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Canadian Anti-Hate Network

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35 minutes ago, ironstone said:

It's lucrative. This organization has received over 3 million dollars in taxpayer funding in just the last 3 years.

it's the absurdity of the left

their proxies can be racist mass murdering terrorists

but if you protest, you're going to jail for years on a charge of "mischief"

this is how you get to civil disorder, this can only go on so long before it explodes into actual insurrection

this is how things went off the rails in Northern Ireland in the 1960's

the Protestants just kept stomping on the Catholics until it boiled over into a massacre

the left has become a religious sect for all intents and purposes

there can be no negotiation with them, no middle ground, they are zealots

anybody who dissents for any reason is labelled as a "Nazi" on the spot

that means they are working themselves up to the point of murdering you, those are terms of war

Canadian soldiers have the green light to kill "Nazis"

this is how liberal democracies collapse, it can happen anywhere, it could happen here

Canada is like a giant Ulster, and that is what civil war looks like in a British context

it's not like Canada has never had to put troops in the streets to put down a rebellion

it actually happens quite frequently in Canada

it just takes one bad day, one Bloody Sunday, and then there's no going back

we are at the threshold of the government using armed state force against political opponents

that is the brink right there

nobody ordered the British Army to massacre protesters, once you're at the brink, shit happens

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29 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

No, it's about inclusion. I don't know why you feel like excluding people.  Pretty soon LGBT will just be not even something you have to mention, people will just accept it.

Keep the religion of woke out of schools! Why do you hate white straight men so much and why do you support racist hiring policy? Why do you want to exclude people from society over a vaccine? 

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30 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Trying to accommodate every heathen religion and woke ideology is turning Canada into a cesspool and you support that.  Promoters of that destructive ideology promote it by using weasel words like "inclusive".  Anybody who disagrees is called a racist or exclusionary or intolerant.  The word inclusive is very deceptive because it means including every evil ideology and belief system.

Exactly. Also the religion of woke isn't inclusive at all. Its the religion of hate and the mob. If you disagree with the religion of woke, your employment, your business, your family etc. 

They should keep the religion of woke out of politics

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the Canadian left has become indistinguishable from the American left

so they are dragging Canada into America's civil war

as if Donald Trump is invading Canada, when the Canadian right is not actually MAGA at all

the Canadian right is not even on the right by American standards

in America, the Canadian right would be Socialists

so the Canadian left is fighting a bogey man which does not exist

yet they are working themselves up into a frenzy now, they have no restraint

Edited by Dougie93
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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

It would not be brainwashing because Christianity is biblical and therefore true. 

Gay people exist.  Transexuals exist.  Etc.  Therefore they are true.

1 hour ago, blackbird said:

You forgot to mention our society is based on Judeo-Christian culture and beliefs whether you like it or not.

And atheists, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs etc. live in Canada, whether you like it or not.

1 hour ago, blackbird said:

If you lived in the western world the last 1,700 years you would have found that is the way it was.

You mean the Western Christian world, that burned people at the stake because they were 'witches'?  The world that tortured people for having different beliefs?  The world that didn't allow women to vote?  To hold property?  The world that treated anyone different - as in not white, white and Christian - as lower class, free to oppress?   That world?  Cause I don't want that world, and however much  you try to excuse that past, that is how the "Judeo-Christian" world built itself.  I'm glad we're leaving that world behind.

1 hour ago, blackbird said:

If you live in other parts of the world like the middle east you will be forced to conform to Islam's laws and rules with no basic human rights.

That was the Western world up until the 20th Century.  Thank goodness that as we've become less Christian as a country, we've become more interested in equal rights for everyone, including women, POC and LGBTQ+.  

1 hour ago, blackbird said:

Be thankful you live in the west which has freedoms and rights that are a result of it being historically a Judeo-Christian society

These freedoms and rights were forced upon the Judeo-Christian society by people that saw a better world for everyone, not just white Christians.   

1 hour ago, blackbird said:

Such freedoms and rights do no exist in much of the rest of the world.

And those places tend to be highly religious.  Religion in any form is exclusionary by definition - because it excludes everyone who doesn't agree with them; once you start excluding people, you can assume they are not acceptable to your God, and to you.  Then you can call them evil. 

As a single example, consider how often you've denied other Christians, because they don't belong to the same sect as you do.  Many of these people would agree with you in your choice of who to exclude.  But, in the tradition of religion everywhere, you exclude those people and deem them evil because they don't belong to your particular sect of Christianity. 

