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my take on covid 19 response


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On 2/7/2021 at 10:59 AM, cannuck said:

BTW: my US office sent this up today:


while we have been busy giving China the inside track on vaccine sales to Canada, the UK started from same place and has full scale production rolling along just fine.  Meanwhile Israel has been doing the work to develop treaments - one that appears to be effective.

Instead of locking down our borders, we have spent our time and money importing as much infectious agent as our porous borders could handle.  Instead of putting money into vaccine research and production or treatment, we seem to be happy just to pay everyone to stay home and watch Ms. Meng wander around from mansion to mansion.  Meanwhile our fearless leaders watch from their comfy, warm vacation hideaways.

Our fearless leaders and their government employees still work and still get paid while we the people are mentally suffering and dying from this virus and losing their jobs and going broke or bankrupt. I have not heard of any massive layoffs being applied to government workers. I guess that the government has to make sure that they keep taking our dollars and keep blowing them also. I guess that government employee grass cutter is essential. I am pretty sure that plenty of government employees can be laid off because they are not essential. Don't count on it. :unsure:

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5 hours ago, taxme said:

All of this hysteria over a virus is nonsense. It's not the plague this is just a flu virus with maybe a little more punch. Herd immunity is the answer. Not lock downs and more forced mask wearing and stop socializing. Herd immunity will more than likely kill it off as more people will start to develop immunity to any virus.

In WWI Canada had 68,000 deaths over 4 years = 17,000 deaths per year.   In WWII, Canada had 47,000 deaths over nearly 6 years = 8,000 deaths per year.   In Covid 19 Canada has had about 21,000 deaths in one year in spite of desperate measures to try to prevent spread..

It is not "just like" the flu - that claimed about 3,500 deaths in Canada for 2019 with nearly no preventative measures employed (save some vaccination).

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10 hours ago, cannuck said:

In Covid 19 Canada has had about 21,000 deaths in one year in spite of desperate measures to try to prevent spread..

Just to note that in Australia the number is around nine hundred, South Korea fourteen, with a similar population. Guess there can be desperate measures, and effective measures and the two aren't necessarily the same.

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Guys, according to the average Canadian, the liberals are doing a great job with the pandemic, so much so that Justins support has risen over the pandemic period... and that is with  WEEEEEEEE scandal, and all the other gaffs in between. A one eye and one legged penguin suffering from metal health issues from the Ottawa zoo could have done a better job. 

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2 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Guys, according to the average Canadian, the liberals are doing a great job with the pandemic, so much so that Justins support has risen over the pandemic period... and that is with  WEEEEEEEE scandal, and all the other gaffs in between. A one eye and one legged penguin suffering from metal health issues from the Ottawa zoo could have done a better job. 

And this is the true, real cause of everything we see complete with public $X million GG and CEO pensions and parachutes. The boredom, the complacency of the folks, all is going how it should be and according to the plan. A dinosaur that thought those juicy fat leaves will always be there, like those public trillions.

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So remember that promise to check all travelers and quarantine them in hotels? Still not happening. May never happen. And even when it does, most travelers will be exempt.

Canadian news consumers can be forgiven if they believe everyone landing at this country’s airports from abroad is being locked up for three days in hotels awaiting results of mandatory COVID tests conducted upon arrival. It was widely portrayed as a fait accompli. “Now you have to get tested when you land … and then you stay in a hotel for three nights,” the Toronto Star reported on Jan. 30.

Ten days later, I can confirm this has not come to pass. I am not convinced it ever will.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other ministers have suggested the cost might be as high as $2,000, which is simply larcenous. New Zealand charges 3,100 Kiwi bucks ($2,850) for 14 days of quarantine.

But more importantly: Whereas 14 days makes sense in New Zealand, three days makes very little medical sense anywhere.


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On 2/8/2021 at 8:27 PM, cannuck said:

In WWI Canada had 68,000 deaths over 4 years = 17,000 deaths per year.   In WWII, Canada had 47,000 deaths over nearly 6 years = 8,000 deaths per year.   In Covid 19 Canada has had about 21,000 deaths in one year in spite of desperate measures to try to prevent spread..

It is not "just like" the flu - that claimed about 3,500 deaths in Canada for 2019 with nearly no preventative measures employed (save some vaccination).

