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the Liberals & the NDP, the supposed "left"

now just sneering upper class twits, stabbing the working classes in the back

who'd have thought we'd ever see the day ?

look away out west to old Vancouver

where the truckers have organized

the world's longest picket line

where the truckers have realized

you must never cross a picket line

for the brothers to the left & right of you

go truckers go

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On 7/13/2022 at 3:15 AM, Michael Hardner said:

1. What specifically did I say?  And maybe draw a picture of how any such statement supports Trudeau?

2. I don't remember.  Dig it up, and if my statement was wrong I will retract it.

I just brought the Trudeau Hatemongering thread back up to the top. It's full of examples of you supporting Trudeau's hatemongering against unvaccinated people, and pretending that there actually were swastikas and confederate flags everywhere at the Freedom Convoy. 

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10 minutes ago, West said:

Someone needs to ask the Conservatives why they sold out our food production to foreign interests under the Harper government. When they can show a clear cut plan on how they will put Canadians first then I will support the CPC

foreign investment is good for Canadians

silly protectionism is not

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10 hours ago, West said:

Someone needs to ask the Conservatives why they sold out our food production to foreign interests under the Harper government. When they can show a clear cut plan on how they will put Canadians first then I will support the CPC

it's all the same political class in Canada

the mediocre managerial elite

they are interchangeable, CPC to the NDP

case in point, Thomas Mulcair was a right winger, then he flipped to the NDP so he could move up the ranks

Jean Charest is another, he flips back & forth from Liberal to Conservative every couple of years

the Liberals are the new NDP, the Conservatives are the new Liberals

it's a managerial class, they have no ideology other than climbing the ranks to feather their nests

politician in Canada is just what these people do to avoid having to get a real job

Edited by Dougie93
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10 minutes ago, West said:

I beg to differ. You need to secure your food supply. You need to secure your energy supply as well. 

it is secure

it would be less secure without foreign investment

because then only Canadians would invest in it and it would be less developed

Canada has a surplus of both

and if it can't sell to other markets than Canada

that hurts the Canadian economy

especially the energy and agricultural sectors

Edited by Yzermandius19
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13 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

it's all the same political class in Canada

the mediocre managerial elite

they are interchangeable, CPC to the NDP

case in point, Thomas Mulcair was a right winger, then he flipped to the NDP...

Jean Charest is another, he flips back & forth from Liberal to Conservative every couple of years



I disagree strongly.

Canada is a civilized society. We have a functioning federal state. Our central government bureaucrats must deal with all citizens in both English and French - official federal languages. We have no official federal culture.

In Canada, the education of children is strictly the jurisdiction of each provincial government.


I understand that Mulcair and Charest were once provincial and then federal politicians, but I also think think that you don't understand Canada.

IME, the French and British never understood me. The Germans, Americans and Australians did.

Canada is a federal state. I would prefer a Federal Republic like Germany but that's a debate for a different thread. 

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3 minutes ago, August1991 said:


I disagree strongly.

Canada is a civilized society. We have a functioning federal state.

not anymore

these Justin Trudeau Liberals are inciting a civil war which will burn our civil society to the ground

the federal government is totally dysfunctional, the civil service is actually in a state of collapse

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1 minute ago, Dougie93 said:

I've lived here for over fifty years

I've never seen anything like this in Canada

this is the stuff Northern Ireland is made of

that I know well, as an Ulster Scot


Ulster Scot?

Trudeau Snr's mother was a Catholic Scot.

Dougie, were you Catholic?

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8 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

these Justin Trudeau Liberals are inciting a civil war which will burn our civil society to the ground

We've had regional animosity for over fifty years.  Hyperbolic claims of burning it down don't come to pass.

Just because you and your friends hate Trudeau, doesn't mean that the country does.  He'll lose an election soon enough.

In these last fifty, we had, by my count, four PMS from western Canada and five from Quebec.. none from Ontario.

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2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

We've had regional animosity for over fifty years.  Hyperbolic claims of burning it down don't come to pass.

Just because you and your friends hate Trudeau, doesn't mean that the country does.  He'll lose an election soon enough.

In these last fifty, we had, by my count, four PMS from western Canada and five from Quebec.. none from Ontario.

no, there is a much greater paradigm shift, an epoch in fact,

across the entire hegenomy, of Anglo-America & Europe

I said Trudeau was inciting it in Canada

tho Trudeau is not required for the schism to persist and escalate

and I don't hate Trudeau, I despise him, it's not anger, but rather disgust

yet Trudeau is simply a mechanism, a front for the ruling elite

Trudeau simply marks the sea change as to the depths the ruling elite are prepared to go

bear in mind that I would not expect a conventional kinetic war

this will be Marshall McLuhan's Guerrilla Information War

none the less, already the Emergencies Act has been invoked once,

martial law for all intents & purposes

that will now become the rule,

so I would expect Canadian troops to be patrolling the streets at some point

again, when I say civil war, I mean the British model, which is Ulster

to wit,  Belfast, not Gettysburg

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On 7/12/2022 at 9:04 AM, Dougie93 said:

that's the thing to understand about money printing

the money is not actually created out of thin air

that is money from the future, which you borrow from there, to spend here

so the American debt is much larger than the current account that Washington will admit to

most of the debt is in the future, future liabilities projected forward

at which point you arrive at what is called the fiscal gap

America's fiscal gap is something like $160 trillion

so America is already insolvent,  in the future

and we are moving towards that void at the speed of the earth around the sun,  107,000 kph

