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A few words from a retiring General

Army Guy

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These words will be forgotten tomorrow, already being condemned by irrelevant woke crowd who somehow think this man's opinions are an embarrassment to this nation. it makes me ill sometimes to think how far a great instruction like our Military has fallen to the state it is in today, be it our equipment status, our manning status, how many Soldiers, sailors, and air force members are leaving in droves, not all the people they are attracting now are up to the standards required to defend this nation, or close with and destroy our enemies. It seems the left has or is in mid step in destroying or dismantling our security apparatus, through cuts to budgets, manpower, and equipment, and the Canadian people are fine with that, most even clap at the job being down. in exchange for other programs like dental care or childcare where in a few years will also be under funded, when are we going to learn, are we even smart enough to learn these lessons. 

I think it is the new generations who do not care what they can do for the country, instead have their hands out waiting for the next social program, it's all about me, and F*ck the country, i pay my taxes, they owe me. I know it is hard for them to hear the country owes you nothing. we expect a few things from our country, good health care, every province and the Federal government has failed us, same as education, justice , every governmental department , defense of the nation, policing, fire all of it are under manned or underfunded, and we Canadians think that is normal, shit we even called for cutting funded to our police forces the men and women who do great things every day to keep us safe, with what little support they have. 

'Making Canada better': An excerpt from the anti-woke speech by a general that caused an uproar (msn.com)

There are many other media outlets that have covered the topic, but the leftist slant is almost to much.

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Where is all this money to fund defence supposed to come from? If Canadian tax payers are unwilling to pay for a viable military, don't blame the government. Blame the people who whine about carbon taxes, income taxes, and property taxes. The government has to do what the people want and, since the war in Viet Nam, defence has not been a priority of taxpayers.

Canada has always had the privelege to be defended by the best of the best. It is sad that there is just not enough of them. That is our choice. We call it democracy.

PS. Woke means being aware of injustice. Who, in their right mind, is in favour of injustice. I would think being woke is a virtue

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11 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Where is all this money to fund defence supposed to come from? If Canadian tax payers are unwilling to pay for a viable military, don't blame the government

I have heard no complaints or objections from the actual people of Canada on the cost of properly funding the military. And realistically this government never shown the slightest care about the cost of anything anyway. They don't fund the military simply because they believe they can better use the money to buy votes.

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1 hour ago, I am Groot said:

I have heard no complaints or objections from the actual people of Canada on the cost of properly funding the military. And realistically this government never shown the slightest care about the cost of anything anyway. They don't fund the military simply because they believe they can better use the money to buy votes.

That is because the cost of properly funding the military has never been presented. Are you prepared to see your taxes rise to achieve that?

All I ever hear is people, (not just Mr. Poilievre) saying taxes are too high. We have an immediate crisis in healthcare, education and the big one, climate change. We have highly qualified people in the military but Canadian taxpayers do not want to make the sacrifices to turn them into anything but a token. Token defence is Canada's traditional peacetime defence posture. It was far worse in the 1930's. There are simply too many more immediate threats demanding government resourses that have a much higher priority on the treasury.

The classic role for a military force is to defend the nation from invasion and to add muscle to the government's foreign policy. Most people in Canada believe the US will never invade Canada. That is the only true threat in which a viable conventional force would come into play. War with Russia would begin with a nuclear barrage. That is standard Russian strategy in a war with NATO. Conventional forces would not have a role beyond being kindling. War with China is less predictable, but it is beyond Canada's capabilities to have any impact. 

If you truly want Canadian voters to make the sacrifices rebuilding our defence posture would require, you need to give them a reason. 



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1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

The government has to do what the people want and, since the war in Viet Nam, defence has not been a priority of taxpayers.

The liberals meaning the actual Liberal supporters or progressives and the further left Socialists meaning the NDP and Greens have ignored the God of the Bible and rejected our Judeo-Christian heritage and have been altering Canadians society for decades with their alt reality ideas of pacifism, progressivism, multiculturalism and brainwashing of society through the education system, politics, and media.  We should not be surprised that much of society has become peaceniks in Canada and opposed to proper spending for the Canadian Armed Forces.  But good leadership should be more intelligent than the common herd or mob and should have learned the importance of a proper military in the dangerous world we live in.  Unfortunately I don't think liberals or Socialists have learned anything and they are the last people that should be leading and governing Canada.

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Canada is sixth among NATO countries in military spending which is were we should be but we are 13th in percentage of GDP which we definitely shouldn't be. Aside from the military, our  health care system is falling apart yet government sees fit to fund new programs which are unfunded. Before we spend billions on dental programs, stop the disintegration of the rest of our health care system first.

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17 hours ago, Army Guy said:

These words will be forgotten tomorrow, already being condemned by irrelevant woke crowd who somehow think this man's opinions are an embarrassment to this nation.

