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Conservative Leadership September 10th

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18 hours ago, Moonbox said:

Balancing the budget is common sense and math.  There's nothing ideological about making sure you don't spend more than you can afford. 

Who are you...concurring with, exactly?  

See you agree with me in a sense.  Balancing the budget is just common sense and does not make one some rabid right wing conservative - except in the minds of socialists.  What if I argues less program spending and more military spending.  

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14 hours ago, Moonbox said:

He really wasn't.  Trudeau will be forgotten as an ineffective dolt 10 years.  Trump will long be remembered as not only the worst president in US history, but probably the worst leader in the G7 since WW2.  

Keep convincing yourself of that if you have to, but the fact is that Canadians found the Freedom Convoy such an ignorant, stupid and distasteful movement that they barely even cared about the Emergency Act.  This wasn't Far-Left sentiment.  This was just...everyone sentiment.  Even the majority of the CPC members disagreed with what they were doing.  

PP is hardly Stephen Harper 2.0.  At best he's doing an impression of Preston Manning. 

Though he's certainly no Donald Trump, the Freedom Convoy was VERY Trumpy (as is your moronic hyperbole) and by voicing his support for them and by being a bit of a demagogue himself, that's how Canadian voters will view him.  His Purity politics in the leadership campaign is only confirming it.  

Trump was one of the best for so many reasons.  Not sure why you dislike him so much, and I must assume being a Red Tory, you hate Republicans in general?

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12 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said:

Trump was the best POTUS since Reagan

it is Biden who will go down as one of the worst

most Canadians are on the far left

and their perception of the freedom convoy is a clear example of that

PP is a run of the mill Harpercon,

and you think that is somehow worse than Trudeau

which just goes how far to the left you are

O'Toole was much further left than Harper

and he still wasn't far enough to left for you to even come close to voting for him

you won't vote for any CPC candidate at this point

no matter how much further they move to left

all you will see is Donald Trump regardless 

they could become the furthest left party in Canada

and you'd still consider them far right white supremacists who are ignorant, distasteful and stupid, regardless of their actual politics

you will simply vote for whoever the media claims the "knowledgeable, tasteful and smart" voters are going to vote for

and against whoever the media claims the "ignorant, distasteful and stupid" voters are going to vote for

you do not think for yourself and you have no principles, you've descended into knee jerk identity politics

Trump's mistake is he trusted his advisors too much.  Especially globalist shills like John Bolton and Bob Barr, and then that traitor Mike Pence who certified the election results.

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4 hours ago, Moonbox said:

The world was much worse off after Trump.  World leaders didn't respect him.  They feared his erratic behavior, his unhinged speeches and his threats.  The division that Trump sowed with not only in the USA but also among his allies is one of the key reasons that Putin was emboldened to attack. Trump set trust in the USA back decades and Putin saw division (and therefore weakness) in NATO.  

Because Trump spitefully decided to cancel the last one for no good reason.  

China has been looming over Taiwan for as long as I've been alive.  

The Ukraine war, yeah - the one that Trump's buddy Putin started.  

I'd argue the freedom convoy had absolutely nothing to do with it, considering how little support they had.  Health trends led to the mandates being lifted.  

ROFL.  You supported the nuclear deal with Iran?  Ok, now I know you are not conservative.

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31 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

First off, Pierre Poilievre has been vocally against abortion and gay marriage in the past.  That he's apparently changed his mind on these issues is noted, but then he also says he'd allow free votes on these issues from his caucus.  That's not good enough.  Allowing what effectively represents a challenge on these fundamental rights is enough to scare off gay people and plenty of women, regardless of how likely they are to succeed.  Don't take my word for it though.  Ask some gay people how they feel.  

Is that why Alberta has been a wasteland for the Liberals since Pierre TRudeau? 

That's because you view them as "completely opposite" (your words, not mine).  

Convincing you is irrelevant.  You're going to vote Conservative no matter who the leader is, and from the sounds of it you've never voted anything else.  What matters is how the undecided voter feels, and too bad so sorry, those undecided voters are centrists and they're not going to be impressed with Preston Manning 2.0.  

Believe it or not, you can disapprove of Justin and still vote for him if you think the alternative is worse. You're right that you can't fix stupid, so if the CPC thinks that picking a controversial, divisive and inflammatory leader is the best way to build bridges to the centre, you're absolutely right.  They'll be getting what they deserve.  

MPs voting their conscience and not wanting to murder babies is a bad thing?

