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Hunter Biden Must Be Jailed

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Here's the bottom line.

Hunter's laptop not only shows images worthy of criminal indictment, but it's also full of emails worthy of criminal indictment. The emails also implicate Joe Biden as a carrot. Pay to meet...if you will.

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3 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Here's the bottom line.

Hunter's laptop not only shows images worthy of criminal indictment, but it's also full of emails worthy of criminal indictment. The emails also implicate Joe Biden as a carrot. Pay to meet...if you will.

The MSM is starting to mention this story but ever so reluctantly. On CNN.com they actually spin it in a way that Hunter is more of a victim than anything else. They actually say he's using his dad's name to make money as though he alone is the only one involved. He is also the subject of a "partisan investigation"! The MSM will clearly go to any length to protect the Democrats.

Makes me want to hurl.

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4 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Here's the bottom line.

Hunter's laptop not only shows images worthy of criminal indictment, but it's also full of emails worthy of criminal indictment. The emails also implicate Joe Biden as a carrot. Pay to meet...if you will.

It would sure be nice if they could just get on with it so you guys can move on.

Colour me doubtful that either will ever happen.

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

It would sure be nice if they could just get on with it so you guys can move on.

Colour me doubtful that either will ever happen.

Much of our frustration comes from the fact that a fake story( Trump- Russia collusion) got intense coverage and promotion for years while a legitimate story(Hunter Biden laptop) was actively suppressed and censored by the MSM and big tech.


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7 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Here's the bottom line.

Hunter's laptop not only shows images worthy of criminal indictment, but it's also full of emails worthy of criminal indictment. The emails also implicate Joe Biden as a carrot. Pay to meet...if you will.

Those are actually the least of his criminal conduct.  He is going to bring down his father.  Take it to the bank.  

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2 minutes ago, ironstone said:

Much of our frustration comes from the fact that a fake story( Trump- Russia collusion) got intense coverage and promotion for years while a legitimate story(Hunter Biden laptop) was actively suppressed and censored by the MSM and big tech.

I would suggest the real frustration stems from the fact there's no actual evidence of the active suppression and censoring you're talking about because such a thing would require the coordinated cooperation of competing media outlets with officials from government institutions and political parties. Like the conspiracy chem trail conspiracy hundreds if not thousands of people would be required to pull it off.

Where are the whistle-blowers bearing memo's, emails, policy papers, assessment reports etc that would attend all this activity?


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7 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I would suggest the real frustration stems from the fact there's no actual evidence of the active suppression and censoring you're talking about because such a thing would require the coordinated cooperation of competing media outlets with officials from government institutions and political parties. Like the conspiracy chem trail conspiracy hundreds if not thousands of people would be required to pull it off.

Where are the whistle-blowers bearing memo's, emails, policy papers, assessment reports etc that would attend all this activity?


Are you suggesting that Facebook, Twitter, NYT and so on did not, in any way, suppress or actively block the Hunter Biden laptop story when it came out? It never happened?

New York Times quietly deletes claim Hunter Biden laptop story was 'unsubstantiated' (yahoo.com)

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18 minutes ago, ironstone said:

Are you suggesting that Facebook, Twitter, NYT and so on did not, in any way, suppress or actively block the Hunter Biden laptop story when it came out? It never happened?

New York Times quietly deletes claim Hunter Biden laptop story was 'unsubstantiated' (yahoo.com)

Well you know maybe there's something to the idea that media needs to be licenced or at the very least subject to the old requirement that reporting be balanced.

Are you suggesting we just leave things as they are given how damaging it can be to public discourse and good governance?

You know me AFAIC politicians should be subject to even more surveillance than they intend for us. It's called sousveillance when we monitor them.  Yeah I mean the full deal too, cameras, microphones, drones, GPS contact-tracing, especially for lobbyists.

In the meantime...please get on with charging him. Please?

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8 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

November is very important. 

As is the reason for belabouring this. It's the convenience of all this that makes it seem so partisan, petty and mundane.

What is it about the titillation of a political hack helping out an oligarch that's so riveting anyway?  Why November in another country?  Why not right now in our own? 

