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Digital currency's and a cashless society.


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The push appears to be on by the World Economic Forum elite globalist banksters for implementing a new digital bank currency system, which will mean in the end, will lead us to a cashless society. A cashless society attached with a social credit score added scares the heck out of me. This is being done in China today.

If that day ever comes to Canada, and does get implemented, everything you do with your own money will be monitored and followed to the point that if someone is not of the same political opinions and points of view of the ruling political party of the day in power, they can seize and shut down your bank account and freeze your credit cards. 

We saw this happen during the truckers convoy demonstration where many people had their bank accounts frozen by the communist dictator in Ottawa. If that is not communism, well then, what the hell was the freezing of some demonstrators bank accounts and credit cards was all about? This meant that those that had their bank accounts frozen, and credit cards stopped, had to rely on family or friends to help them to buy food and help pay for their housing. This buffoon commie dictator in Ottawa did this to some demonstrators children. What a pos that arse is. I am not all in for the government knowing anything about what I do with my own money. It is my money and it is not there money to control. 

This can be a very dangerous idea and plan by the government to a freedom loving society. Do you think that this is one hell of a danger to freedom loving society to allow the government to handle your own money? This is communism at it's best. What say you? ?

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You know what?  The more some people think they are "woke", the more they stay the same.  Sheeple, bleating for daddy government to provide for their needs.  Not realizing that the farmer is feeding them for reasons they might not care for if they knew. 

The CBDC remains just another fake boogeyman to these deluded folks.  They are the great useless eaters. 

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13 hours ago, taxme said:

The push appears to be on by the World Economic Forum elite globalist banksters for implementing a new digital bank currency system, which will mean in the end, will lead us to a cashless society. A cashless society attached with a social credit score added scares the heck out of me. This is being done in China today.

If that day ever comes to Canada, and does get implemented, everything you do with your own money will be monitored and followed to the point that if someone is not of the same political opinions and points of view of the ruling political party of the day in power, they can seize and shut down your bank account and freeze your credit cards. 

We saw this happen during the truckers convoy demonstration where many people had their bank accounts frozen by the communist dictator in Ottawa. If that is not communism, well then, what the hell was the freezing of some demonstrators bank accounts and credit cards was all about? This meant that those that had their bank accounts frozen, and credit cards stopped, had to rely on family or friends to help them to buy food and help pay for their housing. This buffoon commie dictator in Ottawa did this to some demonstrators children. What a pos that arse is. I am not all in for the government knowing anything about what I do with my own money. It is my money and it is not there money to control. 

This can be a very dangerous idea and plan by the government to a freedom loving society. Do you think that this is one hell of a danger to freedom loving society to allow the government to handle your own money? This is communism at it's best. What say you?

I say, stay off the paranoia diet LOL.

Have you been around today's young people (25 and younger for sure). They already carry no cash and have not for a long time, by their own choice.

Long before the trucker debacle, long before emergency act enforcement and freezing a few activist accounts.

A freedom loving society has chosen to use credit and debit cards vice cash. No conspiracy, no coercion, no communist plot, no dictator edicts.

Oh and, what is China doing that seems to percolate your panic?

Edited by ExFlyer
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The truth does not require participation to exist. Bullshit does.

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16 hours ago, taxme said:

The push appears to be on by the World Economic Forum elite globalist banksters for implementing a new digital bank currency system, which will mean in the end, will lead us to a cashless society. A cashless society attached with a social credit score added scares the heck out of me. This is being done in China today.

According to Biblical prophecy a New World Order is coming.  It is just a matter of when.  Whether there will be some sort of intermediate world order before that final new world order is hard to say.  I do believe there are powers at play that do want to eliminate individual freedom and put everyone's life under the total authority of government.  We have already had lots of dictators who tried that in various countries.


The idea of a New World Order is plausible and  is a fulfillment of Bible Prophecy.

The New World Order is an emerging totalitarian world government that permits no individuals freedom and seeks to subordinate all aspects of the individual’s life to the authority of the government.

