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my take on covid 19 response


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6 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Two so called experts openly say that certain groups of people should be prioritized in vaccination!!!!


I wonder what would happen to anyone who may say the opposite that white blue eyed people should be given priority when it comes to vaccination?

The worst is that there's no mechanisms by which these and other critical for the society questions and problems can be discussed and decided. This is out of our, i.e. society's hands and for a while now; so long while that perhaps it isn't possible to do anything about it anymore. It'll just be decided somehow. Some bureaucrat in some health office will make a list of priorities based on some who knows what evidence and considerations and CEO and the board will execute to the best of their abilities under the togetherness fanfare. Are there any other options? Not a chance. Not even on a very distant horizon. And so it's the best we can expect.

Democracy takes attention and care of citizens. Can't give up, forget about it, care less let politicians do it and so on - and have a functioning democracy. It just isn't not a given.

If it's you or them, the truth is equidistant

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27 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

I knew a black man who was a doctor. He owned a mansion and a yacht

Nothing wrong or surprising about this but why you would even mention something like this? Any citizen regardless of skin color may have same things in any country. Would you have posted if a you knew a white man who was a doctor and owned a mansion and a yacht?

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Reopening in Ontario: malls and gyms are allowed to open at half the capacity.

It has not been a surprise from the first weeks of the pandemics (approximately a year back) that aggregation of many people in a close indoor space strongly accelerates the transmission. Workplaces; churches; mass indoor events; schools and group exercise have all been linked to clusters of the infection. The answer could have been in finding effective, perhaps technology based solutions to minimize transmission in these higher-risk environments. A billion was divided up and handed a year back. No results and no visible change. And so it goes:

Cases go up - close everything - wait for cases to begin declining - open the same places, sources of mass transmission, with no real change except cheerful preaching - cases start climbing - cry alarm and close everything.

I wonder if the smartest of policies, to wear it in the changeroom (10 min) and take off for the exercise (an hour and longer) would still be around?

What's new here this time around? Any chance that someone will notice that this already happened like in the groundhog movie? Just curious.


If it's you or them, the truth is equidistant

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13 minutes ago, myata said:

What's new here this time around? Any chance that someone will notice that this already happened like in the groundhog movie? Just curious.

It shows the leadership is powerless and has no meaningful solution. The excessively harsh shutdowns only provide a marginal improvement in virus caseload. The evidence shows itself in countries like Sweden, and between the two states of Florida and California.

Like I said to my friends in the hockey change-room yesterday, the same place where we used to walk around naked and shower together, when it comes to shutdowns, it is better to get some living while you can. I'd rather open up even if briefly, than stay shut because that too is death.


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18 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

In democracies privilege is not skin color dependent but brain size dependent.

We are saying the same things. However it is questionable whether brain size is the determining factor anymore. If you look closer within our society you would see that the division is more complex than that. Today it is not about skin colour or brain power but about class, finally.

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On 2/14/2021 at 7:47 PM, myata said:

Democracy takes attention and care of citizens. Can't give up, forget about it, care less let politicians do it and so on - and have a functioning democracy. It just isn't not a given.

Who said we have a functioning democracy, if you mean we get to vote every 4 years sure, democracy takes care of who ever it's citizens want to, and here in Canada not everyone is treated equally, but some rather very poorly. That and majority of Canadians don't give a rats ass, as long as the poggie checks arrive on time , beer stores are not on strike, and don't fu** with Hockey Night in Canada, any other topic depends on how much beer they have had. Democracy is a myth here in Canada.

We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

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On 2/16/2021 at 8:40 AM, OftenWrong said:

It shows the leadership is powerless and has no meaningful solution. The excessively harsh shutdowns only provide a marginal improvement in virus caseload. The evidence shows itself in countries like Sweden, and between the two states of Florida and California.


I won't go crazy about this thing, as many things, que sera sera. It's just painfully shameful to see how much could have been tried and probably done in a year, except the thing only knows how to take care of itself and lecture platitudes combined with plain nonsense. Disappointing and sad.

The immunity lasts eight months and vaccination (in Canada) maybe a year (preparations started in September) or maybe longer. Small countries that are very smart, very efficient and very agile will move ahead (Israel over 50%, in less than two months); some may squeeze by sheer size and muscle; but sad oversized dinosaurs that long forgot how to utter anything meaningful, not saying produce and quickly, when and as needed rather its internal obscure plan may suffer. Nobody has yet cancelled the evolution.

If it's you or them, the truth is equidistant

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At this point it's entirely fair to say that Trudeau's government is to blame for the poor vaccine rollout in Canada.  He foolishly relied on an untested, unreliable Chinese partner.  After watching China detain Canadians without evidence or due process and seeing how vulnerable Canada has been in trade disputes with the US, it's hard to ignore the irresponsible decisions.  Overspending and over-reliance on foreign powers to come to Canada's aid is not how a responsible national government should operate.



