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"Wokeness" Has Replaced Socialism as the Great Conservative Bogeyman

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59 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

I wonder about that.  The fact is right now it's DEATH to your career and insta-cancel if you don't appear hard left in the entertainment industry. You MUST express a strong left wing view.  But - there's a lot of reason to believe many people are faking it and don't really lean that way. I suspect if there WAS a 'safe space' so to speak where there was no punishment for "wrongthink" then a very surprising  number of actors would turn out to be more right of center or center

I can't speak about Hollywood but when it comes to music.. it is ok to not be hard left. Examples are Kid Rock, Ted Nugent, All That Remains, and Trapt. The latter are heavy metal bands fronted by singers who are openly conservative. Now do these represent the top 1% of the industry.. no. However, you can be profitable and relevant in rock music if you are not adamantly leftist. 

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4 hours ago, Americana Antifa said:

I hate to break it to you, but corporations have always virtue-signaled. When Marvel and DC found out that there was an increase in girls reading comic books, they started making more stories with their lady heroes. It's not that Marvel and DC went "woke," they just like making money. When a network finds out that black people are more likely to watch TV at, say, six o'clock, they make sure that time has a show with a black cast. Is that virtue-signaling? No, that's just a corporation wanting to make more money.

Ya right. I'd buy that for a dollar...

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On 4/12/2023 at 11:41 AM, Nationalist said:

No. What's "woke" is that anyone even cares what colour the applicant's skin is.

I would hire the best applicant. However the "correct" answer was the black applicant.

And that too is "woke". So what is "woke"? Its the implementation of rules, based of perceptions of the various human denominations, based solely on a sense of fairness and righteousness to balance a perception of bigotry. A bigotry...I should add...that hasn't really existed in business for...what...20 some odd years or more? But that's only part of "woke".

Its also got to do with things like climate, political beliefs, security concerns, international relations, and the economy. "Woke" touches a lot...if not all...social norms and tuns them on their head.

The Great Reset.

Apparently you're not familiar with RESEARCH which SHOWS that when resumes are presented to hiring managers in which the ONLY difference is a black sounding name (AKA, not typical Biblical names of whites), the probability was that the black sounding name resume was REJECTED.

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On 4/6/2023 at 11:54 AM, robosmith said:

Wokeness Has Replaced Socialism as the Great Conservative Bogeyman


Can anyone here define what YOU mean by "woke"?
I say it means to face up (awake) to the historical unfairness of society to mostly minority populations like black, brown, LGTBQ, etc.

Woke also means pushing the alphabet soup of LGBTQRCHID letters and their sick agenda, transgenderism nonsense, CRT and climate change nonsense. All mentioned are just more communist like bs that serves nothing but a waste of we the people's woke time and taxpayer's tax dollars. The lefty liberals are always looking for something to whine about. They do it for the money and nothing else. The liberals could careless about the LGBT or transgender people rights. It's all just a joke to them. But sadly, for many liberals, they take everything liberalism says and does way to serious. 

Sadly, liberalism is a terrible disease to end up, and way too many people that call themselves liberals have that disease. To cure that disease is to become a conservative minded person so they once again can start to think again. Truth will prevail over lies. 

The woke like to push racism and to pretend that they are all in for democracy. Yet, when anyone challenges their wokeness, they go ballistic. This should tell us all that they cannot justify anything that they say or do because they refuse to debate their communist like woke agenda. For conservatives like me, yes, wokeness has replaced socialism with wokeism. The world needs to get back to conservatism once again. More freedom, less government and less taxes are needed. We all need to end wokeism once and for all. It's killing us all. My opinion. 

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On 4/13/2023 at 8:52 AM, CdnFox said:

I wonder about that.  The fact is right now it's DEATH to your career and insta-cancel if you don't appear hard left in the entertainment industry. You MUST express a strong left wing view.  But - there's a lot of reason to believe many people are faking it and don't really lean that way. I suspect if there WAS a 'safe space' so to speak where there was no punishment for "wrongthink" then a very surprising  number of actors would turn out to be more right of center or center

I disagree. There's Gutfeld who's very popular.... And Tuckers ratings are off the charts. The alt-right victim card is very "in" now since popularized by dear Donald. 

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7 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

I disagree. There's Gutfeld who's very popular.... And Tuckers ratings are off the charts. The alt-right victim card is very "in" now since popularized by dear Donald. 

Oh a few make it in VERY niche areas but seriously - tucker leaves fox and what would you say his chances are of getting hired at, say, cnn? Or just about any of the mainstream news outlets?

And while i suppose i'ts fair -ish to call him an 'entertainer' rather than a news commentator (sort of), he's not really an entertainer the way a movie or tv star would be, or other actor.

I don't know gutfield.  Which suggests that he's probably not all that big a deal and probably a little niche as well :)

I mean there's people like ben shapiro  who've made it as commentators and such, and of course Alex Jones.  But again - very niche.

They're not going to go out and get a lead role in a movie or tv show.

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8 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Oh a few make it in VERY niche areas but seriously - tucker leaves fox and what would you say his chances are of getting hired at, say, cnn? Or just about any of the mainstream news outlets?


Tucker used to work for CNN. I find it odd that your claiming right wing propaganda is a "niche" market. Their ratings tell a different tale.

11 minutes ago, CdnFox said:


And while i suppose i'ts fair -ish to call him an 'entertainer' rather than a news commentator (sort of), he's not really an entertainer the way a movie or tv star would be, or other actor.