The Bible does provide more than enough evidence to allow us to believe that there will be a totalitarian world government under the rule of the Antichrist beast in the last days.

In the book of Revelation the Apostle John has an apocalyptic vision where he sees a “beast,” (Antichrist) rising out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns, “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.” Revelation 13:1

In Revelation 17:12-13 the angel explains the meaning of the vision; the beast with ten horns (Symbolic) receives power with ten kings in one hour and shall give all of their authority to the beast. “…And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.”


HAVE SATAN’S POWER, SEAT AND GREAT AUTHORITY. “…and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” Revelation 13:2

BE WORSHIPPED “…and they worshipped the beast,” Revelation 13:4.

WAGE WAR AGAINST THE SAINTS AND HAVE POWER WORLD WIDE. “…And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations,” Revelation 13:7.


FORCE PEOPLE TO WORSHIP AN IMAGE OF THE BEAST OR BE KILLED, “…and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed,” Revelation 13:15

FORCE PEOPLE TO RECEIVE A MARK, THE BEAST’S NAME OR 666 IN THEIR RIGHT HAND OR FOREHEAD. “…And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads,” Revelation 13:16.

WILL DENY PEOPLE FROM BUYING OR SELLING WITHOUT THE MARK, NAME OR NUMBER OF THE BEAST (666), “…And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name,” Revelation 13:17.

According to Bible Prophecy  the Antichrist beast will have authority over a New World Order just before the return of Jesus Christ who will destroy him with the brightness of his coming!

And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 2 Thess 2:8


What is the New World Order? – End-Times Prophecy Research (endtimesprophecyresearch.com)


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It's fascinating to me that a thread topic about digital currency and cashless society devolves within a handful of posts to this:

Four Problems with Passionate Preaching

I can't even begin to imagine how this person's brain works.  


Edited by Moonbox
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"A man is no more entitled to an opinion for which he cannot account than he does for a pint of beer for which he cannot pay" - Anonymous

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31 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

It's fascinating to me that a thread topic about digital currency and cashless society devolves within a handful of points to this:

Four Problems with Passionate Preaching

I can't even begin to imagine how this person's brain works.  


He is blocked but I can tell who you are referring to. :)

Single minded ones. The most dangerous of people.  ?

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The truth does not require participation to exist. Bullshit does.

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I'm starting to think that he's just an AI meme generator, programmed to barf out something barely-related about the Bible on every topic.  

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"A man is no more entitled to an opinion for which he cannot account than he does for a pint of beer for which he cannot pay" - Anonymous

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4 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

I say, stay off the paranoia diet LOL.

Have you been around today's young people (25 and younger for sure). They already carry no cash and have not for a long time, by their own choice.

Long before the trucker debacle, long before emergency act enforcement and freezing a few activist accounts.

A freedom loving society has chosen to use credit and debit cards vice cash. No conspiracy, no coercion, no communist plot, no dictator edicts.

Oh and, what is China doing that seems to percolate your panic?

You need to stop taking those stupid gullible Marxist pills that you are taking. They are fkn with your tiny not so smart brain. 

The young people of today have been conditioned to be using their bank or credit cards and not cash. Their choice in doing so may one day cost them their freedom by having their own money being controlled by the government that will allow or disallow what they can do with their own money. It is their choice which they may regret later.

An example like that mentioned above happened not too long ago when we had the truckers convoy protest. Many supporters of those truckers had their bank and credit cards frozen by that dictator Marxist in Ottawa. It's not seen as a conspiracy anymore. It is going on right now. The push is on to create a digital currency world. You just do not take the time to check things out as to what the alternative media is saying about digital currency. Your stupidity, not mine.  

If they can freeze the bank accounts of those trucker supporters, they can freeze yours also if you ever get in their way. But why don't you just keep sitting around and wait to see what happens. Canadians like you are well known for just sitting around and say, well, let us just wait and watch what happens. But by then it may be too late for you. 