I hadn't heard of that concept before and it's intriguing.  Many are saying that the current money system is going to collapse.  If the US economy collapses, their influence will be gone and that will create an absence of power.  A vacuum of sorts, and we know that someone will rush in to fill that vacuum of power in the world.

Either way I've started stockpiling money from the past,  you might say.  If things go south for a while, we're going to need something to conduct commerce with.

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54 minutes ago, sharkman said:

I hadn't heard of that concept before and it's intriguing.

when you borrow money, you are drawing from the future

for example, you take out a mortgage to move into your home now

on the prospect that you will pay it off in the future

so debt is future productivity collected in the present

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1 hour ago, sharkman said:

I hadn't heard of that concept before and it's intriguing.  Many are saying that the current money system is going to collapse.  If the US economy collapses, their influence will be gone and that will create an absence of power. 

well, global debt is four times global productivity

and that debt ratio is expanding, soon it will be five times, and so on

so the trajectory is towards a massive global cascading default

the US economy however, is a separate issue

America has way more advantages than the competition

America doesn't have to be perfect, just better than the rest

so the American economy has quantum inherent value,

and all the resources America needs are in America

so even in the event of an American default, there would still be an American economy

and since everybody else would be in much worse shape

capital would still flee to America as a safe haven

America would not be able to borrow at the same net negative interest rates,

but America would still be able to borrow

perhaps gold would have to back the dollar again,

but America has gold in dem hills, more than most do at least

the Union shall not perish from this earth,

and the US military would still be head & shoulders above the rest

it would be hard times, no doubt, but America will prevail in the end:  can't kill an idea

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On 7/12/2022 at 2:56 PM, Army Guy said:

That sounds exactly what Justin did... "absolutely nothing" "The worst World leader ever", yes he won the gold medal for being an ass clown while in office...wait he had some help let's not forget the NDP flunkies that made all this happen.  and even then accomplished nothing of any real value...And you clowns find that funny.

What a colossal waste of time his entire tenure as PM has been...You have blindly followed this jackass, just like trumps voters did for him...And while trying to hide your embarrassment for being a leftist, you start looking for distractions to point fingers at, cause that is how you roll. 

Canada is done with the left and is ready to move on, and personally, I don't give a rats ass if that's the fat ladies toy poodle from down the street, as long as Justin goes down in flames.

Lol done with the left but the 2 party's plus greens still get 50 percent of vote okay bud lmao. Trudeau did some good things. Baby bonus for people . Childcare spots . Money to natives while not enough it's a start . Helped people thru pandemic with cerb . Bought pipeline for western Canada when it was gonna die  yet they still cry he hates them  Moree heart then I would have if I was him after the way  the west treat him I'd of said screw you and your pipeline lol. But then again. That's why I won't be a politician .  Things I don't like he's doing  is giving money toukraine instead of helping our health care system ATM . But can't win them all I guess 

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21 hours ago, Jack9000 said:

Lol done with the left but the 2 party's plus greens still get 50 percent of vote okay bud lmao. Trudeau did some good things. Baby bonus for people . Childcare spots . Money to natives while not enough it's a start . Helped people thru pandemic with cerb . Bought pipeline for western Canada when it was gonna die  yet they still cry he hates them  Moree heart then I would have if I was him after the way  the west treat him I'd of said screw you and your pipeline lol. But then again. That's why I won't be a politician .  Things I don't like he's doing  is giving money toukraine instead of helping our health care system ATM . But can't win them all I guess 

Lets put that into perspective BUD's, there are 3 parties, not one, so that vote is divided by 3 and while they are all left in retrospect, they go from left to outright crazy left...The Conservative party has garnered more votes than any of the left parties.

Justin did not invent baby bonuses it has been around for decades, he added some money to it , Child care spots are for Canadians that make less than 36 k a year, and adds only a few thousand in each province if you are lucky, at the cost of 9 bil the first year...yes a waste of money, First nation people have done well this year with over 24 bil in new money, but like you said it has only scratched the surface.  

Bought a pipeline, what a joke, that is not what Canada wanted, what they wanted was to twin the same pipeline, which is still not done...and thanks to the Federals dicking around the original owners walked away from the program, because we could not build a popsicle stand if we wanted to. Bought western Canada a pipeline, another liberal myth, the same part of Canada that pays for all that poggy you get. ...

Yes, he loves the west that is why he introduced anti-oil policies. he does not love Canadians he loves our money, he loves giving it away. he spent over 500 bil during the pandemic, where did it all go...CERB and business handouts only account for 175 bil...where is the rest of the beef...I know you don't know, don't care, you got your share, let's move on.  