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36 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

 Overspending and over-reliance on foreign powers to come to Canada's aid is not how a responsible national government should operate.


Can it operate any different though? I don't even mean the intent but physical, practical capacity. Let's recall the famous statement that opened this pandemic episode in this country: "travel from Wuhan? Not a problem for our system!". A bizarre phrase with no ground in reason and experience (SARS, MERS) and no admitted responsibility. And could go any better, from there?

The bureaucracy is in the chaos mode. It just moves randomly and hopes that somehow the things would get better on their own, "fix themselves" and it could claim the credit (as always).

Edited by myata

If it's you or them, the truth is equidistant

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Scientists warn that constant sterilization may affect the microbiome in humans. Immunology studies done in the past indicate that when humans are not exposed to a diverse microbiome, can have health consequences such as increased obesity, children with more asthma and weaker immune systems.



What is this now, if not the carefully planned and guided destruction of the human race?

- My take on the covid-19 response.

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We haven't seen Grandma now since the fall of last year. Things went into shutdown mode and we thought they were only going to do it as a precaution, for a little while like they said. But they extended it and extended it.

She is 85. Despite her age she used to go to the pool daily. That too has ceased for her. No more red hat club, either.

She has no internet. We send her books and talk on phone. She only has texting.

Now they've extended the lockdown in her region. Sorry Grandma. We are not allowed to enter her region, even if I just go directly to her house and nowhere else. She's in a condo and the Chivattos at the front desk wouldn't let me in, anyway.

Not only that, she's not allowed to leave her region and come out to ours.

Stay at home order: Confinement, loneliness, physical decline, mental decline. Early death.

- My take on the corvid-19 resposne

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51 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Scientists warn that constant sterilization may affect the microbiome in humans. Immunology studies done in the past indicate that when humans are not exposed to a diverse microbiome, can have health consequences such as increased obesity, children with more asthma and weaker immune systems.



What is this now, if not the carefully planned and guided destruction of the human race?

- My take on the covid-19 response.

I used to shower pretty much every day even before Covid came along.  I never realised I was doing my bit to fight climate change!

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7 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

At this point it's entirely fair to say that Trudeau's government is to blame for the poor vaccine rollout in Canada.  He foolishly relied on an untested, unreliable Chinese partner...




No doubt, but there seems to be some reluctance to hold the Trudeau government accountable for these (and other) decisions, for fear of what a ruling party change would bring overall.   Essentially the argument goes that yes, Trudeau screwed up royally on covid vaccines, but there is nothing Canadians can do about it so don't rock the boat for the sake of "unity" (compared to "south of the border".... as usual).  Apparently, "unity" is more important than policy and actions accountability (e.g. Covid spending spree, lack of a budget, WE scandal, GG fiasco, China, etc., etc.).   Just add vaccine failure to a long list.

One province (Manitoba) has struck out on its own to procure vaccine doses from a Canadian producer after Health Canada approval, but it remains to be seen if this will amount to anything more than a political stunt.

The Michael Taube op-ed in the WSJ is interesting (who is the intended audience ?), and he uses a common Canadian approach...only in reverse.


Canada’s Covid Vaccine Failure


If you’re impatient with the pace of Covid-19 vaccine distribution in the U.S., count your blessings. At least you don’t live in Canada.


but a full disclaimer is warranted:



Michael Taube, a Troy Media syndicated columnist and Washington Times contributor, was a speechwriter for former prime minister Stephen Harper. He holds a master’s degree in comparative politics from the London School of Economics.



Edited by bush_cheney2004

Economics trumps Virtue. 


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Nice catch on the disclaimer.  I actually think Trudeau (and Ford and most premiers) were pretty good with public health policy early on.  The mistake is this naive reliance on external forces.  Trudeau makes no hard choices on public spending and trusts that other countries will come to Canada's aid when there is no compelling reason to do so.  The consequences of a stalled vaccine rollout are more deaths, more lockdowns, and more economic hardship.  Around the time Israel will have vaccinated her entire population and the country will be opened up, our vaccines are scheduled to arrive in the volumes Canadians were told would be here in January.  Basically we're two months behind.  The Libs better set aside all other policy priorities because vaccination will need to happen at ten times the current volumes to correct course.  This might actually finish Trudeau, at least for awhile. I wouldn't be surprised if it's a short lived Conservative government after that a la Joe Clark. History repeats itself. The Cons' most effective MP, Pierre Poilievre, is being held back by leader Erin O'Toole, who removed him from the Finance Critic role.  