Yes, we have allowed ourselves the convienence of just using credit cards rather than cash. We have pretty much told the government that we do not mind not using cash anymore but prefer to use credit cards instead for our purchases. The government already knows as to what you are doing with your own money. They are now working with the businesses to do so.

All I am trying to point out here is that if a cashless society does ever come around, then that freedom loving society will be gone for good. And your non-chalant attitude will be responsible for that to maybe take place one day here in Canada. We need to all keep watching for this to happen one day. And it is not a conspiracy anymore. It is fact. Believe it or not.

Most denied conspiracies being pointed out by so many different groups of people out there years ago have shown in the end that they have been proven right all along and that conspiracies do exist. Covid 19 was one of the biggest conspiracies ever perpetrated on mankind. Those that predicted covid 19 was part of a greater conspiracy years ago our now starting to see the fruits of their labor. But lefty's like you were too stunned to notice what was happening. 

China keeps a credit score points system in place and is used against anyone who does not tow the communist party line on it's slave citizens. The more points one gets the less one will be able to do, buy, or go anywhere. But you are probably not that bright enough to know about that big fact. Being a lefty like you tells me that alright. ?

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

According to Biblical prophecy a New World Order is coming.  It is just a matter of when.  Whether there will be some sort of intermediate world order before that final new world order is hard to say.  I do believe there are powers at play that do want to eliminate individual freedom and put everyone's life under the total authority of government.  We have already had lots of dictators who tried that in various countries.


The idea of a New World Order is plausible and  is a fulfillment of Bible Prophecy.

The New World Order is an emerging totalitarian world government that permits no individuals freedom and seeks to subordinate all aspects of the individual’s life to the authority of the government.

The Bible does provide more than enough evidence to allow us to believe that there will be a totalitarian world government under the rule of the Antichrist beast in the last days.

In the book of Revelation the Apostle John has an apocalyptic vision where he sees a “beast,” (Antichrist) rising out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns, “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.” Revelation 13:1

In Revelation 17:12-13 the angel explains the meaning of the vision; the beast with ten horns (Symbolic) receives power with ten kings in one hour and shall give all of their authority to the beast. “…And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.”


HAVE SATAN’S POWER, SEAT AND GREAT AUTHORITY. “…and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” Revelation 13:2

BE WORSHIPPED “…and they worshipped the beast,” Revelation 13:4.

WAGE WAR AGAINST THE SAINTS AND HAVE POWER WORLD WIDE. “…And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations,” Revelation 13:7.


FORCE PEOPLE TO WORSHIP AN IMAGE OF THE BEAST OR BE KILLED, “…and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed,” Revelation 13:15

FORCE PEOPLE TO RECEIVE A MARK, THE BEAST’S NAME OR 666 IN THEIR RIGHT HAND OR FOREHEAD. “…And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads,” Revelation 13:16.

WILL DENY PEOPLE FROM BUYING OR SELLING WITHOUT THE MARK, NAME OR NUMBER OF THE BEAST (666), “…And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name,” Revelation 13:17.

According to Bible Prophecy  the Antichrist beast will have authority over a New World Order just before the return of Jesus Christ who will destroy him with the brightness of his coming!

And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 2 Thess 2:8


What is the New World Order? – End-Times Prophecy Research (endtimesprophecyresearch.com)


The Mark of the Beast or 666 in the bible is just what those globalist in power want to try and implement for humanity. No freedom period. Slavery forever. If the day ever comes where we see a cashless society be implemented in place, then it will be slavery forever. The writing is on the wall these days for all to see. Only stupid and stunned peoplewill never notice it. The globalists are already trying to implement a cashless society and a social credit score system. 

No thanks, man. I like paying cash whenever I buy anything. There are now some businesses that do not want to accept cash anymore. I will not deal with these fools anymore. But is this just the start of and the beginning of a cashless society? The push is on do do so. Today, the wicked WEF elite globalist banksters are trying the hardest to make a cashless society a part of our life. Let us not allow this to happen. It's all about fighting for freedom now and try to end this globalist takeover of humanity. It's up to all of us to end this globalist tyranny in the waiting now, and not wait until tomorrow because tomorrow may be too late. ? 

