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Will it be the virus that takes Trump down?

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Trump plays back the words of the mainstream media from January and February downplaying the virus at today’s briefing.  He also played back Democrats own words from January, February and March downplaying the virus.  It was glorious! :lol:

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1 minute ago, Shady said:

Trump plays back the words of the mainstream media from January and February downplaying the virus at today’s briefing.  He also played back Democrats own words from January, February and March downplaying the virus.  It was glorious! :lol:


Indeed....Dr. Fauci came to Trump's defense about taking their recommendations as well.


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I certainly would not be picking Fauci over Trump.


Fauci is either grossly incompetent or has an agenda not readily displayed.

How else to explain decades at a job where your sole purpose is to prepare the nation and various government agencies for this very scenario, and be found completely lacking.


It's finally here Dr.Fauci, your first craniotomy surgery.

Dr. Fauci: What's a ciminiotomty, is it a mushroom stew?  Where is my white wine spritzer?  What are all these pointy metal tools?  I don't feel well, can you call me a cab?


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Just now, Zeitgeist said:

America Firster.  You’ll defend him no matter what.  It’s gotten so predictable.  He disposes of good people on a regular basis.  Anyway, it’s your country.  


Trump is my president.   I need him to be the best he can be...even with faults...same as any other president.

Your PM Trudeau is of no use to me no matter what he does.

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3 hours ago, Shady said:

Trump plays back the words of the mainstream media from January and February downplaying the virus at today’s briefing.  He also played back Democrats own words from January, February and March downplaying the virus.  It was glorious! :lol:

was he blaming them? because he was listening to them? funny see cause he's the guy who gets the briefings. he's the guy who has the power and information gathering power of the entire US government. "democrats" and main stream media don't. and they don't call the shots. and on top of that... "nobody had any idea and neither did i" isn't exactly an excuse!:lol:

Edited by godzilla
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6 hours ago, Boges said:

Those meetings are a proxies for Trump rallies. 

Trump chastises reporters for not asking nice enough questions. 

I don't give a crap what you think the meetings were/are. They still gave all the same pertinent covid advice that our government was giving us. That's all that's relevant to this topic. 

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Just now, bush_cheney2004 said:


Trump is my president.   I need him to be the best he can be...even with faults...same as any other president.

Your PM Trudeau is of no use to me no matter what he does.

I don’t care about Trudeau either.  I don’t put political leaders on pedestals and bad decisions are bad decisions no matter who makes them.  

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Just now, Zeitgeist said:

I don’t care about Trudeau either.  I don’t put political leaders on pedestals and bad decisions are bad decisions no matter who makes them.  


That's because you are a post-national state globalist ?

Hell, you have expressed many concerns about what my president may or may not do, because he matters more than Trudeau.


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6 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

You’re such a blind Trump follower.  It’s that kind of blindness that is leading Americans off a cliff.

You're such a WAAAAAAAH! 

FACT - The US shut down travel from Covid hotsposts, Canada allowed people from covid hotspots to fly into our busy airports and walk freely there, and then they were allowed to walk around Canada before we started practicing social distancing. 

FACT - The US was screening passengers entering the US at their airports and Canada was not screening passengers entering at our airports. 

FACT - Canada did not start practicing social distancing, increased hygiene regimens, or recommending masks before the US did. If they did, You'd be waving the truth around like Trudeau waving a white flag if two Boy Scouts attacked him. 

So, if you want to talk about a BLIND FOLLOWER, look in the mirror. YOU'RE PARROTING WHAT IS KNOWN TO BE TOTAL BS AND YOU'RE NAME-CALLING AGAINST PEOPLE WHO TELL YOU THE TRUTH. Suck it up Princess. The truth is what it is and I don't give a rip if you can't handle it. Grow up.  


 It doesn’t matter.  I stopped taking US federal politics seriously after the Supreme Court gave the presidency to Bush over Gore.  The world could have been quite different if the will of the people was respected, but that’s another story...




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3 hours ago, Shady said:

Trump plays back the words of the mainstream media from January and February downplaying the virus at today’s briefing.  He also played back Democrats own words from January, February and March downplaying the virus.  It was glorious! :lol:

CNN: "Let's accuse Trump of doing the wrong things when he's actually doing the right thing, and then in a month or two when it becomes known that he was doing the right things all along, we will just get mad at him for not doing it all earlier. We all know that everyone who is dumb enough to still be watching us in April of 2020 won't notice."