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1 hour ago, Moonbox said:

1....First off, Pierre Poilievre has been vocally against abortion and gay marriage in the past.  That he's apparently changed his mind on these issues is noted, but then he also says he'd allow free votes on these issues from his caucus.  That's not good enough.  Allowing what effectively represents a challenge on these fundamental rights is enough to scare off gay people and plenty of women, regardless of how likely they are to succeed.  Don't take my word for it though.  Ask some gay people how they feel.  

2....Is that why Alberta has been a wasteland for the Liberals since Pierre TRudeau? 

That's because you view them as "completely opposite" (your words, not mine).  

Convincing you is irrelevant.  You're going to vote Conservative no matter who the leader is, and from the sounds of it you've never voted anything else.  What matters is how the undecided voter feels, and too bad so sorry, those undecided voters are centrists and they're not going to be impressed with Preston Manning 2.0.  

Believe it or not, you can disapprove of Justin and still vote for him if you think the alternative is worse. You're right that you can't fix stupid, so if the CPC thinks that picking a controversial, divisive and inflammatory leader is the best way to build bridges to the centre, you're absolutely right.  They'll be getting what they deserve.  

1....So what I've been very vocal about terrorist scumbags in the past, i had some real anger issues back then....today it does not mean I'm going to kill anyone, are we going to be best friends probable not, I've changed becasue it was nessicary, that and against the law here in Canada....Even if there was a vote, do you really think the majority is going to really vote these carved in stone points...not really... and if gay people think that they have swallowed the liberals talking points...

2.... Thats right but nobody really cares about them guys anyways... Canada starts and stops at Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. nothing else matters.. And thats right i did say that, The liberal voter and myself have nothing in common, other than we are Canadians , love beer and hockey, maybe poutine, maple syrup and pancakes, and beaver tails, meat pies, and dirty girls...politically nothing, moral values not very many....But that is my opinion, not every ones...

3.... And your right convincing me does not matter.... Again your not reading what i have posted, I DID NOT vote last year becasue of flip flopper not meeting my expectations....But your 100 % right never have or will vote for a liberal, NDPer, I'll leave off Green party becasue no one really votes for them any way except those in prison or on mushrooms...

4...You can do what ever it is you want, for me i will not support someone who's moral values do not line up with mine, I don't trust anything he says becasue he has deceived and lied so often I'm not sure when he is telling the truth or not...He has done the same thing to other worlds leaders...he can not make a decision on anything of real value.

So let me be clear... after 8 years of Justin in power and you are going to continue to support him then you must have the same moral convictions as he does... or good moral values don't matter to you...In that case vote for what ever tickles your banana boat...it does not effect me one way or another...Thats not stupid that is having some principles.. they use to count back in the day... Again , and again, I've said vote for whom ever you want... i don't care...and if the Conservatives don't get elected then yes they got what they deserved as well...and in 4 years time we will all be back on here doing the same thing...whining about Justin...and not being able to figure out what is wrong with this country...either way I'm good, retired, got way more money than i really need, house is paid off... 

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47 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

1....So what I've been very vocal about terrorist scumbags in the past, i had some real anger issues back then....today it does not mean I'm going to kill anyone, are we going to be best friends probable not, I've changed becasue it was nessicary, that and against the law here in Canada....Even if there was a vote, do you really think the majority is going to really vote these carved in stone points...not really... and if gay people think that they have swallowed the liberals talking points...

2.... Thats right but nobody really cares about them guys anyways... Canada starts and stops at Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. nothing else matters.. And thats right i did say that, The liberal voter and myself have nothing in common, other than we are Canadians , love beer and hockey, maybe poutine, maple syrup and pancakes, and beaver tails, meat pies, and dirty girls...politically nothing, moral values not very many....But that is my opinion, not every ones...

3.... And your right convincing me does not matter.... Again your not reading what i have posted, I DID NOT vote last year becasue of flip flopper not meeting my expectations....But your 100 % right never have or will vote for a liberal, NDPer, I'll leave off Green party becasue no one really votes for them any way except those in prison or on mushrooms...

4...You can do what ever it is you want, for me i will not support someone who's moral values do not line up with mine, I don't trust anything he says becasue he has deceived and lied so often I'm not sure when he is telling the truth or not...He has done the same thing to other worlds leaders...he can not make a decision on anything of real value.