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54 minutes ago, taxme said:

You need to stop taking those stupid gullible Marxist pills that you are taking. They are fkn with your tiny not so smart brain. 

The young people of today have been conditioned to be using their bank or credit cards and not cash. Their choice in doing so may one day cost them their freedom by having their own money being controlled by the government that will allow or disallow what they can do with their own money. It is their choice which they may regret later.

An example like that mentioned above happened not too long ago when we had the truckers convoy protest. Many supporters of those truckers had their bank and credit cards frozen by that dictator Marxist in Ottawa. It's not seen as a conspiracy anymore. It is going on right now. The push is on to create a digital currency world. You just do not take the time to check things out as to what the alternative media is saying about digital currency. Your stupidity, not mine.  

If they can freeze the bank accounts of those trucker supporters, they can freeze yours also if you ever get in their way. But why don't you just keep sitting around and wait to see what happens. Canadians like you are well known for just sitting around and say, well, let us just wait and watch what happens. But by then it may be too late for you. 

Yes, we have allowed ourselves the convienence of just using credit cards rather than cash. We have pretty much told the government that we do not mind not using cash anymore but prefer to use credit cards instead for our purchases. The government already knows as to what you are doing with your own money. They are now working with the businesses to do so.

All I am trying to point out here is that if a cashless society does ever come around, then that freedom loving society will be gone for good. And your non-chalant attitude will be responsible for that to maybe take place one day here in Canada. We need to all keep watching for this to happen one day. And it is not a conspiracy anymore. It is fact. Believe it or not.

Most denied conspiracies being pointed out by so many different groups of people out there years ago have shown in the end that they have been proven right all along and that conspiracies do exist. Covid 19 was one of the biggest conspiracies ever perpetrated on mankind. Those that predicted covid 19 was part of a greater conspiracy years ago our now starting to see the fruits of their labor. But lefty's like you were too stunned to notice what was happening. 

China keeps a credit score points system in place and is used against anyone who does not tow the communist party line on it's slave citizens. The more points one gets the less one will be able to do, buy, or go anywhere. But you are probably not that bright enough to know about that big fact. Being a lefty like you tells me that alright?

Wow, just wow.

You have been enveloped by your paranoia.

Face it, a cashless society is here, and in the rest of the world too. Only old time thinkers are not on board. If you think your bank or credit card is how you can be tracked then you are seriously naive.

Oh and, I don't agree with you so I must be a lefty? LOL

OK then :)

The truth does not require participation to exist. Bullshit does.

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On 5/2/2023 at 1:02 PM, ExFlyer said:

Wow, just wow.

You have been enveloped by your paranoia.

Face it, a cashless society is here, and in the rest of the world too. Only old time thinkers are not on board. If you think your bank or credit card is how you can be tracked then you are seriously naive.

Oh and, I don't agree with you so I must be a lefty? LOL

OK then :)

Wow-wee. So, you appear to be quite onboard with a cashless society whenever that day comes around. You appear to also have no problem with the government knowing all that you do with your own money. As it stands right now, I can take out $500 out of my bank account and blow it wherever I please, and the government has no idea as to what I did with my $500. In a cashless society, the government will know as to what I have done with my own money. 

Face it. You are seriously naive if you think that you can never be tracked by the government if they wish to do so in a cashless society. They did it during the truckers convoy protest not that long ago. Hello? 

As I have pointed out already. Many trucker convoy supporters had their bank and credit card accounts frozen because they supported a cause that the tyrannical Marxist government in Ottawa did not like them being involved in. If you are okay with that, then to me you are a lefty. Live with it. ?


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1 hour ago, taxme said:

Wow-wee. So, you appear to be quite onboard with a cashless society whenever that day comes around. You appear to also have no problem with the government knowing all that you do with your own money. As it stands right now, I can take out $500 out of my bank account and blow it wherever I please, and the government has no idea as to what I did with my $500. In a cashless society, the government will know as to what I have done with my own money. 

