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Should Hamas support rallies in Canada be stopped?

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3 hours ago, ExFlyer said:


Nice cliché but never observed LOL

Not stupid, realistic. Repeating worn out old clichés is also stupid.

What's stupid is pretending there's something new in what is going on between Israel and Hamas, instead of something as old as recorded history.

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

OK, if I accused you falsely of supporting Hamas, I apologize.

Ok, If you are not an Arab, I apologize.  I am not exactly sure in which post I said that, but if I did, I apologize.  

I did ask you where you came from but you never answered.  I assume from your endless comments about Iran that you came from Iran.

Since you have been such a strong supporter of Palestinians and seem to be blaming Israel for all the problems, it does look like you oppose Israel's existence.  You called them Nazis, and condemned Zionism, which is only the movement defending Israel's right to have their own state.

What evidence do you have that Israel is the criminal in all this or that they are Nazis?

Do you believe Israel has a right to defend themselves against terrorist attacks?

Apology accepted. I too apologize to you.

I have seen pictures and videos in all news media and live report from Gaza that women and children have been killed in Israeli bombing. That is an Israeli fighter carrying heavy explosives dropping the bombs on civilian residential targets knowing that they will kill tens of civilians, families, women and children in the hope that a terrorist or two may be among them. This in my book is crime. Race and religion does nor matter to me when it comes to murder.

Absolutely Israel has the right to defend itself and fight the terrorists but there is a limit to that. As long as it doesn't result in mass murder of defenseless women and children. I will strongly oppose to any attempt to murder or harm women and children regardless of my or their national origin.

Edited by CITIZEN_2015
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19 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Absolutely Israel has the right to defend itself and fight the terrorists but there is a limit to that.

There is not. As long as they're not deliberately targeting civvies they can do what they have to.

It's telling that you're not calling for hamas and gaza to surrender.  You want the isrealis to stop but not if it means your terrorist buddies have to give up.

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Israel simply isn't strong enough to quell Gaza while defending itself from all the other militias in the area. They don't really have a plan in any of this. Wouldn't be surprised to see Netanyahu's government fall within six months. 85%+ of Israelis see his government to blame for the terrorist attacks, and that's in addition to the corruption charges which drew widespread protests prior.

But anyways, it seems like posturing to me at this point. Israel, like most Western governments, doesn't have the stomach for tens of thousands of casualties which is what a Gaza invasion would be. We'll see though, war's very unpredictable by nature.

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14 hours ago, eyeball said:

It doesn't strike you as odd that Hamas hasn't allowed an election in 17 years?

How can you say with any certainly that Palestinans still support Hamas never mind with enthusiasm?

No, it doesn't strike me as odd that Hamas, a bunch of jihadist terrorists since the 1980's, are a bunch of dictator mafia thugs who immediately wiped out their political opposition.

Hard to say if they'd still win an election, but they maybe should have thought about who they were before they elected them?

Also, enough support for them to hear crowds cheering as rockets were launched from Gaza into israel at civilians 2 weeks ago:


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2 minutes ago, Nexii said:

Israel simply isn't strong enough to quell Gaza while defending itself from all the other militias in the area. They don't really have a plan in any of this. Wouldn't be surprised to see Netanyahu's government fall within six months. 85%+ of Israelis see his government to blame for the terrorist attacks, and that's in addition to the corruption charges which drew widespread protests prior.

But anyways, it seems like posturing to me at this point. Israel, like most Western governments, doesn't have the stomach for tens of thousands of casualties which is what a Gaza invasion would be. We'll see though, war's very unpredictable by nature.

I see little evidence to support this.  the isreali military ALWAYS has a plan to defend it's borders - and the us has signaled if anyone else jumps in that carrier battlegroup they just put into the area may just jump into the fray. And it's got more firepower than most of the other muslim nations that could invade isreal on it's own.

And lets not forget most of those other groups use russian planes and tanks -  russia doesn't have any of those to spare anymore. Prolonged fights are not in the cards for most of those countries

I'm pretty sure israel will go in on the ground.  we'll see what happens.

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51 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

What's stupid is pretending there's something new in what is going on between Israel and Hamas, instead of something as old as recorded history.

Wake up and smell today.

... every war is new.

Living in the past gets nothing.

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5 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Wake up and smell today.

... every war is new.

Living in the past gets nothing.

Maybe we should tell that to all the students in all the military academies around the world, from West Point to Sandhurst. Apparently, they're wasting their time studying past wars and battles.