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

Well you know maybe there's something to the idea that media needs to be licenced or at the very least subject to the old requirement that reporting be balanced.

Are you suggesting we just leave things as they are given how damaging it can be to public discourse and good governance?

You know me AFAIC politicians should be subject to even more surveillance than they intend for us. It's called sousveillance when we monitor them.  Yeah I mean the full deal too, cameras, microphones, drones, GPS contact-tracing, especially for lobbyists.

In the meantime...please get on with charging him. Please?

The justice system is usually very slow. Right now Hunter seems to be still under investigation and no charges yet. I personally think charges are highly unlikely no matter what illegal things he may have engaged in given the apparent bias in the FBI and the Justice Department. Think Hillary Clinton with her shady computer servers and James Comey bending over backwards to minimize what she had done. Remember that 50 or so former intelligence officials signing a document stating that the laptop story was Russian disinformation. Either they lied or they're not very good in their chosen profession.

No need to worry about Hunter, he's very likely not going to face any repercussions beyond being warned by "the big guy" to be more discreet about the family business.

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9 hours ago, eyeball said:

Well you know maybe there's something to the idea that media needs to be licenced or at the very least subject to the old requirement that reporting be balanced.

Are you suggesting we just leave things as they are given how damaging it can be to public discourse and good governance?

You know me AFAIC politicians should be subject to even more surveillance than they intend for us. It's called sousveillance when we monitor them.  Yeah I mean the full deal too, cameras, microphones, drones, GPS contact-tracing, especially for lobbyists.

In the meantime...please get on with charging him. Please?

Corporate media ran unsubstantiated claims about Trump and his supporters for four years. .

They didn't just day the laptop claims were unverified. They said it was Russian disinformation and went after Giuliani's law license

Edited by West
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15 hours ago, eyeball said:

As is the reason for belabouring this. It's the convenience of all this that makes it seem so partisan, petty and mundane.

What is it about the titillation of a political hack helping out an oligarch that's so riveting anyway?  Why November in another country?  Why not right now in our own? 

This thread is about Huntet Biden and his BS. That's why.

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This is interesting...in a sick kind o' way...


Freshman student Christopher Phillips asked Stelter to answer for "[dismissing] the Hunter Biden laptop affair as pure Russian disinformation" on Thursday.

"All the mistakes of the mainstream media, and CNN in particular, seem to magically all go in one direction," Phillips said. "Are we expected to believe that this is all just some sort of random coincidence, or is there something else behind it?"

"It’s too bad — it’s time for lunch," Stelter said, dismissing the question. A moderator reminded Stelter he had 30 seconds. "I think you’re describing a different channel than the one that I watch. But I understand that that is a popular right-wing narrative about CNN."

"When you talk about shared reality and democracy, all these networks — all these outlets have to defend democracy. And when they screw up, admit it," Stelter continued.

On Wednesday, Daniel Schmidt, senior editor of the Chicago Thinker, posed a similar question to Applebaum.

"So in 2020, you wrote, ‘Those who live outside the Fox News bubble do not, of course, need to learn any of the stuff about Hunter Biden,’ referring to his laptop, of course," Schmidt said. "A poll later, after that, found that if voters knew about the content of the laptop, 16% of Joe Biden voters would have acted differently."

"Do you think the media acted inappropriately when they instantly dismissed Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation, and what can we learn from that in ensuring that what we label as disinformation is truly disinformation and not reality?” Schmidt asked.

"My problem with Hunter Biden’s laptop is I think it’s totally irrelevant," Applebaum responded. "I mean, it’s not whether it’s disinformation or — I mean, I didn’t think Hunter Biden’s business relationships have anything to do with who should be president of the United States. So I don’t find it to be interesting."

Stelter and this Applebaum twit, deserve to be fired and publicly ridiculed. Sooo.

@Stelter - Well well well...so you can't dodge the questions with your favourite pass time...eating. So you say that when the media screws up, admit it. Yet...you fat POS...you have NOT admitted it. So Brian...you're a partisan hack with serious problems. Your network is hanging by a thread and you...you ugly little man-thing...are a Gawd Damn LIAR!!!