Face it. You are seriously naive if you think that you can never be tracked by the government if they wish to do so in a cashless society. They did it during the truckers convoy protest not that long ago. Hello?

As I have pointed out already. Many trucker convoy supporters had their bank and credit card accounts frozen because they supported a cause that the tyrannical Marxist government in Ottawa did not like them being involved in. If you are okay with that, then to me you are a lefty. Live with it. ?


Wow, the anti paranoia pills are not helping eh? LOL

You live on the same planet as the rest of us? Cashless society has been around for way more than a decade. Whining now only make me think you are Rumpelstiltskin and not a wide awake Taxme LOL

You got part of it right ....."Face it. You are seriously naive if you think that you can never be tracked by the government if they wish to do so......" except if you think it is cashless society is all that it took, you are completely wrong. Anyone that wants to can track you now, your social media footprint is more likely to be tracked than your use of a debit card LOL

Oh and leaders of the trucker convoy had accounts frozen and all except a very few had them unfrozen within a week. You do know any creditor can seize your accounts and funds anytime you default too eh?

The truth does not require participation to exist. Bullshit does.

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31 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Wow, the anti paranoia pills are not helping eh? LOL

You live on the same planet as the rest of us? Cashless society has been around for way more than a decade. Whining now only make me think you are Rumpelstiltskin and not a wide awake Taxme LOL

You got part of it right ....."Face it. You are seriously naive if you think that you can never be tracked by the government if they wish to do so......" except if you think it is cashless society is all that it took, you are completely wrong. Anyone that wants to can track you now, your social media footprint is more likely to be tracked than your use of a debit card LOL

Oh and leaders of the trucker convoy had accounts frozen and all except a very few had them unfrozen within a week. You do know any creditor can seize your accounts and funds anytime you default too eh?

I may have to start taking pills if I keep dealing with a stupid dummy like you who truly does have a problem with trying to  understand anything said in English. I am not talking about social media and what they can or can not do. I am talking about what the can do government, stunned. A big difference between the two. Having a government that can freeze anyone's bank or credit card accounts when they so choose is a very dangerous game. What makes you so dumb that you have a problem with seeing that? Are you all in for government surveillance on we the peasants? It sure looks like it to me. 

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

I may have to start taking pills if I keep dealing with a stupid dummy like you who truly does have a problem with trying to  understand anything said in English. I am not talking about social media and what they can or can not do. I am talking about what the can do government, stunned. A big difference between the two. Having a government that can freeze anyone's bank or credit card accounts when they so choose is a very dangerous game. What makes you so dumb that you have a problem with seeing that? Are you all in for government surveillance on we the peasants? It sure looks like it to me. 


The government knows all about you already....can you say CRA?  SI number?  Your creditors know all about you, they can garnish your wages too. Facebook knows all about you and your contacts. Amazon and any online stores  knows all about you and your habits. Your health card knows all about you. Your drivers licence is being monitored. Your mortgage company knows you all too well. Your credit card companies know what you are doing.

Gotta wake up and smell the real world dude (or dudette) as it already is

Sleep well LOL

The real reason you need a screenshot monitoring software to track  productivity of your (remote) team. | by Jaroslaw Kijanowski | SoftwareMill  Tech Blog

Edited by ExFlyer

The truth does not require participation to exist. Bullshit does.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/4/2023 at 1:45 PM, ExFlyer said:


The government knows all about you already....can you say CRA?  SI number?  Your creditors know all about you, they can garnish your wages too. Facebook knows all about you and your contacts. Amazon and any online stores  knows all about you and your habits. Your health card knows all about you. Your drivers licence is being monitored. Your mortgage company knows you all too well. Your credit card companies know what you are doing.