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13 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

Maybe we should tell that to all the students in all the military academies around the world, from West Point to Sandhurst. Apparently, they're wasting their time studying past wars and battles.

Yep and it is actually their historic grudges that are still unresolved today that foment the rage and hatred these people have for one another. Add to that the creation of Israel by essentially Britain after WWII, has been an intense sore spot to the region. And here we are today, Jews will be hated again. Their homes and businesses targeted. The creepshow came out of the woodwork.

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

@CITIZEN_2015,  It's typical of those of you on the left that you'd hide behind a downvote because you haven't got the balls or the brains to address my post directly.

You might as well admit i'm right and you can't defend your pathetic defense of terrorists if you're going to bother doing that.

Actually, there are many good reasons for not wanting to get too involved in this particularly emotional scrap. Given the adversarial nature of online debates, nuance tends to be lost and one is often forced into a more extreme position than one really holds. 

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1 hour ago, I am Groot said:

What's stupid is pretending there's something new in what is going on between Israel and Hamas, instead of something as old as recorded history.

Conflict between people isn’t new but clearly the Israelis didn’t have everything figured out here. Asymmetrical warfare is full of surprises as we found out on 9/11.

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54 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

Maybe we should tell that to all the students in all the military academies around the world, from West Point to Sandhurst. Apparently, they're wasting their time studying past wars and battles.

One lesson to be learned is how often generals are still fighting the last war and fail to incorporate advances in tactics, technology etc. until forced to do so. 

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1 hour ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Actually, there are many good reasons for not wanting to get too involved in this particularly emotional scrap. Given the adversarial nature of online debates, nuance tends to be lost and one is often forced into a more extreme position than one really holds. 

You are so right!!!,  I was a pro-Israel all my life but this guy and the other extremist with their posts turned me into a pro Palestinian!!!!!.

I believed that Arabs (men) are culturally violent and woman-haters who in the past invaded and raped women and captured and sold them in markets and destroyed lands and ruined advanced civilizations so they deserved what is coming to them. Many civilizations fell to these gangsters. In previous war I defended Israel as a tiny country surrounded by hateful and violent enemies who are determined to destroy and massacre them so they have every right to respond with brutal force against these haters. Look at Assad, Sadam Hussein, Ghadafi all mass murderers and violent people.

Why was I turned by 180 degrees?, because they showed me the nature of Israeli settlers and soldiers as how they treat their defenseless neighbors. They are likely equally vicious and extreme and full of hate and want to kill all defenseless women and children as he has said in post after post in order to remain the ruler of Jewish state. In all good conscious I cannot defend atrocities being commixed in Gaza against women and children, Arabs or else.

Edited by CITIZEN_2015
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8 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

You are so right!!!,  I was a pro-Israel all my life but this guy and the other extremist with their posts turned me into a pro Palestinian!!!!!.

I believed that Arabs (men) are culturally violent and woman-haters who in the past invaded and raped women and captured and sold them in markets and destroyed lands and ruined advanced civilizations so they deserved what is coming to them. Many civilizations fell to these gangsters. In previous war I defended Israel as a tiny country surrounded by hateful and violent enemies who are determined to destroy and massacre them so they have every right to respond with brutal force against these haters. Look at Assad, Sadam Hussein, Ghadafi all mass murderers and violent people.

Why was I turned by 180 degrees?, because they showed me the nature of Israeli settlers and soldiers as how they treat their defenseless neighbors. They are likely equally vicious and extreme and full of hate and want to kill all defenseless women and children as he has said in post after post in order to remain the ruler of Jewish state. In all good conscious I cannot defend atrocities being commixed in Gaza against women and children, Arabs or else.

Holy shit kid :)

well if anyone ever doubted you were a scumbag terrorist supporter - that little rant will have made it clear :) 

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21 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Holy shit kid :)

well if anyone ever doubted you were a scumbag terrorist supporter - that little rant will have made it clear :) 

Old man who talks of pimps in his debate (likely  you are so ugly too who have to pay as why this is your mindset) . You disgust me who try to debate with fierce personal attacks and name calling. You are piece of sh*t and a worm in dirt. The only reason moderators don't ban you is because you have made so many posts, all sh*t posts I may add.

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3 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

Also, enough support for them to hear crowds cheering as rockets were launched from Gaza into israel at civilians 2 weeks ago:

Yup, hatred will do that. You've seen the enthusiasm around here for leveling Gaza.

Its been that way for years. And we haven't seen anything yet.

