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“Family Values” MAGA Governor Noem’ and Senior Trump staffer having extramarital affair

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EXCLUSIVE: Married South Dakota governor Kristi Noem and Trump advisor Corey Lewandowski have been having a years-long clandestine affair

Glamorous Noem – who served four terms as her state's only member of the US House of Representatives – won the governorship in 2018 promising to uphold the wholesome family values that she said South Dakotans have 'long embraced'.

Defending 'traditional marriage', which she defined as 'a special, God-given union between one man and one woman', was particularly important to her.

It was the foundation for her beliefs, policy priorities and the ideals she lives by, said Noem, who has a son and two daughters with her husband Bryon who she married in 1992.

She has long been linked with Lewandowski, 49, who has been pushing hard for Trump to add her to his ticket.

‘He may not be very smart, but it takes big balls to lobby to have your mistress named one of the most powerful people in the country,' one GOP operative told DailyMail.com. 

The far-right website American Greatness claimed in 2021 the two had been romantically involved, although it gave no details.

At the time she scornfully dismissed the story as 'total garbage and a disgusting lie', and said she loved her husband and was 'proud of the God-fearing family' they had raised, and the story quickly died.


But a DailyMail.com investigation has uncovered extensive evidence of the couple's romantic relationship: Dozens of trips that mixed business with pleasure, flights on donors' private planes, and stays at luxury resorts where their intimacy was observed and noted.

Former Trump operative Charles Johnson wrote in a Substack post that he had seen them acting 'in a very flirtatious manner' at the August 2020 meeting of the Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA) at The Cloister resort on Sea Island, Georgia.

Johnson told DailyMail.com he had seen Noem discreetly take Lewandowski's hand and put it in her lap. Lewandowski put his arm on her back at the same time.

The pair 'seemed to be dating despite being married to other people', Johnson wrote on Substack.

Two other sources who were at the RAGA event were surprised by the obvious affection between Noem and Lewandowski. 



Both married for over 30 years to other people  so much for “family values  Hypocrites.   



Edited by BeaverFever
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  • BeaverFever changed the title to “Family Values” MAGA Governor Noem’ and Senior Trump staffer having extramarital affair
1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

And? Seriously who cares?

I think Bever is just mad that these people are sleeping with two different people and he can't get laid at all  :)  

Yeah but I’m married with children what’s your excuse??

Its relevant because they present themselves as “family values crusaders”. Just like when we discover that a conservative politician is gay, it’s not relevant unless they are are an anti-gay activist 

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And speaking of Republican politicians behaving badly, famously dumb, attention-seeking, disturbance-causing white trash MAGA mor0n Boebert was kicked out of a broadway show theatre for acting like a famously dumb, attention-seeking, disturbance causing white trash MAGA mor0n.

The high school dropout who was a grandma at age 36 was at the broadway show with a date (her divorce is still in progress) amd was illegally filming the show on her phone, vaping, and generally being a loud and obnoxious disturbance while she and her date groped each other’s crotches. After Boebert ignored multiple complaints and warnings including from a pregnant theatregoer who asked her to stop vaping, staff had to finally take out the trash.

Them Boebert tried to about it but alas she was caught on tape. 

Video contradicts Lauren Boebert's denial that she was vaping at 'Beetlejuice' show


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34 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Yeah but I’m married with children what’s your excuse??


There's a rebuttal but i'm going to keep this a little more family friendly :)


Its relevant because they present themselves as “family values crusaders”. Just like when we discover that a conservative politician is gay, it’s not relevant unless they are are an anti-gay activist 

People can believe in an ideal and promote an ideal and still have trouble reaching it.  And lets be honest - this is a reporter's opinon in a bit of a tabloid paper.  It's not like we know how real it is or how this relationship is.

I don't know - i don't participate much in the endless torrent of justin jokes about his wife or the many many rumours about their sex lives in and out of marriage, it is what it is.  If they say they're promoting family values and they promote legislation that promotes family values they're delivering what they said they would as a politician. It would be like getting mad at a politician for saying rents are too high when he actually owns his home.

