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Why do Canadians keep supporting this error-prone government?

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1 minute ago, Queenmandy85 said:

If we give them the means to transition to nuclear, particularly thorium, they won't need to waste precious coal and oil to generate electrical power.

We're not going to do that. Most of them couldn't handle nuclear. And it's so massively expensive to set up a plant even we can't afford to build one.

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21 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

If we give them the means to transition to nuclear, particularly thorium, they won't need to waste precious coal and oil to generate electrical power.

Alas, it cannot be because thorium reactors breed plutonium used for nuclear weapons. Politics and proliferation of nuclear weapons, and all.

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20 minutes ago, Argus said:

We're not going to do that. Most of them couldn't handle nuclear. And it's so massively expensive to set up a plant even we can't afford to build one.

SMR's are the hope of the future. Small, inexpensive and simple to run and maintain. Automated, even. These are under development now.

Canada would do well to get onboard the SMR development train.

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5 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Another issue that keeps the CPC out of the running is the perception they are not committed to transitioning off fossil fuels. The Grits are not great on this issue but the CPC's books are nailed to the floor in the west because their base seems wilfully ignorant of what is happening and what is really going to happen with the climate. 

Either the CPC finds a good leader or you have the Liberals for the forseeable future.

You think the liberals are committed to transitioning off fossil fuels ?, by taxing the shit our of it, and then giving everyone a tax exemption....

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The Coles Notes answer is enough people are centre-centre left to vote Liberal. The current government managed to navigate the NAFTA negotiations successfully by bringing in a bi-partisan team including the person who should have led the CPC (Ambrose). They have handled the pandemic as well as most countries and better than the US and UK. They are faced with a series of less than desirable leaders of the opposition, so the Grits win by default.

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5 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

The Coles Notes answer is enough people are centre-centre left to vote Liberal. The current government managed to navigate the NAFTA negotiations successfully by bringing in a bi-partisan team including the person who should have led the CPC (Ambrose). They have handled the pandemic as well as most countries and better than the US and UK. They are faced with a series of less than desirable leaders of the opposition, so the Grits win by default.

Your cherry picking right now, NAFTA was not a big win , but rather an average job, we lost more than we gained. And i agree Ambrose should have been the leader, but murphy has his own law.... Handling the pandemic, i completely disagree, we were dollar short and a day late to almost every crises in the pandemic, and it has cost lives... look at where we are now, we have wasted almost a full year on getting our own manufacture of vaccines started... late shutting the border, late restricting movement and travel, late wearing masks, late getting PPE...President Biden has what percentage of his population vaccinated, over 10 percent, and the UK over 10 percent as well... and Canada is sitting at 2.31 % WOW...

I not sure how anyone can honestly say that Justin is a better leader than any other leader of the opposition. Shit given a choice I'd take the green party over Justin any day, I really am starting to think that all liberals are morally bankrupt, after scandal afetr scandal , along side of all the ethics breaches we have seen, and yet he is still in power... either that or your right all the Canadians leaders are shit, and we no longer care who is in charge....

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9 minutes ago, cannuck said:

Easy to define exactly why Canadians vote for the LPC:   $2.5 Bn cash to keep the media nodding their empty heads in approval and several hundred Bn handed out to the sheeple.

It sounds like we are painting a picture on what the average Canadian really is like, mostly whores to the old mighty dollar, we say we have morals and values, as long as they don't effect our supply of money, we have pissed away hundreds of billions of dollars with very little to show for it... when we could have fixed our health care system, our entire security apparatus, perhaps even our education system as well .. shit maybe even had some left over to boast some of other resource sectors and put back to work Canadians. 

Liberals across the country should be hanging their heads in shame , it is them that put this clown in power, it is them, that have made excuses after excuses for his screw ups , mishandling, dithering, shit the dictionary is full of words invented just for this occasion.  I can see now why Dougie was so happy for them to burn it all to the ground..no survivors.  I hope it causes great physical pain in their rectums when every one of these liberals opens their tax bill this year...

Yes I'm off my meds....

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On 2/4/2021 at 6:53 PM, Army Guy said:

Liberals across the country should be hanging their heads in shame , it is them that put this clown in power, it is them, that have made excuses after excuses for his screw ups , mishandling, dithering, shit the dictionary is full of words invented just for this occasion. 