Believe what you want to believe and so will I but if there is this big concern over this convid virus then we will all be in big time trouble very soon. Maybe you have not noticed yet or you have been stuck and hiding in your basement for months but whenever I go outside I am seeing tens of thousands of people in my travels, and this happens every day, who are out walking or driving some vehicle without a mask on. And no doubt this is happening in all over Canada. By what you believe this should be a disaster for us all and that we should be seeing plenty of people dying in the streets.

35 million people roaming around out there every day in Canada. It would appear to me that probably most of those people out there are not all that concerned about catching this China virus. Maybe they just do not believe what they are being told anymore. Maybe they just want to get on with their lives and get back to the old normal lives and dam the consequences. That is what I do and say every day. Dam the consequences. 

Personally, I think that anyone who is always in a state of fear and panic and paranoia should go see their doctor and get some pills from their doctor so they can try to chill themselves out and stop acting like a bunch of crazy in the head buffoons. Pretty much everyone I know has not caught this China virus as of yet which seems odd seeing that it is supposed to be one very dangerous virus as we are told. Just who are all of these people that are catching and dying from this China virus anyway?

Even this PCR test apparently is not reliable. It has been known to give false positive readings. Some people are being told that they have Covid but they may not have it at all. You could be locked down for weeks in your home over a false negative reading. I will never believe the Covid stats that are told to us are all for real anymore. Why? Because I do not bother to listen to nor trust politicians or the media anymore. They have all become pretty much all professional liars. Just my opinion of course. :D

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2 hours ago, taxme said:

Believe what you want to believe and so will I but if there is this big concern over this convid virus then we will all be in big time trouble very soon. Maybe you have not noticed yet or you have been stuck and hiding in your basement for months but whenever I go outside I am seeing tens of thousands of people in my travels, and this happens every day, who are out walking or driving some vehicle without a mask on. And no doubt this is happening in all over Canada. By what you believe this should be a disaster for us all and that we should be seeing plenty of people dying in the streets.

35 million people roaming around out there every day in Canada. It would appear to me that probably most of those people out there are not all that concerned about catching this China virus. Maybe they just do not believe what they are being told anymore. Maybe they just want to get on with their lives and get back to the old normal lives and dam the consequences. That is what I do and say every day. Dam the consequences. 

Personally, I think that anyone who is always in a state of fear and panic and paranoia should go see their doctor and get some pills from their doctor so they can try to chill themselves out and stop acting like a bunch of crazy in the head buffoons. Pretty much everyone I know has not caught this China virus as of yet which seems odd seeing that it is supposed to be one very dangerous virus as we are told. Just who are all of these people that are catching and dying from this China virus anyway?

Even this PCR test apparently is not reliable. It has been known to give false positive readings. Some people are being told that they have Covid but they may not have it at all. You could be locked down for weeks in your home over a false negative reading. I will never believe the Covid stats that are told to us are all for real anymore. Why? Because I do not bother to listen to nor trust politicians or the media anymore. They have all become pretty much all professional liars. Just my opinion of course. :D

"Just who are all of these people that are catching and dying from this China virus anyway?"

97% of those who died are seniors.  Many in the long term care homes.   So, if you have grandparents in your list of contacts, you could give it to them and some of them might die.   I am a senior and a heart attack survivor with a damaged heart.  So if I get Covid, my chance of survival is very slim.  That is why we self-isolate, and avoid going to the dentist, although I need a filling, avoid the eye doctor, and generally avoid going in any business unless I absolutely have to.  And then with caution, wearing a mask and keeping distance.  Over 20,000 have died in Canada.  So I don't think it is a hoax or overblown like some people I hear.  Usually those people are young and would likely survive the virus anyway.  Hopefully they don't have old relatives in their contact list.


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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

"Just who are all of these people that are catching and dying from this China virus anyway?"

97% of those who died are seniors.  Many in the long term care homes.   So, if you have grandparents in your list of contacts, you could give it to them and some of them might die.   I am a senior and a heart attack survivor with a damaged heart.  So if I get Covid, my chance of survival is very slim.  That is why we self-isolate, and avoid going to the dentist, although I need a filling, avoid the eye doctor, and generally avoid going in any business unless I absolutely have to.  And then with caution, wearing a mask and keeping distance.  Over 20,000 have died in Canada.  So I don't think it is a hoax or overblown like some people I hear.  Usually those people are young and would likely survive the virus anyway.  Hopefully they don't have old relatives in their contact list.


