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Tamara Lich to Receive George Jonas Freedom Award, Our Hate-Mongering PM will be Furious

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54 minutes ago, myata said:

And this is no surprise, none. A century ago Germany had democratic system, laws and constitution. And a decade later people applauded authoritarian, then openly totalitarian government and marched in parades. All of this already happened. Complacency produces governments out of bounds and controls. Then governments use propaganda to increase compliance multi-fold. Then nothing independent remains. And it becomes a one-way trajectory.

We have those people walking around in masks for years maybe. For no reason, none. A visible, glaring reminder - and warning, of the power of complacency and propaganda.

Well exactly.  The existence of laws and compliance with them isn’t by itself an indication of liberal-democracy.  Without human rights that are actually protected by courts, a free press, and a government that’s accountable, you don’t have a real democracy.  Canada is in grey territory now.  Look at all the “What, me worry?” enablers on here trying to convince everyone else that democracy is live and well in Canada.  That effort speaks volumes.  

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On 5/20/2022 at 1:09 PM, Queenmandy85 said:

What you call tyrannical covid mandates are just Public Health orders. They were implemented by Provincial governments such as Premier Kenney's, Doug Ford's and Scott Moe's. As for the Federal role, Prime Minister Harper would have done the same thing as Prime Minister Trudeau. The Liberal Government went to great lengths to get all party agreement to combat the Covid 19 pandemic. 

If Ms. Lich must pay a price, it will be for daring to defy a court of law, not the Prime Minister. All she needs to do to avoid jail is to obey her bail conditions. Then, when her case comes to trial, her actions will be tested in court. Her fate will be determined by her actions, nobody elses.

You are just not getting the message here. Those bail conditions that were applied to Tamara by the courts are unfair nor make any sense. What gives the court the right to deny someone the right to their freedom of speech and to continue on with their belief while waiting for their court date?

Tamara was only asked to attend a meeting where Tamara was going to be presented with an award. That cannot be seen as breaking any serious bail conditions. I do not believe that even drug dealers or murderers get bail conditions like that.

What went on here with Tamara was vengeance by our dear Marxist leaders. They wanted her to be shut down and to try and shut her up for good. A warning to us all. Tamara must be found not guilty and set free. Any gulag time will be an injustice not well deserved. Just my opinion. 

Edited by taxme
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43 minutes ago, myata said:

That is a mirror, a perception by us of ourselves. Even in this condition, far down the rabbit hole there can be meaningful, working solutions. But no. We convince ourselves that nothing can be done, "don't fix it" and the beaver laughing with the mountie. And that of course is the end destination, for all it matters. Nothing else can and will happen where change is not possible.

I've suggested a fix but many seem to believe too much transparency is a bad thing and that prying the lid off the secrecy that covers the governance of the public's domain would constitute an attack on free speech.

Such is the silliness of partisan protectionism of political parties.   

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By the time the next Federal election is held, the pandemic may be over and all this will be moot. One can only hope. In the meantime, the electorate in Ontario have the opportunity to express their views in the ultimate tool in democracy, the election. If the people of Ontario where the bulk of the protest occurred, feel the measures were inappropriate, they will change the government. That is democracy. That is freedom. That is real protest. The truckers convoy said they wanted to send a message to the Federal Government. The government heard the message right away. Why didn't the truckers leave after that? Perhaps they had the attitude that it was their way or else. Never mind they represented a very small minority that wanted to impose their views on the overwhelming majority. What about the freedom of the majority?


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13 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Such is the silliness of partisan protectionism of political parties.   

Well funny - interesting that after such a long while some common grounds could be found still. Only would disagree about the term, it's the opposite: not silly, but smart expression of clear and dominating above all else self-interest. It's been working (for them) perfectly, so what would be the reason to change anything.

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3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

And yet many here deny it including me.

That is because you are way too woke and way too lefty liberal. There are conspiracies happening out there every day but yet people like you refuse to believe that conspiracies exist at all. Go back to sleep, Mikey boy. Canada and Canadians will be better off if you would just do that. Pleasant nightmares. ?

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29 minutes ago, taxme said:

There are some good laws and then there are some bad laws. Having Tamara arrested for peacefully protesting is a bad law. Tamara should never have been charged for anything. The only reason as to why Tamara was arrested was because of a bad law. This was just more vengeance by our Marxist politicians against anyone who dares to take on any of our Marxist levels of governments. Tamara should be freed at once with all charges dropped against her. Just saying. 

She was only charged because they want to try and inflict pain on her. It has all the markings of a political prosecution... people in similar positions as her would not have been charged had the state approved of her views.

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2 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

By the time the next Federal election is held, the pandemic may be over and all this will be moot.