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9 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Nice catch on the disclaimer.  I actually think Trudeau (and Ford and most premiers) were pretty good with public health policy early on.  The mistake is this naive reliance on external forces. 


Well, this government was already conditioned for such a response because of the previous PPE procurement circus that happened early in the pandemic.   They did not put a full court press on concurrent, domestic capabilities until later in the game.

This MacLean's piece details how the goverment approached the task at hand...doubling down on an external force...China.   Until that blew up in their face.   This cost valuable time and opportunity.



....While those experts toiled in obscurity, the government’s critics were already beginning to raise the alarm about a weak link in the federal procurement strategy. Other countries, like the U.K. and the U.S., had plans to manufacture vaccines by the millions on their own soil, but Canada did not; nor could it rely on American supply chains, which Washington had reserved for domestic supply.





...Basically we're two months behind.  The Libs better set aside all other policy priorities because vaccination will need to happen at ten times the current volumes to correct course.  This might actually finish Trudeau, at least for awhile. 


Trudeau was already weakened in 2019, but he remains in power mostly because he is propped up by a like minded left leaning party and the inability of Conservatives to provide an acceptable alternative.   The virus will not kill Trudeau's loyal base, but severe economic and spending calamity could.

Economics trumps Virtue. 


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It always comes back to rhetorical grandstanding over substance and an excess of naïveté in foreign relations.  I don't know who the Libs think they're fooling.  It's sad that several years on the "He's just not ready, nice hair though" Conservative sound bite rings truer than ever.  I don't know whom Trudeau thinks he's impressing by touting his feminism and rainbow socks.  Feminists and homosexuals need jobs and vaccines too.  

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While the liberals were spreading money around with a firehose - remember the billion they wanted WE to distribute? They were super cheap about funding pharmaceutical companies to make vaccines. They took many months and refused to pay in advance, only promising reimbursements for some of the money the pharmaceuticals spent. They budgeted a total of $23 million on vaccine development. Meanwhile, they gave $600 million in CERB payments to high school kids.

The National Research Council of Canada distributed a total of $23-million through its industrial research assistance program to domestic vaccine developers, up to a maximum of $5-million, Mr. Lewis said.

The federal government “took a careful, risk averse and committee-based decision approach that led to a relatively modest amount of scattered funding for companies in Canada to develop domestic vaccines,” he said. Mr. Lewis said this put all of the financial risk of vaccine development onto the small companies, which he said was a “mistake.”

Mr. Lewis told MPs: “Expecting other countries to develop and manufacture vaccines and not prioritize their own population over other countries was, I think, a little misguided.”


By comparison, the UK spent over a billion dollars funding research and development of vaccines.


"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

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5 hours ago, Argus said:

By comparison, the UK spent over a billion dollars funding research and development of vaccines.

Wait did we miss over $1B handed out for "rapid Covid-19 response research" early last year? I wonder what may have happened to it. When was it last seen? Would anybody know where did it go?

Edited by myata

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As reported on CBC this morning, only 55 thousand of long-term care workers of approx. 100 in the province have been vaccinated since December (2 months). At this "speed" Ontario will be fully vaccinated around the time of net zero carbon emissions.

Seriously: they can make a regular citizen do this and that, wear double mask here and fine in an open air skating rink there. But they can't make vaccination a condition of working in a critical care zone. Nope, just can't be done. Seriously.

I have to admit, I don't understand how this works and for some time time now. Does it even work and if so, for how much longer?

Edited by myata
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.. and of course, the star-eyed bureaucracy can understand it only one way: until all critical workers are done, cannot begin general population (one dimension, how else?). Critical workers, see above: 50 thousand done, two months and the same to go. In another two months it'll be another half and so on, the parable of the turtle. Mission firmly in the sights, time of arrival unknown.

Israel, roughly the same population plans to finish vaccination in the end of March. Ontario plans to begin general population around same time. Heavens help us, but remember: no one is to blame but our own indifference and complacency. And it just can't get any better (not in that sense though). Why would it?

Edited by myata

If it's you or them, the truth is equidistant

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This is why we must speak out to oppose their ideas on Covid-19 response.

Experts call Peel guidelines to place children in solitary quarantine 'cruel punishment'

"Peel Health has issued guidelines to parents instructing them to keep any children who have been sent home because a classmate has tested positive for COVID-19 isolated in a separate room from all other family members for 14 days."


Instructions from some fanatical "health experts".

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A bizarre scene from our unusual reality: two people in the line, waiting outside a coffee shop, in masks. Twenty or so inside a non-so-large space, chatting it away, no masks. Who is this silly pantomime was intended for, I wonder? Who was supposed to appreciate the ingenuity? The virus?

And what if it was only a test for basic sanity? And we still haven't realized.

Edited by myata
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If it's you or them, the truth is equidistant

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