Well that's why most people would say the lockdowns and restrictions are important right now.  However, once the elderly and medically vulnerable are vaccinated, especially once everyone over 40 is inoculated, that's a big chunk of the population, on top of the 1.5 million or so Covid cases (tested and untested asymptomatic) that have come and gone.   At that point there's no good reason why retail and restaurants shouldn't be open, perhaps even bars, gyms and movie theatres.  Masks could still be warn indoors where social distancing isn't possible.  If we can get to that point by summer, then I think people can live with a few minor restrictions until herd immunity.

My biggest fear is that mismanagement of vaccine roll-out and blunt instrument restrictions that aren't targeted and cause unnecessary hardship for businesses and people will drag out this nightmare to a point where too much damage is done to people and the economy to come back for a very long time.  Today the National Post reported that Canada won't have the population vaccinated until around June, 2022. We can't live with today's kinds of restrictions for that length of time.  They must be significantly curtailed in months not years for people not to go into a downward spiral.  People are hurting.  I don't think our government has properly planned the transition out of this pandemic.  It's a damn long transition.  

Edited by Zeitgeist
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13 hours ago, blackbird said:

"Just who are all of these people that are catching and dying from this China virus anyway?"

97% of those who died are seniors.  Many in the long term care homes.   So, if you have grandparents in your list of contacts, you could give it to them and some of them might die.   I am a senior and a heart attack survivor with a damaged heart.  So if I get Covid, my chance of survival is very slim.  That is why we self-isolate, and avoid going to the dentist, although I need a filling, avoid the eye doctor, and generally avoid going in any business unless I absolutely have to.  And then with caution, wearing a mask and keeping distance.  Over 20,000 have died in Canada.  So I don't think it is a hoax or overblown like some people I hear.  Usually those people are young and would likely survive the virus anyway.  Hopefully they don't have old relatives in their contact list.


It looks to me like you are always living in a state of fear and panic and paranoia alright. Did you do all the same things that you said above every time a virus came by to say hello in the past few decades? I will bet that before all of this Coivd bull chit started you could have cared less about any viruses floating around out there and took no precautions.

But for some reason you are terrified of this one. Why? Well, it looks to me like you have been listening way too much to the fake and phony media and your dear political leaders that have you going crazy in the head over some not all that dangerous virus. it's called brainwashing where if something is being repeated to someone over and over and over again people will start to believe it and that is all we get from watching the news on propaganda TV is 24 hours of Covid brainwashing. 

It's what is in the vaccine that is killing the elderly, and not the virus itself. The elderly that have died in care homes are elderly's who took the vaccine shot. Some will say that it It was just a coincidence that after they took the shot they suddenly died. Sure, tell that bull chit to someone who will listen to that bull chit.

My wife is living in a care home because of a health problem that she has and she was given the shot a few weeks ago because living in a care home she had too take the jab or stay pretty much locked up in her room. Now I am terrified that I am going to receive a call from the home and they will give me some bad news that I do not want to hear. :( 

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On 2/8/2021 at 11:27 PM, cannuck said:

It is not "just like" the flu - that claimed about 3,500 deaths in Canada for 2019 with nearly no preventative measures employed (save some vaccination).

The figure 3500 is pretty average year for the flu. To be fair we have never tabulated deaths along with post-mortems for a virus to the level of scrutiny that we are doing now. Computerized data collection in every corner of the world. Comparing covid-19 to previous years is like apples and oranges.

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13 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

Well that's why most people would say the lockdowns and restrictions are important right now.  However, once the elderly and medically vulnerable are vaccinated, especially once everyone over 40 is inoculated, that's a big chunk of the population, on top of the 1.5 million or so Covid cases (tested and untested asymptomatic) that have come and gone.   At that point there's no good reason why retail and restaurants shouldn't be open, perhaps even bars, gyms and movie theatres.  Masks could still be warn indoors where social distancing isn't possible.  If we can get to that point by summer, then I think people can live with a few minor restrictions until herd immunity.