Cheap and cheezy. We can do better i think ,

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51 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

There's a rebuttal but i'm going to keep this a little more family friendly :)

People can believe in an ideal and promote an ideal and still have trouble reaching it.  And lets be honest - this is a reporter's opinon in a bit of a tabloid paper.  It's not like we know how real it is or how this relationship is.

I don't know - i don't participate much in the endless torrent of justin jokes about his wife or the many many rumours about their sex lives in and out of marriage, it is what it is.  If they say they're promoting family values and they promote legislation that promotes family values they're delivering what they said they would as a politician. It would be like getting mad at a politician for saying rents are too high when he actually owns his home.

Cheap and cheezy. We can do better i think ,

Justn amd liberals aren’t “family values” crusaders like republicans are.  

There’s nothing wrong with being a debauched hedonist but being one in secret while holding office as a puritanical crusader who denounces others …..well that deserves its own denouncement. 

Edit:  oh yeah,  I accidentally left out the part about how her grope-buddy is a bar owner whose bar hosts drag shows. This woman is a big time hypocrite. 

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

Yeah but I’m married with children what’s your excuse??

Its relevant because they present themselves as “family values crusaders”. Just like when we discover that a conservative politician is gay, it’s not relevant unless they are are an anti-gay activist 

MAGA CHUMPS don't care about fidelity OR honesty. And that's why they're willing to accept Trump as the CULT LEADER.

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

Justn amd liberals aren’t “family values” crusaders like republicans are.  

Sure he is, he's spoken about it many times not to mention middle class family values etc etc.

Are you telling me that if we asked him he'd say he's AGAINST family values?

1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

There’s nothing wrong with being a debauched hedonist but being one in secret while holding office as a puritanical crusader who denounces others …..well that deserves its own denouncement. 

You're grossly over-exaggerating that.  She's not 'puritanical'.  And again - we don't actually know the relationship here, other than some innuendo by a somewhat sleazy reporter.

Again - I don't care if PP watches and loves the CBC at home.  He's promised to cut funding and as long as he passes laws to do that i'm fine.

Methinks thou doth protest too much.

1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

Edit:  oh yeah,  I accidentally left out the part about how her grope-buddy is a bar owner whose bar hosts drag shows. This woman is a big time hypocrite. 

So you're admitting that Drag-shows are anti family and are all about grooming and not entertainment?  Well - there you go :). Anyone who allows drag shows is anti-familiy vlaues? :) 


And HIS values don't have to be HER values. It's only you liberals who demand everyone in their lives believe the same thing.  For a very long time i dated a vegitarian - i'm a hunter. We made it work just fine.  You have  a very closed mind about how relationships work.

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9 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Sure he is, he's spoken about it many times not to mention middle class family values etc etc.

Are you telling me that if we asked him he'd say he's AGAINST family values?

Cmon.  Unlike Republicans He’s not leading crusades and denouncing people with “alternative lifestyles” in the name of family values 


9 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

You're grossly over-exaggerating that.  She's not 'puritanical'.  And again - we don't actually know the relationship here, other than some innuendo by a somewhat sleazy reporter.

Again - I don't care if PP watches and loves the CBC at home.  He's promised to cut funding and as long as he passes laws to do that i'm fine.

Methinks thou doth protest too much.

Its on video.  The vaping, the disruptive behaviour. AND the groping which you cam see here

Boebert Appeared to Fondle Date’s Penis in Packed Theater as She Put His Hand on Her Breasts

New security footage shows Lauren Boebert’s X-rated behavior during a performance of ‘Beetlejuice’



10 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

So you're admitting that Drag-shows are anti family and are all about grooming and not entertainment?  Well - there you go :). Anyone who allows drag shows is anti-familiy vlaues? :) 


And HIS values don't have to be HER values. It's only you liberals who demand everyone in their lives believe the same thing.  For a very long time i dated a vegitarian - i'm a hunter. We made it work just fine.  You have  a very closed mind about how relationships work

Lol nope!  SHE says those things, and in fact makes a careers out of saying those things, causing others to believe those things and whipping her supporters into frothing frenzy over those things, using her public office office so she can make those beliefs part of the THE LAW OF THE LAND. That’s a lot different from you and your vegetarian wife and it proves she is a hypocrite or more likely an just opportunistic liar 

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11 minutes ago, August1991 said:

MAGA means "Make America Great Again"

As a Canadian, I am surprised that anyone in America would oppose that idea.  