So let me be clear... after 8 years of Justin in power and you are going to continue to support him then you must have the same moral convictions as he does... or good moral values don't matter to you...In that case vote for what ever tickles your banana boat...it does not effect me one way or another...Thats not stupid that is having some principles.. they use to count back in the day... Again , and again, I've said vote for whom ever you want... i don't care...and if the Conservatives don't get elected then yes they got what they deserved as well...and in 4 years time we will all be back on here doing the same thing...whining about Justin...and not being able to figure out what is wrong with this country...either way I'm good, retired, got way more money than i really need, house is paid off... 

You are in a good place then.  I can no longer post on Facebook at the wife's insistence.  If we were retired I wouldn't give a rats ass whom I offended on Facebook. What can they do to me then?  But we all know about cancel culture and the vindictiveness of the left.  Actually and this is no joke, the future probably will bring cancel culture to new heights.  Imagine in North America getting your social security or Canada Pension Plan put on hold because you express unpopular views.  One doesn't have to be too paranoid to envision that.  There was even a poster here once who I think would fully support that - believing one should be punished for bad opinions.  

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3 hours ago, Army Guy said:

So let me be clear... after 8 years of Justin in power and you are going to continue to support him then you must have the same moral convictions as he does...

It's always a choice dude.  I'm just not going to be a baby and not vote at all if I don't like any of the candidates.  I'll put on on my big-boy pants, make an adult decision based on the leaders, candidates and their platforms and choose the one that I find the least repulsive.  Give me someone from the CPC aside from Pierre Polievre (or Leslyn Lewis) and they'll almost certainly have my vote.  

3 hours ago, Army Guy said:

or good moral values don't matter to you...

Oh please.  Spare us your self-righteous ignorance.  My morals are better than your morals...blah blah blah.  


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3 hours ago, Faramir said:

You are in a good place then.  I can no longer post on Facebook at the wife's insistence.  If we were retired I wouldn't give a rats ass whom I offended on Facebook. What can they do to me then?  But we all know about cancel culture and the vindictiveness of the left.  Actually and this is no joke, the future probably will bring cancel culture to new heights.  Imagine in North America getting your social security or Canada Pension Plan put on hold because you express unpopular views.  One doesn't have to be too paranoid to envision that.  There was even a poster here once who I think would fully support that - believing one should be punished for bad opinions.  

Well I'm in a much better place for sure, I still have my moments, flash backs or my wife calls it staring out in space for a few minutes...and certain triggers... but a lot better than i was after my last tour....I don't remember the amount of lectures we got from posting stuff on social media... I actually started here, and on a few other forums during my second tour in Afghanistan, thought it would explain a lot of things happening here..... lots of people had questions so i explained our day to day stuff...it was a tough experience, not many Canadians agreed with why we were here, got a lot of flack...fuck them it was not there war any ways...Remained here it was the calmest of all the other forums...

A lot of risk , it is even tougher today as they really want to control the message... I find people don't want to know the truth....they are content with a 6 pack and the hockey game... 

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51 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

It's always a choice dude.  I'm just not going to be a baby and not vote at all if I don't like any of the candidates.  I'll put on on my big-boy pants, make an adult decision based on the leaders, candidates and their platforms and choose the one that I find the least repulsive.  Give me someone from the CPC aside from Pierre Polievre (or Leslyn Lewis) and they'll almost certainly have my vote.  

Oh please.  Spare us your self-righteous ignorance.  My morals are better than your morals...blah blah blah.  


You put on what ever you want pants, dress, tutu, bunny suit ... your choice, and you can make it any way you want... and if it makes you feel superior to have an issue with how i do my chioce then go for it, spread your tiny wings and fly with it......you or your opinion mean jack shit to me, I've been telling you that for a while now....But then again thats how you role, thinking your on a pedestal and your shit don't stink...... it seems unless they hold your opinion then they are pieces of shit, pretty standard for your generation......news flash sparky nobody cares, i have told you that the entire time we have been posting...

Once again, your debating skills suck but your insults are getting better maybe a 4 out of 10... I've gotten to a point in my life where i don't care what you or anyone else thinks of me ... if you need your ego stroked to get through the day or get in x amount of insults .... then you'll have to find someone else....ask your wife to start talking to you or something...

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45 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

it seems unless they hold your opinion then they are pieces of shit, pretty standard for your generation......news flash sparky nobody cares, i have told you that the entire time we have been posting...

It seems like when your reasoning is questioned, you just sort of get flustered, lean into the expletives and make sweeping judgments about other people's character.  

Please, tell me more about how my generation thinks (whatever you figure that is) and about my moral convictions and how they're lacking (along with all of those awful Liberals). ?