My biggest fear is that mismanagement of vaccine roll-out and blunt instrument restrictions that aren't targeted and cause unnecessary hardship for businesses and people will drag out this nightmare to a point where too much damage is done to people and the economy to come back for a very long time.  Today the National Post reported that Canada won't have the population vaccinated until around June, 2022. We can't live with today's kinds of restrictions for that length of time.  They must be significantly curtailed in months not years for people not to go into a downward spiral.  People are hurting.  I don't think our government has properly planned the transition out of this pandemic.  It's a damn long transition.  

The vaccines that they are using today are said to be experimental vaccines. It is said that we will not know the effects from the vaccines that are being used today for sometime to come. For now, I will pass up the vaccine jab and wait and see what happens to others. Just my instinct for survival kicking in. ;)

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

 Did you do all the same things that you said above every time a virus came by to say hello in the past few decades?"

Actually, I did take steps over the years to avoid the flu, pneumonia, and shingles by getting vaccinated.  The last 20 or 30 years I have had a flu shot every year as well.  I also tried to stay away from people who have the flu. 

I know mainstream media is by and large fake news, especially when it comes to liberal, left ideology, which they wholeheartedly support and spread.   But on the China virus spread and death statistics, I think they have that correct.  Thinking it is a hoax and not taking it seriously means you are probably not taking proper health measures to protect yourself and therefore puts yourself at greater risk of serious health issues or death if you catch it.  You could also spread it to other people which is tragic and irresponsible.  

Edited by blackbird
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14 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

Today the National Post reported that Canada won't have the population vaccinated until around June, 2022. We can't live with today's kinds of restrictions for that length of time. 

Trudeau still claims everyone who wants a vaccine shot will get it by the end of September.    I'm not sure he can make such a promise, but if so, hopefully 70% or more of the population will be vaccinated by that time and we will be rid of the China virus.  But I don't trust Trudeau.  Will see how the vaccination process goes in the next few months.  We might be able to tell by summer if it will be a success.

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37 minutes ago, blackbird said:

You could also spread it to other people which is tragic and irresponsible.  

Given the new data shows a fatality rate of less than 0.3% once you GET the virus (averaged over all age groups who are infected), and given the number of big problems we have in the world today, use of the words "tragic and irresponsible" seems a bit of an overstatement.

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4 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Given the new data shows a fatality rate of less than 0.3% once you GET the virus (averaged over all age groups who are infected), and given the number of big problems we have in the world today, use of the words "tragic and irresponsible" seems a bit of an overstatement.

The numbers I found globally were 107,458,667 cases and 2,357,475 deaths.   In Canada the numbers are 816,169 cases and 21,063 deaths.  So globally that is about 2.2%.  In Canada the death rate is about 2.5% of the number of people who get Covid.   So your number seems way too low.  95% of Americans killed by Covid were aged 50 plus.  So I think it is tragic and irresponsible to not do what can be done to save people's lives.  Wearing a mask and following the health guidelines is not too much of a burden for people to follow.  Hopefully when enough people are vaccinated, we can get back to a more normal life.  But wearing masks and distancing from people may be with us for years to come because it may not be totally eradicated and there may be new deadly viruses.  Best just to accept it as the way of life now and live accordingly.  It is a heavier burden for younger people who are used to socializing and going to bars sports activities, etc.  But someday they will be old and might appreciate people helping them survive.

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8 minutes ago, blackbird said:

The numbers I found globally were 107,458,667 cases and 2,357,475 deaths.   In Canada the numbers are 816,169 cases and 21,063 deaths.  So globally that is about 2.2%.  In Canada the death rate is about 2.5% of the number of people who get Covid.   So your number seems way too low.  95% of Americans killed by Covid were aged 50 plus.  So I think it is tragic and irresponsible to not do what can be done to save people's lives.  Wearing a mask and following the health guidelines is not too much of a burden for people to follow.  Hopefully when enough people are vaccinated, we can get back to a more normal life.  But wearing masks and distancing from people may be with us for years to come because it may not be totally eradicated and there may be new deadly viruses.  Best just to accept it as the way of life now and live accordingly.  It is a heavier burden for younger people who are used to socializing and going to bars sports activities, etc.  But someday they will be old and might appreciate people helping them survive.