My wife just read Rex Murphy calling the Little Tur....uh,,,geezz  TRUdeau the most incompetent PM and government ever.   When the left starts turning on him, things are starting to look better already.

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41 minutes ago, cannuck said:

My wife just read Rex Murphy calling the Little Tur....uh,,,geezz  TRUdeau the most incompetent PM and government ever.   When the left starts turning on him, things are starting to look better already.

I don't recall Murphy ever being much of a Trudeau cheerleader.

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Another glaring example of this transparent government.  i mean it is just the voters, they don't need to know and they wonder why Canadians are so divided on this issue. 

Senior Liberal staffers discussed withholding details about COVID-19 response: Internal emails (msn.com)

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On 2/1/2021 at 5:33 PM, Aristides said:

I guess you didn't read the article.

The originators of the schools intended to obliterate FN culture and replace it with their own.

I didn't see that part of the article. Can you paste it here?

Do you think it would be fair to let kids grow up in a stone age society in 1965? 

Can you describe some ways in which native culture had evolved beyond the stone age by 1950? 

Keep in mind that leftists nowadays are suggesting that if your grade 8 year old wants to transition from being a boy to being a girl, the parents shouldn't have a say in it. Why should the parents of FN kids have a say in whether or not they learn English, or math, or physics? 

Is it safe to say that in the perfect leftist world, FN people would still live in the stone age and 8 yr olds would be getting sex changes on a whim?


No, they  didn't intend residents to be abused or killed.  

Of course not, but that's not the narrative that we hear, is it?


Grilling school survivors about whether they endorsed her plan to audit all FN was just sick.


Just remember that this article is written from a far-left point of view. 

Asking for some important truths out of people is important. 

Just because something bad happened to someone doesn't mean that they get to lie about everything. 

If you ask any pampered Canadian kid what their life is like they'll almost all list a string of injustices that would partially curl one of your hairs. It's what people do. People who are speaking for the public record should be honest and tell the whole truth. 


If she is going go post letters on her website that call indigenous people lazy, opportunistic, pampered and inept, she has to take responsibility for their content.

I copy and paste your posts when I reply to them, that doesn't mean that I'm supporting them: I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't describe me as one who "flatters leftists and propagates their narratives". 

You can't have the whole conversation without dispelling the worst of rumours, and you can't address them if you don't bring them to light. 


"Some have criticized me for stating that the good, as well as the bad, of residential schools should be recognized. I stand by that statement. Others have criticized me for stating that the Truth and Reconciliation report was not as balanced as it should be. I stand by that statement as well," Beyak said in the press release.

Only a total idiot would completely refuse to consider why there were residential schools in the first place.

This isn't the Yucatan Peninsula, where stone age civilizations could still live in comparative comfort with space age cultures. It's Canada, where humans can't even survive overnight without a sturdy shelter or modern winter equipment.

Sentencing your future generation to living in the stone age here would be sentencing them to thousands of years of unnecessary cruelty. 

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John Robson has an all-encompassing denunciation of this 'smug, incompetent' government worth reading. I particularly liked his point that it's going to take us twice as long to build new warships as the first and second world wars combined lasted. And this after a decade of planning.

You may think we have a vaccination crisis in this country. And if you’re not a paid or volunteer Liberal flak you may think it’s about health not PR. But it’s really a crisis of government competence. The reason they can’t vaccinate is they can’t do much of anything.

For instance buy sidearms or ships for the armed forces. Get guns away from criminals or tell criminals from law-abiding citizens. Decide when to lock us down or explain why. Deliver a budget or explain why they haven’t. Balance the books. Fix health wait lists. Maintain infrastructure. Be transparent.

As someone observed on Twitter, it isn’t surprising that a government that takes 15 years not to purchase a military sidearm struggles to vaccinate. I can’t quote it because of the now quasi-obligatory vulgarity in our overlapping crisis of manners. But consider two headlines from last Wednesday’s Post: “Made-in-Canada vaccines won’t be ready until end of the year” and “More delays expected for navy’s new fleet”. Six pages and apparently worlds apart. But connected by a combination of ineptitude and smugness.


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In response to original post (why do Canadians keep supporting this error prone government?), because the alternative would be much worse. 

Liberals have maintain their 5% lead over the closest rival for the past many many months for that reason as voters remember Harper days.