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14 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

You're such a WAAAAAAAH! 

FACT - The US shut down travel from Covid hotsposts, Canada allowed people from covid hotspots to fly into our busy airports and walk freely there, and then they were allowed to walk around Canada before we started practicing social distancing. 

FACT - The US was screening passengers entering the US at their airports and Canada was not screening passengers entering at our airports. 

FACT - Canada did not start practicing social distancing, increased hygiene regimens, or recommending masks before the US did. If they did, You'd be waving the truth around like Trudeau waving a white flag if two Boy Scouts attacked him. 

So, if you want to talk about a BLIND FOLLOWER, look in the mirror. YOU'RE PARROTING WHAT IS KNOWN TO BE TOTAL BS AND YOU'RE NAME-CALLING AGAINST PEOPLE WHO TELL YOU THE TRUTH. Suck it up Princess. The truth is what it is and I don't give a rip if you can't handle it. Grow up.  




You’re so misinformed.  Sad.  

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2 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

You’re so misinformed.  Sad.  

Riiiight. Your precious Trudeau was behind at every step of the game up to March 16th, that’s not in question, and your only comeback is your opinion of what suddenly happened after that, which massively changed the whole game.

You don’t have any cites for your claim which appears, on it’s face, to be ridiculous, and now you call me uninformed. 

Did you notice that the people making that claim just say it, expecting you to just believe it without question?

You just heard something bad about Trump and automatically took it as gospel, and you have the nerve to talk about other people being misinformed lol. It’s the spirit of the times. 

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58 minutes ago, Boges said:

LOL Trump ...Played a propaganda video. :lol:

Nope.  Not according to the facts:


CNN Had an Absolutely Epic Meltdown Over Trump’s Presser Video

CNN Had an Absolutely Epic Meltdown Over Trump's Presser Video

FILE – In this Oct. 4, 2018 file photo, a Trump supporter holds up a T-shirt reading “You Are Fake News” before a rally by President Donald Trump in Rochester, Minn. Local members of the media says they’ve noticed more hostility from the public since Trump began his attacks on ‘fake news.’ Trade groups are spreading safety tips because of the incidents. (AP Photo/Jim Mone, File)

CNN is not a news organization. If you needed any more proof of that (and let’s be real, you didn’t), the liberal propaganda arm had an absolute meltdown over Trump’s presser yesterday (which my colleague Jennifer Van Laar covered here).

Apparently, being shown clips of the left-wing network’s own bad reporting is extremely triggering and that’s exactly what the President did. Instead of allowing them to continue to propagate the fantasy that they were ahead of the curve while he missed the mark on the Wuhan virus, he laid out just how wrong they were.

And they deserved every second of it.

Those banners are about the most salient examples of projection I’ve ever seen. I can just imagine whatever producer was ordering them put up breaking into a cold sweat and screaming at the wall over Trump daring to use their own words against them.

"Imagine the rage of the 24-year-olds in the chyron booth" https://t.co/GAWuTCPFif

— Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) April 14, 2020


CNN’s response got so bad that Trump had John King calling the video propaganda despite the fact that the video was a mashup of mainstream media coverage. Getting these people to admit that the Times, CNN, MSNBC, the Post, etc. are propaganda was a nice touch.

Let’s be real, the President had allowed them to get away with this for long enough. For the last several weeks, these media organizations have attempted to re-write history, acting as if they were sounding the alarm early on. They weren’t, and as the video showed, they were actually criticizing Trump for forming his task force in January and for banning travel from China. They also went after him in February for banning travel from Europe.

Every single step of the way, the media have prioritized partisan shot taking over informing the American people. A month ago, they were trashing Trump for not ordering a national lockdown and nationalizing industries.

Now they are trashing him for saying he can order the country to re-open. Nothing they say makes any sense, nor even manages to be consistent in its lack of logic. Whatever shift they need to make to target the White House, they will make, hypocrisy and past coverage be damned.

But the President blew all that up yesterday. He now has them melting down over being shown their own words and every further freak out only shows how bad their coverage was. Whether it was chess or just the next move on the checkers board, showing that video yesterday was a great move...