A good, informative reply. The two studies I read are from universities in California, that analyzed the level of antibodies in a population. Based on their data, the number of people who were infected is much higher than those that have been counted. The dead are still dead, but the number who had the virus and lived is much higher. Up to ten times the number of people who have been counted had the infection and didn't report, or didn't realize it. Hence the number you quote, 2.2% drops by a factor of ten.

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5 hours ago, blackbird said:

Actually, I did take steps over the years to avoid the flu, pneumonia, and shingles by getting vaccinated.  The last 20 or 30 years I have had a flu shot every year as well.  I also tried to stay away from people who have the flu. 

I know mainstream media is by and large fake news, especially when it comes to liberal, left ideology, which they wholeheartedly support and spread.   But on the China virus spread and death statistics, I think they have that correct.  Thinking it is a hoax and not taking it seriously means you are probably not taking proper health measures to protect yourself and therefore puts yourself at greater risk of serious health issues or death if you catch it.  You could also spread it to other people which is tragic and irresponsible.  

I take Vitamins C and D and Zinc every day. Zinc is great for fighting viruses. 

I will never believe the media or take anything they say serious anymore. They are always full of it. the media have become the great spreader of lies and deceit. They never try to talk to anyone who wants to get out the other side of the story about Covid. When they do they will in the end pretty much call them a bunch of quacks. The lying media only want to hear or talk to people who want to expose the globalist side of the story. 

I have never taken a vaccine in my life and I never will. I have not had a real serious cold or flu for decades now. Maybe a sniffle now and then but that was about it. Maybe I just have a good immune system. But whatever, I have no fear of going outside and being among people. I have been doing that ever since I can remember and I am still alive and well and doing okay. If I get the sniffles I will stay at home and get better. If I do go out I always try to stay away from people. What a guy I am, eh? 

Under the Nuremberg Code one should read as to what it has to say about vaccinations. Apparently, no doctor or nurse or politician can coerce, force, or mandate anyone to take an experimental vaccine which is what is being done today. If they are about to administer an experimental vaccine on anyone they must first tell you that the vaccine is an experimental vaccine, which this covid vaccine is, and they must tell that someone that the vaccine may have serious side effects that can cause injury or death. If they do not tell someone taking the experimental vaccine then they are in violation of the Nuremberg Code War Crimes Act and they can be charged with war crimes. Maybe doctors and nurses and politicians should brush up on the Nuremberg Code. I can see some big damage lawsuits and possible war crimes charges coming one of these days against those people mentioned above. Hey, we/they never know, eh? ;)

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4 hours ago, blackbird said:

The numbers I found globally were 107,458,667 cases and 2,357,475 deaths.   In Canada the numbers are 816,169 cases and 21,063 deaths.  So globally that is about 2.2%.  In Canada the death rate is about 2.5% of the number of people who get Covid.   So your number seems way too low.  95% of Americans killed by Covid were aged 50 plus.  So I think it is tragic and irresponsible to not do what can be done to save people's lives.  Wearing a mask and following the health guidelines is not too much of a burden for people to follow.  Hopefully when enough people are vaccinated, we can get back to a more normal life.  But wearing masks and distancing from people may be with us for years to come because it may not be totally eradicated and there may be new deadly viruses.  Best just to accept it as the way of life now and live accordingly.  It is a heavier burden for younger people who are used to socializing and going to bars sports activities, etc.  But someday they will be old and might appreciate people helping them survive.


No that's over the top.  Once the elderly and vulnerable are vaccinated, and about 70% of the population is vaccinated, end mandatory restrictions.  If you want to stay home or wear a mask when you go out, or if you don't want to go to bars, concerts, etc. at that point, then by all means impose those restrictions on yourself, not everyone else.  Living some kind of hypoallergenic bubble-wrapped existence to prevent rare deaths after mass vaccination is too much to ask.  It's unfair.  Freedom matters.  

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1 hour ago, Zeitgeist said:

No that's over the top.  Once the elderly and vulnerable are vaccinated, and about 70% of the population is vaccinated, end mandatory restrictions.  If you want to stay home or wear a mask when you go out, or if you don't want to go to bars, concerts, etc. at that point, then by all means impose those restrictions on yourself, not everyone else.  Living some kind of hypoallergenic bubble-wrapped existence to prevent rare deaths after mass vaccination is too much to ask.  It's unfair.  Freedom matters.  