Edited by dialamah
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1 hour ago, West said:

Keep the religion of woke out of schools! Why do you hate white straight men so much and why do you support racist hiring policy?  

No, your ideas are silly. 

There's no woke religion and why would I hate myself, what I am ?

Silly and extreme claims mark you as a crank to be ignored.


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On 7/2/2022 at 10:21 AM, blackbird said:

The rainbows/pride ideology goes against many people's religious beliefs and we still have freedom of religion

And it goes with many people's secular beliefs; just as you have freedom to live and believe as you wish, so do the rest of us.  If you think we have to get rid of every symbol of LGBTQ+, then equally we should get rid of every symbol of Christianity - such as Churches, which are supported by government and forced into our neighborhoods.  We need to eliminate Christmas and Easter, rather than have them forced on us by Government supported Stat Holidays.


1 hour ago, blackbird said:

Trying to accommodate every heathen religion and woke ideology is turning Canada into a cesspool and you support that. 

This is how the early Christians justified burning people at the stake.  You see here how little Christianity has actually changed; thank goodness that secular values do not include such hatred.

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9 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

No, your ideas are silly. 

There's no woke religion and why would I hate myself, what I am ?

Silly and extreme claims mark you as a crank to be ignored.


Don't know why you wokies have to push racist nonsense. Always on the wrong side of history. Sad

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33 minutes ago, dialamah said:

Gay people exist.  Transexuals exist.  Etc.  Therefore they are true.

And atheists, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs etc. live in Canada, whether you like it or not.

You mean the Western Christian world, that burned people at the stake because they were 'witches'?  The world that tortured people for having different beliefs?  The world that didn't allow women to vote?  To hold property?  The world that treated anyone different - as in not white, white and Christian - as lower class, free to oppress?   That world?  Cause I don't want that world, and however much  you try to excuse that past, that is how the "Judeo-Christian" world built itself.  I'm glad we're leaving that world behind.

That was the Western world up until the 20th Century.  Thank goodness that as we've become less Christian as a country, we've become more interested in equal rights for everyone, including women, POC and LGBTQ+.  

These freedoms and rights were forced upon the Judeo-Christian society by people that saw a better world for everyone, not just white Christians.   

And those places tend to be highly religious.  Religion in any form is exclusionary by definition - because it excludes everyone who doesn't agree with them; once you start excluding people, you can assume they are not acceptable to your God, and to you.  Then you can call them evil. 

As a single example, consider how often you've denied other Christians, because they don't belong to the same sect as you do.  Many of these people would agree with you in your choice of who to exclude.  But, in the tradition of religion everywhere, you exclude those people and deem them evil because they don't belong to your particular sect of Christianity. 

You are inventing many false accusations and assigning them to all Christians.  There have been many false Christians throughout history who did many evil things such as what you referred to.  (burning witches)  You forgot that people who did those kind of things and things like the Inquisition, tortured heretics, etc. were not bible-believing Christians.  It was the Bible believing Christian groups who were killed by the main religion of Rome.  They were considered heretics by the Papacy and targeted for genocide.  Biblical Christianity led to the Reformation 500 years ago which brought freedom of the tyranny of totalitarian control by Rome.  It also brought freedoms and eventually led to the end of slavery in the UK, Europe, and America.  The principles of the Bible were held by a small minority of people but they had a big impact on society.  Governments realized that there were such things as human rights and the need for democracy.  These civilized ideas arose out of Biblical Christianity and Judeo-Christian thinking.

I think you have been listening to the anti-Christian propagandists who follow the Devil.  True Christianity is not intolerant of other people living and working in society.  We realize not everyone is going to agree with the Bible or Christian beliefs but we still have to exist and work together.  That is the difference between intolerant Islamists in Islamic countries and free countries which live by Christian principles of peace and respect for human rights.

That is why the western civilization in Europe struggled to keep Islam out of Europe.  They understand they would lose their freedom to believe what they believed.  While most of what Europe believed was not true biblical Christianity, there were still pockets of true believers and many more after the Reformation.  But if Islam had it's way or atheists had their way, there would be no freedom of religion or beliefs.  We saw what atheistic Communists did in the Russian and Chines revolutions when they killed 100 million people.  It is a lie to say true Christianity is responsible for all the evil.  It is false religions and atheism that is responsible for the wars and evil in the world.