Edited by Tdot
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Just now, Tdot said:

Nope.  Not according to the facts:


CNN Had an Absolutely Epic Meltdown Over Trump’s Presser Video

CNN Had an Absolutely Epic Meltdown Over Trump's Presser Video

FILE – In this Oct. 4, 2018 file photo, a Trump supporter holds up a T-shirt reading “You Are Fake News” before a rally by President Donald Trump in Rochester, Minn. Local members of the media says they’ve noticed more hostility from the public since Trump began his attacks on ‘fake news.’ Trade groups are spreading safety tips because of the incidents. (AP Photo/Jim Mone, File)

CNN is not a news organization. If you needed any more proof of that (and let’s be real, you didn’t), the liberal propaganda arm had an absolute meltdown over Trump’s presser yesterday (which my colleague Jennifer Van Laar covered here).

Apparently, being shown clips of the left-wing network’s own bad reporting is extremely triggering and that’s exactly what the President did. Instead of allowing them to continue to propagate the fantasy that they were ahead of the curve while he missed the mark on the Wuhan virus, he laid out just how wrong they were.

And they deserved every second of it...

A cite from Redstate.com is Lulz. 

Would you entertain the information found in a link from Occupy Democrats? 

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26 minutes ago, Tdot said:

Nope.  Not according to the facts:


CNN Had an Absolutely Epic Meltdown Over Trump’s Presser Video

CNN Had an Absolutely Epic Meltdown Over Trump's Presser Video

FILE – In this Oct. 4, 2018 file photo, a Trump supporter holds up a T-shirt reading “You Are Fake News” before a rally by President Donald Trump in Rochester, Minn. Local members of the media says they’ve noticed more hostility from the public since Trump began his attacks on ‘fake news.’ Trade groups are spreading safety tips because of the incidents. (AP Photo/Jim Mone, File)

CNN is not a news organization. If you needed any more proof of that (and let’s be real, you didn’t), the liberal propaganda arm had an absolute meltdown over Trump’s presser yesterday (which my colleague Jennifer Van Laar covered here).

Apparently, being shown clips of the left-wing network’s own bad reporting is extremely triggering and that’s exactly what the President did. Instead of allowing them to continue to propagate the fantasy that they were ahead of the curve while he missed the mark on the Wuhan virus, he laid out just how wrong they were.

And they deserved every second of it.

Those banners are about the most salient examples of projection I’ve ever seen. I can just imagine whatever producer was ordering them put up breaking into a cold sweat and screaming at the wall over Trump daring to use their own words against them.

"Imagine the rage of the 24-year-olds in the chyron booth" https://t.co/GAWuTCPFif

— Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) April 14, 2020


CNN’s response got so bad that Trump had John King calling the video propaganda despite the fact that the video was a mashup of mainstream media coverage. Getting these people to admit that the Times, CNN, MSNBC, the Post, etc. are propaganda was a nice touch.

Let’s be real, the President had allowed them to get away with this for long enough. For the last several weeks, these media organizations have attempted to re-write history, acting as if they were sounding the alarm early on. They weren’t, and as the video showed, they were actually criticizing Trump for forming his task force in January and for banning travel from China. They also went after him in February for banning travel from Europe.

Every single step of the way, the media have prioritized partisan shot taking over informing the American people. A month ago, they were trashing Trump for not ordering a national lockdown and nationalizing industries.

Now they are trashing him for saying he can order the country to re-open. Nothing they say makes any sense, nor even manages to be consistent in its lack of logic. Whatever shift they need to make to target the White House, they will make, hypocrisy and past coverage be damned.

But the President blew all that up yesterday. He now has them melting down over being shown their own words and every further freak out only shows how bad their coverage was. Whether it was chess or just the next move on the checkers board, showing that video yesterday was a great move...



Hey @Boges , You missed edits!

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8 minutes ago, Boges said:

It seems the 10th Amendment is clear about POTUS rights. 

Obviously differing legal opinions abound. But Trump will probably have to go to court to unilaterally act on this. 


It's an interesting federal vs. state's right exercise.

Maybe Trump's strategy is to force the governors to admit that they are primarily responsible for their states COVID actions instead of it being a federal domain.  

Can't have it both ways.....CNN wanted Trump to order a national shutdown.

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