Wrong. Authoritarianism, rule by arbitrary one-way measures without checks and controls is now confirmed reality and is here to stay. Government overreach and violations of rights aren't moot, they are the history and fabric of this society. So, nothing is "moot".

But this funny democracy indeed wants you to believe that whatever they've done before was for good a reason and "moot" now. Then, just repeat (forever). Simple, yet powerful as long as we couldn't care.

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12 minutes ago, taxme said:

You are just not getting the message here. Those bail conditions that were applied to Tamara by the courts are unfair nor make any sense. What gives the court the right to deny someone the right to their freedom of speech and to continue on with their belief while waiting for their court date?

Tamara was only asked to attend a meeting where Tamara was going to be presented with an award. That cannot be seen as breaking any serious bail conditions. I do not believe that even drug dealers or murderers get bail conditions like that.

What went on here with Tamara was vengeance by our dear Marxist leaders. They wanted her to be shut down and to try and shut her up for good. A warning. Tamara must be found not guilty and set free. Any gulag time will be an injustice not well deserved. Just my opinion. 

There is evidence (untested in court) that Ms. Lich committed an offence. The Court released her on bail after setting bail conditions. During the bail hearing, she, through her legal counsel, had the opportunity to object to the conditions and have them modified. Once the terms were settled, she chose to accept the terms. How did our "Marxist Leaders" have anything to do with that? It is the Crown Prosecuters who present their case and it is a judge (not the Government or the Crown) who decides. If she makes the choice to breach the conditions she agreed to, then that is on her.

Anyone who thinks Ms. Lich is so significant as to warrant the vengence of the government hasn't been paying attention to the multiple crises impacting the country such as a deadly pandemic and a major war that have disrupted the world's economy.

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1 hour ago, myata said:

That is a mirror, a perception by us of ourselves. Even in this condition, far down the rabbit hole there can be meaningful, working solutions. But no. We convince ourselves that nothing can be done, "don't fix it" and the beaver laughing with the mountie. And that of course is the end destination, for all it matters. Nothing else can and will happen where change is not possible.

Not "us" but you and a few, very few, others.

Not "we", you, an a few, very few, others.

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17 minutes ago, myata said:

Wrong. Authoritarianism, rule by arbitrary one-way measures without checks and controls is now confirmed reality and is here to stay. Government overreach and violations of rights aren't moot, they are the history and fabric of this society. So, nothing is "moot".

But this funny democracy indeed wants you to believe that whatever they've done before was for good a reason and "moot" now. Then, just repeat (forever). Simple, yet powerful as long as we couldn't care.

The government is accountable to Parliament and to the Crown.

The question of government over reach will be determined by the joint parliamentary committee.

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18 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

What is this, 1950?   “Loitering”?   I laugh at how Portland was occupied for months and rail lines were blockaded for weeks by protesters, churches burned down, etc.  No mention from Trudeau, but it’s the Emergencies Act for people who don’t like mandated health programs that make compliance a condition of employment, travel, etc.  What a bunch of hypocrites!

OK, "hangng out". Is that better for you to understand. They did not comply with the requirements and regulations so shop owners closed and the mall owners closed the place.

Deflection to other protests is your only attempt at justification. Sad you are so stuck on this LOL

No one, not one person was charged under the Emergencies Act, all were charged under existing laws,. so, stop Youtubing BS LOL

Edited by ExFlyer
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1 hour ago, myata said:

There's nothing new in denying the obvious. It's as old as humanity remembers itself. Let's count what we lost only during this short stretch of a flu-kind epidemics:

- we do not have objective and impartial media
- we do not have judicial controls over majority governments. Delayed justice is mockery of justice
- and we have governments that discovered the capabilities and power of an all-out brainwashing propaganda. With nothing (see above) to limit them. With any meaningful action by citizens immediately branded as war, insurrection and such. And no one pays any attention to meaningless ones, obviously too.

All of that is objective, visible reality. That of course, anyone is free to ignore and deny. Like it's any surprise.

Wow, what a bunch of unverified and unjustified and unvalidated opinions.  HA!

It sounds  like desperation getting even more desperate LOL

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5 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

By the time the next Federal election is held, the pandemic may be over and all this will be moot. One can only hope. In the meantime, the electorate in Ontario have the opportunity to express their views in the ultimate tool in democracy, the election. If the people of Ontario where the bulk of the protest occurred, feel the measures were inappropriate, they will change the government. That is democracy. That is freedom. That is real protest. The truckers convoy said they wanted to send a message to the Federal Government. The government heard the message right away. Why didn't the truckers leave after that? Perhaps they had the attitude that it was their way or else. Never mind they represented a very small minority that wanted to impose their views on the overwhelming majority. What about the freedom of the majority?