You pretty much nailed it there.   

The headline for this article should have been, "Out of touch old boomer rambles bitterly about millennials and how things were better in the good old days."

Tell us more about how much you hate the woke and cancel-culture, please.  We really need to hear more about it.  

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6 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

You pretty much nailed it there.   

The headline for this article should have been, "Out of touch old boomer rambles bitterly millennials and how things were better in the good old days."

Tell us more about how much you hate the woke and cancel-culture, please.  We really need to hear more about it.  

Evidently he was referring to you. 

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

The liberals meaning the actual Liberal supporters or progressives and the further left Socialists meaning the NDP and Greens have ignored the God of the Bible and rejected our Judeo-Christian heritage and have been altering Canadians society for decades with their alt reality ideas of pacifism, progressivism, multiculturalism and brainwashing of society through the education system, politics, and media.  We should not be surprised that much of society has become peaceniks in Canada and opposed to proper spending for the Canadian Armed Forces.  But good leadership should be more intelligent than the common herd or mob and should have learned the importance of a proper military in the dangerous world we live in.  Unfortunately I don't think liberals or Socialists have learned anything and they are the last people that should be leading and governing Canada.

Are not the values of pacifism and resisting injustice (woke) what Jesus preached? One of the 10 commandments was "Thou shalt not kill." God did not qualify that with any mention that it was okay to kill Russians, jews, Japanese, communists, muslims. It was an emphatic "Thou shalt not kill!" Our Judeo-Christian values teach us to help the poor, forgive those who trespass against us, turn the other cheek and basically share what we have with those who have little.

In a perfect world, if we had a powerful enough military, they would not have to kill anyone. The problem is to have an effective military, we need a defence budget of about one trillion dollars, conscription, and a few thousand nuclear weapons. So, are you willing to pay that?

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16 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Are not the values of pacifism and resisting injustice (woke) what Jesus preached? One of the 10 commandments was "Thou shalt not kill." God did not qualify that with any mention that it was okay to kill Russians, jews, Japanese, communists, muslims. It was an emphatic "Thou shalt not kill!" Our Judeo-Christian values teach us to help the poor, forgive those who trespass against us, turn the other cheek and basically share what we have with those who have little.

In a perfect world, if we had a powerful enough military, they would not have to kill anyone. The problem is to have an effective military, we need a defence budget of about one trillion dollars, conscription, and a few thousand nuclear weapons. So, are you willing to pay that?

"1  Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. {ordained: or, ordered} 2  Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. 3  For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4  For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. " Romans 13:1-4 KJV

" 4  But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat. 5  And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man’s brother will I require the life of man. 6  Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man."  Genesis 9:4-6 KJV

These verse are an important part of the Bible or God's word and Jesus is God.  "1  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2  The same was in the beginning with God. 3  All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4  In him was life; and the life was the light of men." John 1:1-3 KJV 

We see from these verses the teaching in the Bible "thou shalt not kill" has certain exceptions.  The police have a right to shot someone in order to defend themselves from a threat to their lives.  A nation may defend itself from aggressors and terrorists.  These may require that an enemy be killed in defense of one's self, fellow citizens, or country.   Capital punishment for murder is taught in Genesis 9:6 KJV  This must be by the lawful authorities and in accordance with the law.

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In addition to to resistance from taxpayers, DND has a recruiting problem. While the Canadian Forces performed in the highest tradition in Afganistan, that war damaged the Forces. The public perception of the PTSD casualty rate is probably having a negative impact on recruiting. Another problem is sexual harrassment in the Forces. It has shone a bright light on a lack of discipline and professionalism among some members of the Forces. It has to be discouraging for people considering a career in the Forces. 

Finally, we see the lousy way our vets have been treated. This is not just a failing by the current government. Canada has been mistreating veterans since the end of the Great War. 

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1 hour ago, Moonbox said:

You pretty much nailed it there.   

The headline for this article should have been, "Out of touch old boomer rambles bitterly millennials and how things were better in the good old days."

Tell us more about how much you hate the woke and cancel-culture, please.  We really need to hear more about it.  

Only a complete imbecile would think that life today under the woke-green fascists is better than life was several years ago.  Then again, prisoners in the panopticon start unconsciously imprisoning themselves.

High cost of living, the return of Cold War tension, inflation, cancel culture, public health and climate fear porn, race-based hiring, 58 genders…

No thanks

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9 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

In addition to to resistance from taxpayers, DND has a recruiting problem. While the Canadian Forces performed in the highest tradition in Afganistan, that war damaged the Forces. The public perception of the PTSD casualty rate is probably having a negative impact on recruiting. Another problem is sexual harrassment in the Forces. It has shone a bright light on a lack of discipline and professionalism among some members of the Forces. It has to be discouraging for people considering a career in the Forces. The General also is a symptom of creeping politics into the CAF. Political opinion is inappropriate in the profession of arms.