@Applebaum - Hey bitch. Not relevant? You're either dumb as a stump, or an ugly little Tweenkie LIAR! Which is it Dumpy?


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On 4/3/2022 at 2:21 PM, eyeball said:

I would suggest the real frustration stems from the fact there's no actual evidence of the active suppression and censoring you're talking about because such a thing would require the coordinated cooperation of competing media outlets with officials from government institutions and political parties. Like the conspiracy chem trail conspiracy hundreds if not thousands of people would be required to pull it off.

Where are the whistle-blowers bearing memo's, emails, policy papers, assessment reports etc that would attend all this activity?


According to Pew Research Center, 31% of all U.S. adults claim they regularly get their news on facebook, 22% get their news on You Tube, and 13% on twitter. It's common knowledge that at least facebook and twitter suppressed the New York Post's Hunter Biden laptop story (which implicated Joe Biden). They did it by such means as not allowing the story to be shared with others. The point is that you don't require total coordinated cooperation from media outlets, government institutions, and political parties, to sway presidential elections which are usually fairly close. If the story hadn't been suppressed could Trump have won? That we'll never know.


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How many Americans don't get news from any source? I would put US television news on the same level as Facebook, you tube and twitter. The best source for credible news is newspapers.  None are perfect but they are more credible than anything on television.

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5 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

How many Americans don't get news from any source? I would put US television news on the same level as Facebook, you tube and twitter. The best source for credible news is newspapers.  None are perfect but they are more credible than anything on television.

Well, as far as I'm concerned decades of politicians playing coy about their plans to us and especially to the media have contributed greatly to the proliferation of both widespread mistrust and fake/incredible news. Nature may abhor a vacuum but it's nothing compared to the loathing that politicians have cultivated with their utter dearth of open honesty. 

I think the best source would be straight from the horse's mouths directly. The only way I ever see the day of virtual total public awareness will be the emergence of a populist party whose express purpose is to purge our governance of as much secrecy as possible.

I can see why the media might not like the idea of outlawing in-camera lobbying too.

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On 3/24/2022 at 12:23 PM, suds said:

I'm going with the theory that the only reason the NYT's ran this story is because someone from the Justice Department tipped them off and indictments are on the way. The important thing is how the laptop implicates Joe Biden in all this. It's also possible that the powers that be have decided that Joe has become a liability/embarrassment  to the Democratic party and has got to go. Or it could be that this was the plan all along.

Your speculation is ridiculous, a story saying anything about anyone these days may be for increased sales and not have anything to do with the facts , or taking partial facts that can mean nothing , like your above speculation does. I know one thing and that is the right believe always that a lie is more effective then the truth any day and even when the truth makes their point they lie anyway. So everyone's best option is to work backwards with the right and assume it is a lie to start with and then work backwards to the truth.

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On 4/8/2022 at 1:38 PM, suds said:

According to Pew Research Center, 31% of all U.S. adults claim they regularly get their news on facebook, 22% get their news on You Tube, and 13% on twitter. It's common knowledge that at least facebook and twitter suppressed the New York Post's Hunter Biden laptop story (which implicated Joe Biden). They did it by such means as not allowing the story to be shared with others. The point is that you don't require total coordinated cooperation from media outlets, government institutions, and political parties, to sway presidential elections which are usually fairly close. If the story hadn't been suppressed could Trump have won? That we'll never know.


What a hoot with the ugly story's about Trump himself and his criminally inclined family ,Hunter Bidens story is about 1/10 the ugliness and hate and bigotry and evilness of Trump and his gang. It means nothing till the judge says it is something. It looks like the Trumps will be going down way before Hunter Biden goes down and Joe Biden will never go down for this crap laden nonsense. So I agree these story's all of them should have been way more prominent right before the election , Then Trump would have lost by a hell of a lot more.  My favorite story about Trump is his Piss tapes and him raping a 13 year old and telling her if she says anything he will kill her. See how easy it is to spread anything you want to spread. By the way I believe my last two charges about Trump way more then Jo Biden being involved in what your trying to sell here.

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