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I think we both need a break from each other for now only so much crazy i can handle in one night......

I think I've covered everything there is to say about your moral character, but i do give classes on Fridays and Sundays, if you want to learn more....


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9 hours ago, Moonbox said:

The alternatives are not the same.  It's easy to highlight differences.  Your problem is that you're not happy with anything but the complete opposite of the Liberals. 

and immature and silly attitude, considering most people don't share your values.  This is like taking your ball and going home because people won't play exactly how you want.  It's pure identity politics and it's utterly pointless, stubborn denial.   

highlight the differences then, if it's so easy

I don't care if most Canadians don’t share my values

I'm not going to change my values to pander to them

they are the identity politics crowd, I don't do identity politics

the only differences between the major parties is that different identity groups support different parties

but there are no major policy differences on actually important issues

you accuse me of playing identity politics

while you allow identity politics to convince you there is any real differences between the parties

you're the sucker for identity politics, captain projection

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1 minute ago, Yzermandius19 said:

highlight the differences then, if it's so easy

The biggest and most obvious is fiscal responsibility.  A red tory like Charest or even Brown (to a much lesser degree) actually cares about reigning in deficits and wasteful public spending.  Patrick Brown, for example, campaigned to dismantle Ontario's disastrous Green Energy Act, abolish Ontario's estate administration tax - both things the Liberals and NDP in the province were again.  

1 minute ago, Yzermandius19 said:

I don't care if most Canadians don’t share my values

I'm not going to change my values to pander to them

Nobody's asking you to change your values.  I'd suggest that you realize other people's values might be very different and that insisting on having yours pandered to at the cost of choosing an unelectable Party leader is not wise.   

1 minute ago, Yzermandius19 said:

they are the identity politics crowd, I don't do identity politics

Yes...you really, really do.  

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14 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

The biggest and most obvious is fiscal responsibility.  A red tory like Charest or even Brown (to a much lesser degree) actually cares about reigning in deficits and wasteful public spending.  Patrick Brown, for example, campaigned to dismantle Ontario's disastrous Green Energy Act, abolish Ontario's estate administration tax - both things the Liberals and NDP in the province were again.  


O'Toole wanted to spend like a drunken sailor

and caved on climate

the CPC just stole the LPC platform, and still that wasn't enough compromise for you

the parties are the same, even on your cherry picked issues

the parties you support are the identity politics parties

the NDP is the ultimate identity politics party and you voted for them

if anyone supports identity politics around here, it's you

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6 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:


O'Toole wanted to spend like a drunken sailor

and caved on climate

the parties are the same, even your cherry picked issues

the parties you support are the identity politics parties

The parties you support are losers because their constituents are...a lot like you.  I don't know about you but it only takes a few bad cherries to make me turn my nose up at the whole basket.

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5 minutes ago, eyeball said:

The parties you support are losers because their constituents are...a lot like you.  Only takes a few bad cherries t

the parties I support don't win

because Canadians hate freedom

America Derangement Syndrome is a helluva drug

if America came out in support of oxygen tomorrow

many Canadians would hold their breath and refuse to breathe in the "poisonous" oxygen

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Just now, Yzermandius19 said:

the parties I support don't win

because Canadians hate freedom

I hate freedom...I love being dictated to...I hope some government steals my property...

Hmmm...I'm afraid these just don't feel true when I say them to myself.  Am I saying it wrong or something?

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6 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I hate freedom...I love being dictated to...I hope some government steals my property...

Hmmm...I'm afraid these just don't feel true when I say them to myself.  Am I saying it wrong or something?

as long as it's someone else's freedom, someone else being dictated to and someone else's property being stolen

you're all for it

particularly if it is being inflicted on those you strongly disagree with

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Looks like Joseph Bourgault of Bourgalt Industries (farm implement manufacturing) is tossing his name in ring. Opposes Gesundheitspass, mask mandates and carbon taxes. Says his company did a OH&S assessment on the masks and the oxygen levels were a safety concern. 

Good man. Finally a principled conservative and non politicians tosses his name in

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6 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

as long as it's someone else's freedom, someone else being dictated to and someone else's property being stolen

you're all for it

particularly if it is being inflicted on those you strongly disagree with

Really? I had no idea I was all for that.  If you say so, it is what it is. I wonder if the government will be looking for gulag guards - this could be a real opportunity for psychopaths with an ideological bent.

Are you sure you wouldn't be better off just complying? 

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