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Should Hamas support rallies in Canada be stopped?

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

The next phase is digital currency where we the people will not be able to buy or sell as the globalist elite banksters will control your own money. They can then freeze your bank account if they do not like what you have to say, and then you will have no access to your money. Starve you poor bastard, starve.  It's called 666 or the mark of the beast in the bible. And that will be the end of freedom and rights for mankind. 

That's fairly accurate.  Globalists such as the U.N. are working to establish a one-world government.

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

The killing of many innocent women and children can be seen as genocide.

And, after you read my post above, one more thing...

The leaders of Hamas and other anti-Israel groups don't just call for Palestine to extend "from the rive to the sea", which includes the murders of almost everyone in Israel, they openly call for the extermination of the Jews

It's not enough for them to just control every inch of the ME, and continue to ban Jews from Temple mount for another 1,000 years, they want to kill ever last Jew on the planet. 

And that's not new, either. This is from one of the hadiths, over 1,000 years ago:

  • In Sunni tradition it was narrated that Muhammad said:[5]

    The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: "Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah!, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him! -- But the tree Gharqad will not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.


The Sunnis didn't know about 1947 or Donald Trump before they started talking about killing off all of the Jews.

The Shia (and probably some other groups as well) don't acknowledge the above as an account of Muhammad's words, but the Iranian gov't is the most powerful Shia group in the world and they are pro-Israeli-genocide anyways.  

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

I believe that the bible said that there will be two thousand years of trials and tribulations before Jesus or god returns to earth. So, will those trials and tribulations be over soon or are they just the beginning? 

What we are seeing today as to what the Zionist globalist elite ilk have in store for us all is quite chilling. There is big talk and news going around that we are about to see a digital ID be implemented on we the people. That is the first phase.

The next phase is digital currency where we the people will not be able to buy or sell as the globalist elite banksters will control your own money. They can then freeze your bank account if they do not like what you have to say, and then you will have no access to your money. Starve you poor bastard, starve.  It's called 666 or the mark of the beast in the bible. And that will be the end of freedom and rights for mankind. 

The next phase will be a social credit system like they have in communist China today, where if you commit anything that displeases the communist party, one will get demerit points. The more demerits one gets, the more life will become unbearable. If one really gets plenty of demerits, they will be totally screwed. T



1 hour ago, taxme said:

I believe that the bible said that there will be two thousand years of trials and tribulations before Jesus or god returns to earth. So, will those trials and tribulations be over soon or are they just the beginning? 

What we are seeing today as to what the Zionist globalist elite ilk have in store for us all is quite chilling. There is big talk and news going around that we are about to see a digital ID be implemented on we the people. That is the first phase.

The next phase is digital currency where we the people will not be able to buy or sell as the globalist elite banksters will control your own money. They can then freeze your bank account if they do not like what you have to say, and then you will have no access to your money. Starve you poor bastard, starve.  It's called 666 or the mark of the beast in the bible. And that will be the end of freedom and rights for mankind. 

The next phase will be a social credit system like they have in communist China today, where if you commit anything that displeases the communist party, one will get demerit points. The more demerits one gets, the more life will become unbearable. If one really gets plenty of demerits, they will be totally screwed. 




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2 hours ago, taxme said:

You are far from being like me. I am intelligent and can think, unlike you, stunned. 



ummm my whole point was im' not like you, i'd have to have mush for brains to be like you

ROFLMAO - too bad you weren't "Intelligent" enough to get that simple joke :)  LOL - honestly a labradoodle could have figured that out but zinnnnngg - straight over your head, oh "intelligent one"  LOLOL!


Calling me a freak is taken as a badge of honor.

I hear your mother "honoured" you a lot then :)  

God - we just have to wind you up and let you go and you're self insulting aren't you :)  LOL

16 minutes ago, taxme said:



Did you just quote yourself?  Twice? Mr Intelligent? 

;)  Would you like me to explain how the buttons work for you?

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

It either is or it isn't, and in this case it clearly isn't.

No one says "Hey, look out, we're dropping a bomb there at 1:30" to people in an area when they're trying to kill them all. They just do it secretly. 

They're actually making it harder to get rid of the Hamas soldiers when they do that.

The main reason that there's any civilian body count at all is that Hamas is trying to keep people in those areas for photo ops.

That's not true at all, and it's not just outsiders who are saying it's false: Palestinians are saying it's false. 

Children of Hamas's leaders are saying that it's false. 

When you repeat what you said above, you're regurgitating terrorist propaganda.

When was the last time I ever asked you what the Gov't of Iran or Pakistan was saying? How much value do you think I put in Putin's comments? Xi's? KJU's?

I'll just tell you right now that I don't give a shit what they think about you or me or a cow in a tree, in case there was any doubt about that.

