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Trucker's Convoy


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5 hours ago, Goddess said:

Canadians Voting With Their Feet As Emigration Surges & More New Canadians Think Of Leaving - Spencer Fernando

I suspect the false invoking of the Emergency Act and the jailing of political prisoners is also going to tell investors to keep their money out of Canada from now on.

Thanks, Trudope.

Bill Maher has a segment called, “I can’t prove it but I know it’s true.”   I would say that about our situation today.  I can’t prove it, but I think Canada is the staging ground zero of a new authoritarian international order.   The pandemic provided the opportunity to test radical restrictions and behaviour mandates.  It provided the excuse to implement a digital ID that makes a reduced number of freedoms available to those who accept a government-mandated health regimen.  Most Canadians took the jabs and got the vax passes.  Those who didn’t were humiliated publicly by the government, called unscientific, fringe, racist, and misogynist, with “unacceptable views”.  The people who protested these mandates were declared unlawful.  They had their bank accounts frozen.  Many had already lost their jobs.  They were made examples of and the fear of workplace and social repercussions for supporting the protests were and still are palpable.

As this was happening we learned directly from the head of World Economic Forum that it had “penetrated” more than half of the Canadian Cabinet, the Ministers who govern the country.

The day after Trudeau backed off the Emergencies Act (once it looked like the Senate wasn’t going to vote in favour with the House of Commons), Putin invaded Ukraine.  Just two nights before that Putin played “Oh Canada” on the piano, stopping before the word “free”.   He too is a WEF “global leader”.   Chrystia Freeland is a Trustee of the WEF.

The invasion of Ukraine distracted us all from the collapse of Canadian democracy that had literally just unfolded. Trudeau and Freeland pointed to the threat to democracy in Ukraine as though the “slippage” of democracy in Canada had never happened.  Of course, how dare we complain about what happened in Canada?   Look at the poor Ukrainians.

As provinces lifted restrictions we saw inflation surge, punishing drivers and travellers as they tried to exercise their somewhat regained freedoms.  As people are punished at the fuel pumps and grocery stores, Trudeau tells us we have begun a new climate change program and the carbon taxes will keep coming.  His party slammed the door on the opposition by entering into a partnership with the NDP, a party that only got 15% of the votes in the last election but is forcing more inflationary spending on the Canadian public for three more years.

Oh, and let’s not forget the federal vaccine mandates and digital vaccine passports.  Trudeau has kept them in place and won’t even discuss their removal, even as all provinces remove mandates and the unvaccinated truckers and their families continue to suffer economically, as though having fewer trucks doing deliveries doesn’t add to the cost of goods…

This government is bad news.  It’s a dictatorship because it fits the bill through actions and words.  Sadly, our mainstream press is essentially bought by the government and can’t honestly be called free.  Big tech has supported the government and media narratives because it dare not support “unacceptable views”.

Eastern Europeans and Chinese Canadians at the protests said that they’d seen these kinds of government actions in the countries they fled.  Are they all conspiracy theorists?  Are their views unacceptable?

Edited by Zeitgeist
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Interesting that in the committee discussion of vaccine mandates, the effectiveness of blanket mandates is debunked.  At best there are select groups — elderly and immune-compromised — for whom vaccines are highly recommended.  Anyway that’s what I’ve gleaned from this discussion but decide for yourself:


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10 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

Interesting that in the committee discussion of vaccine mandates, the effectiveness of blanket mandates is debunked.  At best there are select groups — elderly and immune-compromised — for whom vaccines are highly recommended.  Anyway that’s what I’ve gleaned from this discussion but decide for yourself.

I follow a very good investigative journalist on YouTube - The Pulse.

2 very good discussions I've watched recently:



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10 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

Interesting that in the committee discussion of vaccine mandates, the effectiveness of blanket mandates is debunked.  At best there are select groups — elderly and immune-compromised — for whom vaccines are highly recommended.  Anyway that’s what I’ve gleaned from this discussion but decide for yourself:


So basically what alot of us have been saying for over a year now ?

Didn't take a rocket scientist to look at the data (when it wasn't withheld) and point out the obvious. 

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18 hours ago, Goddess said:

This is what I don't get - MSM has been shown to be totally a propaganda arm of the Canadian government

Shown how and with what?  Do you have a trove of emails, memos, meeting notes, reports, policy papers, eye-witnesses and whistle-blowers from amongst the hundreds of people from government and industry that such a plot would require?

No, all you've got is the gas you've lit yourself up with along with the imaginary mental spooks haunting your thoughts.

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11 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Shown how and with what?  Do you have a trove of emails, memos, meeting notes, reports, policy papers, eye-witnesses and whistle-blowers from amongst the hundreds of people from government and industry that such a plot would require?