I don't know gutfield.  Which suggests that he's probably not all that big a deal and probably a little niche as well :)

I mean there's people like ben shapiro  who've made it as commentators and such, and of course Alex Jones.  But again - very niche.

They're not going to go out and get a lead role in a movie or tv show.

You do have a point. The film and modern entertainment industry has always been dominated by Jewish creators. And, these Jewish creators are known to definitely slant left. 

I wouldn't bet on that changing anytime soon either. Since our inception Americans have been getting more and more progressive. And frankly, attempting to stop "progress" is a fools errend. 

The rights giving it the old college try, though.

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On 4/13/2023 at 12:45 PM, taxme said:

The world needs to get back 

Realistically, when has the World ever gone "back"? I have nostalgic feelings for the past as well. But I certainly do not ever make the mistake of thinking were ever going to go back. We won't ever stop "progressing".... Which, whether one likes it or not, makes us all "progressives".

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2 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

Fox doesn't have a news program.

Yeah that's so witty. How's your little pal Don Lemon... I guess rational people couldn't put up with the hate anymore.

The exact same hate... that characterizes all you woke motherfukers.

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5 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Yeah that's so witty. How's your little pal Don Lemon... I guess rational people couldn't put up with the hate anymore.

The exact same hate... that characterizes all you woke motherfukers.

I don't know who don lemon is. But I'm sad to see you so bitter and angry.

Being a grievance warrior will do that to you.

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24 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

Tucker used to work for CNN.

Thats nice.  Bet they don't ask him back now ;)

24 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

I find it odd that your claiming right wing propaganda is a "niche" market. Their ratings tell a different tale.

Did i call it right wing propaganda?  It would seem the problem here is your perspective not my claims.

He's entertaining.

24 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

You do have a point. The film and modern entertainment industry has always been dominated by Jewish creators. And, these Jewish creators are known to definitely slant left. 

Well whatever the origin and ignoring your somewhat typical left wing slant against jews, it's where we are.    

24 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

I wouldn't bet on that changing anytime soon either. Since our inception Americans have been getting more and more progressive. And frankly, attempting to stop "progress" is a fools errend. 

Well in a vague general sense perhaps. In reality that trend has somewhat reversed in recent years.  Cancel culture is regressive, culture wars is regressive, intersectionality is regressive, defunding police is a regressive policy, segregation is rearing it's head as a desirable thing again, etc etc.

24 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

The rights giving it the old college try, though.

Well i'm sure the left thinks so :) 


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12 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

I don't know who don lemon is. But I'm sad to see you so bitter and angry.

Being a grievance warrior will do that to you.

I love how you guys disown your own kind when they are finally exposed as complete sociopathic fukups.

My point is, people are smart enough to reject wokism. Just another fad coming out of post- teenage identity crisis angst.

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11 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Thats nice.  Bet they don't ask him back now ;)


I wouldn't.

12 minutes ago, CdnFox said:


Did i call it right wing propaganda?  It would seem the problem here is your perspective not my claims.


Fox's own lawyers argued in court that Fox wasn't "news". They said of tuckers show, and I quote:"The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.'  ...... Let me repeat that ...Carlson is not stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' ... And, since all his "non-literal commentary" is ultra right wing, it can reasonably be deemed as "propaganda".

You are free to disagree... I care not.

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6 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:


My point is, people are smart enough to reject wokism. Just another fad coming out of post- teenage identity crisis angst.

Well we've seen that before.  I say we bring back 1970's post teenage identity angst and see if we can convince them not to wake anyone over 30 :)

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23 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

I wouldn't.

Fox's own lawyers argued in court that Fox wasn't "news". They said of tuckers show, and I quote:"The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.'  ...... Let me repeat that ...Carlson is not stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' ...

Sure - its 'infotainment'. Most 'news' is these days.

23 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:


And, since all his "non-literal commentary" is ultra right wing, it can reasonably be deemed as "propaganda".

Hogwash. It's deemed that way because it suits a narrative.  For something to be propaganda it must be mistakenly  believed to be actual fact by the recpient but as you JUST posted...

"The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts'

So. The viewer knows it's not fact. Ergo - it CANNOT be propaganda.

23 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

You are free to disagree... I care not.

I'll cancel the therapist then :)   Truth be told i rather already gathered you were rugged enough not to be weeping if i didn't agree 100 percent :)


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14 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Sure - its 'infotainment'. Most 'news' is these days.


To a certain point, sure. But now court documents have surfaced which prove fox has wilfully spread false information about the 2020 election. On air they'd say the election was stolen, yet off the air they all shared that they held the belief that Donald's claims were false. This garbage was a major breach of public trust and extremely damaging to our electoral system. 

They spread malicious propaganda with impunity and damaged our country. 

Straight up.

21 minutes ago, CdnFox said:


.  For something to be propaganda it must be mistakenly  believed to be actual fact by the recpient but as you JUST posted...

"The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts'

So. The viewer knows it's not fact. Ergo - it CANNOT be propaganda.


So it's your contention that all of fox's viewers know that the election was not rigged and just watch Tucker lying to them because they find it entertaining?

Wow.... You got some balls trying to feed me that tripe. I'll give you that.

24 minutes ago, CdnFox said:


I'll cancel the therapist then :)   Truth be told i rather already gathered you were rugged enough not to be weeping if i didn't agree 100 percent :)


Well I don't like to brag... But I have saved a few moronic alt-right zealots from being crushed by the weight of their own stupidity.

But granted, those are few and far between.

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