Finally, we see the lousy way our vets have been treated. This is not just a failing by the current government. Canada has been mistreating veterans since the end of the Great War. 

Isn’t the real issue the MeToo movement in the military and the fact that many of these problems are likely when people are shipped away from family and friends and placed under stressful conditions with members of the opposite sex for months at a time?   Or do we just keep pretending it’s got nothing to do with that? The Russians laugh at us.  

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5 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Isn’t the real issue the MeToo movement in the military and the fact that many of these problems are likely when people are shipped away from family and friends and placed under stressful conditions with members of the opposite sex for months at a time?   Or do we just keep pretending it’s got nothing to do with that? The Russians laugh at us.  

Nobody has the right to sexually harrass anyone. It is a sad statement on the current standard of discipline and professionalism when a few members are unable to conduct themselves in a professional manner. Their actions are prejudicial to the good of the service.

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24 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Only a complete imbecile would think that life today under the woke-green fascists is better than life was several years ago.  Then again, prisoners in the panopticon start unconsciously imprisoning themselves.

High cost of living, the return of Cold War tension, inflation, cancel culture, public health and climate fear porn, race-based hiring, 58 genders…

No thanks

You filled out my BINGO card of conspiracy slogans, and all in one post!  Thank you!

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6 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Nobody has the right to sexually harrass anyone. It is a sad statement on the current standard of discipline and professionalism when a few members are unable to conduct themselves in a professional manner. Their actions are prejudicial to the good of the service.

Of course sexual harassment isn’t okay.

False accusations or scorned lovers deciding to have revenge by destroying careers isn’t okay.  Another good one is someone getting caught having an affair then deflecting responsibility by claiming to have been taken advantage of.

It seems that even consensual relationships destroy careers because of “fraternizing”.  


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42 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

Fine by me.  The guy's speech was pretty much MAGA copy-paste, but for a Canadian audience.  

Anything but.


There’s no such thing as entitlement unless someone has first met an obligation.”

Not a Thatcherite but the lady was right on. 


It's interesting that many of the liberal countries we look up to for their social programs (Scandinavia, Switzerland etc) have compulsory military service.

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6 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

unwilling to pay for a viable military, don't blame the government.

After outrageous, plain obscene government compensations and benefits (with automatic annual %% raise no matter what), whatever peanuts left for the military and other ternary priorities you meant? Sure.

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21 minutes ago, Aristides said:

Anything but.

Disagree.  We could go through it line by line and draw the parallels, but do you really care?  I suspect not.  My favorite part about the whole thing is how he complained about collective apologies (with the context of our recent history discovering mass-graves near residential schools) in a room full of totem polls shortly after watching an aboriginal dance performance.  Talk about tone-deaf.  

21 minutes ago, Aristides said:

It's interesting that many of the liberal countries we look up to for their social programs (Scandinavia, Switzerland etc) have compulsory military service.

I'm not really too sure what you think Scandinavian social programs have with cancel culture in Canada.  

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4 hours ago, Aristides said:

Canada is sixth among NATO countries in military spending which is were we should be but we are 13th in percentage of GDP which we definitely shouldn't be. 

The government plays accounting games to get it up as high as it is. And it wastes enormous amounts of money by using the military capital spending budget (such as it is) to buy grossly overpriced junk from Canadian manufacturers that the military doesn't even want. An example being those arctic patrol vessels the navy never asked for nor wanted. If we ever give them new frigates the price is going to be wildly over their actual value, too. Are we to brag that we spent so much on our military buying votes out east when the UK is building the same ships for less than a third the cost?

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5 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

That is because the cost of properly funding the military has never been presented. Are you prepared to see your taxes rise to achieve that?

If necessary, yes. 

5 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

All I ever hear is people, (not just Mr. Poilievre) saying taxes are too high.

Taxes ARE too high for what we get. Witness how much we spent on healthcare vs the quality of that healthcare as measured against other western countries.

5 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

We have an immediate crisis in healthcare, education and the big one, climate change.

Climate change is not an immediate crisis and education has nothing to do with federal spending.

5 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

We have highly qualified people in the military but Canadian taxpayers do not want to make the sacrifices to turn them into anything but a token.

Canadians have never been asked. Spending on the military has never been an election issue except when Liberals are in opposition and shriek about the "enormous waste" in buying things like helicopters and fighter. NOTE! Even they never say such things aren't needed. They just exaggerated the cost and then promised to start a new 'fairer' competition as soon as elected. Chretien did this with the EH101 and Trudeau did it with the F35. Both wound up buying the same things they had campaigned against only for more money due to their delays.

If we are to be part of alliances then our allies have the right to expect us to contribute. In all likelihood a Republican will be in the White House in two years. And given the mentality of that party they're going to look very sourly at why Canada doesn't even try to pull its weight.

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