The next election may never happen. I believe that the last election was a fraud and fixed election. Marxist Trudeau was hated by so many people that I spoke too, but yet that buffoon got his PM job back. WTF? 

There is no honest to goodness political party in Ontario at all. They are all pretty much corrupt. Even Ford who is supposed to be a conservative, continues to act more like a liberal would. Ford has become to woke and too politically correct. Ford takes his orders from the big pharma WEF globalists just like most of our Canadian political dear leaders in the rest of Canada do also. Politics in Ontario will never change until Ontario voters vote in a real and true conservative party. There appears to be none on the arisen so far. 

The truckers sent a message alright, but comrade Trudeau still did not get that message. The Marxist still has not changed anything that the truckers demanded that he eliminate as far as covid mandates go. Too many are still in place. What the dictator in Ottawa has done is give the truckers his old man's Marxist middle finger salute. Along with the truckers there were millions of Canadians on their side and out there supporting those truckers. We saw them standing on overpasses on highways by the thousands waving them on. 

Stop acting like a lefty liberal zombie. That dictator has learned nothing from what the truckers protest was all about. As a matter of fact, the dictator is doubling down on his efforts to try and turn Canada into a french controlled socialist third world hell hole. With people like you around and your appearing to try and knock the truckers and Tamara down for their patriotism tells me that for freedom lovers like me and so many others are all in big time trouble in this sad pathetic country that Canada has become. 

It is a small minority of lefty liberals and socialists that are running this country, and not the majority. If the majority ran this country, covid would never have gotten off the ground here in Canada. It was a small minority of politicians and a small minority of special interest groups of criminals that went along with the big pharma globalist, and the bought off Canadian media that gave us one of the biggest frauds and hoaxes that the world has never seen before. And no doubt you will fall for another covid like lie and hoax once again. Get out the popcorn and lets all just wait and see what the fall will bring. i say get redy for more covid. Just my opinion. Free Tamara now. Works for me.  ?

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Bottom line: this was a protest against some of the most vile policy in our history. It's unfortunate these so called legal experts are abusing their authority but is to be expected after what we've seen over the past few years. They've essentially purged anyone with integrity and this is the result we get... the authoritarian description is an understatement

The sooner Trudeau et al are behind bars the better off we will be

Edited by West
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17 hours ago, West said:

Tamara Lich speaking with police about where to reorganize trucks

Text messages between police liason and Chris Barber

Memo from Convoy organization to truckers asking to cooperate with law enforcement and move trucks

Letter to Mayor Jim Watson 

Their only mistake was trusting a liberal. Those folks are dishonest scum





Ha, after she found out she is losing she sends a letter. Ha. 2 weeks into it and knowing the shit is gonna hit the fan she tries to negotiate. Too late lady, in less than a week you were gone LOL

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27 minutes ago, West said:

She was only charged because they want to try and inflict pain on her. It has all the markings of a political prosecution... people in similar positions as her would not have been charged had the state approved of her views.

They call it vengeance, and it is all being committed by our own Canadian Marxist government in Ottawa. Tamara has become just another political prisoner in a Marxist state that is Canada today. If the state did approve of Tamara's actions, Tamara would not be in one of our Canadian gulags at all. Tamara would ne home now. They would never impose any kinds of bail conditions on her like what has happened to her now just because she was going to go and accept an award. How can this be seen as violating her bail conditions by accepting an award? This is not justice, this is communist tyranny. 

This is just communist tyranny at work here in Canada and is being allowed to continue on by our so called conservative party whom we all must of thought that the conservative party was all for more freedom and less government. The conservative party these days appears to have taken the wrong turn somewhere down the highway and ended up turning left off the highway. Wow, did they ever miss their turn off. ?

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This article summarizes the politics. Basically a majority opposed Convoy in every jurisdiction, but more conservatives supported than opposed. So this is a question of leapfrogging over the issue before the convention and then pivoting away from it afterwards. This is what Poilievre we'll have to do, ie. Make it important now.. and then drop it like a hot potato once he wins the leadership

Given that it's such a nothing issue, it makes me sad for political discourse in this country.

He really should be talking about how to unify people, the economy, and the environment. Not this little parade

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13 minutes ago, West said:

Bottom line: this was a protest against some of the most vile policy in our history. It's unfortunate these so called legal experts are abusing their authority but is to be expected after what we've seen over the past few years. They've essentially purged anyone with integrity and this is the result we get... the authoritarian description is an understatement

The sooner Trudeau et al are behind bars the better off we will be

Sadly, I do not believe that the dictator in Ottawa will ever see any gulag time for what he has done to Canada and Canadians. The crime mistake of Canukistan will no doubt just be able to walk away a free Marxist with a nice hefty pension too boot. The Marxist must laugh at Canadians every day when he wakes up, and no doubt says to himself, how can I phuk up Canada and Canadians even more than what I have done to them already. The Marxist made us broke, and made Canada woke, and we all have become a joke. ?

