed to be doing nothing. I believe if you were in that situation too, you would also be begging to be put out of your misery. He was also a very devout Christian--it very much defined him. But by the end he was questioning a God that would put him through something like that.
  3. My brother had strong Christian beliefs and was firmly opposed to assisted suicide but admitted he was wrong after he got prostate cancer. He thought pain management was a real thing, but it reached a point where he was begging for an overdose.
  4. I'll just leave this here and laugh at the snivelling about Biden being "divisive". https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1565827976331005952/pu/vid/640x360/rrid8TPURunJ9-2M.mp4?tag=12
  5. The second amendment was written before machine guns existed though, so if machine guns are included then all new weaponry is also included. Are you saying that North Korea should not be allowed to have nukes but the average U.S. citizen should? Maybe you should take the coward's way out, as you were trying earlier, and say it's not the appropriate time to answer the question.
  6. So it's North Korea's right to have nuclear weapons? It's not nuclear weapons that kill, it's people? Are you saying Trump is out of line by trying to limit their freedom to bear arms? Just keep repeating that, bot.
  7. You are advocating to extend the right to access these weapons while those people's bodies are still warm. This is not the time to advocate for massive weaponry. You should wait for a more appropriate time.
  8. So you admit that this would be the time to go after your neighbors for being muslim but not the time to question why they need to have mass killing machines. Wow. I have no words. So then why are you so concerned about North Korea having nukes? It's not nuclear weapons that kill people, it's people. Repeat until you realize how stupid you sound.
  9. I just see you using the victims to try to make you look more human, bot. If the shooter had a muslim name, would you be telling people calling for travel bans to shut up? No, it would be a time for you to "overshadow" the victims by stirring up as much hatred against your neighbors as you could. You're a hypocritical ass. Go whine some more about all the posters who've left this forum because of trash like you.
  10. If the majority of people don't want such a monument, then I guess the monument goes.
  11. I understand it must be hard to see the vast majority of the population disagree with you and think your ideas are hateful and wrong.
  12. Fortunately most people strongly disagree with you. That's why everyone one was outraged by Trump's"impartiality". It's easy for normal, loving people to take sides between racism and anti-racism.
  13. Yes, the anti-racist counter to white supremacy. Or what we like to call, good people.
  14. I'm not sure what you mean by alt left. I think it's a way to try to make anti-racism seem radical when in reality it's just now most normal people think.
  15. It's hard to believe right-wing political discourse has degenerated so quickly that they are already trying to make the case that anti-racism is just as bad as racism.
  16. As you defend Nazi murder and lie about Trump disavowing Duke, you can deny that Trump's father was arrested in a Klan hood in 1927 like Trump did, even though there were numerous separate reports and records of that arrest during a riot between the police and the Klan in New York. You might as well go all in in defending the KKK, Trump, and Nazism.
  17. Your defence of the Nazis is easily countered by the tiki torches. Nazi mobs with torches use the torches as weapons.
  18. Given how often the video of the car driving over those peaceful antiracist protesters was broadcast, I wonder how you could have missed it. Tunnel vision perhaps.
  19. Something tells me the people ignoring the Nazi violence and focusing on the antiracist violence would be silent if, say, an Islamist preaching Jihad were punched in the face by a protester. They're deliberately ignoring the aggressive attacks perpetrated by F'ing Nazis. That shows you where their allegiances are.
  20. Are you really unaware that it wasn't one-sided and many, many Nazis attacked peaceful anti-racism protesters? Or are you just unwilling to admit that Nazis aren't always peaceful?
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