No, all you've got is the gas you've lit yourself up with along with the imaginary mental spooks haunting your thoughts.

Please. You've been shown all the lies that have had to be retracted over the Convoy, over and over again. Lies that were used by the government to shut down a peaceful protest and bring in the Emergency Act illegally, which has made Canada the laughing stock of the world.

For gawd's sake - the CRA was forced to admit publicly that it LIED about truckers ransacking its offices.

Just because you CHOSE to believe the lies and not inform yourself on what was really going on in Ottawa - there were literally thousands of videos that told a very different story than you were being spoon-fed by MSM - that's on YOU, dude.

Ignore them all you want, it's really up to you.  Willfully ignorant looks great on you.

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11 hours ago, Goddess said:

Please. You've been shown all the lies that have had to be retracted over the Convoy, over and over again.

I'm looking for evidence of the networks of corporate CEO's and their employees along with political party and government officials that are involved in producing all the lies you keep talking about.

You fail to appreciate just what it is you're implying when you refer to the msm the way you do.  A conspiracy like the chem-trail conspiracy that must involve hundreds if not thousands of operatives that actually carry out the tasks required to implement the control of information.  We're talking round the clock shifts given the global 24/hr a day nature of the flow of news.

Where are they, who are they, how many people are you talking about?  Do you have any data, studies, investigative journalism, mediums...anything at all to substantiate the size and scope of what you're....not describing?   

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6 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I'm looking for evidence of the networks of corporate CEO's and their employees along with political party and government officials that are involved in producing all the lies you keep talking about.

You fail to appreciate just what it is you're implying when you refer to the msm the way you do.  A conspiracy like the chem-trail conspiracy that must involve hundreds if not thousands of operatives that actually carry out the tasks required to implement the control of information.  We're talking round the clock shifts given the global 24/hr a day nature of the flow of news.

Where are they, who are they, how many people are you talking about?  Do you have any data, studies, investigative journalism, mediums...anything at all to substantiate the size and scope of what you're....not describing?   

You've been provided these repeatedly. My guess is you don't actually read anything you are given 

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1 minute ago, West said:

You've been provided these repeatedly. My guess is you don't actually read anything you are given 

There's been no proof of a concerted and deliberate attempt to misinform across all of mainstream media.  There have been "got'cha" moments about which you folks crow, but which prove nothing more than incompetence.

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28 minutes ago, dialamah said:

There's been no proof of a concerted and deliberate attempt to misinform across all of mainstream media.  There have been "got'cha" moments about which you folks crow, but which prove nothing more than incompetence.

Oh please. How many fake one-way stories do you have to be shown in order to understand that its deliberate? 

You think if a police horse would've ran over a black lives matter protester that the MSM would've glossed that over? We'd still be hearing about how racist cops are and calls would still be heard for police reform. Happens to protesters they don't like? Crickets. 

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11 hours ago, West said:

You've been provided these repeatedly. My guess is you don't actually read anything you are given 


There is an inquiry going on right now about the convoy and the invoking of the Emergency Act.

Testimony yesterday was that:

  • There were no guns found
  • There was no Nazi influence
  • It was not foreign funded
  • There was no intent to overthrow the government
  • Invoking the Act was an illegal action
  • The parking and noise could have been addressed with local by-laws but are in fact, part of legal protests and demonstrations
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4 minutes ago, Goddess said:


There is an inquiry going on right now about the convoy and the invoking of the Emergency Act.

Testimony yesterday was that:

  • There were no guns found
  • There was no Nazi influence
  • It was not foreign funded
  • There was no intent to overthrow the government
  • Invoking the Act was an illegal action
  • The parking and noise could have been addressed with local by-laws but are in fact, part of legal protests and demonstrations

All of which our politicians fed to the media who then mindlessly parroted the nonsense. Prime example of this sort of circular logic. 

1. Have an "expert" or government official feed a fake narrative to the press. 

2. Press runs with it 24/7 for weeks, shaping perception of the viewer.

3. When it's debunked issue a tiny retraction and move onto the next hoax hoping nobody notices or is paying attention. 

Never the same air time given to the retraction.

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US Convoy gives up...


"Protesting for freedoms that they have"

"Three weeks after the so-called “People’s Convoy” landed in Washington, D.C., the group is calling it quits after accomplishing nothing except injuring residents and circling the Beltway."

How much better it would have been if ours had ended similarly.  Oh well, the effort is starting to fade from memory already isn't it ? 

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37 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Oh well, the effort is starting to fade from memory already isn't it ? 


The Calgary rallies are in the news.

But MSM doesn't seem to report on any of the other Freedom rallies in Canada or around the world.  BC has huge ones.  And in Europe.

But I understand if CBC doesn't cover it, it doesn't exist for you. ?