Gotta wake up and smell the real world dude (or dudette) as it already is

Sleep well LOL

The real reason you need a screenshot monitoring software to track  productivity of your (remote) team. | by Jaroslaw Kijanowski | SoftwareMill  Tech Blog

This topic was all about going to a cashless society. Sure, there are many out there who know much about what I do with my money and my life. But a cashless society will be even worse. If we go to a cashless society, the government will now know as to what you or I do with our money and where we spend it. Right now they do not know what I am doing with my cash money. There is no tracking for them to be able to do if someone uses cash. You must have been involved in a few plane crashes alright exflyer and you hurt your head because you are not getting the picture here. 

A cashless society pretty much means no more freedom for anyone to be able to use cash anymore. If anyone wants to buy a gun from someone with cash today, no problem, the government will not know. In a cashless society, the government will now know that you bought a gun from someone. It's that simple. Only buffoons and dummies want the government to know what they do with all of their cash money all of the time. Only dumb arse lefty brainless liberals cannot get that picture. Now I wonder who that could be? ?

Edited by taxme
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14 hours ago, taxme said:

This topic was all about going to a cashless society. Sure, there are many out there who know much about what I do with my money and my life. But a cashless society will be even worse. If we go to a cashless society, the government will now know as to what you or I do with our money and where we spend it. Right now they do not know what I am doing with my cash money. There is no tracking for them to be able to do if someone uses cash. You must have been involved in a few plane crashes alright exflyer and you hurt your head because you are not getting the picture here. 

A cashless society pretty much means no more freedom for anyone to be able to use cash anymore. If anyone wants to buy a gun from someone with cash today, no problem, the government will not know. In a cashless society, the government will now know that you bought a gun from someone. It's that simple. Only buffoons and dummies want the government to know what they do with all of their cash money all of the time. Only dumb arse lefty brainless liberals cannot get that picture. Now I wonder who that could be? ?

Ha Ha Ha , did your tin hat fall off again LOL

The government is watching you .... as well as everybody else you are in contact with...your digital footprint betrays you....every day LOL

The truth does not require participation to exist. Bullshit does.

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4 hours ago, ExFlyer said:


The government is watching you ....  

Of course, we know how this is done. The five eyes have access to all transactions.. all they have to do is ask internet service providers, financial institutions, telcos for the data.

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On 5/13/2023 at 4:45 AM, ExFlyer said:

Ha Ha Ha , did your tin hat fall off again LOL

The government is watching you .... as well as everybody else you are in contact with...your digital footprint betrays you....every day LOL

Gawd, you must have been born with nothing between your ears. I know that the government could be watching me at anytime, if I use my bank or credit card, stunned. But if I use cash, the government has no idea as to what I am doing with my cash money. Hello? Got it now? 

But, if you cannot understand that, than you need to seek help because you truly do have a problem with trying to comprehend anything being said here to you. Hopefully, you got it right this time, hopefully. ?

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14 minutes ago, taxme said:

Gawd, you must have been born with nothing between your ears. I know that the government could be watching me at anytime, if I use my bank or credit card, stunned. But if I use cash, the government has no idea as to what I am doing with my cash money. Hello? Got it now? 

But, if you cannot understand that, than you need to seek help because you truly do have a problem with trying to comprehend anything being said here to you. Hopefully, you got it right this time, hopefully. ?

You’re right, but you’re talking to naive posters who accept government overreach like the Emergencies Act. They think more government surveillance and controls are fine, including freezing the bank accounts of political opponents.  Too many Canadians will accept this kind of totalitarian treatment, so we keep getting more of it. 

Edited by Zeitgeist
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33 minutes ago, taxme said:

Gawd, you must have been born with nothing between your ears. I know that the government could be watching me at anytime, if I use my bank or credit card, stunned. But if I use cash, the government has no idea as to what I am doing with my cash money. Hello? Got it now? 

But, if you cannot understand that, than you need to seek help because you truly do have a problem with trying to comprehend anything being said here to you. Hopefully, you got it right this time, hopefully. ?

Once again, chuckle.