Edited by CITIZEN_2015
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On 1/30/2021 at 4:22 PM, Army Guy said:

........we as a nation .........

There is no such thing although you might have been brainwashed to believe there is a nation. 

There ARE First NatioinS; then in addition there are people from all other possible nationS on the planet.  Many of them hate one another.

But you are right that we need to support the left for now, because the right are straight from Hell.

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19 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

In response to original post (why do Canadians keep supporting this error prone government?), because the alternative would be much worse. 

Liberals have maintain their 5% lead over the closest rival for the past many many months for that reason as voters remember Harper days.

You mean the days when we sailed relatively smoothly through a terrible recession and then balanced the budget? Those days?

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17 hours ago, cougar said:

There is no such thing although you might have been brainwashed to believe there is a nation. 

There ARE First NatioinS; then in addition there are people from all other possible nationS on the planet.  Many of them hate one another.

You accord various scattered tribes who don't get along and used to slaughter each other as nations but don't consider Canada to be one? Is this sarcasm or Trudeauism?

17 hours ago, cougar said:

But you are right that we need to support the left for now, because the right are straight from Hell.

You mean with their ideas about... uh... well, nothing much other than whatever the polls say people want?

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18 hours ago, cougar said:

There is no such thing although you might have been brainwashed to believe there is a nation. 

There ARE First NatioinS; then in addition there are people from all other possible nationS on the planet.  Many of them hate one another.

But you are right that we need to support the left for now, because the right are straight from Hell.

They are not 'first nations' . . . . . they are first immigrants.  I'm a halfbreed, and I know who I am and the warlike background of my ancestors . . . on both sides.  You seem to have child's grasp of reality. Your boy Justin has sunk this country. Hope you're happy with his antics. 

Edited by Nefarious Banana
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1 hour ago, Argus said:

You accord various scattered tribes who don't get along and used to slaughter each other as nations but don't consider Canada to be one? Is this sarcasm or Trudeauism?

You mean with their ideas about... uh... well, nothing much other than whatever the polls say people want?

So you take the Hindu who just got off the plane after spending his whole life in Bombay to be your nation?  He belonged to his own nation and culture yesterday; he still speaks his language that he uses at first opportunity but he lives on Canadian territory being given a document granting him rights to stay.

Not to pick on the Hindu or the Chinese or the Filippino or my own herritage but there has to be something more than "coexisting together somehow"  to put two or more individuals into a common nation.   

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2 hours ago, cougar said:

So you take the Hindu who just got off the plane after spending his whole life in Bombay to be your nation? 



Not to pick on the Hindu or the Chinese or the Filippino or my own herritage but there has to be something more than "coexisting together somehow"  to put two or more individuals into a common nation.   

I certainly agree. A nation is a people with a common set of values and cultural touchstones from their past who control a given territory and form an Independant society while cooperating for the greater good.

Quebec based Liberal governments have been trying with some success to flood Canada with so many foreigners that our nation is drowned in a sea of others for almost 50 years now. They bring them in greater numbers every year, making it more and more difficult for them to assimilate. But Canada, as a nation still exists, if only in watered down form

Edited by Argus
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1 minute ago, Argus said:


I certainly agree. A nation is a people with a common set of values and cultural touchstones from their past who control a given territory and form an Independant society while cooperating for the greater good.

So based on your own definitions and perceptions, it looks like we cannot consider Canada a single nation, or at least not every Canadian citizen will be in the nation as the only unifying piece is the piece of paper; without it, we have a tourist.

The "greater good" is another misleading concept.  We are so far jointly working for the "greater misery".  

And it doesn't seem to matter who we vote in - left or right.  But right is worse for the environment.


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10 minutes ago, cougar said:

So based on your own definitions and perceptions, it looks like we cannot consider Canada a single nation, or at least not every Canadian citizen will be in the nation a

You replied before I edited and expanded my post. No, not all are members yet. How could they be when, as you point out, they grew up and spent their formative years elsewhere?

10 minutes ago, cougar said:

The "greater good" is another misleading concept. 

People always disagree about what is the greater good.

10 minutes ago, cougar said:

And it doesn't seem to matter who we vote in - left or right.  But right is worse for the environment.

The Left hasn't done a damn thing for the environment but pretend they care about it.

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