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  1. A person who hates God, wants to become God, but who doesn't believe in the supernatural. Not a poster child for mental stability.
  2. I am not trying to tell you who God is, that is your folly. I am just saying that you are obviously wrong. You would be wise to heed these words attributed to Mark Twain, “It is better to keep one's mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.” Your verbal diarrhea makes it obvious whether you are a fool or not.
  3. If God was who you think he is, you would have suffered an unpleasant death some time ago.
  4. Now you are making some sense.
  5. Improved medical technology and advances in agriculture are of course the result of 14,000 years of global warming. This is why you are sitting in a warm home, with a fridge full of food in front of our computer, instead of chasing some game animal through the snow, hoping you don't freeze or starve before the days get long.
  6. Sadly we have become a nation that no longer has hope for the future, but looks to it with despair. We are no longer nation builders, but are shutting our economies down. We don't have a plan for making our world better, because we are convinced by others that all we are doing is destructive and wrong. It is time that we had a vision of where we want to get to, and start moving in that direction. Not all nutjobs are religious, many of them are running around crying "the sky is falling" and trying to interfere with those that are working to make things better. It is time to stop being so negative, diminishing our world and making it smaller, and start making it bigger, better place. It is time that living life became more important than hiding from it, time to value hope over fear, time to work for what we want instead of hiding from what we don't want. You may think that this is wrong, and there are many that would agree with you.
  7. Rapid population growth is a result of the last hundred yeas being the most favorable century climate wise in the last 125,000 years. We will be within a couple of degrees of that for a long time to come. That is a long ways from bring a disaster, and is in fact very favorable place to be. If we had a thermostat, we might like to turn it back one or two degrees, and there are people working on that. You don't see enough progress, but I see momentum, and we are picking up speed. Despair if you like, I see a bright future. Of course I am wrong a lot.
  8. Of course if you expect the governments to solve this problem you will be disappointed. The problem will be solved when it becomes profitable to do so. Carbon credits are one way that the government can actually help. It could make algae carbon capture profitable. The technology is improving, products are being produced, and carbon credits could make it viable. It will probably dawn on someone that fresh water pipelines could turn the Australian outback into productive farmland and make many people a lot of money. The same could be true of large parts of the U.S. southwest. Farming seaweed, and turning it into fertilizer could help the oceans, and improve our agricultural soil. Is it commercially viable? With carbon credits it might be. In the mean time if the globe warms by a degree or two, the human race will probably survive that.
  9. I think that the worst one is the next one. Of course we have been working on a solution only since there has been a consensus that there is a problem. We have been creating a problem longer that working at solving it. If you think that we are not making progress, I have to disagree. In the mean time. If you are looking for a perfect world you will be disappointed, if you believe that we the grizzly demise or the human race is imminent. I don't see that either, I think that the reality falls somewhere in between. I have faith in the people who are working on making on making the world a better place, and don't have much time for the doomsayers.
  10. So far there has been no culling. Our warmer climate has seen the greatest increase in human population ever. Is the current warming of the planet a disaster, no it is not. The real climate disasters are Ordovician-silurian Extinction: 440 million years ago. Devonian Extinction: 365 million years ago. Permian-triassic Extinction: 250 million years ago. Triassic-jurassic Extinction: 210 million years ago. Cretaceous-tertiary Extinction: 65 Million Years Ago. These resulted in nuclear winters, the teal climate disasters. We are actually in a very good climate right now. I live in south west B.C. and shoveled a lot of snow growing up, now not so much. Would the world be a better place with less carbon in the atmosphere and if the seas were less acidic? Probably. Of course our best and brightest are working on solutions. Work is being done on a pipeline across the Sahara Desert, bringing water for agriculture and the planting of millions of trees. Technology is being developed to capture carbon from smoke stacks, and from the air. One promising area is the machines that optimize algae production. The algae can then be used to make bio fuels that replace fossil fuels, and plastics that can be stored in building products, furniture, automobile products, appliances and maybe even products to pave our streets. There are plans to farm seaweed in the oceans shallow waters, taking carbon out, putting oxygen in, and balancing ph levels, and increasing marine populations. our best and brightest are working on solutions, and the Chicken Littles are running around crying "the sky is falling".
  11. Of course that is the point. It took time for people to be aware of the problem, and see the need to address it. That is what is being done now, but it will take time to turn the tide, and longer still for the media to stop their tales of woe. If it sells toothpaste, they will tell their story. Fortunately we have time, and people are working on it.
  12. Green is the colour of the chlorophyll which plants use to convert the sun's light into energy. It is the building block of all life, and gives the green colour to grass and leaves. It is used as symbol of a healthy environment. Religion and covid19 have their own topics elsewhere on the board.
  13. Of course climate change is real. The climate is constantly changing. When I was in school people were afraid of another ice age, because it killed the dinosaurs. It was later discovered that the world was warming, and that became the worst possible outcome, and would be the demise of the human race. The world has been warming for 14,000 years since the last ice age. The warming of the earth has been beneficial for mankind, and has let us advance from hunter gatherers into farmers, and allowed us to make permanent settlements instead of being nomadic people following prey animals. It allowed us to support the scholars, engineers and scientists that have built the society that we enjoy today. We are in the sweet spot now, and the earths population has increased from 7 million at the end of the last ice age to now over 7 billion. There have been problems of course, and our appetite for energy has resulted in the burning of huge amounts of carbon releasing it into the atmosphere speeding up this warming of the earth. In the late 1980s there became a general consensus among the world's scientists that we needed to address the problems that were resulting from this. Many environmentalists took up the torch, and tried to make people aware of this need for change. Many others jumped on the band wagon mostly spreading despair, and trying to make people feel guilty. Others started looking for solutions. Technology was developed to scrub emissions from smoke stacks, carbon capture was developed using chemical means, and the use of algae to take carbon out of the air, and put oxygen back in. Programs of planting trees were supported, and renewable energy was encouraged. Farming seaweed in shallow ocean waters to remove carbon reducing the acidification of the oceans, and increasing sea life was introduced. There is a project (the Trans African Pipeline) to reclaim much of the northern Sahara planting trees, and providing fresh water that will allow the area to grow food to feed the hungry. Man is the only animal capable of making beneficial climate change, and progress toward that goal is progressing. As far as religion is concerned, there are many hundreds of religions, mostly contradictory, meaning that most of them must be wrong. I hope that you have found the true one.
  14. Looks like Justin has come full circle. I graduated high school in 1971, during the tenure of Pierre Elliot Trudeau. He increased the federal debt by 720%, brought in wage and price controls, (which were actually just wage controls) and the war measures act to suspend peoples rights and freedoms. He was the worst prime minister Canada ever had. I didn't suspect that he would raise a son that would surpass all his father's transgressions. I just hope that Justin's kids want to be architects or retailers, and don't carry on the family tradition.
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