Go ahead, genius. Look it up yourself. I'm well aware of what it means, and it doesn't mean "Doing your best to minimize civilian casualties in an area while you're trying to win a full-scale war there." 

FYI Israel lost a lot of soldiers and a lot of tanks during the last intifada because they didn't soften targets properly before they went in. Cheap rockets were destroying expensive tanks and killing Israeli soldiers. Lesson learned. 

There ya go. By your own definition Israel isn't doing that, because they're doing a lot to minimize casualties. They're:

  • providing humanitarian corridors,
  • supplying food and water,
  • pausing the fighting so that people can evacuate
  • notifying civilians before they strike nearby areas

Does genocide include all of the above? I think not. Wise up ffs, you're parroting terrorists. 

I heard that Hamas has been releasing many of their Israeli prisoners one by one. The prisoners have said that they were treated well by Hamas. That does not sound like Hamas is all that bad, now does it? 

So, after Israel is finished bombing Gaza, is Israel going to help rebuild Gaza so that the Palestinian people can return to their bombed out towns and homes? I doubt that very much because Israel has been bombing the shit out of Gaza for years now. Gaza will probably end up looking like Haiti. Nothing done or will get done. Gaza will be even a bigger shit hole then what it was before the war began, and it was pretty much shitty looking then. Maybe you are the one that is parroting what ever Israel says that they say they are doing? Hey, we never know, eh? 


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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

ummm my whole point was im' not like you, i'd have to have mush for brains to be like you

ROFLMAO - too bad you weren't "Intelligent" enough to get that simple joke :)  LOL - honestly a labradoodle could have figured that out but zinnnnngg - straight over your head, oh "intelligent one"  LOLOL!

I hear your mother "honoured" you a lot then :)  

God - we just have to wind you up and let you go and you're self insulting aren't you :)  LOL

Did you just quote yourself?  Twice? Mr Intelligent? 

;)  Would you like me to explain how the buttons work for you?

Was it a joke? Oh my, not a very funny one at that. Ha-ha-ha. If you can kindly explain to me as to how you got so far in life with so little intelligence, I would be very happy to read about it. I think though that you may have a bit of a poblem trying to answer that question. Try asking your mother for help if she wants to be bothered to do so. Chuckle-chuckle. 

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

I heard that Hamas has been releasing many of their Israeli prisoners one by one. The prisoners have said that they were treated well by Hamas. That does not sound like Hamas is all that bad, now does it?


The kids who were burned to death would say different. So would the people who phoned their moms and dads to brag about it.

The woman who was raped, murdered and whose dead body was paraded naked through the streets of Gaza in a pickup truck, just to be spit on, would say different. 

There were no conscientious objectors among the crowd there. They revelled in it. 

Edited by WestCanMan
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56 minutes ago, taxme said:

I heard that Hamas has been releasing many of their Israeli prisoners one by one.


They've released 3.


The prisoners have said that they were treated well by Hamas.

One was dead, one said it was horrific. I think one said they werent' harmed  Sooooo...



The prisoners have said that they were treated well by Hamas.

They sound like absolute monsters!!!! What the EFF is the matter with you?

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On 11/15/2023 at 5:29 PM, WestCanMan said:


The kids who were burned to death would say different. So would the people who phoned their moms and dads to brag about it.

The woman who was raped, murdered and whose dead body was paraded naked through the streets of Gaza in a pickup truck, just to be spit on, would say different. 

There were no conscientious objectors among the crowd there. They revelled in it. 

No one here can prove anything that you have shown above that Hamas has supposedly done. I was told by either Blackbird or Cdnfox that they would send me some PM pictures or videos of what atrocities Hamas has committed. I am still waiting. You and the other two pro Israel keep saying that Hamas are very bad people. Show me then. 

I will bet that you pro Israeli types have nothing to show or produce so why should i believe what you keep saying or maybe lying about here? Show me some proof. You have proof, well show it then or STFU. It's that simple. ?

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6 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1/2 the forum just passed out ? 

The same people think that the nation state was around 1000 years ago just as it is now...

I keep hearing about how bad it would be from some folks, but there are never any accompanying reasons.  

I’m guessing in @blackbird’s case it will be biblical reasons, but it would be interesting to have a discussion about it. 

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On 11/15/2023 at 6:02 PM, CdnFox said:

They've released 3.

One was dead, one said it was horrific. I think one said they werent' harmed  Sooooo...


They sound like absolute monsters!!!! What the EFF is the matter with you?

One dead. There will be no comment from that dead individual. 

Horrific in what way? 

I think that is very important when one said that they were not harmed. Geez, that must make Hamas look really bad now, eh? Such bad PR for Hamas? LOL.

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5 minutes ago, taxme said:

If Hamas were such animals than there should be more dead. One out of approx. two hundred prisoners is not bad. ?