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15 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Ha, after she found out she is losing she sens a letter. Ha. @ weeks into it and knowing the shit is gonna hit the fan she tries =to negotiate. Too late lady, in less than a week you were gone LOL

Nice pivot. Once again a liberal being vile. No surprise

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Ahhh Taxme, I'm not sure if you and West share a silo or are in ajoining silos. I noticed you don't believe there will be any more elections. I like Don Pendleton thrillers as much as the next guy, but you do realize they are works of fiction. 

The benchmark for what a Real Conservative is Sir John A. MacDonald. Premier Ford takes his orders from the people who can vote for him.


Edited by Queenmandy85
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6 minutes ago, taxme said:

Sadly, I do not believe that the dictator in Ottawa will ever see any gulag time for what he has done to Canada and Canadians. The crime mistake of Canukistan will no doubt just be able to walk away a free Marxist with a nice hefty pension too boot. The Marxist must laugh at Canadians every day when he wakes up, and no doubt says to himself, how can I phuk up Canada and Canadians even more than what I have done to them already. The Marxist made us broke, and made Canada woke, and we all have become a joke. ?

More than a pension..millions of dollars in embezzled tax dollars too.. sick man

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3 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:


This article summarizes the politics. Basically a majority opposed Convoy in every jurisdiction, but more conservatives supported than opposed. So this is a question of leapfrogging over the issue before the convention and then pivoting away from it afterwards. This is what Poilievre we'll have to do, ie. Make it important now.. and then drop it like a hot potato once he wins the leadership

Given that it's such a nothing issue, it makes me sad for political discourse in this country.

He really should be talking about how to unify people, the economy, and the environment. Not this little parade

Politico? Is that just another one of those lefty liberal websites? Those that opposed the convoy have shown that they lack any idea as to what freedom and rights are all about. There were millions of Canadians supporting the truckers protest. We saw that when the truckers were on their way too Ottawa. We saw tens of thousands of Canadians standing on overpasses and on highways and streets and waving as the convoy drove by. Sadly, for those truckers, they were fighting for those opposed to their protest. The stupid fools. 

I hope that you are wrong about Poilievre. If what you say could happen then that should tell us all and give us that wake up call that politics and politicians are nothing more than a bunch of lying bsatrads. 

All freedom lovers are asking for is to be able go back to the good old Canada days before covid, that we all once knew, where we could go where we wanted to go, say what we wanted to say, and do what we wanted to do without the government telling us as to how we will live our lives. These past two years have shown us all as to just how evil and satanic our politicians have become. They have destroyed millions of Canadians lives over a so called pandemic which turned out to be a not so serious and dangerous pandemic at all. It was our Canadian politicians and the Canadian media that did that to us all.

If we have learned anything at all from all of this covid tyranny madness that went on for two years is that we must never believe or trust our politicians or the media anymore. They are the real enemy of we the peasants. Just my opinion of course. ?

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22 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:


This article summarizes the politics. Basically a majority opposed Convoy in every jurisdiction, but more conservatives supported than opposed. So this is a question of leapfrogging over the issue before the convention and then pivoting away from it afterwards. This is what Poilievre we'll have to do, ie. Make it important now.. and then drop it like a hot potato once he wins the leadership

Given that it's such a nothing issue, it makes me sad for political discourse in this country.

He really should be talking about how to unify people, the economy, and the environment. Not this little parade

Tone deaf.  Little parade?  Millions of Canadians supported it.  10,000 in a protest day on Parliament Hill. Simultaneous protests in cities across the country. Protests followed in major cities around the world, in Australia, France, Germany…. Why this attempt to downplay its significance?  Do you think applying the Emergencies Act was no big deal?   It’s this dismissive attitude towards the legitimate concerns about federal mandates and government overreach that explains why the country is in a funk.  Trudeau doesn’t understand why there isn’t universal support for government policies and programs that essentially dictate how we should live.  It’s totalitarianism with a happy face.  The whole creepy power grab must be wheeled back and contained or we won’t have much left to protect.

I don’t like our federal government and I’ve never questioned the value of our federation as much as I have this past 6 months.  What’s the value of a nation state without strong individual rights and high living standards? We should accept sky high housing and fuel prices why exactly?  We should accept carbon taxes that add insult to high inflation why? Climate change?  What bullshit. Get these elitist, tyrannical highway robbers out of office.  

Edited by Zeitgeist
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