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49 minutes ago, dialamah said:

And it goes with many people's secular beliefs; just as you have freedom to live and believe as you wish, so do the rest of us.  If you think we have to get rid of every symbol of LGBTQ+, then equally we should get rid of every symbol of Christianity - such as Churches, which are supported by government and forced into our neighborhoods.  We need to eliminate Christmas and Easter, rather than have them forced on us by Government supported Stat Holidays.


This is how the early Christians justified burning people at the stake.  You see here how little Christianity has actually changed; thank goodness that secular values do not include such hatred.

I have answered that above.  You lump everyone who calls himself a Christian into the same pot.  I told you Biblical Christianity supports freedoms and human rights.  That means we support everyone's right to believe what they wish as long as they do not break the laws or interfere or try to force their ideology on other people.  We also have a right based on our biblical beliefs to disagree with LGBTQ and the woke ideology.  That does not mean we think they should be eliminated or discriminated against in any way.  Bible-believers simply do not believe in their point of view or accept their lifestyle.  Beyond that, they have the same rights to live and work in society without being mistreated.  I hope you understand that and quit making false accusations claiming we think they should be burned at the stake or mistreated in some other way.  Everyone should obey the law and treat everyone with respect even if we disagree with what they are advocating.

Edited by blackbird
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if Christians are being attacked

such as churches being burnt down in Canada, or Pastors being persecuted by the Liberals

then I will stand to as a Christian soldier

but in general, I am libertarian

I don't want the government interfering with my Christian lifestyle

I don't want the government interfering in some lifestyle I personally find to be degenerate neither

I am not the one imposing my faith by government, it is the radical left which is dragging us into this fight

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2 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

the Canadian left has become indistinguishable from the American left

so they are dragging Canada into America's civil war

as if Donald Trump is invading Canada, when the Canadian right is not actually MAGA at all

the Canadian right is not even on the right by American standards

in America, the Canadian right would be Socialists

so the Canadian left is fighting a bogey man which does not exist

yet they are working themselves up into a frenzy now, they have no restraint

They have Freeland who runs in the same circles as the American whackos calling the shots up here

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2 minutes ago, West said:

They have Freeland who runs in the same circles as the American whackos calling the shots up here

all the Liberals are de facto Americans now

Canada is just a vehicle for them to be the farm team for the increasingly unhinged Democrat party

like I am a dual citizen, I am an American

but even as an American, I would defend Canada being British North America

it's in America's interests for Canada to not involve itself in our civil war

I can separate my obligations

I do not bring my American fights to Canada

that will destroy Canada, because America is built to take the pounding, but Canada is not

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6 minutes ago, West said:

the Canadian left has become indistinguishable from the American left

Ah, Dougie I have to point out to you and all Americans again there is no American left.

And to everyone else a couple point made really really simple:

Have you ever sat through a job interview and wondered in the back of your mind that they might not hire you because you're "white" or your "English is too good"? That's what white privilege is in a nutshell.

And the red ensign IS beyond any argument a symbol of colonialism, WE Canadians didn't pick it, we just kind of inherited it and used it before we got our shit together and made our own well over 57 years ago.

I'm an old fart FFS but even mentioning red ensigns or metric or multiculturalism makes you sound like an ancient old 'get off my lawn' crank!

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45 minutes ago, herbie said:

Ah, Dougie I have to point out to you and all Americans again there is no American left.

And to everyone else a couple point made really really simple:

Have you ever sat through a job interview and wondered in the back of your mind that they might not hire you because you're "white" or your "English is too good"? That's what white privilege is in a nutshell.

And the red ensign IS beyond any argument a symbol of colonialism, WE Canadians didn't pick it, we just kind of inherited it and used it before we got our shit together and made our own well over 57 years ago.

I'm an old fart FFS but even mentioning red ensigns or metric or multiculturalism makes you sound like an ancient old 'get off my lawn' crank!


alright, well I will call them the Democrat Party Plantation Aristocracy then

these are the same slave owners we Republican abolitionists went to war against in 1861

in terms of the Red Ensign

I chose to serve in HM Canadian Army

I was a Canadian Infantryman

the Red Ensign is the colours of my great grandfather

who fought with the 72nd Seaforth Highlanders of Canada from Second Ypres to Mons on the last day of the war

and my grandfather who flew for the RCAF/RAF in the Second World War

so the Red Ensign is sacred to me, I would kill and die for it

they who demand that a Canadian soldier forsake his colours ?

how Canadian could they really be ?

God save the Queen of Canada from this Bolshevist horde

Victoria Regina Imperatrix

Pro Patria

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32 minutes ago, herbie said:

Ah, Dougie I have to point out to you and all Americans again there is no American left.