You are a pretty sick monkey.

first off we don't know if any of the others are alive.

Second - if they are it's because they want bargaining chips.  So no - that doesnt' mean hamas is nice people.


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5 minutes ago, taxme said:

No one here can prove anything that you have shown above that Hamas has supposedly done. ?

Well there's video if the woman being paraded around naked and spat on if you want to see it. The area of her nether regions is blurred out, sorry.

The way that you're clinging to your unrealistic doubts about this is pathetic. 


I was told by either Blackbird or Cdnfox that they would send me some PM pictures or videos of what atrocities Hamas has committed. I am still waiting. You and the other two pro Israel keep saying that Hamas are very bad people. Show me then.

This isn't rocket science taxme. You should have been able to confirm this to your own satisfaction by now...


If you won't believe that, why believe anything? Just pretend that nothing is really happening over there if you want. I don't care. 

Just don't sit there saying "I only believe what I see on Al-Jazeera" ffs.



I will bet that you pro Israeli types have nothing to show or produce so why should i believe what you keep saying or maybe lying about here? Show me some proof. You have proof, well show it then or STFU. It's that simple. 

Blah, blah, blah...

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10 minutes ago, taxme said:

If Hamas were such animals than there should be more dead. One out of approx. two hundred prisoners is not bad. ?

So you're admitting that they kidnapped 200+ people, killed 7x as many more, some of the hostages were killed, they fired 10,000+ bombs at civilian targets, but they're probably a swell bunch of guys... ?

Lots of Jews survived Auschwitz. Was Auschwitz ok too?

I really wanna know what you think about that. I don't think that you have it in you to say "Auschwitz was bad". 

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First, in all wars terrible things happen. This one is not unique.

Second, we are all watching this from the sidelines. No one on this forum is on the frontlines and has "boots-on-the-ground" information. Therefore.. all your information is second hand and demands that you believe it. 

Third.. this will not be the last time that we see this. Months or years down the road, they will be back at it. Lather, rinse, repeat. 

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13 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

What is wrong with one-world government? 

The UN try's to do that. They have morphed into a corrupt ineffectual debating society and you see nothing wrong with that?

Oh and good luck with China.

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12 minutes ago, Legato said:

The UN try's to do that. They have morphed into a corrupt ineffectual debating society and you see nothing wrong with that?

Oh and good luck with China.

Where can I find documents that the goal of the UN is a one-world government?  

I don’t think the UN is particularly effective at stopping wars, or passing effective resolutions when nations get  out of line.  

But their work outside of the member nations voting on resolutions  is quite amazing.  It has laid the groundwork for many treaties among nations with regard to things like stopping over-fishing, food security, health issues like Ebola and AIDS….  The list goes on.  

If you’re judging the UN based solely on when the nations get together and try to come up with an agreement over some conflict you’re mistaken in a couple ways:

  • It is the fault of the nations involved, not the UN, when the world can’t agree on a topic. 
  • You ignore the vast amount of work the UN does. 
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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

You are a pretty sick monkey.

first off we don't know if any of the others are alive.

Second - if they are it's because they want bargaining chips.  So no - that doesnt' mean hamas is nice people.


You keep supporting a Nazi like regime that likes and enjoys bombing innocent women and children. Look, we can do this back and forth all day long, but in the end, you are showing me that you have nothing to show. You are just showing me as to how much of a lying ass that you really are. You talk but cannot do the walk. ? Where is your facts, mac? 

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

Well there's video if the woman being paraded around naked and spat on if you want to see it. The area of her nether regions is blurred out, sorry.

The way that you're clinging to your unrealistic doubts about this is pathetic. 

This isn't rocket science taxme. You should have been able to confirm this to your own satisfaction by now...


If you won't believe that, why believe anything? Just pretend that nothing is really happening over there if you want. I don't care. 

Just don't sit there saying "I only believe what I see on Al-Jazeera" ffs.

Blah, blah, blah...

The body of some women does not really show me as to who is parading her around or as to why she was being paraded around. It is a picture of a woman being driven around in a truck. Was she an Israeli or a Palestinian? Well? 

Those pictures you posted does not show me all those pictures and videos of dead Israeli people or dead babies. Those pictures are only showing the destruction of buildings and vehicles. Nice try though. I want to see those terrible nasty pictures of pictures and videos of those dead Israeli victims and dead babies. Then i will believe all that you say. 

So, give me something better as proof? Geez, is that so hard to do? ?

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1 hour ago, TreeBeard said:

What is wrong with one-world government? 

That would depend who is in control of that one world government is it a dictator, communist, or democratic, is it the US or European...or is it a weak government like Canada...it all makes a difference...it may not be roses and unicorns you and others may think....

What do you think the advantages would be ? 

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