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21 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

You are so right!!!,  I was a pro-Israel all my life but this guy and the other extremist with their posts turned me into a pro Palestinian!!!!!.

I believed that Arabs (men) are culturally violent and woman-haters who in the past invaded and raped women and captured and sold them in markets and destroyed lands and ruined advanced civilizations so they deserved what is coming to them. Many civilizations fell to these gangsters. In previous war I defended Israel as a tiny country surrounded by hateful and violent enemies who are determined to destroy and massacre them so they have every right to respond with brutal force against these haters. Look at Assad, Sadam Hussein, Ghadafi all mass murderers and violent people.

Why was I turned by 180 degrees?, because they showed me the nature of Israeli settlers and soldiers as how they treat their defenseless neighbors. They are likely equally vicious and extreme and full of hate and want to kill all defenseless women and children as he has said in post after post in order to remain the ruler of Jewish state. In all good conscience I cannot defend atrocities being commixed in Gaza against women and children, Arabs or else.

I believe all humans have these tendencies - we struggle to control them in each generation - but many Arab countries have a particularly reprehensible history of involvement in the slave trade and still treat their Asian migrant workers quite abominably. The level of misogyny and homophobia is truly spectacular as well. 

The Arab conquest of much of the world may have been a rather fortuitous event. As I am sure you are aware, the Persian and Byzantine empires were at a particular low ebb at that time after endless wars against each other. 

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Just now, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Old man who talks of pimps in his debate (likely so ugly too who have to pay)

well we have to get you a date somehow - obviously you haven't been getting laid so far


. You disgust me who try to debate with fierce personal attacks and name calling.

You started it sparky. I wasn't the one who started calling you 'zionist' and the like.  What a coward - you start the fight then cry when someone else finishes it. What a bully,


You are piece of sh*t and a garbage.

What were you saying about name calling loser? :)  

And do you notice it' not just me -  MANY people have now pointed out you're a terrorist supporting dishonest twat.  Funny how that works isn't it.

the ground war should start any day - we'll see how your buddies do when real men show up to make them pay for their crimes. Bet they wet themselves.

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1 minute ago, CdnFox said:

well we have to get you a date somehow - obviously you haven't been getting laid so far

You started it sparky. I wasn't the one who started calling you 'zionist' and the like.  What a coward - you start the fight then cry when someone else finishes it. What a bully,

What were you saying about name calling loser? :)  

And do you notice it' not just me -  MANY people have now pointed out you're a terrorist supporting dishonest twat.  Funny how that works isn't it.

the ground war should start any day - we'll see how your buddies do when real men show up to make them pay for their crimes. Bet they wet themselves.

You called me terrorist first.

It was a response. An eye for an eye. This is not Israel where you can intimidate with gun against unarmed defenseless settlers.

Only you and your buddy. The third one took back his word and apologized.

Yes I look forward to that too but not for the reasons that you think.

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12 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

I believe all humans have these tendencies - we struggle to control them in each generation - but many Arab countries have a particularly reprehensible history of involvement in the slave trade and still treat their Asian migrant workers quite abominably. The level of misogyny and homophobia is truly spectacular as well. 

The Arab conquest of much of the world may have been a rather fortuitous event. As I am sure you are aware, the Persian and Byzantine empires were at a particular low ebb at that time after endless wars against each other. 

But they still do to this date. In my personal life I avoid them because they are so violent. Even the best of them (from Lebanon) think low of women to this date.

Yes that is unfortunately very true. I wished it was Byzantine empire who had captured Persia instead of Arabs and Christianity would have been spread instead.

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33 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

You called me terrorist first.

No, i said you support terrorists. which you do.


It was a response. An eye for an eye. This is not Israel where you can intimidate with gun against unarmed defenseless settlers.

It was not a response - you started it. THis isn't palestine where you can lie about people bombing your hospital when you did it yourself



Only you and your buddy. The third one took back his word and apologized.

There were 4 actually - and he still said you support the terrorists after appologizing - go read it again.


Yes I look forward to that too but not for the reasons that you think.

Because you love to see death and destruction.  You made that clear when you supported the attack on isreali civillians. You think that this will mean the death of more isrealis and so you relish in it.

Everything you claim others are - you are yourself.  YOU started this fight with the name calling - YOU revel in death and destuction, YOU want to see more of it.

And YOU hide like a coward behind downvotes and blaming others for YOUR bad attitude.

And THIS is why everyone on this board knows you're a terroist supporter and a dishonest person. Go ahead - down vote this and prove me right.

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