And to everyone else a couple point made really really simple:

Have you ever sat through a job interview and wondered in the back of your mind that they might not hire you because you're "white" or your "English is too good"? That's what white privilege is in a nutshell.

And the red ensign IS beyond any argument a symbol of colonialism, WE Canadians didn't pick it, we just kind of inherited it and used it before we got our shit together and made our own well over 57 years ago.

I'm an old fart FFS but even mentioning red ensigns or metric or multiculturalism makes you sound like an ancient old 'get off my lawn' crank!

I've been passed over for promotion where I was head and shoulders more qualified and more experienced because I wasn't brown enough. The company decided the most important characteristics was the person's skin colour because they didn't want to seem "racist". Anyway, no longer with them and doing much better on my own

We aren't the ones peddling racist hiring practices based on skin tone ie affirmative action

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this is the essence of the Post National State

Canadians who deny their own history

deny that they are British

deny that they are American

but have nothing to fill the void

so have nothing at all

a fake country which no soldier would kill nor die for, so no country at all

a people without a history are easy to control

hence why Canadians are rendered serfs by any other name now

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39 minutes ago, West said:

I've been passed over for promotion where I was head and shoulders more qualified and more experienced because I wasn't brown enough. The company decided the most important characteristics was the person's skin colour because they didn't want to seem "racist". Anyway, no longer with them and doing much better on my own

We aren't the ones peddling racist hiring practices based on skin tone ie affirmative action

my Canadian military service is prized by Canadian employers

I get summoned to the interview for that most of all

then when the employer encounters my Canadian military bearing, trained by the best small army in the world

I usually get the job


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on the internet, there are legions of self hating Canadian Communist traitors and lunatics

but when I walk the streets of Canada, as a decorated Canadian veteran

I get nothing but deference, most people I encounter here in Upper Canada, are fiercely Loyalist in fact

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9 hours ago, dialamah said:

Gay people exist.  Transexuals exist.  Etc.  Therefore they are true.

And atheists, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs etc. live in Canada, whether you like it or not.

You mean the Western Christian world, that burned people at the stake because they were 'witches'?  The world that tortured people for having different beliefs?  The world that didn't allow women to vote?  To hold property?  The world that treated anyone different - as in not white, white and Christian - as lower class, free to oppress?   That world?  Cause I don't want that world, and however much  you try to excuse that past, that is how the "Judeo-Christian" world built itself.  I'm glad we're leaving that world behind.

That was the Western world up until the 20th Century.  Thank goodness that as we've become less Christian as a country, we've become more interested in equal rights for everyone, including women, POC and LGBTQ+.  

These freedoms and rights were forced upon the Judeo-Christian society by people that saw a better world for everyone, not just white Christians.   

And those places tend to be highly religious.  Religion in any form is exclusionary by definition - because it excludes everyone who doesn't agree with them; once you start excluding people, you can assume they are not acceptable to your God, and to you.  Then you can call them evil. 

As a single example, consider how often you've denied other Christians, because they don't belong to the same sect as you do.  Many of these people would agree with you in your choice of who to exclude.  But, in the tradition of religion everywhere, you exclude those people and deem them evil because they don't belong to your particular sect of Christianity. 

Just as a matter of fact, Christians are among the most persecuted people on earth in many countries.

"In the top 50 World Watch List countries alone, 245 million Christians in the world experience high levels of persecution for their choice to follow Christ. "

North Korea is rated as one of the most dangerous places on earth for Christians.

Christian Persecution by the Numbers - Open Doors USA - Open Doors USA

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9 hours ago, dialamah said:

And it goes with many people's secular beliefs; just as you have freedom to live and believe as you wish, so do the rest of us.  If you think we have to get rid of every symbol of LGBTQ+, then equally we should get rid of every symbol of Christianity - such as Churches, which are supported by government and forced into our neighborhoods.  We need to eliminate Christmas and Easter, rather than have them forced on us by Government supported Stat Holidays.


This is how the early Christians justified burning people at the stake.  You see here how little Christianity has actually changed; thank goodness that secular values do not include such hatred.

If you want to wear symbols of LGBTQ+ that is your personal choice,  but I disagree with taxpayer money being used to post symbols in public places, like rainbow crosswalks paid for by taxpayers or rainbow flags being put up on public buildings at taxpayer's expense and using public property to promote that ideology.  Churches are private property and therefore have a right to exist.  There is a difference between using taxpayer money and people paying for something themselves.

Edited by blackbird
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