I never actually said bars, concerts, etc. would be closed after 70% of the population is vaccinated.  I doubt there will be mandatory restrictions once that many people are vaccinated, providing it gets the virus under control, which I assume it will.  In fact, once a significant percentage of the population is vaccinated and we don't see the high numbers of new cases, the government will likely lift most restrictions.

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On 2/11/2021 at 8:47 PM, Zeitgeist said:

No that's over the top.  Once the elderly and vulnerable are vaccinated, and about 70% of the population is vaccinated, end mandatory restrictions.  If you want to stay home or wear a mask when you go out, or if you don't want to go to bars, concerts, etc. at that point, then by all means impose those restrictions on yourself, not everyone else.  Living some kind of hypoallergenic bubble-wrapped existence to prevent rare deaths after mass vaccination is too much to ask.  It's unfair.  Freedom matters.  

It is now being exposed that those PCR tests are not accurate at all. The tests have given off way to many false positives. Even the CDC and WHO are now saying the same thing. If that is the case then all those people tested were probably told that they have the corona virus but did not have the virus at all. This is why the numbers have been so high. False readings.

I don't think that our dear comrade politicians and the lying media and those so called health experts or officials want to hear about that. They may have to back off now. They may have to give up their grip on their power and control over we the people because the danger is not really there anymore from this China virus.

But will they? Dictators like what our Canadian pro globalist politicians have become is something we may just have to fight for in the streets in order to try and gain our freedoms back from those political tyrants. 

This China virus hoax has been one hell of a joke and a ride for all of us and it needs to end now. Take off your masks and start getting together with friends and family again and start acting like men and women and not like a bunch of insecure paranoid children if that is possible for some people here. Don't believe the lying Covid 19 stats anymore. They appear to have been all just fabricated to make things appear worse than what they really are. Woke up. ;) 

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We don't have vaccines because Trudeau's government didn't negotiate very good deals, not because we don't have a home grown vaccine industry capable of making them.


But looking around the world, there’s really no indication that impressive vaccination rates correlate with this sort of muscular economic nationalism. Places like Chile and Israel simply seem to have inked earlier, better deals with the international pharma giants than Canada, with national governments that prioritized gaining access to adequate quantities of vaccines sooner, rather than gigantic amounts later. Many smaller nations of the European Union, similarly, are clearly benefiting from a supranational vaccine regime in which they have less sovereignty, rather than more — overall challenges notwithstanding.

Instead, it seems the most relevant variable is just that a lot of these other countries don’t have Trudeau in charge. As the denouement of this pandemic (hopefully) continues to unfold, Canadians unsatisfied with the speed of their escape will have a clear target for their outrage.



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Before the reopening need to make this observation, with several months to go before warmer season: if within a short interval after the reopening, the cases will begin climbing again it would very likely mean that the chief sources of the community spread are schools, malls and similar places of mass aggregation. Before closure, the incidence in schools was several times higher than on average in the community. And that in its turn would mean that after a year of busy activity and billions of public money spent we have no better clue about how to manage this thing effectively without shutting down the society. And to me at least it wouldn't be a surprise at all. As so many recent examples show, the only feat the bureaucracy is still capable of is throwing loads of (public) funds at complex and challenging problems in the hope that they too will dance to the togetherness tune and just fix themselves.

Know accurately current situation; protect the vulnerable; suppress and manage epidemics in places of mass aggregation with smart and innovative solutions. Zero, nada and nothing again. Let's see what's new here.

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Two so called experts openly say that certain groups of people should be prioritized in vaccination!!!!


I wonder what would happen to anyone who may say the opposite that white blue eyed people should be given priority when it comes to vaccination? 

It claims that those groups (blacks and colored) are statistically more at risk but that is because it happens that they are among the lower income Canadians and essential workers but failed to mentioned that there are also many white people who fall in above categories and are also in high risk groups and should be given a priority!!

I agree, give priority to those most at risk of serious illness who are seniors (over 80 followed by over 70 followed by over 60 years of age regardless of color of skin or race) and immune deficient people but in my view priority or restriction of any kind based on skin color or race is wrong. Giving priority to a 20 year old because he or she happened to have a color skin over a 70 or 80 year old white person is very wrong.

Edited by CITIZEN_2015
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