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So, Pat King, the only convoy protester in jail and has been there since Feb 18 is still without lawyers. Seems he is having trouble finding someone help him get bail. He finds some then he hires, then fires them, then has trouble finding more to take his case and when he finds some, the ones he chose now do not show up for court. This guy is a joke but to some, he is a hero.

Maybe he has nowhere to go, no job to go to so, room and board courtesy of the City of Ottawa is OK with him LOL

The Canadian Press

'Freedom Convoy' leader Pat King's legal team in flux, still 'shopping for lawyers'

35 mins ago

OTTAWA — A key figure in the "freedom convoy" that gridlocked downtown Ottawa earlier this year to protest against COVID-19 restrictions is still looking for lawyers to represent him at trial.

 © Provided by The Canadian Press

Pat King, who has been in custody since his Feb. 18 arrest, told a virtual hearing in Ontario court today that he is currently "shopping for lawyers."


Crown attorney Moiz Karimjee says he is concerned about the time King has been taking to secure lawyers on the record.

King has said in past court appearances that it has been hard to connect with legal counsel while he has been in custody.


He also says he has two new lawyers to represent him for his bail review, although neither of them were at the appearance today.

King, who is facing 10 charges related to his alleged role organizing the Ottawa protests, including mischief, intimidation, obstructing police and disobeying a court order, is scheduled to return to court later this month.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published April 4, 2022.



The Canadian Press


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On 3/30/2022 at 9:09 PM, eyeball said:

I'm looking for evidence of the networks of corporate CEO's and their employees along with political party and government officials that are involved in producing all the lies you keep talking about.

Where are they, who are they, how many people are you talking about? 

They're people like you eyeball.

When the HR people at CCCG wanna hire people they look at their social media accounts so that they know for sure that they're getting what Stalin would have called a 'useful idiot'. 

A newsroom full of useful idiots doesn't need to be coordinated, they're all eager to spread lies and disinformation.


Do you have any data, studies, investigative journalism, mediums...anything at all to substantiate the size and scope of what you're....not describing?   

We have something better. We have proof of what the actual story was and how it was spun to us.

Trudeau started this all off, saying that unvaxed people are 'very often racists and misogynists'. The MSM ignored his obvious hate speech, and then when the Freedom Convoy started rolling the MSM doubled down on Trudeau's hate speech. 

-They said that there were swastikas and confederate flags everywhere but they just never managed to have any camera equipment around when the flags went up. 

-They said that there were horns honking all night but horns ended at 6pm.

-They said that shop owners were being threatened and harassed into closing but it was actually the gov't that wanted the shops closed so that truckers couldn't buy things there.

-They accused convoy members of desecrating and vandalizing war memorials and that was another blatant lie.

-When the police trampled protesters they said that it wasn't 'trampling' and that it was no big deal

-When the police were caught on video viciously beating protesters who were on their knees the MSM refused to show any of it

In order to see peaceful Canadian protesters getting viciously beaten by police you have to watch foreign media. That's basically all the proof we need to prove that the MSM here are lackeys for the PM.

The CEO of CBC may as well be given the title Minister of Propaganda. If he was his job wouldn't change one bit. 

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What you’re saying is at least true enough to illustrate profound government overreach, mistreatment of millions of Canadians (by extension all Canadians if we believe that “an injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”), and that our press isn’t free in the important ways a democracy needs a free press to have a well-informed population.

 I find it funny how my news feed is now filled with items from “The Canadian Press”.  The name says it all: Here’s your official, approved state news.  The articles are written by the same Canadian MSM.  A rose by any other name…

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33 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Sad story.  He took bad advice from somewhere... hopefully didn't ruin his whole life.

In a free country he wouldn’t be in jail.  He may have said stupid racist things.  I don’t know because I haven’t listened to his ramblings.  It shouldn’t matter.  The spectrum of acceptable discourse is narrow in Canada.  Not really a pluralistic society anymore.  

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1 hour ago, Zeitgeist said:

In a free country he wouldn’t be in jail.  

If it wasn't a free country, he'd already have been convicted and assigned a significant jail time.


He may have said stupid racist things.  I don’t know because I haven’t listened to his ramblings.  It shouldn’t matter.  The spectrum of acceptable discourse is narrow in Canada.  Not really a pluralistic society anymore.  

He's not in  jail for what he said.  He's in jail because he's been charged with mischief and counselling others to commit mischief, per criminal code section 430:

430 (1) Every one commits mischief who wilfully

(a) destroys or damages property;

(b) renders property dangerous, useless, inoperative or ineffective;

(c) obstructs, interrupts or interferes with the lawful use, enjoyment or operation of property; or

(d) obstructs, interrupts or interferes with any person in the lawful use, enjoyment or operation of property.

I know it surprises a lot of people that we have laws in Canada, and that breaking them has consequences.   

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