It’s just a slogan.

Throughout history, every villain and crook seeking power has makes similar claims, nobody ever actually claims they’re out to make things worse. 

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27 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

It’s just a slogan.

Throughout history, every villain and crook seeking power has makes similar claims, nobody ever actually claims they’re out to make things worse. 

I understand this.

But your current president vilifies the term. He refers to "Maga Mega".


As foreigner, are you Americans aware of what you are doing?

When Biden makes fun of MAGA, he's reducing America.

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

Cmon.  Unlike Republicans He’s not leading crusades and denouncing people with “alternative lifestyles” in the name of family values 


Its on video.  The vaping, the disruptive behaviour. AND the groping which you cam see here


Oh MY GOD ... not VAPING!?!?!!?  ROFLMAO -  how is 'vaping' some sort of anti family evil?




Lol nope!  SHE says those things, and in fact makes a careers out of saying those things, causing others to believe those things and whipping her supporters into frothing frenzy over those things, using her public office office so she can make those beliefs part of the THE LAW OF THE LAND.

Give me a break :)  LOL - yeah, NOBODY believed in the idea of family values or the like before SHE showed up :)

And 'frothing' - love it :)  

So - in other words she's spoken in favor of family values on occasion and supports laws that support that concept because the voters like it.


If she says that as a politician she supports family values and DOESN'T support laws that echo that - THEN there's a problem.  If she says she's against family values and DOES support laws that support that - then there's a problem.

If you want to get all wrapped up in politicians personal lives then i  guess you do you - i care about what they say theyll support as a politician and whether or not they do.

Having said that i think if you're married it's very wrong to cheat on your spouse.  If i were her husband i'd be dumping her.  Of course - we've had plenty of other politicians do that kind of thing  Even, dare i say.. presidents? As long as they don't lie to the house about it i don't think it's the public's business.


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2 hours ago, August1991 said:

MAGA means "Make America Great Again"

As a Canadian, I am surprised that anyone in America would oppose that idea.  

I'm surprised that after all these years you still don't understand the underlying MEANING of MAGA.

When do believe America was great? And why is it no longer, after all the progress which has been made for EQUAL RIGHTS.

Do you believe America should return to the OLD DAYS when women and blacks couldn't vote?

The FACT is, in many ways America is greater than ever before. And certainly not due to anything Trump has done, like increasing the National debt by 25% in 4 years by  cutting corporate tax rates.

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29 minutes ago, robosmith said:

I'm surprised that after all these years you still don't understand the underlying MEANING of MAGA.

Well it CAN be hard to keep up when you leftie losers keep redefining it :)


When do believe America was great? And why is it no longer, after all the progress which has been made for EQUAL RIGHTS.

America has always been great. One of the main reason's it's great is because it agressively and consistently pursues its ideal and improves over time,  But - in the last years leading up to 2016 that wasn't quite as true as it had been. As a superpower, as a world leader, and as a believer in truth justice and the american way the us was... sliding.

Which is why Trump's motto caught everyone.


Do you believe America should return to the OLD DAYS when women and blacks couldn't vote?

Right - because that's what making the country great again means right?  Man you're such a loser.


The FACT is, in many ways America is greater than ever before. And certainly not due to anything Trump has done, like increasing the National debt by 25% in 4 years by  cutting corporate tax rates.

The FACT is - it was getting better.  It's slipping a bit at the moment.

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2 hours ago, Nationalist said:

So the Libbies have gotten so desperate that they've fallen to the lowest common denominator. Sex scandals.

Meh...trash gotta be trash.

It’s the hypocrisy that we’re calling out. The woman is passing laws and campaigning to control citizen’s personal behavior, yet she doesn’t abide by the standards she claims to represent. 

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