You won't be a politician, you'd need to come off poggy to do that, work a full year you could not handle it...  

Our passport offices are a mess, our major airports are a mess, our health care is in crisis mode, interest rates are going through the roof, inflation is out of control, fuel prices are retarded, our international reputation is in tatters, and our entire security system is starving to death, our fishing stocks are decimated on both coasts, lumber prices are retarded, building a home costs on average here in NB 250 dollars a square foot, home prices everywhere are unaffordable, the pandemic wiped out entire sections of workers, global supply problems, Afghanis are still waiting to be rescued and live in fear of death because our government can't tie their own shoes, all the problems with long term care homes is still looking for a solution. as is all those promised manufacturing jobs making PPE, medicine, medical machines. it is all old news, liberals have forgotten all about it. and yes let's not forget Ukraine, god forbid we help another country with small matters as being invaded...

I'm, sure there is a lot more that I have forgotten..., we don't hate Justin we just want him to retire and fade into history, be a ski instructor or something...

He is the most hated politician in Canada...in the western world. 


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15 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Lets put that into perspective BUD's, there are 3 parties, not one, so that vote is divided by 3 and while they are all left in retrospect, they go from left to outright crazy left...The Conservative party has garnered more votes than any of the left parties.

Justin did not invent baby bonuses it has been around for decades, he added some money to it , Child care spots are for Canadians that make less than 36 k a year, and adds only a few thousand in each province if you are lucky, at the cost of 9 bil the first year...yes a waste of money, First nation people have done well this year with over 24 bil in new money, but like you said it has only scratched the surface.  

Bought a pipeline, what a joke, that is not what Canada wanted, what they wanted was to twin the same pipeline, which is still not done...and thanks to the Federals dicking around the original owners walked away from the program, because we could not build a popsicle stand if we wanted to. Bought western Canada a pipeline, another liberal myth, the same part of Canada that pays for all that poggy you get. ...

Yes, he loves the west that is why he introduced anti-oil policies. he does not love Canadians he loves our money, he loves giving it away. he spent over 500 bil during the pandemic, where did it all go...CERB and business handouts only account for 175 bil...where is the rest of the beef...I know you don't know, don't care, you got your share, let's move on.  

You won't be a politician, you'd need to come off poggy to do that, work a full year you could not handle it...  

Our passport offices are a mess, our major airports are a mess, our health care is in crisis mode, interest rates are going through the roof, inflation is out of control, fuel prices are retarded, our international reputation is in tatters, and our entire security system is starving to death, our fishing stocks are decimated on both coasts, lumber prices are retarded, building a home costs on average here in NB 250 dollars a square foot, home prices everywhere are unaffordable, the pandemic wiped out entire sections of workers, global supply problems, Afghanis are still waiting to be rescued and live in fear of death because our government can't tie their own shoes, all the problems with long term care homes is still looking for a solution. as is all those promised manufacturing jobs making PPE, medicine, medical machines. it is all old news, liberals have forgotten all about it. and yes let's not forget Ukraine, god forbid we help another country with small matters as being invaded...

I'm, sure there is a lot more that I have forgotten..., we don't hate Justin we just want him to retire and fade into history, be a ski instructor or something...

He is the most hated politician in Canada...in the western world. 


Damn you are so dramatic lol. 

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On 7/16/2022 at 8:06 AM, Michael Hardner said:

We've had regional animosity for over fifty years.  Hyperbolic claims of burning it down don't come to pass.

Just because you and your friends hate Trudeau, doesn't mean that the country does.  He'll lose an election soon enough.

In these last fifty, we had, by my count, four PMS from western Canada and five from Quebec.. none from Ontario.


Harper was born in Ontario.

But you raise a good point. Harper was the first Protestant federal PM since Pearson. (I'll ignore Kim.)

From 1968, we had Trudeau Snr, Clark, Trudeau Snr, Turner, Mulroney, Martin Snr, Harper, Trudeau Jnr.

In the past 54 years, our federal PM was always Roman Catholic - except when Harper was PM.


In the US?

JFK.  And now Biden.


There are two lessons that I draw from this:

1. Canada is a Roman Catholic country. The US is a protestant country.

2. Some people in Canada's various minorities have always been willing to vote otherwise. 

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On 7/21/2022 at 5:40 PM, Army Guy said:

It would be dramatic if it was not all true. 

True? Not at all.

I prefer my Protestant/Catholic interpretation of US and Canada. (Americans are tight-assed protestants while Canadians are easy-confession Catholics.)

But here's another difference: money.

Canada's first central bank was created in 1935. Before then, Canada's "central bank" was privately owned.

Canada has no equivalent of the SEC and federally chartered banks have no reserve requirement.

Yet, Canada has had no recent bank failures (excepting Confederation Life). And we've generally avoided the boom/bust of American financial markets - except for its effects on our macroeconomy and when the Caisse buys ABCP.

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