I do not "accept" government oversight but I am also not stupid enough to know that you are always visible, whether you pay cash or not. Geez, you even have a tracking function on your cell phone.

What I comprehend is you are naive thinking you can function under the radar, government or companies or banks or corporations or phone companies or even your friends.

You are being watched and tracked. LOL

Listening to and being appreciated by people like zeitgiest only furthers your paranoia. Those folks live in the past and cannot get with the times. LOL

The truth does not require participation to exist. Bullshit does.

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28 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

You’re right, but you’re talking to naive posters who accept government overreach like the Emergencies Act. They think more government surveillance and controls are fine, including freezing the bank accounts of political opponents.  Too many Canadians will accept this kind of totalitarian treatment, so we keep getting more of it. 

It is my opinion that most Canadians do not have enough brains to be able to think for themselves. Whatever the government tells them to say or do, they do it. They refuse to question or challenge anything told to them by their lying Canadian politicians and the lying bought of Canadian media. What those two liars say is gospel to them. 

The Emergency Act, Covid 19, climate change, eat bugs, and now 15 Minute cities are just Marxist globalist programs and agendas created to take away more of our rights and freedoms. Drop all those mentioned above, and the world will do just fine. It is those fools out there who keeps falling for government lies and bull chit and this is the bloody problem. Ignore them and all will be fine. 

Anyone here in Canada who believes that Canada has not going communistic is living in la-la land. Allowing the Marxist government in Ottawa to freeze peoples bank and credit card accounts is communism. They already do this in China with their social credit system. And now I just heard that at the latest liberal meeting, the dictator in Ottawa wants to bring back mandatory vaccination for everyone. Those two jabs do not count anymore. We the peasants needs more jabs. whatever happened to the old Canada that I once knew. Today, the commies have taken over Canada. Shocking indeed. ?  

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37 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Once again, chuckle.

I do not "accept" government oversight but I am also not stupid enough to know that you are always visible, whether you pay cash or not. Geez, you even have a tracking function on your cell phone.

What I comprehend is you are naive thinking you can function under the radar, government or companies or banks or corporations or phone companies or even your friends.

You are being watched and tracked. LOL

Listening to and being appreciated by people like zeitgiest only furthers your paranoia. Those folks live in the past and cannot get with the times. LOL

It's plain as day to me that you are one stunned naive fool. Paying cash means that no one knows as to what one is doing with their cash money. What makes you so stunned that you cannot figure that one out yet? I can only assume that you are a troll here and either are working for some government or some non-government outfit and you are here to protect their interests, right my little spy troll. Chuckle-chuckle. 

So, you like being watched and tracked by the looks of things. Here I am trying to tell members that they should be paying cash as much as possible when they buy anything so the government will not know as to what they are spending their cash money on. And then there is you that pretty much is saying, awe, don't worry about it people, the government already knows a lot of what people are doing with my money, so why worry about it. Well, the government does not know when one pays cash. 

Zeigiest has made a lot more sense here than you could ever do in a lifetime. A big boo-hoo to you, troll. ?

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On 5/1/2023 at 8:38 PM, taxme said:


If that day ever comes to Canada, and does get implemented, everything you do with your own money will be monitored and followed to the point that if someone is not of the same political opinions and points of view of the ruling political party of the day in power, they can seize and shut down your bank account and freeze your credit cards. 


I disagree. Strongly.

CBDC simply means making currency easier to use.

Heck, it exists already.

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4 hours ago, August1991 said:

I disagree. Strongly.

CBDC simply means making currency easier to use.

Heck, it exists already.

Are you really that much of a sucker?   How would you like your access to funds turned off if the government doesn’t like what you’re buying or your political views?   Maybe that’s a bad food choice or you’re doing too much driving this month, destroying the planet.  After what happened with the freezing of bank accounts in Canada, only very stupid people would support digital central bank currencies.  Crypto was supposed to be a way of ensuring that people had money without state control, especially in totalitarian countries.  Central bank digital currencies are a way for governments to circumvent that.  

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